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// From:
import Foundation
// MARK: - ClassFamily
/// To support a new class family, create an enum that conforms to this protocol and contains the different types.
protocol ClassFamily: Decodable {
/// The discriminator key.
static var discriminator: Discriminator { get }
/// Returns the class type of the object corresponding to the value.
func getType() -> AnyObject.Type
// MARK: - Discriminator
/// Discriminator key enum used to retrieve discriminator fields in JSON payloads.
enum Discriminator: String, CodingKey {
case type = "ty"
extension KeyedDecodingContainer {
/// Decode a heterogeneous list of objects for a given family.
/// - Parameters:
/// - heterogeneousType: The decodable type of the list.
/// - family: The ClassFamily enum for the type family.
/// - key: The CodingKey to look up the list in the current container.
/// - Returns: The resulting list of heterogeneousType elements.
func decode<T: Decodable, U: ClassFamily>(_: [T].Type, ofFamily family: U.Type, forKey key: K) throws -> [T] {
var container = try nestedUnkeyedContainer(forKey: key)
var list = [T]()
var tmpContainer = container
while !container.isAtEnd {
let typeContainer = try container.nestedContainer(keyedBy: Discriminator.self)
let family: U = try typeContainer.decode(U.self, forKey: U.discriminator)
if let type = family.getType() as? T.Type {
list.append(try tmpContainer.decode(type))
return list