SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO /** exec PROC_REPROCESS_HOLD_TXN @flag= 'list' exec PROC_REPROCESS_HOLD_TXN @flag= 'check_reprocess_req_type', @Agent = '393227', @controlNo = '80579837605' SELECT * FROM Application_Log.dbo.vwTpApilogs(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo like '%80551679985%' */ ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[PROC_REPROCESS_HOLD_TXN]( @flag VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@User VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@controlNo VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@controlNo2 VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@Agent VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@Country VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tranId VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@ApproveTxnRequried CHAR(1) = NULL ,@partnerPin VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@PartnerTranId VARCHAR(100) = NULL )AS BEGIN DECLARE @EncryptedControlNo VARCHAR(100) SET @EncryptedControlNo = dbo.FNAEncryptString(@controlNo) DECLARE @temptable TABLE ( [ControlNo] varchar(500), [id] bigint, [branch] varchar(500), [country] varchar(500), [senderId] Bigint, [sender] varchar(500), [receiverId] bigint, [receiver] varchar(1000), [amt] Money, [txnDate] datetime, [tranType] varchar(10), [txncreatedBy] varchar(500), [isThirdPartyTran] Bigint, [pAgentName] varchar(500), [Partner] Bigint ) IF @flag = 'list' BEGIN INSERT INTO @temptable( ControlNo,id,branch,country,senderId,sender,receiverId,receiver,amt,txnDate,tranType,txncreatedBy,isThirdPartyTran,pAgentName,Partner ) SELECT DISTINCT ControlNo = dbo.fnaDecryptstring(trn.controlNo) , ,branch = am.agentName ,country = trn.pCountry ,senderId = sen.customerId ,sender = sen.firstName + ISNULL( ' ' + sen.middleName, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + sen.lastName1, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + sen.lastName2, '') ,receiverId = rec.customerId ,receiver = rec.firstName + ISNULL( ' ' + rec.middleName, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + rec.lastName1, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + rec.lastName2, '') ,amt = CAST(trn.cAmt AS DECIMAL(18, 2)) ,txnDate = CAST(trn.createdDate AS DATE) ,tranType = CASE WHEN sRouteId='w' THEN 'WALLET' WHEN sRouteId='a' THEN 'AUTO-DEBIT' ELSE '-' END ,txncreatedBy = trn.createdBy ,CASE WHEN trn.pAgent=1100 OR trn.pAgent = 1043 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END isThirdPartyTran ,trn.pSuperAgentName AS pAgentName ,trn.pSuperAgent AS [Partner] FROM remitTranTemp trn WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) ON trn.sBranch = am.agentId INNER JOIN tranSendersTemp sen WITH(NOLOCK) ON = sen.tranId INNER JOIN tranReceiversTemp rec WITH(NOLOCK) ON = rec.tranId WHERE trn.tranStatus IN ('Hold','Compliance Hold','OFAC Hold','OFAC/Compliance Hold') AND trn.payStatus = 'Unpaid' AND trn.approvedBy IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT ControlNo = dbo.fnaDecryptstring(trn.controlNo) , ,branch = am.agentName ,country = trn.pCountry ,senderId = sen.customerId ,sender = sen.firstName + ISNULL( ' ' + sen.middleName, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + sen.lastName1, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + sen.lastName2, '') ,receiverId = rec.customerId ,receiver = rec.firstName + ISNULL( ' ' + rec.middleName, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + rec.lastName1, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + rec.lastName2, '') ,amt = CAST(trn.cAmt AS DECIMAL(18, 2)) ,txnDate = CAST(trn.createdDate AS DATE) ,tranType = CASE WHEN sRouteId='w' THEN 'WALLET' WHEN sRouteId='a' THEN 'AUTO-DEBIT' ELSE '-' END ,txncreatedBy = trn.createdBy ,CASE WHEN trn.pAgent=1100 OR trn.pAgent = 1043 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END isThirdPartyTran ,trn.pAgentName ,trn.pSuperAgent AS [Partner] FROM remitTran trn WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) ON trn.sBranch = am.agentId INNER JOIN tranSenders sen WITH(NOLOCK) ON = sen.tranId INNER JOIN tranReceivers rec WITH(NOLOCK) ON = rec.tranId WHERE trn.tranStatus IN ('Hold','Compliance Hold','OFAC Hold','OFAC/Compliance Hold') AND trn.payStatus = 'Unpaid' AND trn.approvedBy IS NOT NULL --601360,392226, SELECT * FROM @temptable WHERE country = ISNULL(@Country,country) AND [Partner] = ISNULL(@Agent,[Partner]) AND [Partner] IN (393227,590853) END IF @flag ='check_reprocess_req_type' BEGIN --DECLARE @PartnerTranId VARCHAR(100), @PartnerPin VARCHAR(100) IF @Agent = '601360' --Exim BEGIN DECLARE @EximResponse NVARCHAR(MAX) = NULL, @EximResponseXml XML = NULL SELECT TOP(1) @EximResponse = responseXml FROM Application_log.dbo.vwTpApiLogs(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo = @controlNo AND providerName = 'eximBank' ORDER BY rowId DESC SET @EximResponse = REPLACE(@EximResponse,'','') SET @EximResponseXml = @EximResponse --No sendTxn, only account valadition method called IF @EximResponse IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @Agent AS Agent,'local' AS ReprocessType,NULL AS NextMethod, '' AS PartnerPin, '' AS PartnerTranId, '' AS TranId, @Agent AS payOutPartnerId, @EncryptedControlNo AS EncryptControlNo, 'N' AS ApproveTxnRequried RETURN END --Send Method is called and some error has occured. IF @EximResponse IS NOT NULL AND @EximResponseXml IS NOT NULL BEGIN DECLARE @eximerrTbl TABLE(ErrorCode VARCHAR(100), Msg NVARCHAR(300)) INSERT INTO @eximerrTbl(ErrorCode,Msg) SELECT MAX(CASE WHEN sn=1 THEN xx.Error ELSE '' END) ErrorCode ,MAX(CASE WHEN sn= 2 THEN xx.Error ELSE '' END ) Msg FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY x.error ASC) sn, Error FROM( SELECT Error = T.c.value('(.)[1]', 'varchar(MAX)') FROM @EximResponseXml.nodes('/ResponseMessage/Error/*') T(c) )x )xx IF EXISTS(SELECT 'x' FROM @eximerrTbl WHERE ErrorCode NOT IN ('00','0')) BEGIN SELECT @Agent AS Agent,'local' AS ReprocessType,NULL AS NextMethod, '' AS PartnerPin, '' AS PartnerTranId, '' AS TranId, @Agent AS payOutPartnerId, @EncryptedControlNo AS EncryptControlNo, 'N' AS ApproveTxnRequried RETURN END END --txn already post success at exim bank SELECT @Agent AS Agent,'none' AS ReprocessType,NULL AS NextMethod, '' AS PartnerPin, '' AS PartnerTranId, '' AS TranId, @Agent AS payOutPartnerId, @EncryptedControlNo AS EncryptControlNo, 'N' AS ApproveTxnRequried RETURN END IF @Agent = '392226' --bni BEGIN DECLARE @bniResponse NVARCHAR(MAX) = NULL, @bniResponseXml XML = NULL SELECT TOP(1) @bniResponse = responseXml FROM Application_log.dbo.vwTpApiLogs(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo = @controlNo AND providerName = 'BNI' AND methodName = 'processPO' ORDER BY rowId DESC SET @bniResponse = REPLACE(@bniResponse,'','') SET @bniResponseXml = @bniResponse --No sendTxn api called IF @bniResponse IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @Agent AS Agent,'local' AS ReprocessType,NULL AS NextMethod, '' AS PartnerPin, '' AS PartnerTranId, '' AS TranId, @Agent AS payOutPartnerId, @EncryptedControlNo AS EncryptControlNo, 'N' AS ApproveTxnRequried RETURN END --Send Method is called and some error has occured. IF @bniResponse IS NOT NULL AND @bniResponseXml IS NOT NULL BEGIN DECLARE @bnierrTbl TABLE(ErrorCode VARCHAR(100), Msg NVARCHAR(300)) INSERT INTO @bnierrTbl(ErrorCode,Msg) SELECT MAX(CASE WHEN sn=1 THEN xx.Error ELSE '' END) ErrorCode ,MAX(CASE WHEN sn= 2 THEN xx.Error ELSE '' END ) Msg FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY x.error ASC) sn, Error FROM( SELECT Error = T.c.value('(.)[1]', 'varchar(MAX)') FROM @bniResponseXml.nodes('/DbResponse/*') T(c) )x WHERE x.Error <> '' )xx IF EXISTS(SELECT 'x' FROM @bnierrTbl) BEGIN SELECT @Agent AS Agent,'local' AS ReprocessType,NULL AS NextMethod, '' AS PartnerPin, '' AS PartnerTranId, '' AS TranId, @Agent AS payOutPartnerId, @EncryptedControlNo AS EncryptControlNo, 'N' AS ApproveTxnRequried RETURN END END SELECT @Agent AS Agent,'none' AS ReprocessType,NULL AS NextMethod, '' AS PartnerPin, '' AS PartnerTranId, '' AS TranId, @Agent AS payOutPartnerId, @EncryptedControlNo AS EncryptControlNo, 'N' AS ApproveTxnRequried RETURN END IF @Agent = '393227' --contact BEGIN DECLARE @newOutGoingResponse NVARCHAR(MAX), @payOutGoingResponse NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @newOutGoingResponseXml XML, @payOutGoingResponseXml XML SELECT TOP (1) @newOutGoingResponse = responseXml FROM Application_Log.dbo.vwTpApilogs(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo = @controlNo AND methodName = 'NewOutgoing' ORDER BY rowId DESC SET @newOutGoingResponseXml = @newOutGoingResponse SELECT TOP(1) @payOutGoingResponse = responseXml FROM Application_Log.dbo.vwTpApilogs(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo = @controlNo AND methodName = 'PayOutgoing' ORDER BY rowId DESC SET @payOutGoingResponseXml = @payOutGoingResponse DECLARE @NewOutGoingErr VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL, @NewGoingErrCode VARCHAR(200) = NULL SELECT @PartnerPin = DocId, @PartnerTranId = DocId, @NewOutGoingErr= x.Error, @NewGoingErrCode = x.ErrorCode FROM ( SELECT T.c.value('@ERR_TEXT', 'varchar(MAX)') AS Error ,T.c.value('@RE', 'varchar(MAX)') AS ErrorCode ,T.c.value('@ID', 'varchar(MAX)') AS DocId ,T.c.value('@trnReference', 'varchar(MAX)') AS ControlNo FROM @newOutGoingResponseXml.nodes('/RESPONSE') T(c) )x --WHERE x.ControlNo = @controlNo --Remote call for reprocess when payoutgoing is called PRINT 'Remote call for reprocess when payoutgoing is called' IF @payOutGoingResponse IS NOT NULL AND @newOutGoingResponse IS NOT NULL BEGIN DECLARE @PayOutGoingErr VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL, @PayoutGoingErrCode VARCHAR(200) = NULL --Get payoutgoing error SELECT @PayOutGoingErr = T.c.value('@ERR_TEXT', 'varchar(MAX)') ,@PayoutGoingErrCode= T.c.value('@RE', 'varchar(MAX)') FROM @payOutGoingResponseXml.nodes('/RESPONSE') T(c) --If Error is null ie. No valid xml in PayoutGoing response PRINT 'If Error is null ie. No valid xml in PayoutGoing response' IF @PayOutGoingErr IS NULL AND @PayoutGoingErrCode IS NULL BEGIN --Can reporcess the txn PRINT 'Can reporcess the txn' IF @PartnerPin IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @Agent AS Agent ,'remote' AS ReprocessType ,'reprocess' AS NextMethod ,@PartnerPin AS PartnerPin ,@PartnerTranId AS PartnerTranId ,id AS TranId ,@Agent AS payOutPartnerId ,'Contact' AS [Partner] , @EncryptedControlNo AS EncryptControlNo , 'N' AS ApproveTxnRequried ,'' AS BaseUrl, '0D9FB8DC-DCA6-44D5-A1C0-01F4531936B2' AS [Authorization],@controlNo AS ControlNo FROM dbo.remitTran(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo = @EncryptedControlNo --AND id = @TranId RETURN END END --Ther is error and valid xml response in payOutGoing response PRINT 'Ther is error and valid xml response in payOutGoing response' IF @PayOutGoingErr IS NOT NULL AND (@PayoutGoingErrCode IS NOT NULL AND @PayoutGoingErrCode <> '0') BEGIN IF @PartnerPin IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @Agent AS Agent ,'remote' AS ReprocessType ,'reprocess' AS NextMethod ,@PartnerPin AS PartnerPin ,@PartnerTranId AS PartnerTranId ,id AS TranId ,@Agent AS payOutPartnerId ,'Contact' AS [Partner] , @EncryptedControlNo AS EncryptControlNo , 'N' AS ApproveTxnRequried ,'' AS BaseUrl, '0D9FB8DC-DCA6-44D5-A1C0-01F4531936B2' AS [Authorization],@controlNo AS ControlNo FROM dbo.remitTran(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo = @EncryptedControlNo --AND id = @TranId RETURN END END END --Remote call for reprocess when newOutGoing only is called PRINT 'Remote call for reprocess when newOutGoing only is called' IF @payOutGoingResponse IS NULL AND @newOutGoingResponse IS NOT NULL BEGIN --DocId is available go reprocess the txn PRINT 'DocId is available go reprocess the txn' IF @PartnerPin IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @Agent AS Agent ,'remote' AS ReprocessType ,'reprocess' AS NextMethod ,@PartnerPin AS PartnerPin ,@PartnerTranId AS PartnerTranId ,id AS TranId ,@Agent AS payOutPartnerId ,'Contact' AS [Partner] ,@EncryptedControlNo AS EncryptControlNo , 'N' AS ApproveTxnRequried ,'' AS BaseUrl, '0D9FB8DC-DCA6-44D5-A1C0-01F4531936B2' AS [Authorization],@controlNo AS ControlNo FROM dbo.remitTran(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo = @EncryptedControlNo --AND id = @TranId RETURN END PRINT @NewGoingErrCode PRINT @TranId PRINT @EncryptedControlNo IF @PartnerPin IS NULL AND @NewGoingErrCode IN ('-6121') BEGIN SELECT @Agent AS Agent ,'local' AS ReprocessType ,'cancelLocal' AS NextMethod ,'' AS PartnerPin ,'' AS PartnerTranId ,id AS TranId ,@Agent AS payOutPartnerId ,'Contact' AS [Partner] ,@EncryptedControlNo AS EncryptControlNo , 'N' AS ApproveTxnRequried ,'' AS BaseUrl, '' AS [Authorization],@controlNo AS ControlNo FROM dbo.remitTran(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo = @EncryptedControlNo --AND id = @TranId RETURN END ---Only new out going has been called with error on response IF @PartnerPin IS NULL BEGIN PRINT 'Only new out going has been called with error on response' SELECT @Agent AS Agent ,'local' AS ReprocessType ,'sendTransaction' AS NextMethod ,'' AS PartnerPin ,'' AS PartnerTranId ,id AS TranId ,@Agent AS payOutPartnerId ,'Contact' AS [Partner] ,@EncryptedControlNo AS EncryptControlNo , 'N' AS ApproveTxnRequried,'' AS BaseUrl, '' AS [Authorization],@controlNo AS ControlNo FROM dbo.remitTran(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo = @EncryptedControlNo --AND id = @TranId RETURN END END IF @newOutGoingResponse IS NULL AND @payOutGoingResponse IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @Agent AS Agent ,'local' AS ReprocessType ,'SendTransaction' AS NextMethod ,@PartnerPin AS PartnerPin ,@PartnerTranId AS PartnerTranId ,id AS TranId ,@Agent AS payOutPartnerId ,'Contact' AS [Partner] ,@EncryptedControlNo AS EncryptControlNo , 'N' AS ApproveTxnRequried ,'' AS BaseUrl, '' AS [Authorization],@controlNo AS ControlNo FROM dbo.remitTran(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo = @EncryptedControlNo RETURN END SELECT @Agent AS Agent ,'none' AS ReprocessType ,'sendTransaction' AS NextMethod ,'' AS PartnerPin ,'' AS PartnerTranId ,'' AS TranId ,@Agent AS payOutPartnerId ,'Contact' AS [Partner] ,@EncryptedControlNo AS EncryptControlNo , 'N' AS ApproveTxnRequried ,'' AS BaseUrl, '' AS [Authorization],@controlNo AS ControlNo RETURN END IF @Agent = '590853' --lyhour BEGIN DECLARE @LyhourResponse NVARCHAR(MAX) = NULL, @LyhourResponseJson NVARCHAR(MAX) = NULL SELECT TOP(1) @LyhourResponse = responseXml FROM Application_log.dbo.vwTpApiLogs(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo = @controlNo AND providerName = 'Lyhour' ORDER BY rowId DESC IF @LyhourResponse IS NOT NULL AND @LyhourResponse = 'Null response from Api during placing send money' BEGIN SELECT @Agent AS Agent,'remote' AS ReprocessType,'SendTransaction' AS NextMethod, '' AS PartnerPin, '' AS PartnerTranId, '' AS TranId, @Agent AS payOutPartnerId, @EncryptedControlNo AS EncryptControlNo, 'Y' AS ApproveTxnRequried, '' AS BaseUrl, '122F15BE-030D-4FA2-98B9-E9FCB581AAA6' AS [Authorization] RETURN END SET @LyhourResponseJson = @LyhourResponse -- PRINT (@LyhourResponse) --No sendTxn, process to send to partner via api call IF @LyhourResponse IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @Agent AS Agent,'remote' AS ReprocessType,'SendTransaction' AS NextMethod, '' AS PartnerPin, '' AS PartnerTranId, '' AS TranId, @Agent AS payOutPartnerId, @EncryptedControlNo AS EncryptControlNo, 'Y' AS ApproveTxnRequried, '' AS BaseUrl, '122F15BE-030D-4FA2-98B9-E9FCB581AAA6' AS [Authorization] RETURN END IF @LyhourResponse IS NOT NULL BEGIN DECLARE @lyErrTbl TABLE(httpStatusCode VARCHAR(100),source VARCHAR(100), [message] VARCHAR(200), innerException VARCHAR(200)) INSERT INTO @lyErrTbl(httpStatusCode,source, [message], innerException) SELECT JSON_VALUE(@LyhourResponseJson,'$.httpStatusCode') AS httpStatusCode ,JSON_VALUE(@LyhourResponseJson,'$.source') AS source ,JSON_VALUE(@LyhourResponseJson,'$.message[0]') AS [message] ,JSON_VALUE(@LyhourResponseJson,'$.innerException[0]') AS innerException IF EXISTS(SELECT 'x' FROM @lyErrTbl WHERE httpStatusCode IS NOT NULL) BEGIN SELECT @Agent AS Agent,'remote' AS ReprocessType,'SendTransaction' AS NextMethod, '' AS PartnerPin, '' AS PartnerTranId, '' AS TranId, @Agent AS payOutPartnerId, @EncryptedControlNo AS EncryptControlNo, 'Y' AS ApproveTxnRequried, '' AS BaseUrl, '122F15BE-030D-4FA2-98B9-E9FCB581AAA6' AS [Authorization] RETURN END END END END IF @flag = 'reprocess-local' BEGIN BEGIN TRAN UPDATE Application_Log.dbo.ApplicationLogger SET controlNo = controlNo + 'A' WHERE controlNo = @controlNo UPDATE dbo.remitTran SET tranStatus = 'Payment' WHERE controlNo = @EncryptedControlNo COMMIT TRAN IF @@TRANCOUNT = 0 BEGIN SELECT '0' ErrorCode, 'Reprocessed completed. Please monitor the transaction.' Msg, NULL Id RETURN END SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Reprocessed failed.' Msg, NULL Id RETURN END IF @flag = 'reprocess-remote' BEGIN IF @ApproveTxnRequried IS NOT NULL AND @ApproveTxnRequried = 'Y' BEGIN BEGIN TRAN DECLARE @holdTranId BIGINT SELECT @holdTranId = id FROM remitTranTemp(nolock) WHERE controlNo = @EncryptedControlNo --Put approve logic here exec [proc_ApproveHoldedTXN] @flag='approve',@user='admin',@id = @holdTranId UPDATE dbo.remitTran SET tranStatus = 'Payment', payStatus='Post', controlNo2 = dbo.FNAEncryptString(@controlNo), controlNo = dbo.FNAEncryptString(@partnerPin), ContNo = @PartnerTranId WHERE holdTranId = @holdTranId COMMIT TRAN IF @@TRANCOUNT = 0 BEGIN SELECT '0' ErrorCode, 'Reprocessed completed. Please monitor the transaction.' Msg, NULL Id RETURN END END ELSE BEGIN BEGIN TRAN UPDATE dbo.remitTran SET tranStatus = 'Payment', payStatus='Post', postedBy=@User, postedDate= GETDATE(), postedDateLocal=GETDATE(), ContNo = ISNULL(@PartnerTranId,'') WHERE controlNo = @EncryptedControlNo COMMIT TRAN IF @@TRANCOUNT = 0 BEGIN SELECT '0' ErrorCode, 'Reprocessed completed. Please monitor the transaction.' Msg, NULL Id RETURN END END END IF @flag = 'country' BEGIN SELECT countryId,countryName,* FROM dbo.countryMaster(NOLOCK) WHERE isOperativeCountry= 'Y' AND ISNULL(isActive,'Y') = 'Y' END IF @flag = 'partner' BEGIN SELECT agentId,agentName FROM dbo.agentMaster(NOLOCK) WHERE parentId= '0' AND isActive = 'Y' AND agentId NOT IN (1001,1008,1009) END END GO