NEW TABLES : 1.MobileToken 2.Boradcast Setup -- CustomerGroup -- CustomerGroupDetail -- BroadCastNotification -- BroadCastNotificationLog -- BroadCastNotificationMobile 3.BankPayerSetup 4.IntroducerCommissionSetup 5.IntroducerCommissionDetail ALTER TABLES : 1. mobile_userRegistration 2. remittran [referralId] EXISTING SP : 1. mobile_proc_userLogin -- add Param @fcmid, @IP -- add Param @acessToken , @flag='1' -- add Param @isBiometricLogin,@biometricLoginType VARCHAR(20) , @flag='l' -- select [mobile_userRegistration].isForcePassChange 2. mobile_proc_customerMaster_V2 , @flag='update-settings' 3. JsonRx_Proc_UserRegistration -- isForcePassChange=1 @flag='pwd-reset' -- [mobile_proc_customerMaster] -- select column isForcePassChange yo Response ma hasUpdatedDefaultCredentials ma "1" ayo bhane change pin , "2" ayo bhane change pin and pass otherwise "0" ayo bhane all is ok bhanne scenario raicha 4. proc_ApproveHoldedTxnMobile [Logic to exclude New customer commission to Agent, if txn is created by customer having Introducer.] -- add @flag = 'update-as-bank' , modify s-unverified-txn , -- flag = 'i' 5. PROC_CALCULATE_REFERRAL_COMM 6. proc_autocomplete, add flag = 'searchCustomerIntroducerReport' 7. proc_CANCEL_TXN_CASH -- Cancel txn logic modified for bank deposit txns -- IntroducerCommission -- For mobile broadcast notification 8. proc_ApproveHoldedTXN , @flag = 'approve' [introducer] 9. Adding createdFrom , introducer searchtransaction and customerDetails -- alter proc_transactionView , @flag = 's' -- alter proc_Customerinformation @flag='details' -- vwRemitTran 10. proc_customerKYC 11. proc_cancelTranInt [Cancel txn logic modified for bank deposit txns.] 12. For Mobile Broadcast -- proc_CANCEL_TXN_CASH -- proc_customer_deposits -- proc_modifyTXN -- proc_modifyTranInt -- proc_ApproveHoldedTXN -- customerDocumentType , add @flag='s-id' , add flag = 'getById-tmp' [For renew id] 13. proc_SendTransaction 14. [Bank Payer Setup] -- /DB/SP's/Remit/proc_api_route_partners 15. [Questionnaire for mobile] -- /DB/SP's/Remit/proc_transactionView.sql [@flag = 'save-q', @flag = 'additional-cddi-mobile'] -- /DB/SP's/Remit/proc_sendPageLoadData.sql.sql NEW SP : 1. ProcMobileConfig -- For BroadCastNotification 2. ProcBroadCastMobile 3. ProcBroadCastJob 4. ProcIntroducerCommissionSetup 5. ProcIntroducerCommissionSetup 6. ProBankPayerSetup