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// AnonymousDisposable.swift
// RxSwift
// Created by Krunoslav Zaher on 2/15/15.
// Copyright © 2015 Krunoslav Zaher. All rights reserved.
/// Represents an Action-based disposable.
/// When dispose method is called, disposal action will be dereferenced.
private final class AnonymousDisposable : DisposeBase, Cancelable {
public typealias DisposeAction = () -> Void
private let _isDisposed = AtomicInt(0)
private var _disposeAction: DisposeAction?
/// - returns: Was resource disposed.
public var isDisposed: Bool {
return isFlagSet(self._isDisposed, 1)
/// Constructs a new disposable with the given action used for disposal.
/// - parameter disposeAction: Disposal action which will be run upon calling `dispose`.
private init(_ disposeAction: @escaping DisposeAction) {
self._disposeAction = disposeAction
// Non-deprecated version of the constructor, used by `Disposables.create(with:)`
fileprivate init(disposeAction: @escaping DisposeAction) {
self._disposeAction = disposeAction
/// Calls the disposal action if and only if the current instance hasn't been disposed yet.
/// After invoking disposal action, disposal action will be dereferenced.
fileprivate func dispose() {
if fetchOr(self._isDisposed, 1) == 0 {
if let action = self._disposeAction {
self._disposeAction = nil
extension Disposables {
/// Constructs a new disposable with the given action used for disposal.
/// - parameter dispose: Disposal action which will be run upon calling `dispose`.
public static func create(with dispose: @escaping () -> Void) -> Cancelable {
return AnonymousDisposable(disposeAction: dispose)