USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_GetExRate_Default] Script Date: 7/4/2019 11:35:48 AM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE OR ALTER proc [dbo].[proc_GetExRate_Default] @flag VARCHAR(20), @user VARCHAR(150) = NULL, @pCountryId INT = NULL, @pCurr VARCHAR(5), @deliveryMethod VARCHAR(20), @cAmt MONEY, @pAmt MONEY, @calBy CHAR(1), @agentRefId VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @pCountry VARCHAR(50), @tpExRate FLOAT = NULL, @tpPCurr VARCHAR(5) = NULL AS SET NOCOUNT ON ; declare @payOutPartner bigint declare @sCountryId int=118,@sAgent int=2080,@sSuperAgent int=1008 ,@sBranch int ,@collCurr varchar(5)='KRW' DECLARE @scValue MONEY,@exRateOffer MONEY,@scDiscount MONEY ,@AmountLimitPerTran MONEY,@AmountLimitPerDay MONEY DECLARE @place INT,@currDecimal INT,@exRate DECIMAL(30,9),@serviceCharge MONEY,@tAmt MONEY DECLARE @pSuperAgent INT,@pSuperAgentName VARCHAR(200),@pAgent BIGINT,@pAgentName VARCHAR(200),@pBranch INT,@pBranchName VARCHAR(200) DECLARE @errorCode INT,@msg VARCHAR(MAX) IF @pCountryId IS NULL select @pCountryId = countryId from countryMaster(nolock) where countryName = @pCountry SELECT @payOutPartner = AgentId FROM TblPartnerwiseCountry (NOLOCK) WHERE COUNTRYID = @pCountryId AND ISNULL(PaymentMethod, @deliveryMethod) = @deliveryMethod AND IsActive = 1 SELECT TOP 1 @pAgent = AM.agentId FROM agentMaster AM(NOLOCK) WHERE AM.parentId = @payOutPartner AND agentType=2903 AND AM.isSettlingAgent = 'Y' AND AM.isApiPartner = 1 SELECT @pSuperAgent = sSuperAgent,@pSuperAgentName = sSuperAgentName, @pAgent = sAgent,@pAgentName = sAgentName ,@pBranch = sBranch,@pBranchName = sBranchName FROM dbo.FNAGetBranchFullDetails(@pAgent) IF @flag = 'exRate' BEGIN IF @payOutPartner IN (224388,2140,393227,415207,393865,585209) and @pCurr <>'USD' --## TANGLO,MTRADE,QIWI CONTACT BEGIN SELECT '5' ErrorCode , 'Thirdparty transaction' Msg , PayoutPartner = @payOutPartner, pCountryId = @pCountryId RETURN; END; IF @payOutPartner IS NULL BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode , 'Service is currently not available' Msg , PayoutPartner = @payOutPartner RETURN; END; SELECT @scValue = 0 , @exRateOffer = 0 , @scDiscount = 0 , @AmountLimitPerTran = 3000, @AmountLimitPerDay = 20000 SELECT @place = place , @currDecimal = currDecimal FROM currencyPayoutRound(NOLOCK) WHERE ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' AND currency = @pCurr AND (tranType IS NULL OR tranType = @deliveryMethod); SET @currDecimal = ISNULL(@currDecimal, 0); IF @pCurr IS NULL BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode , 'Currency not been defined yet for receiving country' Msg , amountLimitPerDay = @AmountLimitPerDay , customerTotalSentAmt = 0 , maxAmountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerTran , PerTxnMinimumAmt = @AmountLimitPerDay; RETURN; END; SELECT @exRate = dbo.FNAGetCustomerRate(@sCountryId,@sAgent,@sBranch,@collCurr,@pCountryId,@pAgent, @pCurr,@deliveryMethod); DECLARE @sAgentSettRate MONEY SELECT @sAgentSettRate = sAgentSettRate FROM DBO.FNAGetExRate(@sCountryId,@sAgent,@sBranch,@collCurr,@pCountryId,@pAgent,@pCurr,@deliveryMethod) ----## FOR RIA AND CONTACT "LOG" GET ONE TIME RATE FROM PARTNER AND STORE IN TABLE ,"SYSTEM" IS FOR GME RATE,"PARTNER" GET RATE FROM PARTNER END REALTIME IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM TblPartnerwiseCountry(NOLOCK) WHERE AgentId = @payOutPartner AND PaymentMethod = @deliveryMethod AND IsActive = 1 AND GetRateFrom='Log' AND CountryId = @pCountryId) BEGIN SET @exRate = NULL SELECT TOP 1 @exRate = CurrCostRate,@tpPCurr = @pCurr FROM TBL_PARTNER_COST_RATE(NOLOCK) WHERE ProviderId = @payOutPartner AND GETDATE() BETWEEN EffectiveFrom AND EffectiveTo AND ToCurr = @pCurr AND FromCurr = 'USD' ORDER BY CreatedDate desc IF ISNULL(@exRate, 0) = 0 BEGIN SELECT '5' ErrorCode , 'Thirdparty transaction' Msg , PayoutPartner = @payOutPartner, pCountryId = @pCountryId RETURN; END SELECT @exRate = round(@exRate/@sAgentSettRate, 10) END IF @exRate IS NULL BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode , 'Exchange rate not defined yet for receiving currency ('+ @pCurr + ')' Msg , amountLimitPerDay = @AmountLimitPerDay , customerTotalSentAmt = 0 , maxAmountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerTran , PerTxnMinimumAmt = @AmountLimitPerDay; RETURN; END; IF @calBy = 'C' BEGIN IF @pCountryId = 36 BEGIN SET @pAmt = @cAmt * @exRate SELECT @serviceCharge = amount FROM [dbo].FNAGetServiceCharge(@sCountryId,@sSuperAgent,@sAgent,@sBranch, @pCountryId,@pSuperAgent,@pAgent,NULL,@deliveryMethod,@pAmt,@collCurr); END --ELSE IF @pCountryId = 42 AND @pCurr = 'USD' and @deliveryMethod = 2 --BEGIN -- SELECT @serviceCharge = amount -- FROM [dbo].FNAGetServiceCharge(@sCountryId,@sSuperAgent,@sAgent,@sBranch, -- @pCountryId,@pSuperAgent,@pAgent,NULL,@deliveryMethod,@pAmt,'USD'); --END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @serviceCharge = amount FROM [dbo].FNAGetServiceCharge(@sCountryId,@sSuperAgent,@sAgent,@sBranch, @pCountryId,@pSuperAgent,@pAgent,@pBranch,@deliveryMethod,@cAmt,@collCurr); END IF @serviceCharge IS NULL BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode , 'Service charge not defined yet for receiving country' Msg , amountLimitPerDay = @AmountLimitPerDay , customerTotalSentAmt = 0 , maxAmountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerTran , PerTxnMinimumAmt = @AmountLimitPerDay; RETURN; END; SET @tAmt = @cAmt - @serviceCharge; SET @pAmt = ( @cAmt-@serviceCharge ) * @exRate SET @pAmt = ROUND(@pAmt,@currDecimal) END; ELSE IF @calBy = 'P' BEGIN SET @tAmt = @pAmt / @exRate IF @pCountryId = 36 BEGIN SELECT @serviceCharge = amount FROM [dbo].FNAGetServiceCharge(@sCountryId,@sSuperAgent,@sAgent,@sBranch, @pCountryId,@pSuperAgent,@pAgent,NULL,@deliveryMethod,@pAmt,@collCurr); END --ELSE IF @pCountryId = 42 AND @pCurr = 'USD' and @deliveryMethod = 2 --BEGIN -- SELECT @serviceCharge = amount -- FROM [dbo].FNAGetServiceCharge(@sCountryId,@sSuperAgent,@sAgent,@sBranch, -- @pCountryId,@pSuperAgent,@pAgent,NULL,@deliveryMethod,@pAmt,'USD'); --END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @serviceCharge = amount FROM [dbo].FNAGetServiceCharge(@sCountryId,@sSuperAgent,@sAgent,@sBranch, @pCountryId,@pSuperAgent,@pAgent,@pBranch,@deliveryMethod, @tAmt, @collCurr); END IF @serviceCharge IS NULL BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode , 'Service charge not defined yet for receiving country' Msg , amountLimitPerDay = @AmountLimitPerDay , customerTotalSentAmt = 0 , maxAmountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerTran , PerTxnMinimumAmt = @AmountLimitPerDay; RETURN; END; SET @tAmt = ROUND(@tAmt, 2); SET @cAmt = ( @tAmt + @serviceCharge); SET @cAmt = ROUND(@cAmt, 0); END; IF @serviceCharge > @cAmt BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode , 'COLLECTION AMOUNT SHOULD BE MORE THAN SERVICE CHARGE' Msg , amountLimitPerDay = @AmountLimitPerDay , customerTotalSentAmt = 0 , maxAmountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerTran , PerTxnMinimumAmt = @AmountLimitPerDay; RETURN; END; --SELECT cAmt = @tAmt, pAmt = @pAmt, sCountryId = @sCountryId, collMode = NULL -- ,deliveryMethod = @deliveryMethod,sendingCustType = NULL,pCountryId = @pCountryId,pCurr = @pCurr, collCurr = @collCurr -- ,pAgent = @pAgent, sAgent = @sAgent, sBranch = @sBranch --4. Validate Country Sending Limit EXEC PROC_CHECKCOUNTRYLIMIT @flag = 's-limit', @cAmt = @tAmt, @pAmt = @pAmt, @sCountryId = @sCountryId, @collMode = NULL ,@deliveryMethod = @deliveryMethod,@sendingCustType = NULL,@pCountryId = @pCountryId,@pCurr = @pCurr, @collCurr = @collCurr ,@pAgent = @pAgent, @sAgent = @sAgent, @sBranch = @sBranch ,@msg = @msg OUT, @errorCode = @errorCode OUT IF @errorCode <> '0' BEGIN SELECT @errorCode ErrorCode , @msg Msg , amountLimitPerDay = @AmountLimitPerDay , customerTotalSentAmt = 0 , maxAmountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerTran , PerTxnMinimumAmt = @AmountLimitPerDay; RETURN; END --Validate Country Sending Limit END --5. Validate Country Receiving Limit EXEC PROC_CHECKCOUNTRYLIMIT @flag = 'r-limit', @cAmt = @cAmt, @pAmt = @pAmt, @sCountryId = @sCountryId, @collMode = NULL ,@deliveryMethod = @deliveryMethod,@sendingCustType = NULL,@pCountryId = @pCountryId,@pCurr = @pCurr, @collCurr = @collCurr ,@pAgent = @pAgent, @sAgent = @sAgent, @sBranch = @sBranch ,@msg = @msg OUT, @errorCode = @errorCode OUT IF @errorCode <> '0' BEGIN SELECT @errorCode ErrorCode , @msg Msg , amountLimitPerDay = @AmountLimitPerDay , customerTotalSentAmt = 0 , maxAmountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerTran , PerTxnMinimumAmt = @AmountLimitPerDay; RETURN; END --Validate Country Receiving Limit --End of Limit Checking------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SET @msg = 'Success'; ---------Compliance Checking Begin-------------------------------- DECLARE @complianceRuleId INT, @cAmtUSD MONEY,@sCurrCostRate MONEY,@sCurrHoMargin MONEY SELECT @sCurrCostRate = sCurrCostRate ,@sCurrHoMargin = sCurrHoMargin FROM dbo.FNAGetExRate(@sCountryId, @sAgent, @sBranch, @collCurr, @pCountryId, @pAgent, @pCurr, @deliveryMethod) IF @sCurrCostRate IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1', @msg = 'Transaction cannot be proceed. Exchange Rate not defined!' RETURN END SET @cAmtUSD = @cAmt / (@sCurrCostRate + ISNULL(@sCurrHoMargin, 0)) DECLARE @receiverName VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@complienceMessage varchar(1000) =NULL ,@shortMsg varchar(100) =NULL ,@complienceErrorCode TINYINT = NULL --Bank compare DECLARE @bankName VARCHAR(25) = 'Bank', @bankRate MONEY, @bankPayout MONEY, @bankFee MONEY , @bankSave MONEY, @bankTransafer MONEY SELECT @bankRate = customerRate, @bankFee = serviceCharge FROM bankTransferSettings(NOLOCK) SELECT @bankTransafer = @cAmt - @bankFee SELECT @bankPayout = @bankTransafer * @bankRate SELECT @bankSave = @pAmt - @bankPayout SELECT ErrorCode = @errorCode , Msg = @msg , Id = NULL, scCharge = @serviceCharge , exRateDisplay = ROUND(@exRate , 4, -1), exRate = @exRate, place = @place , pCurr = @pCurr , currDecimal = @currDecimal , pAmt = @pAmt , sAmt = ROUND(@tAmt, 0) , disc = 0.00 , --bank data bankTransafer = @bankTransafer, bankPayout = @bankPayout, bankRate = @bankRate, bankFee = @bankFee, bankSave = @bankSave, bankName = @bankName, collAmt = @cAmt , collCurr = @collCurr, exRateOffer = @exRateOffer , scOffer = @scDiscount , scAction = NULL , scValue = @scValue , scDiscount = @scDiscount , amountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerTran , amountLimitPerDay = @AmountLimitPerDay , customerTotalSentAmt = 0 , minAmountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerTran , maxAmountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerDay , PerTxnMinimumAmt = '', tpExRate = @exRate, tpPCurr = @pCurr, schemeAppliedMsg = '', schemeId = 0 END; ELSE IF @flag = 'exRate_TP' BEGIN SELECT @scValue = 0 , @exRateOffer = 0 , @scDiscount = 0 , @AmountLimitPerTran = 3000, @AmountLimitPerDay = 20000 SELECT @place = place , @currDecimal = currDecimal FROM currencyPayoutRound(NOLOCK) WHERE ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' AND currency = @pCurr AND (tranType IS NULL OR tranType = @deliveryMethod); IF @pCountryId IS NULL SELECT @pCountryId = countryId FROM countryMaster (NOLOCK) WHERE countryName = @pCountry SET @currDecimal = ISNULL(@currDecimal, 0); IF @pCurr IS NULL BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode , 'Currency not been defined yet for receiving country' Msg , amountLimitPerDay = @AmountLimitPerDay , customerTotalSentAmt = 0 , maxAmountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerTran , PerTxnMinimumAmt = @AmountLimitPerDay; RETURN; END; SELECT @sAgentSettRate = sAgentSettRate FROM DBO.FNAGetExRate(@sCountryId,@sAgent,@sBranch,@collCurr,@pCountryId,@pAgent,@pCurr,@deliveryMethod) IF ISNULL(@sAgentSettRate, 0) = 0 BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode , 'Exchange rate not defined yet for sending currency (' + @collCurr + ')' Msg , amountLimitPerDay = @AmountLimitPerDay , customerTotalSentAmt = 0 , maxAmountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerTran , PerTxnMinimumAmt = @AmountLimitPerDay; RETURN END ----## FOR RIA AND CONTACT "LOG" GET ONE TIME RATE FROM PARTNER AND STORE IN TABLE ,"SYSTEM" IS FOR GME RATE,"PARTNER" GET RATE FROM PARTNER END REALTIME IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM TblPartnerwiseCountry(NOLOCK) WHERE AgentId = @payOutPartner AND PaymentMethod = @deliveryMethod AND IsActive = 1 AND GetRateFrom='Log') BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @tpExRate = CurrCostRate,@tpPCurr = @pCurr FROM TBL_PARTNER_COST_RATE(NOLOCK) WHERE ProviderId = @payOutPartner AND GETDATE() BETWEEN EffectiveFrom AND EffectiveTo AND ToCurr = @pCurr AND FromCurr = 'USD' ORDER BY CreatedDate desc IF ISNULL(@tpExRate, 0) = 0 BEGIN SELECT '5' ErrorCode , 'Thirdparty transaction' Msg , PayoutPartner = @payOutPartner, pCountryId = @pCountryId RETURN END END ELSE IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM TblPartnerwiseCountry(NOLOCK) WHERE AgentId = @payOutPartner AND PaymentMethod = @deliveryMethod AND IsActive = 1 AND GetRateFrom='LIVE' AND PartnerRate = 1) BEGIN IF ISNULL(@tpExRate, 0) = 0 BEGIN SELECT '5' ErrorCode , 'Thirdparty transaction' Msg , PayoutPartner = @payOutPartner, pCountryId = @pCountryId RETURN END END --IF ISNULL(@tpExRate, 0) = 0 --BEGIN -- SELECT '1' ErrorCode , -- 'Third Party Exchange rate fetching error for currency (' + @pCurr + ')' Msg , -- amountLimitPerDay = @AmountLimitPerDay , -- customerTotalSentAmt = 0 , -- maxAmountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerTran , -- PerTxnMinimumAmt = @AmountLimitPerDay; -- RETURN --END IF @tpExRate IS NOT NULL SELECT @exRate = round(@tpExRate/@sAgentSettRate, 10) ELSE SELECT @exRate = dbo.FNAGetCustomerRate(@sCountryId,@sAgent,@sBranch,@collCurr,@pCountryId,@pAgent, @pCurr,@deliveryMethod); IF @exRate IS NULL BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode , 'Exchange rate not defined yet for receiving currency ('+ @pCurr + ')' Msg , amountLimitPerDay = @AmountLimitPerDay , customerTotalSentAmt = 0 , maxAmountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerTran , PerTxnMinimumAmt = @AmountLimitPerDay; RETURN; END; IF @calBy = 'C' BEGIN SELECT @serviceCharge = amount FROM [dbo].FNAGetServiceCharge(@sCountryId,@sSuperAgent,@sAgent,@sBranch, @pCountryId,@pSuperAgent,@pAgent,@pBranch,@deliveryMethod,@cAmt,@collCurr); IF @pCountryId = 42 AND @pCurr = 'USD' and @deliveryMethod = 2 BEGIN SELECT @serviceCharge = amount FROM [dbo].FNAGetServiceCharge(@sCountryId,@sSuperAgent,@sAgent,@sBranch, @pCountryId,@pSuperAgent,@pAgent,@pBranch,@deliveryMethod,@cAmt,'USD'); END IF @serviceCharge IS NULL BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode , 'Service charge not defined yet for receiving country' Msg , amountLimitPerDay = @AmountLimitPerDay , customerTotalSentAmt = 0 , maxAmountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerTran , PerTxnMinimumAmt = @AmountLimitPerDay; RETURN; END; SET @tAmt = @cAmt - @serviceCharge+ @scDiscount; SET @pAmt = ( @cAmt - @serviceCharge+ @scDiscount ) * ( @exRate+ @exRateOffer ); SET @pAmt = ROUND(@pAmt,0) END; ELSE IF @calBy = 'P' BEGIN SET @tAmt = @pAmt / ( @exRate+ @exRateOffer ); SELECT @serviceCharge = amount FROM [dbo].FNAGetServiceCharge(@sCountryId,@sSuperAgent,@sAgent,@sBranch, @pCountryId,@pSuperAgent,@pAgent,@pBranch,@deliveryMethod, @tAmt, @collCurr); IF @pCountryId = 42 AND @pCurr = 'USD' and @deliveryMethod = 2 BEGIN SELECT @serviceCharge = amount FROM [dbo].FNAGetServiceCharge(@sCountryId,@sSuperAgent,@sAgent,@sBranch, @pCountryId,@pSuperAgent,@pAgent,@pBranch,@deliveryMethod, @tAmt, 'USD'); END IF @serviceCharge IS NULL BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode , 'Service charge not defined yet for receiving country' Msg , amountLimitPerDay = @AmountLimitPerDay , customerTotalSentAmt = 0 , maxAmountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerTran , PerTxnMinimumAmt = @AmountLimitPerDay; RETURN; END; SET @tAmt = ROUND(@tAmt, 2); SET @cAmt = ( @tAmt + @serviceCharge - @scDiscount ); SET @cAmt = ROUND(@cAmt, 0); END; IF @serviceCharge > @cAmt BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode , 'COLLECTION AMOUNT SHOULD BE MORE THAN SERVICE CHARGE' Msg , amountLimitPerDay = @AmountLimitPerDay , customerTotalSentAmt = 0 , maxAmountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerTran , PerTxnMinimumAmt = @AmountLimitPerDay; RETURN; END; --4. Validate Country Sending Limit EXEC PROC_CHECKCOUNTRYLIMIT @flag = 's-limit', @cAmt = @cAmt, @pAmt = @pAmt, @sCountryId = @sCountryId, @collMode = NULL ,@deliveryMethod = @deliveryMethod,@sendingCustType = NULL,@pCountryId = @pCountryId,@pCurr = @pCurr, @collCurr = @collCurr ,@pAgent = @pAgent, @sAgent = @sAgent, @sBranch = @sBranch ,@msg = @msg OUT, @errorCode = @errorCode OUT IF @errorCode <> '0' BEGIN SELECT @errorCode ErrorCode , @msg Msg , amountLimitPerDay = @AmountLimitPerDay , customerTotalSentAmt = 0 , maxAmountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerTran , PerTxnMinimumAmt = @AmountLimitPerDay; RETURN; END --Validate Country Sending Limit END --5. Validate Country Receiving Limit EXEC PROC_CHECKCOUNTRYLIMIT @flag = 'r-limit', @cAmt = @cAmt, @pAmt = @pAmt, @sCountryId = @sCountryId, @collMode = NULL ,@deliveryMethod = @deliveryMethod,@sendingCustType = NULL,@pCountryId = @pCountryId,@pCurr = @pCurr, @collCurr = @collCurr ,@pAgent = @pAgent, @sAgent = @sAgent, @sBranch = @sBranch ,@msg = @msg OUT, @errorCode = @errorCode OUT IF @errorCode <> '0' BEGIN SELECT @errorCode ErrorCode , @msg Msg , amountLimitPerDay = @AmountLimitPerDay , customerTotalSentAmt = 0 , maxAmountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerTran , PerTxnMinimumAmt = @AmountLimitPerDay; RETURN; END --Validate Country Receiving Limit SET @msg = 'Success'; ---------Validation Begin-------------------------------- SELECT @sCurrCostRate = sCurrCostRate ,@sCurrHoMargin = sCurrHoMargin FROM dbo.FNAGetExRate(@sCountryId, @sAgent, @sBranch, @collCurr, @pCountryId, @pAgent, @pCurr, @deliveryMethod) IF @sCurrCostRate IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1', @msg = 'Transaction cannot be proceed. Exchange Rate not defined!' RETURN END SET @cAmtUSD = @cAmt / (@sCurrCostRate + ISNULL(@sCurrHoMargin, 0)) SELECT @bankRate = customerRate, @bankFee = serviceCharge FROM bankTransferSettings(NOLOCK) SELECT @bankTransafer = @cAmt - @bankFee SELECT @bankPayout = @bankTransafer * @bankRate SELECT @bankSave = @pAmt - @bankPayout SELECT ErrorCode = @errorCode , Msg = @msg , Id = NULL, scCharge = @serviceCharge , exRateDisplay = ROUND(@exRate , 4, -1), exRate = @exRate, place = @place , pCurr = @pCurr , currDecimal = @currDecimal , pAmt = @pAmt , sAmt = ROUND(@tAmt, 0) , disc = 0.00 , --bank data bankTransafer = @bankTransafer, bankPayout = @bankPayout, bankRate = @bankRate, bankFee = @bankFee, bankSave = @bankSave, bankName = @bankName, collAmt = @cAmt , collCurr = @collCurr, exRateOffer = @exRateOffer , scOffer = @scDiscount , scAction = NULL , scValue = @scValue , scDiscount = @scDiscount , amountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerTran , amountLimitPerDay = @AmountLimitPerDay , customerTotalSentAmt = 0, minAmountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerTran , maxAmountLimitPerTran = @AmountLimitPerDay , PerTxnMinimumAmt = '', tpExRate = @tpExRate, tpPCurr = @tpPCurr, schemeAppliedMsg = '', schemeId = 0, couponType='', discountType='', discountvalue='', discountPercent='' END GO