using Business.KftcPasswordRule; using System.Linq; using Business.PennyTest; using Business.TPApi; using Common; using Common.Helper; using Common.KFTC; using Common.Language; using Common.Model; using Common.Model.Config; using Common.Model.Customer; using Common.Model.CustomerRegister; using Common.Model.Notification; using Common.Model.Remit; using Common.Model.RequestOTP; using log4net; using Newtonsoft.Json; using PushNotification; using Repository.Mobile; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Web; using static Common.Model.DynamicReceiverSetup.DynamicReceiver; using Notify = Common.Model.Notification; using System.Collections; using Repository; using System.Configuration; using Business.TrustDoc; using Business.Addressy; using System.Text; namespace Business.Mobile { public class MobileServices : IMobileServices { private readonly IMobileServicesRepo _requestServices; private readonly Dao _dao = new Dao(); private static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(MobileServices)); private readonly PennyTestBusiness _pennyTestBusiness; private ITrustDocBusiness _trustDocBusiness; public MobileServices(IMobileServicesRepo requestServices, PennyTestBusiness pennyTestBusiness, ITrustDocBusiness trustDocBusiness) { _requestServices = requestServices; _pennyTestBusiness = pennyTestBusiness; _trustDocBusiness = trustDocBusiness; } public JsonRxResponse GetCountriesServices() { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { var listCountriesServices = _requestServices.GetCountriesServices(); if (listCountriesServices == null || listCountriesServices.Count < 1) { Log.Debug("GetCountriesServices | Returning null while calling the GetCountriesServices to fetch the countries services."); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Could not fetch the exrate data."); return jsonRx; } jsonRx.SetResponse("0", "Success"); var path = GetStatic.ReadWebConfig("ServiceType_Resource", ""); var text = File.ReadAllText(path); List sd = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(text); var lang = Convert.ToString(CallContext.GetData(Constants.Language)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lang)) { lang = "en"; } var idx = sd.FindIndex(x => x.countryCode == lang); var data = new ServiceTypeDetails(); if (idx < 0) { data = sd[sd.FindIndex(x => x.countryCode == "en")]; } else { data = sd[idx]; } foreach (var item in listCountriesServices) { foreach (var product in item.serviceAvailable) { switch (product.text.ToLower()) { case "cash payment": product.description = data.cashPayment; break; case "bank deposit": product.description = data.bankDeposit; break; case "mobile wallet": product.description = data.mobileWallet; break; case "home delivery": product.description = data.homeDelivery; break; case "card payment": product.description = data.cardPayment; break; } } } jsonRx.Data = listCountriesServices; Log.Debug("GetCountriesServices | DB RESPONSE AFTER PARSING : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Could not fetch the countries service details."); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse GetNotifyInfo(NotifiCationInfo info) { JsonRxResponse res = new JsonRxResponse(); res = _requestServices.GetNotifyInfo(info.customerId); return res; } public JsonRxResponse GetNotifyDetailInfo(NotifiCationDetailInfo info) { JsonRxResponse res = new JsonRxResponse(); res = _requestServices.GetNotifyDetailInfo(info.rowId); return res; } public JsonRxResponse RequestOTP(RequestOTPModel requestOTPModel) { var lang = Convert.ToString(CallContext.GetData(Constants.Language)); JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { requestOTPModel.OTP = Utilities.GenerateOTP(); //implement the logic to send OTP SMS in customers mobile. jsonRx = _requestServices.RequestOTP(requestOTPModel); Log.Debug("GenerateOTP | RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); if (jsonRx.ErrorCode == "0") { bool emailSent = false; bool smsSent = false; if (requestOTPModel.userId.IsValidEmail() & (jsonRx.Extra3.Equals("0") | jsonRx.Extra3.Equals("100"))) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsonRx.ErrorCode) && jsonRx.ErrorCode.Equals("0")) { List bodyMappings = new List(); bodyMappings.Add(new Notify.Mapping() { SValue = "CustomerName", SText = jsonRx.Extra }); bodyMappings.Add(new Notify.Mapping() { SValue = "OTP_CODE", SText = requestOTPModel.OTP }); bodyMappings.Add(new Notify.Mapping() { SValue = "TYPE", SText = requestOTPModel.requestFor.Equals("REGISTER") ? "customer" : "receiver" }); try { SendNotificationRequest request = new SendNotificationRequest() { IsBulkNotification = false, UserName = requestOTPModel.userId, ControlNo = requestOTPModel.receiverId, ProviderId = "REQUESTOTP_EMAIL", Template = Common.Model.Enum.NotifyTemplate.OTP_EMAIL, Recipients = new List() { new RecipientViewModel() { NotificationContent = new NotificationDTO() { Body = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bodyMappings), //Title will be set by mapping json }, Address= requestOTPModel.userId, DeviceType = requestOTPModel.DeviceType, } } }; Log.Debug("SendNotification.EMAIL | REQUEST : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request)); var jsonRx1 = NotifierV2.SendNotification(request, NOTIFICATION_TYPE.EMAIL); Log.Debug("SendNotification.EMAIL | RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx1)); emailSent = true; } catch (Exception emailException) { Log.Error("Error sending email", emailException); } try { string mobileNum = jsonRx.Extra2; var mobNum = getSenderFormattedNumber(mobileNum); SendSMSApiService _sendAPI = new SendSMSApiService(); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.AppendLine($"Dear { jsonRx.Extra}"); s.AppendLine($"Your OTP code for Customer Registration is {requestOTPModel.OTP }."); s.AppendLine("Regards, IME London"); SMSRequestModel _req = new SMSRequestModel { ProviderId = "ProcessId", MobileNumber = mobileNum, SMSBody = s.ToString(), ProcessId = requestOTPModel.ProcessId, RequestedBy = requestOTPModel.userId, UserName = requestOTPModel.userId, method = "send", ControlNo = "", // GetControlNo() }; Log.Debug("SendNotification.SMS | REQUEST : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_req)); APIJsonResponse _resp = _sendAPI.SMSTPApi(_req); Log.Debug("SendNotification.SMS | RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_resp)); smsSent = true; } catch (Exception smsException) { Log.Error("Error sending SMS", smsException); } if (emailSent || smsSent) { jsonRx.ErrorCode = "0"; jsonRx.SetResponse("0", "OTP has been Sent."); return jsonRx; } } } else { if (jsonRx.Extra3 != null & jsonRx.Extra3.Equals("103")) { return new JsonRxResponse { ErrorCode = "0", Msg = "OTP Already Sent" }; } jsonRx.ErrorCode = "1"; // var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(RESPONSE_MSG.OLD_USER_REGISTER_FAIL_11.ToString(), lang); return new JsonRxResponse { ErrorCode = jsonRx.ErrorCode, Msg = jsonRx.Msg }; } } jsonRx.ErrorCode = jsonRx.ErrorCode == "103" ? "0" : jsonRx.ErrorCode;//103 = previous OTP was not expired so same was used return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while calling RequestOTP."); return jsonRx; } } public string getSenderFormattedNumber(string number) { string finalNo = number; if (!number.Contains("+44")) { string mobileFirst = number.Substring(0, 1); if (mobileFirst == "0") { if (number.Length == 11) { finalNo = "+44" + number.Substring(1, number.Length - 1); return finalNo; } else if (number.Length < 11) { finalNo = $"+44{number}"; } } else if (number.Substring(0, 1) != "0" && number.Length == 10) { finalNo = $"+44{number}"; } } else if (number.Contains("+44")) { string MobN = number.Substring(4, 1); if (MobN == "0" && number.Length > 14) { finalNo = number.Remove(4, 1); } } if (!finalNo.Substring(0, 1).Contains("+")) { finalNo = $"+{finalNo}"; } return finalNo; } public JsonRxResponse VerifyIdNumber(IDValidateModel iDValidate) { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { jsonRx = _requestServices.VerifyIdNumber(iDValidate); Log.Debug("VerifyIdNumber | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while calling RequestOTP."); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse SubmitOTP(RequestOTPModel requestOTPModel) { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { jsonRx = _requestServices.SubmitOTP(requestOTPModel); Log.Debug("SubmitOTP | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); if (jsonRx.ErrorCode.Equals("0")) { string email = requestOTPModel.userId; UserDetails userDetails = _requestServices.GetUserDetails(email); List bodyMappings = new List(); bodyMappings.Add(new Notify.Mapping() { SValue = "CustomerName", SText = userDetails.FullName }); bodyMappings.Add(new Notify.Mapping() { SValue = "CustomerId", SText = userDetails.CustomerId.ToString() }); bodyMappings.Add(new Notify.Mapping() { SValue = "UserId", SText = userDetails.MembershipId }); bodyMappings.Add(new Notify.Mapping() { SValue = "FirstName", SText = userDetails.FirstName }); bodyMappings.Add(new Notify.Mapping() { SValue = "MiddleName", SText = userDetails.MiddleName }); bodyMappings.Add(new Notify.Mapping() { SValue = "LastName", SText = userDetails.LastName }); bodyMappings.Add(new Notify.Mapping() { SValue = "MobileNo", SText = userDetails.Mobile }); bodyMappings.Add(new Notify.Mapping() { SValue = "Address", SText = userDetails.Address }); bodyMappings.Add(new Notify.Mapping() { SValue = "EMAIL_ID", SText = userDetails.Email }); bodyMappings.Add(new Notify.Mapping() { SValue = "RegisteredDate", SText = Convert.ToString(userDetails.RegisteredDate) }); bodyMappings.Add(new Notify.Mapping() { SValue = "rewardPoint", SText = userDetails.TotalPoints }); bodyMappings.Add(new Notify.Mapping() { SValue = "RegReward", SText = userDetails.RegPoints }); bodyMappings.Add(new Notify.Mapping() { SValue = "TranReward", SText = userDetails.TranPoints }); SendNotificationRequest request = new SendNotificationRequest() { IsBulkNotification = false, UserName = userDetails.Email, ProviderId = "BasicRegistration", NotificationTypeId = NOTIFICATION_TYPE.EMAIL.ToString(), Template = Common.Model.Enum.NotifyTemplate.BASIC_REGISTRATION_EMAIL, Recipients = new List() { new RecipientViewModel() { NotificationContent = new NotificationDTO() { Body = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bodyMappings), //Title will be set by mapping json }, Address= userDetails.Email } } }; jsonRx = NotifierV2.SendNotification(request, NOTIFICATION_TYPE.EMAIL); } return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while calling RequestOTP."); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse CalculateExRate(ExRateCalculateRequest m) { ThirdPartyAPI _tpApi = new ThirdPartyAPI(); JsonRxResponse response = new JsonRxResponse(); APIJsonResponse jsonResponse = new APIJsonResponse(); try { ExRateCalculate exRequest = new ExRateCalculate() { AgentRefId = "", CalcBy = m.calcBy, CAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(m.cAmount == "" ? "0" : m.cAmount), CardOnline = "", CollCurrency = m.sCurrency, CouponCode = m.DeviceType, CustomerId = 0, IsExRateCalcByPartner = false, IsManualSc = false, IsOnline = false, ManualSc = 0, //PAgentId = Convert.ToInt32(m.pAgent == "" || m.pAgent==null ? "0" : m.pAgent), PAgentName = "", PAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(m.pAmount == "" || m.pAmount == null ? "0" : m.pAmount), PaymentType = m.paymentType, PayoutPartner = 0, PCountry = Convert.ToInt32(m.pCountry == "" || m.pCountry == null ? "0" : m.pCountry), pCountryCode = m.pCountryName, PCountryName = m.pCountryName, PCurrency = m.pCurrency, ProcessId = m.processId, ProviderId = "", RequestedBy = "mobile", SAgent = 0, SBranch = Convert.ToInt32(GetStatic.ReadWebConfig("sBranch", "")), SchemeId = m.schemeId, SCountry = Convert.ToInt32(m.sCountry == "" || m.sCountry == null ? "0" : m.sCountry), SCurrency = m.sCurrency, ServiceType = m.serviceType, SessionId = "", SSuperAgent = Convert.ToInt32(GetStatic.ReadWebConfig("sSuperAgent", "")), tPExRate = m.tpExRate, UserName = m.userId, ProcessFor = "dashboard", }; Log.Debug("CalculateExRate | TPAPI REQUEST : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(exRequest)); var result = _tpApi.ThirdPartyApiGetDataOnly(exRequest, "TP/ExRate", out jsonResponse); Log.Debug("CalculateExRate | TPAPI RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result)); response = new JsonRxResponse() { ErrorCode = result.ResponseCode, Id = result.Id, Msg = result.Msg, Data = result.Data, Extra = result.Extra, Extra2 = result.Extra1, FootNoteMessage = result.FootNoteMessage }; var lang = Convert.ToString(CallContext.GetData(Constants.Language)); string enumString = string.Empty; response.FootNoteMessage = response.ErrorCode.Equals("0") ? Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["footNote_calculateDashboard"].ToString(), lang).Message : ""; //return new JsonRxResponse { ErrorCode = response.ErrorCode.Equals("0") ? "0" : "1", Msg = map.Message, Id = response.Id, Extra = response.Extra, Data = response.Data, Extra2 = response.Extra2, FootNoteMessage = response.FootNoteMessage }; return response; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); response.SetResponse("1", "Error occured while calculating ex-rate"); return response; } } public JsonRxResponse ChangeTxnPin(ChangeTxnPinModel changeTxnPin) { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { jsonRx = _requestServices.ChangeTxnPin(changeTxnPin); Log.Debug("ChangeTxnPin | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", ex.ToString()); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse ChangeSettings(ChangeSettingModel changeSettings) { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { jsonRx = _requestServices.ChangeSettings(changeSettings); Log.Debug("ChangeSettings | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while ChangeSettings."); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse ChangePasswordAndTxnPin(ChangePasswordAndTxnPinModel changePasswordAndTxnPin) { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(changePasswordAndTxnPin.CurrentPassword)) { jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Current Password cannot be empty!"); return jsonRx; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(changePasswordAndTxnPin.NewPassword)) { jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "New Password cannot be empty!"); return jsonRx; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(changePasswordAndTxnPin.ConfirmNewPassword)) { jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Confirm New Password cannot be empty!"); return jsonRx; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(changePasswordAndTxnPin.CurrentPin)) { jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Current Pin cannot be empty!"); return jsonRx; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(changePasswordAndTxnPin.NewPin)) { jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "New Pin cannot be empty!"); return jsonRx; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(changePasswordAndTxnPin.ConfirmNewPin)) { jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Confirm New Pin cannot be empty!"); return jsonRx; } if (changePasswordAndTxnPin.NewPin.Length < 6) { jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "PIN should be 6 digit number!"); return jsonRx; } if (changePasswordAndTxnPin.ConfirmNewPin.Length < 6) { jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "PIN should be 6 digit number!"); return jsonRx; } if (changePasswordAndTxnPin.NewPin.Length > 6) { jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "PIN cannot be greater than 6 digit!"); return jsonRx; } if (changePasswordAndTxnPin.ConfirmNewPin.Length > 6) { jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "PIN cannot be greater than 6 digit!"); return jsonRx; } jsonRx = _requestServices.ChangePasswordAndTxnPin(changePasswordAndTxnPin); Log.Debug("ChangePasswordAndTxnPin | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while ChangeTxnPin."); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse RegisterKycExistingCustomer() { var lang = Convert.ToString(CallContext.GetData(Constants.Language)); JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { var httpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request; var custKyc = new CustomerKYCModel() { userId = httpRequest["userId"], type = httpRequest["type"], employeerName = httpRequest["employeerName"], monthlyIncome = httpRequest["monthlyIncome"], businessType = httpRequest["businessType"], mobile = httpRequest["mobile"], additionalAddress = httpRequest["additionalAddress"], additionalIdType = httpRequest["additionalIdType"], visaStatus = httpRequest["visaStatus"], idType = httpRequest["idType"], occupation = httpRequest["occupation"], purposeOfRegistration = httpRequest["purposeOfRegistration"], otherOccupation = httpRequest["otherOccupation"], otherIdType = httpRequest["otherIdType"], ExistingCutomer = true }; var idFrontUrl = httpRequest.Files["idFront"]; var idBackUrl = httpRequest.Files["idBack"]; var idSideUrl = httpRequest.Files["idSide"]; Log.Debug($"RegisterKYCExistingCustomer | REQUEST : { JsonConvert.SerializeObject(custKyc)} | Files: { httpRequest.Files.Count}"); if (custKyc.type.Equals("1") && httpRequest.Files.Count < 1) //documents { Log.Debug("RegisterKycExistingCustomer | Validate Image : Failed" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Primary Id documents are required."); return jsonRx; } jsonRx = ValidateForm(custKyc, idFrontUrl, idBackUrl, idSideUrl); if (!jsonRx.ErrorCode.Equals("0")) { Log.Debug("RegisterKYC | Validate form failed : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", jsonRx.Msg); return jsonRx; } var rep = _requestServices.RegisterKYCExistingCustomer(custKyc); Log.Debug("RegisterKYCExistingCustomer | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rep)); //if (rep.ErrorCode.Equals("0")) //{ // var fireBaseId = Convert.ToString(CallContext.GetData(Constants.FcmId)); // Task.Run(() => FcmNotifier.Notify(fireBaseId, Languages.GetMessage("kyc_submit_no_pennytest", lang), Languages.GetTitle("kyc", lang))); //} return rep; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Could not register the customer Kyc."); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse RegisterKYC(string deviceType = "") { var lang = Convert.ToString(CallContext.GetData(Constants.Language)); bool isKyc = false; JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { var httpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request; var idFrontUrl = httpRequest.Files["idFront"]; var idBackUrl = httpRequest.Files["idBack"]; var idSideUrl = httpRequest.Files["idSide"]; var additionalIdUrl = httpRequest.Files["additionalId"]; var additionalIdBackUrl = httpRequest.Files["additionalIdBack"]; var facePictureUrl = httpRequest.Files["faceImageFile"]; var custKyc = new CustomerKYCModel() { userId = httpRequest["userId"], type = httpRequest["type"], monthlyIncome = httpRequest["monthlyIncome"], businessType = httpRequest["businessType"], mobile = httpRequest["mobile"], additionalAddress = httpRequest["additionalAddress"], idType = httpRequest["idType"], idNumber = httpRequest["IdNumber"] != null ? httpRequest["IdNumber"] : "", idIssuingCountry = httpRequest["IdIssuedCountry"] != null ? httpRequest["IdIssuedCountry"] : "", idStartDate = httpRequest["idStartDate"] != null ? httpRequest["idStartDate"] : "", idExpiryDate = httpRequest["IdEndDate"] != null ? httpRequest["IdEndDate"] : "", additionalIdType = httpRequest["additionalIdType"], employeerName = httpRequest["employeerName"], occupation = httpRequest["occupation"], purposeOfRegistration = httpRequest["purposeOfRegistration"], otherOccupation = httpRequest["otherOccupation"], otherIdType = httpRequest["otherIdType"], RegistrationType = httpRequest["RegistrationType"] != null ? httpRequest["RegistrationType"] : "", TrustDocId = httpRequest["TrustDocId"] != null ? httpRequest["TrustDocId"] : "", customerType = httpRequest["customerType"], idFront = idFrontUrl != null ? idFrontUrl.FileName : "", idBack = idBackUrl != null ? idBackUrl.FileName : "", additionalId = additionalIdUrl != null ? additionalIdUrl.FileName : "", additionalIdBack = additionalIdBackUrl != null ? additionalIdBackUrl.FileName : "", }; if (deviceType.ToLower().Equals("ios") & !string.IsNullOrEmpty(custKyc.customerType)) { custKyc.idType = custKyc.customerType; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(custKyc.customerType) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(custKyc.RegistrationType)) && custKyc.RegistrationType.Equals("EKYC")) { custKyc.idType = custKyc.customerType; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(custKyc.RegistrationType) && custKyc.RegistrationType.Equals("EKYC")) { isKyc = true; } var isBackRequired = "0"; //if (httpRequest.Files.Count > 0 && Utilities.IsCheckAdditionalId()) //{ // var id = _requestServices.checkAdditionalId(custKyc.additionalIdType); // if (id != null) // { // isBackRequired = id["isBackRequired"].ToString(); // } //} //Log.Debug($"RegisterKYC | httpRequest : {httpRequest.Params}"); Log.Debug($"RegisterKYC | REQUEST : { JsonConvert.SerializeObject(custKyc)} | Files: { httpRequest.Files.Count}"); //if (httpRequest.Files.Count <= 1) //documents //{ // Log.Debug("RegisterKYC | Validate Image : Failed" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); // jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Primary Id documents are required."); // return jsonRx; //} jsonRx = ValidateForm(custKyc, idFrontUrl, idBackUrl, idSideUrl, additionalIdUrl, facePictureUrl, additionalIdBackUrl, isBackRequired, isKyc); if (!jsonRx.ErrorCode.Equals("0")) { Log.Debug("RegisterKYC | Validate form failed : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); jsonRx.SetResponse("100", jsonRx.Msg); return jsonRx; } var rep = _requestServices.RegisterKYC(custKyc); SendNotificationRequest pushNotificationRequest = new SendNotificationRequest() { IsBulkNotification = false, UserName = custKyc.userId, ProcessId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), ProviderId = "RegisterKYC", NotificationTypeId = NOTIFICATION_TYPE.PUSH_NOTIFICATION.ToString(), Recipients = new List() { new RecipientViewModel() { NotificationContent = new NotificationDTO() { Body = "Thank you for signing up with IME London. You can continue to send transactions while your KYC is being processed, even though it is currently in processing.", Title = "KYC Processing", }, Address= rep.Extra2, DeviceType = rep.Extra3 } }, Language = Convert.ToString(CallContext.GetData(Constants.Language)) }; Log.Debug("RegisterKYC | DB RESPONSE" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rep)); return rep; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Could not register the customer Kyc."); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse RenewID() { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { var httpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request; RenewID renewId = new RenewID(); renewId.userId = httpRequest["userId"]; var idFrontUrl = httpRequest.Files["idFront"]; var idBackUrl = httpRequest.Files["idBack"]; if (!IsValidImageIdRequest(ref renewId, idFrontUrl, idBackUrl)) { Log.Debug("RenewID.IsValidImageIdRequest | Validate Image : Failed"); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Invalid image file."); } var rep = _requestServices.RenewID(renewId); Log.Debug("RenewID | DB RESPONSE | " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rep)); return rep; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Could not RenewID."); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse DepositSlip(DepositSlip depoSlip) { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { var httpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request; var slipUrl = httpRequest.Files["DepositSlip"]; if (!IsValidImageASlipIdRequest(ref depoSlip, slipUrl)) { Log.Debug("DepositSlip.IsValidImageASlipIdRequest | Validate Image : Failed"); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Invalid image file."); } var rep = _requestServices.DepositSlip(depoSlip); Log.Debug("DepositSlip | DB RESPONSE | " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rep)); return rep; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Couldnot upload Deposit Slip!"); return jsonRx; } } public bool IsValidImageASlipIdRequest(ref DepositSlip depoSlip, HttpPostedFile slipUrl) { bool isValidated = true; string fileName = ""; var extension = ""; if (slipUrl != null) { extension = Path.GetExtension(slipUrl.FileName); if (!(extension == ".jpg" || extension == ".jpeg" || extension == ".png") && slipUrl.ContentLength > Convert.ToInt32(ApplicationConfig.GetMaximumFileSize())) { isValidated = false; } else { fileName = SaveIdFileToPath(slipUrl, depoSlip.UserId, extension, "slip", "deposit"); depoSlip.Slip = fileName; } } if (!isValidated) { return isValidated; } return isValidated; } public bool IsValidImageIdRequest(ref RenewID renewID, HttpPostedFile idFrontUrl, HttpPostedFile idBackUrl) { bool isValidated = true; string fileName = ""; var extension = ""; if (idFrontUrl != null) { extension = Path.GetExtension(idFrontUrl.FileName); if (!(extension == ".jpg" || extension == ".jpeg" || extension == ".png") && idFrontUrl.ContentLength > Convert.ToInt32(ApplicationConfig.GetMaximumFileSize())) { isValidated = false; } else { fileName = SaveIdFileToPath(idFrontUrl, renewID.userId, extension, "id_front"); renewID.idFront = fileName; } } if (!isValidated) { return isValidated; } if (idBackUrl != null) { extension = Path.GetExtension(idBackUrl.FileName); if (!(extension == ".jpg" || extension == ".jpeg" || extension == ".png") && idBackUrl.ContentLength > Convert.ToInt32(ApplicationConfig.GetMaximumFileSize())) { isValidated = false; } else { fileName = SaveIdFileToPath(idBackUrl, renewID.userId, extension, "id_back"); renewID.idBack = fileName; } } return isValidated; } private static string SaveIdFileToPath(HttpPostedFile file, string user, string extension, string img, string type = null) { string fileName = ""; string docUploadPath = ApplicationConfig.GetDocumentUploadPath(); // Get the file size int fileSize = file.ContentLength; fileName = "upload-" + img + "-" + user + "-" + GetTimestamp(DateTime.Now) + extension; if (type == "deposit") { docUploadPath = docUploadPath + "/CustomerDocument/DepositSlip/"; } else { docUploadPath = docUploadPath + "/CustomerDocument/VerifyDocumentUpload/"; } Log.Debug("Preparing file to save in dir " + docUploadPath); if (!Directory.Exists(docUploadPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(docUploadPath); string fileToSave = Path.Combine(docUploadPath, fileName); Log.Debug("Saving file as " + fileToSave); file.SaveAs(fileToSave); Log.Debug("Done with Saving "); return fileName; } public JsonRxResponse ValidateMobile(string mobile) { JsonRxResponse rxResponse = new JsonRxResponse() { ErrorCode = "0", Extra2 = mobile }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mobile)) { rxResponse.ErrorCode = "1"; rxResponse.Msg = "Mobile Number is missing!"; return rxResponse; } if (!mobile.IsValidMobileNumber()) { rxResponse.ErrorCode = "1"; rxResponse.Msg = "Invalid Mobile Number format!"; return rxResponse; } if (!mobile.Contains("+81")) { string mobileFirst = mobile.Substring(0, 1); if (mobileFirst == "0") { if (mobile.Length == 11) { rxResponse.Extra = "+81" + mobile.Substring(1, mobile.Length - 1); return rxResponse; } else if (mobile.Length < 11) { rxResponse.ErrorCode = "1"; rxResponse.Msg = "Invalid Mobile Number provided!"; return rxResponse; } else if (mobile.Length > 11) { rxResponse.ErrorCode = "1"; rxResponse.Msg = "Invalid Mobile Number length provided!"; return rxResponse; } } else if (mobile.Substring(0, 1) != "0" && mobile.Length == 10) { rxResponse.Extra = $"+81{mobile}"; return rxResponse; } else if (mobile.Substring(0, 1) == "0" && mobile.Length > 11) { rxResponse.ErrorCode = "1"; rxResponse.Msg = "Invalid Mobile Number length!"; return rxResponse; } } else if (mobile.Contains("+81")) { string MobN = mobile.Substring(3, 1); if (MobN == "0") { if (mobile.Length == 14) { rxResponse.Extra = mobile.Remove(3, 1); return rxResponse; } else if (mobile.Length < 14) { rxResponse.ErrorCode = "1"; rxResponse.Msg = "Invalid Mobile Number provided!"; return rxResponse; } else if (mobile.Length > 14) { rxResponse.ErrorCode = "1"; rxResponse.Msg = "Invalid Mobile Number length provided!"; return rxResponse; } } else if (mobile.Substring(3, 1) != "0" && mobile.Length == 13) { rxResponse.Extra = mobile; } else if (mobile.Substring(3, 1) == "1" && mobile.Length == 14) { rxResponse.ErrorCode = "1"; rxResponse.Msg = "Invalid Mobile Number length or format!"; return rxResponse; } else if (mobile.Substring(3, 1) == "0" && mobile.Length > 11) { rxResponse.ErrorCode = "1"; rxResponse.Msg = "Invalid Mobile Number length!"; return rxResponse; } } //else //{ // rxResponse.Extra = mobile; //} return rxResponse; } private JsonRxResponse ValidateForm(CustomerKYCModel kyc, HttpPostedFile idFrontUrl, HttpPostedFile idBackUrl, HttpPostedFile idSideUrl, HttpPostedFile additionalIdUrl = null, HttpPostedFile facePictureUrl = null, HttpPostedFile additionalIdBackUrl = null, string isBackRequired = "0", bool isEkyc = false) { string enumString = string.Empty; var lang = Convert.ToString(CallContext.GetData(Constants.Language)); JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse() { ErrorCode = "0", Msg = "Kyc Form validation success." }; Log.Debug("IsValidatedForm | Requested parameters : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(kyc)); //NULL validation //var jsonRxMobile = ValidateMobile(; //if (!jsonRxMobile.ErrorCode.Equals("0")) //{ // Log.Debug($"RegisterKYC | Mobile : {} | ValidateMobile failed : { JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRxMobile)}"); // jsonRx.SetResponse("1", jsonRxMobile.Msg); // return jsonRx; //} //else //{ // Log.Debug($"RegisterKYC | ValidateMobile Response : { JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRxMobile)}"); // = jsonRxMobile.Extra; //} if (kyc.type.Equals("0")) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kyc.otherOccupation) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(kyc.occupation)) { enumString = RESPONSE_MSG.VALIDATE_FORM_2.ToString(); var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(enumString, lang); jsonRx.SetResponse("100", map.Message); return jsonRx; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kyc.occupation)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kyc.otherOccupation)) { enumString = RESPONSE_MSG.VALIDATE_FORM_9.ToString(); var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(enumString, lang); jsonRx.SetResponse("100", map.Message); return jsonRx; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kyc.idExpiryDate)) { jsonRx.SetResponse("100", "IdExpiryDate is required"); return jsonRx; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kyc.idStartDate)) { jsonRx.SetResponse("100", "Idissue Date is required"); return jsonRx; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kyc.idIssuingCountry)) { jsonRx.SetResponse("100", "idIssuingCountry is required"); return jsonRx; } } //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kyc.idNumber)) //{ // jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Id number is required"); // return jsonRx; //} //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kyc.additionalAddress)) //{ // enumString = RESPONSE_MSG.VALIDATE_FORM_4.ToString(); // var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(enumString, lang); // jsonRx.SetResponse("1", map.Message); // return jsonRx; //} //if (kyc.additionalAddress.Length > 50) //{ // enumString = RESPONSE_MSG.VALIDATE_FORM_11.ToString(); // var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(enumString, lang); // jsonRx.SetResponse("1", map.Message); // return jsonRx; //} //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kyc.businessType)) //{ // enumString = RESPONSE_MSG.VALIDATE_FORM_5.ToString(); // var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(enumString, lang); // jsonRx.SetResponse("1", map.Message); // return jsonRx; //} //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( //{ // enumString = RESPONSE_MSG.VALIDATE_FORM_6.ToString(); // var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(enumString, lang); // jsonRx.SetResponse("1", map.Message); // return jsonRx; //} //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kyc.purposeOfRegistration)) //{ // enumString = RESPONSE_MSG.VALIDATE_FORM_7.ToString(); // var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(enumString, lang); // jsonRx.SetResponse("1", map.Message); // return jsonRx; //} if (!isEkyc && string.IsNullOrEmpty(kyc.idType)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kyc.otherIdType)) { enumString = RESPONSE_MSG.VALIDATE_FORM_1.ToString(); var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(enumString, lang); jsonRx.SetResponse("100", map.Message); return jsonRx; } } else if (!isEkyc && string.IsNullOrEmpty(kyc.idType) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(kyc.otherIdType)) { enumString = RESPONSE_MSG.VALIDATE_FORM_10.ToString(); var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(enumString, lang); jsonRx.SetResponse("100", map.Message); return jsonRx; } if (!isEkyc && !kyc.ExistingCutomer) { if (isBackRequired == "1" && additionalIdBackUrl == null) { jsonRx.SetResponse("100", "Additional ID Back is required!"); return jsonRx; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kyc.additionalIdType)) { enumString = RESPONSE_MSG.VALIDATE_FORM_8.ToString(); var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(enumString, lang); jsonRx.SetResponse("100", map.Message); return jsonRx; } } if (!IsValidImage(ref kyc, idFrontUrl, idBackUrl, idSideUrl, additionalIdUrl, facePictureUrl, additionalIdBackUrl)) { Log.Debug("IsValidatedForm | Validate Image : Failed"); jsonRx.SetResponse("100", "Invalid image file."); return jsonRx; } return jsonRx; } public bool IsValidImage(ref CustomerKYCModel kyc, HttpPostedFile idFrontUrl, HttpPostedFile idBackUrl, HttpPostedFile idSideUrl, HttpPostedFile additionalIdUrl, HttpPostedFile facePictureUrl, HttpPostedFile additionalIdBackUrl) { bool isValidated = true; string fileName = ""; var extension = ""; DataRow dirDetails = _requestServices.GetCustomerImageSavePath(kyc.userId); if (null == dirDetails) { return false; } string registrationDate = dirDetails["REGISTERED_DATE"].ToString(); string membershipId = dirDetails["MEMBERSHIPID"].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(registrationDate) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(membershipId)) { return false; } if (idFrontUrl != null) { extension = Path.GetExtension(idFrontUrl.FileName); if (!(extension == ".jpg" || extension == ".jpeg" || extension == ".png") && idFrontUrl.ContentLength > Convert.ToInt32(ApplicationConfig.GetMaximumFileSize())) { isValidated = false; } else { fileName = SaveFileToPath(idFrontUrl, membershipId, extension, "id_front", registrationDate); kyc.idFront = fileName; } } if (!isValidated) { return isValidated; } if (idBackUrl != null) { extension = Path.GetExtension(idBackUrl.FileName); if (!(extension == ".jpg" || extension == ".jpeg" || extension == ".png") && idBackUrl.ContentLength > Convert.ToInt32(ApplicationConfig.GetMaximumFileSize())) { isValidated = false; } else { fileName = SaveFileToPath(idBackUrl, membershipId, extension, "id_back", registrationDate); kyc.idBack = fileName; } } if (!isValidated) { return isValidated; } if (idSideUrl != null) { extension = Path.GetExtension(idSideUrl.FileName); if (!(extension == ".jpg" || extension == ".jpeg" || extension == ".png") && idSideUrl.ContentLength > Convert.ToInt32(ApplicationConfig.GetMaximumFileSize())) { isValidated = false; } else { fileName = SaveFileToPath(idSideUrl, membershipId, extension, "id_side", registrationDate); kyc.idSide = fileName; } } if (!isValidated) { return isValidated; } if (additionalIdUrl != null) { extension = Path.GetExtension(additionalIdUrl.FileName); if (!(extension == ".jpg" || extension == ".jpeg" || extension == ".png") && additionalIdUrl.ContentLength > Convert.ToInt32(ApplicationConfig.GetMaximumFileSize())) { isValidated = false; } else { fileName = SaveFileToPath(additionalIdUrl, membershipId, extension, "id_additional_front", registrationDate); kyc.additionalId = fileName; } } if (additionalIdBackUrl != null) { extension = Path.GetExtension(additionalIdBackUrl.FileName); if (!(extension == ".jpg" || extension == ".jpeg" || extension == ".png") && additionalIdBackUrl.ContentLength > Convert.ToInt32(ApplicationConfig.GetMaximumFileSize())) { isValidated = false; } else { fileName = SaveFileToPath(additionalIdBackUrl, membershipId, extension, "id_additional_back", registrationDate); kyc.additionalIdBack = fileName; } } if (!isValidated) { return isValidated; } if (facePictureUrl != null) { extension = Path.GetExtension(facePictureUrl.FileName); if (!(extension == ".jpg" || extension == ".jpeg" || extension == ".png") && facePictureUrl.ContentLength > Convert.ToInt32(ApplicationConfig.GetMaximumFileSize())) { isValidated = false; } else { fileName = SaveFileToPath(facePictureUrl, membershipId, extension, "face_picture", registrationDate); kyc.facePicture = fileName; } } return isValidated; } private static string SaveFileToPath(HttpPostedFile file, string membershipId, string extension, string img, string registrationDate) { string fileName = ""; string folderName = membershipId; string docUploadPath = ApplicationConfig.GetDocumentUploadPath(); // Get the file size int fileSize = file.ContentLength; fileName = "upload-" + img + "-" + GetTimestamp(DateTime.Now) + extension; docUploadPath = docUploadPath + "/CustomerDocument/" + registrationDate.Replace("_", "/") + "/" + folderName; Log.Debug("Preparing file to save in dir " + docUploadPath); if (!Directory.Exists(docUploadPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(docUploadPath); //var tempDocUploadPath = docUploadPath + "/temp"; //if (!Directory.Exists(tempDocUploadPath)) // Directory.CreateDirectory(tempDocUploadPath); //CompressImageDao ci = new CompressImageDao(); //string tempFileUploadPath = Path.Combine(tempDocUploadPath, fileName); //file.SaveAs(tempFileUploadPath); string fileToSave = Path.Combine(docUploadPath, fileName); Log.Debug("Saving file as " + fileToSave); file.SaveAs(fileToSave); //if (!ci.CompressImageAndSave((fileSize / 1024), tempFileUploadPath, fileToSave)) //{ // file.SaveAs(fileToSave); //} //if (Directory.Exists(tempDocUploadPath)) // Directory.Delete(tempDocUploadPath, true); Log.Debug("Done with Saving "); return fileName; } public static string GetTimestamp(DateTime value) { return value.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssffff"); } public JsonRxResponse LoadFormStaticData(string type) { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse { ErrorCode = "1", Msg = "Error" }; try { if (type.ToLower().Equals("receiver")) { StaticData sd = _requestServices.LoadFormStaticData("receiver"); if (sd != null) { jsonRx.ErrorCode = "0"; jsonRx.Msg = "success"; jsonRx.Data = sd; Log.Debug("LoadFormStaticData | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); return jsonRx; } Log.Debug("LoadFormStaticData | Returning null while calling DB"); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occured", null); return jsonRx; } else if (type.ToLower().Equals("kyc")) { KycStaticData sd = _requestServices.LoadKycStaticData("kyc"); if (sd != null) { jsonRx.ErrorCode = "0"; jsonRx.Msg = "success"; jsonRx.Data = sd; Log.Debug("LoadFormStaticData | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); return jsonRx; } Log.Debug("LoadFormStaticData | Returning null while calling DB"); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occured", null); return jsonRx; } else if (type.ToLower().Equals("login-kyc")) { LocateBusiness locateBusiness = new LocateBusiness(); var r = locateBusiness.LoadKycStaticData(); if (r != null) { jsonRx.ErrorCode = "0"; jsonRx.Msg = "success"; jsonRx.Data = r; Log.Debug("LoadFormStaticData-login-kyc | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); return jsonRx; } Log.Debug("LoadFormStaticData | Returning null while calling DB"); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occured", null); return jsonRx; } Log.Debug("LoadFormStaticData | Error occurred while specifying the type, Type mismatch error."); return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while loading static data for." + type); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse SaveReceiver(ReceiverModel model, string userId) { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "error"); var receiver = _requestServices.SaveReceiver(model, userId); Log.Debug("SaveReceiver | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(receiver)); if (!receiver.ErrorCode.Equals("0")) { jsonRx.SetResponse("1", receiver.Msg); jsonRx.Data = null; return jsonRx; } jsonRx.SetResponse("0", "success"); jsonRx.Data = receiver; return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while saving the receiver details."); jsonRx.Data = null; return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse GetReceiverDetail(string id) { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "No receiver", null); var receiver = _requestServices.GetReceiverDetail(id); Log.Debug("GetReceiverDetail | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(receiver)); if (receiver != null) { jsonRx.SetResponse("0", "Success", null); jsonRx.Data = receiver; } return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while fetching the specific receiver details."); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse GetReceiversByCustomer(string customer, string customerId, string search) { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "No receiver", null); var ls = _requestServices.GetReceiversByCustomer(customer, search); List lsAccount = GetCustomerPaymentMethods(customerId); LoadReceiverAccount lra = new LoadReceiverAccount(); lra.AccountList = lsAccount; lra.Receivers = ls; if (lra == null) { Log.Debug("GetReceiversByCustomer | Returning null while fetching the list of receivers."); return jsonRx; } jsonRx.SetResponse("0", ls.Count.ToString() + " receiver", null); jsonRx.Data = lra; Log.Debug("GetReceiversByCustomer | DB RESPONSE AFTER PARSING : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while fetching the list of receivers."); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse RemoveReceiver(string userId, string receiverId) { JsonRxResponse res = new JsonRxResponse(); try { res = _requestServices.RemoveReceiver(userId, receiverId); Log.Debug("RemoveReceiver | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(res)); if (res.ErrorCode == "0") { return res; } Log.Debug("RemoveReceiver | Error occurred while deleting the receiver." + "ErrorCode: " + res.ErrorCode + " Msg: " + res.Msg); return res; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); res.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while removing the receiver."); return res; } } public JsonRxResponse LoadKycStaticData(string type) { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { var kycStaticData = _requestServices.LoadKycStaticData(type); if (kycStaticData != null) { jsonRx.SetResponse("0", "Success"); jsonRx.Data = kycStaticData; Log.Debug("LoadKycStaticData | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); return jsonRx; } Log.Debug("LoadKycStaticData | Returning null while fetching from DB."); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Cound not fetch the data."); return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Cound not fetch the data."); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse GenerateReceipt(string tranId, string notice = "N") { var lang = Convert.ToString(CallContext.GetData(Constants.Language)); JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { var tranResponse = _requestServices.GenerateReceipt(tranId, notice); if (tranResponse != null) { jsonRx.SetResponse("0", "Success"); jsonRx.Data = tranResponse; Log.Debug("GenerateReceipt | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); return jsonRx; } Log.Debug("GenerateReceipt | Returning null while fetching the receipt details."); //jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Unable to fetch the receipt details."); var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(RESPONSE_MSG.GET_BRANCH_INFOS_SUCCESS.ToString(), lang); return new JsonRxResponse { Msg = map.Message }; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Unable to fetch the receipt details."); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse GetNotificationList(string customerId) { var lang = Convert.ToString(CallContext.GetData(Constants.Language)); JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { jsonRx = _requestServices.GetNotificationList(customerId); Log.Debug("GetNotificationList | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while loading notification."); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse UpdateNotification(string rowId) { var lang = Convert.ToString(CallContext.GetData(Constants.Language)); JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { jsonRx = _requestServices.UpdateNotification(rowId); Log.Debug("UpdateNotification | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while loading notification."); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse GetTransactionHistory(DateFilterParams search, string userId) { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); if (search == null) { search = new DateFilterParams(); } try { jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "No transaction details found."); var litranHistoryResponse = _requestServices.GetTransactionHistory(search, userId); if (litranHistoryResponse == null) { Log.Debug("GetTransactionHistory | Returning null while fetching the list of transaction details."); return jsonRx; } jsonRx.SetResponse("0", litranHistoryResponse.Count.ToString() + " paid txn"); jsonRx.Data = litranHistoryResponse; Log.Debug("GetTransactionHistory | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { var lang = Convert.ToString(CallContext.GetData(Constants.Language)); var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(RESPONSE_MSG.GET_TRANSACTION_HISTORY_FAIL.ToString(), lang); Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", map.Message); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse OldUserRegister(OldUserRegisterModel oldUserRegister) { //var lang ="EN"; var lang = Convert.ToString(CallContext.GetData(Constants.Language)); JsonRxResponse res = new JsonRxResponse(); try { string pwd = oldUserRegister.Password; string txnPwd = oldUserRegister.TxnPin; string Confirmpwd = oldUserRegister.ConfirmPassword; string txnConfirmpwd = oldUserRegister.ConfirmTxnPin; string enumString = string.Empty; if (!oldUserRegister.UserId.IsValidEmail()) { Log.Debug("OldUserRegister.IsValidatedForm | Validate Email : Failed " + Convert.ToString(oldUserRegister.UserId)); var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(RESPONSE_MSG.OLD_USER_REGISTER_FAIL_7.ToString(), lang); res.SetResponse("1", map.Message); return res; } if (pwd != Confirmpwd) { // res.SetResponse("1", "Password does not match with confirm password"); enumString = RESPONSE_MSG.OLD_USER_REGISTER_FAIL_8.ToString(); var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(enumString, lang); res.SetResponse("1", map.Message); } var verifyPwdResp = ValidatePassword(Confirmpwd); Log.Debug("OldUserRegister.IsValidPassword | RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(verifyPwdResp)); if (verifyPwdResp.ErrorCode != "0") { return verifyPwdResp; } if (txnPwd != txnConfirmpwd) { // res.SetResponse("1", "Txn pin does not match with confirm txn pin"); enumString = RESPONSE_MSG.OLD_USER_REGISTER_FAIL_9.ToString(); var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(enumString, lang); res.SetResponse("1", map.Message); // return new JsonRxResponse { ErrorCode = "1", Msg = map.Message }; // var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(RESPONSE_MSG.OLD_USER_REGISTER_FAIL_9.ToString(), lang); // res.SetResponse("1", map.Message); return res; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txnPwd) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txnConfirmpwd)) { //res.SetResponse("1", "Txn pin is missing"); var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(RESPONSE_MSG.OLD_USER_REGISTER_FAIL_10.ToString(), lang); res.SetResponse("1", map.Message); return res; } if (txnPwd.Length < 6) { // res.SetResponse("1", "Txn pin cannot be less than 6 characters"); var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(RESPONSE_MSG.OLD_USER_REGISTER_FAIL_11.ToString(), lang); res.SetResponse("1", map.Message); return res; } res = _requestServices.OldUserRegister(oldUserRegister); Log.Debug("OldUserRegister | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(res)); return res; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); res.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while registering the customer."); return res; } } private JsonRxResponse ValidatePassword(string confirmpwd) { JsonRxResponse _resp = new JsonRxResponse() { ErrorCode = "0", Msg = "Success" }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(confirmpwd)) { _resp.SetResponse("100", "Password can not be empty!"); return _resp; } if (confirmpwd.Length < 6) { _resp.SetResponse("100", "Password must be of atleast 6 digits!"); return _resp; } //if (!Regex.Match(confirmpwd, @"\d+").Success) //{ // _resp.SetResponse("1", "Password must contain 1 number!"); // return _resp; //} //if (!Regex.Match(confirmpwd, @"[A-Z]").Success) //{ // _resp.SetResponse("1", "Password must contain atleaset one capital letter!"); // return _resp; //} //if (!Regex.Match(confirmpwd, @"[!@#$%&*_+\-]").Success) //{ // _resp.SetResponse("1", "Password must contain atleaset one special character!"); // return _resp; //} return _resp; } private JsonRxResponse CalculateAge(string dob) { JsonRxResponse _resp = new JsonRxResponse() { ErrorCode = "0", Msg = "Success" }; if (DateTime.TryParse(dob, out DateTime dateOfBirth)) { DateTime today = DateTime.Today; int age = today.Year - dateOfBirth.Year; if (dateOfBirth.Date > today.AddYears(-age)) age--; if (age < 18) { _resp.SetResponse("100", "User must me at least 18 years old to register with IME London!"); return _resp; } } return _resp; } public JsonRxResponse NewUserRegister(NewUserRegisterModel newUserRegister) { var lang = Convert.ToString(CallContext.GetData(Constants.Language)); JsonRxResponse res = new JsonRxResponse(); try { string pwd = newUserRegister.Password; string Confirmpwd = newUserRegister.ConfirmPassword; string enumString = string.Empty; string dob = newUserRegister.DOB; if (!newUserRegister.UserId.IsValidEmail()) { enumString = RESPONSE_MSG.NEW_USER_REGISTER_FAIL_4.ToString(); var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(enumString, lang); res.SetResponse("100", map.Message); return res; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pwd) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Confirmpwd)) { enumString = RESPONSE_MSG.NEW_USER_REGISTER_FAIL_6.ToString(); var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(enumString, lang); res.SetResponse("100", map.Message); return res; } if (!String.Equals(pwd, Confirmpwd, StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) { enumString = RESPONSE_MSG.NEW_USER_REGISTER_FAIL_5.ToString(); var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(enumString, lang); res.SetResponse("100", map.Message); return res; } var verifyPwdResp = ValidatePassword(Confirmpwd); Log.Debug("NewUserRegister.IsValidPassword | RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(verifyPwdResp)); if (verifyPwdResp.ErrorCode != "0") { return verifyPwdResp; } var calculateAge = CalculateAge(dob); if (calculateAge.ErrorCode != "0") { Log.Debug("NewUserRegister.IsNotValidAge | RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(calculateAge)); return calculateAge; } //var calculateAge = CalculateAge(dob); Log.Debug("NewUserRegister.IsValidAge | RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(calculateAge)); if (calculateAge.ErrorCode != "0") { return calculateAge; } newUserRegister.MobileNumber = newUserRegister.MobileNumber.getUKFormattedNumber(); res = _requestServices.NewUserRegister(newUserRegister); Log.Debug("NewUserRegister | completed with db response. " + "ErrorCode: " + res.ErrorCode + " Msg: " + res.Msg); return res; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); res.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while registering the customer."); return res; } } public JsonRxResponse OldUserAccessRequest(OldUserAccessRequestModel oldUserAccessRequest) { var lang = Convert.ToString(CallContext.GetData(Constants.Language)); JsonRxResponse res = new JsonRxResponse(); string enumString = string.Empty; try { if (!Utilities.ConvertToGlobalFormat(oldUserAccessRequest.Dob)) { Log.DebugFormat("OldUserAccessRequest.IsValidatedForm | Validate Dob : Failed, {0}", Convert.ToString(oldUserAccessRequest.Dob)); res.SetResponse("1", "Please input your dob in correct format."); return res; } if (!oldUserAccessRequest.IdNumber.IsValidNumber()) { enumString = RESPONSE_MSG.OLD_USER_ACCESS_REQUEST_FAIL_4.ToString(); var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(enumString, lang); res.SetResponse("1", map.Message); return res; } res = _requestServices.OldUserAccessRequest(oldUserAccessRequest); Log.Debug("OldUserAccessRequest | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(res)); if (res.ErrorCode == "0") { res.Data = new { referenceId = res.Id, generatedUserId = res.Extra }; } return res; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); res.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while registering the customer."); return res; //var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(RESPONSE_MSG.OLD_USER_ACCESS_REQUEST_FAIL_1.ToString(), lang); // return new JsonRxResponse { ErrorCode ="1", Msg = map.Message}; ; } } public JsonRxResponse RegisterCustomer(CustomerRegisterParameters registerParam) { Log.Debug("RegisterCustomer | user trying to sign-up the system." + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(registerParam)); JsonRxResponse res = new JsonRxResponse(); try { if (!Utilities.ConvertToGlobalFormat(registerParam.Dob)) { Log.DebugFormat("IsValidatedForm | Validate Dob : Failed, {0}", Convert.ToString(registerParam.Dob)); res.SetResponse("1", "Please input your dob in correct format."); return res; } //string pwd = StringExtension.ToVirtualKeyDecryptString(registerParam.Password); string pwd = registerParam.Password; //string Confirmpwd = StringExtension.ToVirtualKeyDecryptString(registerParam.ConfirmPassword); string Confirmpwd = registerParam.ConfirmPassword; if (pwd != Confirmpwd) { res.SetResponse("1", "Password does not match with confirm password"); return res; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pwd) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Confirmpwd)) { res.SetResponse("1", "Password is missing"); return res; } if (pwd.Length < 6) { res.SetResponse("1", "Password cannot be less than 6 characters"); return res; } var regData = new ValidationModel { Dob = registerParam.Dob, Email = registerParam.Username, Password = pwd, ConfirmPassword = Confirmpwd }; registerParam.Password = pwd; registerParam.ConfirmPassword = Confirmpwd; res = _requestServices.RegisterCustomer(registerParam); if (res.ErrorCode == "0") { Log.Debug("RegisterCustomer | Register Customer Success..."); if (registerParam.Username.IsValidEmail()) { //EmailParameters _emailParams = new EmailParameters() //{ // To = registerParam.Username, // MsgSubject = "Customer Registration Sign Up", // MsgBody = "Dear " + registerParam.Username + ",
Thank you for registering, You are now successfully enrolled to the GME Remittance System." //}; //Task.Run(() => GetStatic.SendEmail(_emailParams)); } var lang = Convert.ToString(CallContext.GetData(Constants.Language)); Task.Run(() => FcmNotifier.Notify(registerParam.fcmId, Languages.GetMessage("registration_success", lang), Languages.GetTitle("registration", lang))); return res; } Log.Debug("RegisterCustomer | Error occurred while registering the customer." + "ErrorCode: " + res.ErrorCode + " Msg: " + res.Msg); return res; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); res.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while registering the customer."); return res; } } public JsonRxResponse CheckInfoAgree(string username) { JsonRxResponse res = new JsonRxResponse(); try { res = _requestServices.CheckInfoAgree(username); Log.Debug("CheckInfoAgree | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(res)); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); res.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while password reset."); return res; } return res; } public JsonRxResponse CustomerInfoAgree(string username, string agreeYn) { JsonRxResponse res = new JsonRxResponse(); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(agreeYn)) { return new JsonRxResponse { ErrorCode = "1", Msg = "The invalid agreeYn flag.", Id = username }; } if (agreeYn.Equals("Y")) { // return new JsonRxResponse { ErrorCode = "1", Msg = "The user has not agreeded to the terms.", Id = username }; res = _requestServices.CustomerInfoAgree(username, "agree"); if (res.ErrorCode.Equals("0")) { // _trustDocBusiness.CompareData(new TrustDocRequest() { birth = res.Extra2, name = res.Msg }, res.Extra3, username, res.Id); res.Msg = "Thank you for completing your profile. You can now start sending transactions"; SendNotificationRequest pushNotificationRequest = new SendNotificationRequest() { IsBulkNotification = false, UserName = username, ProcessId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), ProviderId = "CustomerInfoAgree", NotificationTypeId = NOTIFICATION_TYPE.PUSH_NOTIFICATION.ToString(), Recipients = new List() { new RecipientViewModel() { Address = res.Extra, NotificationContent = new NotificationDTO() } }, Language = Convert.ToString(CallContext.GetData(Constants.Language)) }; //Task.Run(() => NotifierV2.SendNotification(pushNotificationRequest, NOTIFICATION_TYPE.PUSH_NOTIFICATION)); //SendNotificationRequest emailNotificationRequest = new SendNotificationRequest() //{ // IsBulkNotification = false, // UserName = username, // ProcessId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), // ProviderId = "CustomerInfoAgree", // NotificationTypeId = NOTIFICATION_TYPE.EMAIL.ToString(), // Template = Common.Model.Enum.NotifyTemplate.KYC_VERIFICATION_EMAIL, // Recipients = new List() // { // new RecipientViewModel() { Address= res.Extra , NotificationContent = new NotificationDTO() } // }, // Language = Convert.ToString(CallContext.GetData(Constants.Language)) //}; //Task.Run(() => NotifierV2.SendNotification(emailNotificationRequest, NOTIFICATION_TYPE.EMAIL)); } Log.Debug("CustomerInfoAgree.Agree | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(res)); } //else if (agreeYn.Equals("N")) //{ // res = _requestServices.CustomerInfoAgree(username, "agree-manual"); // Log.Debug("CustomerInfoAgree.Manual | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(res)); //} } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); res.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred CustomerInfoAgree."); return res; } return res; } public JsonRxResponse ResetPassword(PasswordReset pwdReset, string processId = "") { var lang = Convert.ToString(CallContext.GetData(Constants.Language)); JsonRxResponse res = new JsonRxResponse(); try { if (!Utilities.ConvertToGlobalFormat(pwdReset.Dob)) { Log.DebugFormat("ResetPassword.IsValidatedForm | Validate Dob : Failed, {0}", Convert.ToString(pwdReset.Dob)); var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(RESPONSE_MSG.INVALID_DOB_FOR_RESETPASSWORD.ToString(), lang); res.SetResponse("1", map.Message); return res; } DateTime dateTime; if (DateTime.TryParseExact(pwdReset.Dob, "dd/MM/yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out dateTime)) { pwdReset.Dob = dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } if (!pwdReset.Username.IsValidEmail()) { var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(RESPONSE_MSG.INVALID_EMAIL_FOR_RESETPASSWORD.ToString(), lang); res.SetResponse("1", map.Message); return res; }; // var randomPassword = PasswordGenerator.GenerateRandomPassword(); var randomPassword = Utilities.GenerateRandomPin(); pwdReset.RandomPassword = randomPassword; res = _requestServices.ResetPassword(pwdReset); Log.Debug("ResetPassword | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(res)); if (res.ErrorCode == "0") { bool emailSent = false; bool smsSent = false; try { List bodyMappings = new List(); bodyMappings.Add(new Notify.Mapping() { SValue = "CustomerName", SText = res.Extra2 }); bodyMappings.Add(new Notify.Mapping() { SValue = "EMAIL_ID", SText = pwdReset.Username }); bodyMappings.Add(new Notify.Mapping() { SValue = "PASS_WORD", SText = randomPassword }); SendNotificationRequest request = new SendNotificationRequest() { IsBulkNotification = false, UserName = pwdReset.Username, ProcessId = processId, ProviderId = "ResetPassword", NotificationTypeId = NOTIFICATION_TYPE.EMAIL.ToString(), Template = Common.Model.Enum.NotifyTemplate.RESET_PASSWORD_EMAIL, Recipients = new List() { new RecipientViewModel() { NotificationContent = new NotificationDTO() { Body = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bodyMappings), //Title will be set by mapping json }, Address= pwdReset.Username } } }; Log.Debug("SendNotification.EMAIL | REQUEST : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request)); var resEmail = NotifierV2.SendNotification(request, NOTIFICATION_TYPE.EMAIL); Log.Debug("SendNotification.EMAIL | RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(resEmail)); emailSent = true; string ProcessId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "") + ":sendSms"; var mobileNo = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res.Extra3)) { mobileNo = getSenderFormattedNumber(res.Extra3); SendSMSApiService _sendAPI = new SendSMSApiService(); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.AppendLine($"Dear { res.Extra2}"); s.AppendLine($"We received your password reset request and your new credentials are"); s.AppendLine($"Login ID: { pwdReset.Username}"); s.AppendLine($"Password: { pwdReset.RandomPassword}"); s.AppendLine("Regards, IME London"); SMSRequestModel _req = new SMSRequestModel { ProviderId = "onewaysms", MobileNumber = mobileNo, SMSBody = s.ToString(), ProcessId = ProcessId.Substring(ProcessId.Length - 40, 40), RequestedBy = pwdReset.Username, UserName = pwdReset.Username, method = "send", ControlNo = "", // GetControlNo() }; Log.Debug("SendNotification.SMS | REQUEST : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_req)); APIJsonResponse _resp = _sendAPI.SMSTPApi(_req); Log.Debug("SendNotification.SMS | RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_resp)); smsSent = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("ResetPassword.SendNotification", ex); } if (emailSent || smsSent) { res.ErrorCode = "0"; res.SetResponse("0", "Reset password email/sms has been sent."); return res; } var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(RESPONSE_MSG.SEND_EMAIL_FOR_RESETPASSWORD_SUCCESS.ToString(), lang); return new JsonRxResponse { ErrorCode = "0", Msg = map.Message }; // return res; } return res; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("ResetPassword", ex); res.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while password reset."); return res; } } public JsonRxResponse RefreshCustomerInformation(UserModel user) { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { jsonRx = _requestServices.RefreshCustomerInformation(user); Log.Debug("RefreshCustomerInformation | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while calling the refresh customer information."); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse GetWalletStatement(DateFilterParams search, string userId) { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); if (search == null) { search = new DateFilterParams(); } try { //jsonRx.SetResponse("0", "No wallet statement found."); var liWalletStmtResponse = _requestServices.GetWalletStatement(search, userId); if (liWalletStmtResponse == null) { jsonRx.ErrorCode = "1"; jsonRx.Msg = "No Record(s) Found!"; jsonRx.Data = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); Log.Debug("GetWalletStatement | Returning null while fetching the list of wallet statements."); return jsonRx; } jsonRx.ErrorCode = "0"; jsonRx.Data = liWalletStmtResponse; return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while fetching the list of transaction details."); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse ChangePassword(ChangePassword changePwd) { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { jsonRx = _requestServices.ChangePassword(changePwd); Log.Debug("ChangePassword | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Could not change the password."); return jsonRx; } } public List GetCustomerPaymentMethods(string customerId) { List lsAccount = _requestServices.GetPaymentAccountsByCustomer(customerId); lsAccount.ForEach(x => x.KftcAccountId = Crypto.Encrypt(x.KftcAccountId, Utilities.ReadWebConfig("ktft_client_info_salt", ""))); return lsAccount; } public JsonRxResponse RealtimeValidation(RealtimeValidationModel model, string lang = "") { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.IdNumber)) { jsonRx.ErrorCode = "1"; var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.IdType) && model.IdType.Equals(ID_TYPE.DRIVING_LICENCE.ToString()) ? RESPONSE_MSG.VALIDATION_FAIL_6.ToString() : RESPONSE_MSG.VALIDATION_FAIL_3.ToString(), lang); jsonRx.Msg = map.Message; return jsonRx; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.IdType)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.FullName)) { jsonRx.ErrorCode = "1"; jsonRx.Msg = "Full Name is required"; return jsonRx; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.FullName)) { if (!Regex.IsMatch(model.FullName, "^[A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z ]*$")) { jsonRx.ErrorCode = "1"; jsonRx.Msg = "Invalid Full name "; return jsonRx; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.DOB)) { jsonRx.ErrorCode = "1"; jsonRx.Msg = "DOB is empty."; return jsonRx; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.DOB)) { DateTime data = new DateTime(); if (!DateTime.TryParse(model.DOB, out data)) { jsonRx.ErrorCode = "1"; jsonRx.Msg = "Invalid DOB Format"; return jsonRx; } else { if (!Utilities.ConvertToGlobalFormat(model.DOB)) { model.DOB = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyyMMdd"); } else model.DOB = data.ToString("yyyyyMMdd"); } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.IdType) && model.IdType.Equals(ID_TYPE.DRIVING_LICENCE.ToString())) { if (!model.IdNumber.IsValidDrivingNumber()) { jsonRx.ErrorCode = "1"; var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(RESPONSE_MSG.VALIDATION_FAIL_5.ToString(), lang); jsonRx.Msg = map.Message; return jsonRx; } } else if (!model.IdNumber.IsValidNumber()) { jsonRx.ErrorCode = "1"; var map = Utilities.GetLanguageMapping(RESPONSE_MSG.VALIDATION_FAIL_4.ToString(), lang); jsonRx.Msg = map.Message; return jsonRx; } jsonRx = _requestServices.RealtimeValidation(model); return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("RealtimeValidation Error", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Could not perform realtime validation."); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse GetCDDI(string userId) { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { jsonRx = _requestServices.GetCDDI(userId); Log.Debug("GetCDDI | DB RESPONSE: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("GetCDDI | EXCEPTION: ", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while fetching the CDDI Info."); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse DynamicReceiverField(DynamicReceiverRequest dynamicReceiverRequest, string customerId) { var jsonResult = _requestServices.DynamicReceiverField(dynamicReceiverRequest, customerId); if (jsonResult.ErrorCode == "0") { Log.Debug("Dynamic ReceiverField success."); } else { Log.Debug("Dynamic ReceiverField failed."); } return jsonResult; } public JsonRxResponse GetReceiverInformation(string customerId) { var jsonResult = _requestServices.GetReceiverInformation(customerId); if (jsonResult.ErrorCode == "0") { Log.Debug("receiver ReceiverField success."); var reciver = jsonResult.Data; List lsAccount = null;//GetCustomerPaymentMethods(customerId); jsonResult.Data = new { Receivers = reciver, accounts = lsAccount }; } else { Log.Debug("GetReceiverInformation | RESPONSE: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonResult)); } return jsonResult; } public JsonRxResponse AddReceiver(string customerId, ReceiverInfoModel receiver) { var jsonResult = new JsonRxResponse(); try { if (receiver.deviceType.ToLower().Equals("ios")) { List dymanicFields = new List(); List list = new List(); var dt = _requestServices.GetReceiverFields(receiver); if (dt != null) { foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows) { list.Add(new ReceiverField() { Field = findMapString(item["field"].ToString()), FieldRequired = item["fieldRequired"].ToString(), MinLength = int.Parse(item["minFieldLength"].ToString()), MaxLength = int.Parse(item["maxFieldLength"].ToString()) }); } } var props = Utilities.GetPropertiesNameOfClass(receiver); var requiredList = props.Where(x => list.Any(z => x.Key.ToLower() == z.Field.ToLower())) .Where(y => string.IsNullOrEmpty(y.Value)).ToList(); // case when Field Value empty //var pLength = props.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Key.ToLower().Equals("mobile")).Value.Length; //var rLength = list.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Field.ToLower().Equals("mobile")).MinLength; //if (pLength < rLength) // requiredList.Add(new KeyValuePair() { Key = "mobile" }); if (requiredList.Count > 0) { // string.Format("Required Fields:-" , string.Join(", ", requiredList.Select(x => x.Key).ToList())); jsonResult.SetResponse("100", string.Format("Required Fields:-\r\n{0}", string.Join("\r\n", requiredList.Select(x => findMapKeyValue(x.Key)).ToList()))); return jsonResult; } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(receiver.fullName)) { var str = receiver.fullName.Split(' '); if (str.Length.Equals(2)) { receiver.firstName = str[0]; receiver.lastName = str[1]; } else if (str.Length > 2) { receiver.firstName = str[0]; receiver.middleName = str[1]; var ls = ""; for (int i = 2; i < str.Length; i++) { ls = (ls + str[i] + " ").Trim(); } receiver.lastName = ls; } else { receiver.firstName = receiver.fullName; } } if (receiver.countryId == "16") { //JsonRxResponse rxResponse = new JsonRxResponse() { ErrorCode = "0", Extra2 = }; //string mobileFirst =, 1); string MobN =, 1); if (MobN == "0") { if ( < 14) { jsonResult.ErrorCode = "1"; jsonResult.Msg = "Invalid Mobile Number provided!"; return jsonResult; } else if ( > 14) { jsonResult.ErrorCode = "1"; jsonResult.Msg = "Invalid Mobile Number length provided!"; return jsonResult; } } } if (receiver.payoutPartner == "394130" && == "13" && == "BANGLADESH") { var mobileNumberValidate = Regex.Replace(receiver.agent.accountNo, @"[^\d]", ""); var countryCode = mobileNumberValidate.Substring(0, 3); if (countryCode != "880") { jsonResult.SetResponse("1", "Invalid country code passed in BKash Wallet Number!"); return jsonResult; } if (mobileNumberValidate.Length != 13) { jsonResult.SetResponse("1", "Invalid BKash Wallet Number!"); return jsonResult; } } if (receiver.payoutPartner == "394434") { var mobileNumberValidate = Regex.Replace(, @"[^\d]", ""); mobileNumberValidate = mobileNumberValidate.Replace("855", ""); var countryCode = mobileNumberValidate.Substring(0, 1); if (countryCode != "0") { jsonResult.SetResponse("1", "Invalid Cambodia Number format!"); return jsonResult; } if (mobileNumberValidate.Length < 9 | mobileNumberValidate.Length > 12) { jsonResult.SetResponse("1", "Invalid Cambodia Number Length!"); return jsonResult; } } //if (receiver.address.Contains("@") && receiver.address.IsValidEmail()) //{ // jsonResult.SetResponse("1", "Please input valid receiver address!"); // return jsonResult; //} jsonResult = _requestServices.AddReceiver(customerId, receiver); if (jsonResult.ErrorCode == "0") { var rec = _requestServices.GetReceiver(customerId, jsonResult.Id); jsonResult.Data = rec; Log.DebugFormat("AddReceiver | RESPONSE : {0}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonResult)); } else { Log.Debug("receiver ReceiverField failed. | " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonResult)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("AddReceiver", ex); jsonResult.SetResponse("1", "Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!"); return jsonResult; } return jsonResult; } private Dictionary GetmappingList() { Dictionary mapping = new Dictionary(); mapping.Add("Bank Name", ""); mapping.Add("Account No.", "agent.accountNo"); mapping.Add("Full Name", "fullName"); mapping.Add("First Name", "firstName"); mapping.Add("Middle Name", "middleName"); mapping.Add("Last Name", "lastName"); mapping.Add("Mobile Number", "mobile"); mapping.Add("City", "city"); mapping.Add("Address", "address"); mapping.Add("District", "district"); mapping.Add("Province", "state"); mapping.Add("Branch Name", ""); mapping.Add("Id Type", "idType"); mapping.Add("ID Number", "idNumber"); mapping.Add("Realation Group", "relationship"); mapping.Add("Native Country", "nativeCountry"); // mapping.Add("Transfer Reason", "transferReason"); return mapping; } private string findMapString(string s) { string result = string.Empty; var d = GetmappingList(); if (d.ContainsKey(s)) { result = d.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key.Equals(s)).Value; } return result; } private string findMapKeyValue(string s) { string result = string.Empty; var d = GetmappingList(); if (d.ContainsValue(s)) { result = d.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals(s)).Key; } return result.Replace("Realation Group", "Relationship"); } public JsonRxResponse ModifyReceiver(string customerId, string receiverId, ReceiverInfoModel receiver) { var jsonResult = new JsonRxResponse(); try { if (receiver.deviceType.ToLower().Equals("ios")) { List dymanicFields = new List(); List list = new List(); var dt = _requestServices.GetReceiverFields(receiver); if (dt != null) { foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows) { list.Add(new ReceiverField() { Field = findMapString(item["field"].ToString()), FieldRequired = item["fieldRequired"].ToString(), MinLength = int.Parse(item["minFieldLength"].ToString()), MaxLength = int.Parse(item["maxFieldLength"].ToString()) }); } } var props = Utilities.GetPropertiesNameOfClass(receiver); var requiredList = props.Where(x => list.Any(z => x.Key.ToLower() == z.Field.ToLower())) .Where(y => string.IsNullOrEmpty(y.Value)).ToList(); // case when Field Value empty //var pLength = props.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Key.ToLower().Equals("mobile")).Value.Length; //var rLength = list.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Field.ToLower().Equals("mobile")).MinLength; //if (pLength < rLength) // requiredList.Add(new KeyValuePair() { Key = "mobile" }); if (requiredList.Count > 0) { // string.Format("Required Fields:-" , string.Join(", ", requiredList.Select(x => x.Key).ToList())); jsonResult.SetResponse("1", string.Format("Required Fields:- {0}", string.Join(", ", requiredList.Select(x => findMapKeyValue(x.Key)).ToList()))); Log.Debug($"Receiver modify validation failed. { JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonResult)}"); return jsonResult; } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(receiver.fullName)) { var str = receiver.fullName.Split(' '); if (str.Length.Equals(2)) { receiver.firstName = str[0]; receiver.lastName = str[1]; } else if (str.Length > 2) { receiver.firstName = str[0]; receiver.middleName = str[1]; var ls = ""; for (int i = 2; i < str.Length; i++) { ls = (ls + str[i] + " ").Trim(); } receiver.lastName = ls; } else { receiver.firstName = receiver.fullName; } } if (receiver.countryId == "16") { string MobN =, 1); if (MobN == "0") { if ( < 14) { jsonResult.ErrorCode = "1"; jsonResult.Msg = "Invalid Mobile Number provided!"; return jsonResult; } else if ( > 14) { jsonResult.ErrorCode = "1"; jsonResult.Msg = "Invalid Mobile Number length provided!"; return jsonResult; } } } if (receiver.payoutPartner == "394130" && == "13" && == "BANGLADESH") { var mobileNumberValidate = Regex.Replace(receiver.agent.accountNo, @"[^\d]", ""); var countryCode = mobileNumberValidate.Substring(0, 3); if (countryCode != "880") { jsonResult.SetResponse("1", "Invalid country code passed in BKash Wallet Number!"); return jsonResult; } if (mobileNumberValidate.Length != 13) { jsonResult.SetResponse("1", "Invalid BKash Wallet Number!"); return jsonResult; } } if (receiver.payoutPartner == "394434") { var mobileNumberValidate = Regex.Replace(, @"[^\d]", ""); mobileNumberValidate = mobileNumberValidate.Replace("855", ""); var countryCode = mobileNumberValidate.Substring(0, 1); //if (countryCode != "0") //{ // jsonResult.SetResponse("1", "Invalid Cambodia Number format!"); // return jsonResult; //} if (mobileNumberValidate.Length < 9 | mobileNumberValidate.Length > 12) { jsonResult.SetResponse("1", "Invalid Cambodia Number Length!"); return jsonResult; } } jsonResult = _requestServices.ModifyReceiver(customerId, receiverId, receiver); if (jsonResult.ErrorCode == "0") { Log.Debug($"receiver modified success. { JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonResult)}"); var rec = _requestServices.GetReceiver(customerId, jsonResult.Id); jsonResult.Data = rec; } else { Log.Debug($"receiver modified failed. { JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonResult)}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("ModifyReceiver", ex); jsonResult.SetResponse("1", "Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!"); return jsonResult; } return jsonResult; } public JsonRxResponse GetCountryServiceTypeList() { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { var listCountriesServices = _requestServices.GetCountryServiceTypeList(); if (listCountriesServices == null || listCountriesServices.Count < 1) { Log.Debug("GetCountriesServices | Returning null while calling the GetCountriesServices to fetch the countries services."); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Could not fetch the exrate data."); return jsonRx; } jsonRx.SetResponse("0", "Success"); //var path = GetStatic.ReadWebConfig("ServiceType_Resource", ""); //var text = File.ReadAllText(path); //List sd = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(text); //line commented by arjun //foreach (var item in listCountriesServices) //{ // foreach (var countryName in item.countryName) // { // var lang = CallContext.GetData("lang").ToString(); // if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lang)) // { // lang = "en"; // } // foreach (var product in item.servicetypeAvailable) { var country = // item.countryName ?? "English"; // var idx = sd.FindIndex(x => x.countryCode.ToLower() == lang.ToLower()); // var data = new ServiceTypeDetails(); if (idx < 0) { data = sd[sd.FindIndex(x => // x.countryCode == "en")]; } else { data = sd[idx]; } // if (product.text.ToLower().Equals("Cash Payment".ToLower())) // { // product.description = data.cashPayment; // } // else if (product.text.ToLower().Equals("Bank Deposit".ToLower())) // { // product.description = data.bankDeposit; // } // else if (product.text.ToLower().Equals("Mobile Wallet".ToLower())) // { // product.description = data.mobileWallet; // } // else if (product.text.ToLower().Equals("Home Delivery".ToLower())) // { // product.description = data.homeDelivery; // } // else if (product.text.ToLower().Equals("Card Payment".ToLower())) // { // product.description = data.cardPayment; // } // } // } //} jsonRx.Data = listCountriesServices; Log.Debug("GetCountriesServices | Calling GetCountriesServices Success..."); return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Could not fetch the countries service details."); return jsonRx; } } /* 2019.09 @Dana */ public JsonRxResponse GetDomesticTransactionHistory(DateFilterParams search, string userId) { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); if (search == null) { search = new DateFilterParams(); } try { jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "No transaction details found."); var litranHistoryResponse = _requestServices.GetDomesticTransactionHistory(search, userId); if (litranHistoryResponse == null) { Log.Debug("GetDomesticTransactionHistory | Returning null while fetching the list of transaction details."); return jsonRx; } jsonRx.SetResponse("0", litranHistoryResponse.Count.ToString() + " remittance txn"); jsonRx.Data = litranHistoryResponse; Log.Debug("GetDomesticTransactionHistory | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while fetching the list of transaction details."); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse GenerateDomesticReceipt(string tranId) { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse(); try { var tranResponse = _requestServices.GenerateDomesticReceipt(tranId); if (tranResponse != null) { jsonRx.SetResponse("0", "Success"); jsonRx.Data = tranResponse; Log.Debug("GenerateDomesticReceipt | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); return jsonRx; } Log.Debug("GenerateDomesticReceipt | Returning null while fetching the receipt details."); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Unable to fetch the Domestic Receipt details."); return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Unable to fetch the Domestic Receipt details."); return jsonRx; } } //public JsonRxResponse GetCouponList(CouponuserInfo list) //{ // JsonRxResponse res = new JsonRxResponse(); //// var couponlist = _requestServices.GetCouponList(list.customerId); //// res.ErrorCode = "0"; //// res.Msg = "SUCCESS"; //// res.Data = couponlist; // return res; //} public JsonRxResponse LoadFormStaticData_V3(string type, string customerId) { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse { ErrorCode = "1", Msg = "Error" }; try { if (type.ToLower().Equals("kyc")) { KycStaticDataV3 sd = _requestServices.LoadKycStaticData_V3("kycV3", customerId); if (sd != null) { Log.Debug("LoadFormStaticData | DB RESPONSE SUCCESS!"); jsonRx.ErrorCode = "0"; jsonRx.Msg = "success"; jsonRx.Data = sd; return jsonRx; } Log.Debug("LoadFormStaticData | Returning null while calling LoadFormStaticData to fetch the static data related to " + type); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occured", null); } else if (type.ToLower().Equals("kycexistingcustomer")) { KycStaticDataV3 sd = _requestServices.LoadKycStaticData_V3("kycV3-existing", customerId); if (sd != null) { Log.Debug("LoadFormStaticData | DB RESPONSE SUCCESS!"); jsonRx.ErrorCode = "0"; jsonRx.Msg = "success"; jsonRx.Data = sd; return jsonRx; } Log.Debug("LoadFormStaticData | Returning null while calling LoadFormStaticData to fetch the static data related to " + type); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occured", null); } Log.Debug("LoadFormStaticData | Error occurred while specifying the type, Type mismatch error."); return jsonRx; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while loading static data for." + type); return jsonRx; } } public JsonRxResponse RegisterKYC_V4() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public JsonRxResponse GetFieldsByProduct(Common.Model.Config.MappingType type, string customerId, string receiverId, string payoutPartner) { JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse { ErrorCode = "1", Msg = "Error" }; try { if (type == Common.Model.Config.MappingType.REWARD_TYPE) { var response1 = _requestServices.GetRewardDetails(customerId); if (response1 != null) { Log.Debug("GetFieldsByProduct | DB RESPONSE SUCCESS!"); jsonRx.ErrorCode = "0"; jsonRx.Msg = "success"; jsonRx.Data = response1; return jsonRx; } Log.Debug("GetRewardDetails | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response1)); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "No Reward Details", null); return jsonRx; } else if (type == Common.Model.Config.MappingType.REWARD_POINT) { var response1 = _requestServices.GetRewardFee(customerId); response1.PaymentOptions = new PaymentOptions() { Options = GetPaymentMethods(receiverId, payoutPartner), HeaderText = "How do you like to pay ?" }; if (response1 != null) { Log.Debug("GetFieldsByProduct | DB RESPONSE SUCCESS!"); jsonRx.ErrorCode = "0"; jsonRx.Msg = "success"; jsonRx.Data = response1; return jsonRx; } Log.Debug("GetRewardFee | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response1)); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "No Reward Points", null); return jsonRx; } else if (type == Common.Model.Config.MappingType.LOYALTY_POINT) { var loayaltyResponse = _requestServices.GetLoyaltyPoint(customerId); Log.Debug("GetLoyaltyPoint | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(loayaltyResponse)); if (loayaltyResponse != null) { jsonRx.ErrorCode = "0"; jsonRx.Msg = "success"; jsonRx.Data = loayaltyResponse; return jsonRx; } jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "No Loyalty Points", null); return jsonRx; } else { var response = Utilities.GetReferenceMaps(type); if (response != null) { jsonRx.SetResponse("0", "Success"); jsonRx.Data = response; Log.Debug("GetFieldsByProduct | DB RESPONSE : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonRx)); return jsonRx; } Log.Debug($"GetFieldsByProduct | Error occurred while specifying the type {Common.Model.Config.MappingType.MODIFICATION_REQUEST}"); return jsonRx; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Something Went Wrong, Please Try Again!", ex); jsonRx.SetResponse("1", "Error occurred while loading GetFieldsByProduct data for." + type); return jsonRx; } } public List