USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_KJDepositReport] Script Date: 7/4/2019 11:35:48 AM ******/ DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_KJDepositReport] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_KJDepositReport] Script Date: 7/4/2019 11:35:48 AM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[proc_KJDepositReport] @flag varchar(10), @startDate varchar(10), @endDate varchar(20), @user varchar(40), @searchType varchar(30) = null, @searchValue varchar(150) = null as set nocount on if @flag = 's' begin select [Bank Name] = k.BankName,[Sum Amount] = sum(d.amount),[No of Txn] = count(1) from TblVirtualBankDepositDetail d(nolock) LEFT join KoreanBankList k on k.bankCode = d.institution where d.logDate between @startDate and @endDate+' 23:59:59' group by k.BankName end if @flag = 'd' begin select [Bank Name] =k.BankName,[Received On] = d.receivedOn ,[Customer Name] = CASE WHEN d.customerName ='Nnull' THEN D.depositor ELSE d.customerName END ,[Primary Ac No] =,[Virtual Ac No] = d.virtualAccountNo,[Amount] = d.amount from TblVirtualBankDepositDetail d(nolock) LEFT join KoreanBankList k on k.bankCode = d.institution where d.logDate between @startDate and @endDate+' 23:59:59' end if @flag = 'statement' begin DECLARE @customerId BIGINT DECLARE @table TABLE (customerId BIGINT, email VARCHAR(150)) if @searchValue is not null begin DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(150) = 'SELECT customerId, email FROM customerMaster CM (NOLOCK) WHERE 1 = 1 ' DECLARE @sqlFilter VARCHAR(200) = '' IF ISNULL(@searchValue,'')<>'' AND ISNULL(@searchType,'')<>'' BEGIN IF @searchType='idNumber' BEGIN --IF ISNUMERIC(@searchValue)<>1 -- SET @searchValue='-1' --to ignore string value for datatype integer/customerID --SET @sql_Filter=@sql_Filter + ' AND customerId = ''' +@searchValue+'''' SET @sqlFilter=@sqlFilter + ' AND REPLACE(idNumber, ''-'', '''') = ''' +REPLACE(@searchValue, '-', '')+'''' END ELSE IF @searchType='emailId' SET @sqlFilter=@sqlFilter + ' AND email like ''' +@searchValue+'%''' ELSE IF @searchType='customerName' SET @sqlFilter=@sqlFilter + ' AND fullName like ''' +@searchValue+'%''' ELSE IF @searchType='mobile' SET @sqlFilter=@sqlFilter + ' AND mobile = ''' +@searchValue+'''' ELSE IF @searchType='walletAccountNo' SET @sqlFilter=@sqlFilter + ' AND walletAccountNo = ''' +@searchValue+'''' ELSE IF @searchType='bankAccountNo' SET @sqlFilter=@sqlFilter + ' AND bankAccountNo = ''' +@searchValue+'''' END INSERT INTO @table(customerId, email) EXEC(@sql+@sqlFilter) end select sum(amount) amount,virtualAccountNo,,(c.availableBalance) availableBalance ,c.FullName into #temp from TblVirtualBankDepositDetail t(nolock) inner join customermaster c(nolock) on c.walletAccountNo = t.virtualAccountNo WHERE T.logDate between @startDate and @endDate+' 23:59:59' group by virtualAccountNo,,c.availableBalance,c.FullName select createdBy,sum(camt) camt into #txn from remittran(nolock) where tranStatus <> 'cancel' AND createdDate between @startDate and @endDate+' 23:59:59' group by createdBy if @searchValue is not null begin select FullName,,T.virtualAccountNo,sum(t.amount)'Deposited Amount', sum(camt) 'Send Amount',sum(t.amount-camt) 'Available Balance' ,(t.availableBalance) 'Balance Seen In System' from #temp t left join #txn x on x.createdBy = inner join @table tmp on = group by,T.virtualAccountNo,t.availableBalance,FullName end else begin select FullName,,T.virtualAccountNo,sum(t.amount)'Deposited Amount', sum(camt) 'Send Amount',sum(t.amount-camt) 'Available Balance' ,(t.availableBalance) 'Balance Seen In System' from #temp t left join #txn x on = x.createdBy group by,T.virtualAccountNo,t.availableBalance,FullName --having sum(t.amount-x.camt-T.availableBalance) >0 --having sum(t.amount-camt) <> (t.availableBalance) end end EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'From Date ' head,@startDate value union all SELECT 'To Date ' head,@endDate value SELECT 'Bank Deposit Report' title GO