USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_creditLimitInt] Script Date: 7/4/2019 11:35:48 AM ******/ DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_creditLimitInt] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_creditLimitInt] Script Date: 7/4/2019 11:35:48 AM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROC [dbo].[proc_creditLimitInt] @flag VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@user VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@crLimitId VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@agentId INT = NULL ,@parentAgentId INT = NULL ,@currency VARCHAR(3) = NULL ,@limitAmt MONEY = NULL ,@perTopUpAmt MONEY = NULL ,@maxLimitAmt MONEY = NULL ,@expiryDate DATETIME = NULL ,@todaysAddedMaxLimit MONEY = NULL ,@agentName VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@agentCountry VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@agentDistrict VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@agentLocation VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@createdBy VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@approvedBy VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@currencyCode VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@haschanged CHAR(1) = NULL ,@sortBy VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@sortOrder VARCHAR(5) = NULL ,@pageSize INT = NULL ,@pageNumber INT = NULL AS SET NOCOUNT ON SET XACT_ABORT ON BEGIN TRY CREATE TABLE #msg(errorCode INT, msg VARCHAR(100), id INT) DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(MAX) ,@oldValue VARCHAR(MAX) ,@newValue VARCHAR(MAX) ,@module VARCHAR(10) ,@tableAlias VARCHAR(100) ,@logIdentifier VARCHAR(50) ,@logParamMod VARCHAR(100) ,@logParamMain VARCHAR(100) ,@table VARCHAR(MAX) ,@select_field_list VARCHAR(MAX) ,@extra_field_list VARCHAR(MAX) ,@sql_filter VARCHAR(MAX) ,@id VARCHAR(10) ,@modType VARCHAR(6) ,@ApprovedFunctionId INT SELECT @ApprovedFunctionId =30011020 ,@logIdentifier = 'crLimitId' ,@logParamMain = 'creditLimitInt' ,@logParamMod = 'creditLimitIntHistory' ,@module = '20' ,@tableAlias = 'Credit Limit' DECLARE @gl_code INT = 1 ,@acctNum VARCHAR(30) ,@acBalCurrId INT ,@acBalCurr VARCHAR(3) ,@todaysSentCount INT ,@todaysSentAmount MONEY ,@todaysPaidCount INT ,@todaysPaidAmount MONEY ,@todaysCancelledCount INT ,@todaysCancelledAmount MONEY CREATE TABLE #agentId(agentId INT) IF @flag = 'detail' BEGIN DECLARE @todaysDate VARCHAR(50) SET @todaysDate = CONVERT(VARCHAR, GETDATE(), 101) --SELECT @acctNum = acct_num, @acBalCurrId = ac_currency FROM ac_master WHERE gl_code = @gl_code AND agent_id = @agentId SELECT @acBalCurr = currencyCode FROM currencyMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE currencyId = @acBalCurrId SELECT @todaysSentCount = COUNT(id), @todaysSentAmount = SUM(tAmt) FROM remitTran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE (sBranch = @agentId OR sAgent = @agentId) AND approvedDate BETWEEN @todaysDate AND @todaysDate + ' 23:59:59' SELECT @todaysPaidCount = COUNT(id), @todaysPaidAmount = SUM(pAmt) FROM remitTran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE (pBranch = @agentId OR pAgent = @agentId) AND paidDate BETWEEN @todaysDate AND @todaysDate + ' 23:59:59' SELECT @todaysCancelledCount = COUNT(id), @todaysCancelledAmount = SUM(tAmt) FROM remitTran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE (sBranch = @agentId OR sAgent = @agentId) AND cancelApprovedDate BETWEEN @todaysDate AND @todaysDate + ' 23:59:59' SELECT currentBalance = ISNULL(dbo.FNAGetACBal(@acctNum), 0) ,currentAvailable = ISNULL(dbo.FNAGetLimitBal(@agentId), 0) ,acBalCurr = @acBalCurr ,todaysSentCount = ISNULL(@todaysSentCount, 0) ,todaysSentAmount = ISNULL(@todaysSentAmount, 0) ,sentAmountCurr = 'NPR' ,todaysPaidCount = ISNULL(@todaysPaidCount, 0) ,todaysPaidAmount = ISNULL(@todaysPaidAmount, 0) ,paidAmountCurr = 'NPR' ,todaysCancelledCount = ISNULL(@todaysCancelledCount, 0) ,todaysCancelledAmount = ISNULL(@todaysCancelledAmount, 0) ,cancelledAmountCurr = 'NPR' END ELSE IF @flag = 'i' BEGIN IF (@limitAmt > @maxLimitAmt) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Limit Amount defined greater than Max Limit Amt', @crLimitId RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM agentMaster WHERE agentId = @agentId AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Agent is not active', @agentId RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT 'A' FROM dbo.creditLimitInt (NOLOCK ) WHERE agentId = @agentId) BEGIN SELECT '1','Limit has already been setup for this agent',NULL RETURN END BEGIN TRANSACTION INSERT INTO creditLimitInt ( agentId ,currency ,limitAmt ,perTopUpAmt ,maxLimitAmt ,expiryDate ,todaysAddedMaxLimit ,createdBy ,createdDate ) SELECT @agentId ,@currency ,@limitAmt ,@perTopUpAmt ,@maxLimitAmt ,@expiryDate ,@todaysAddedMaxLimit ,@user ,GETDATE() SET @crLimitId = SCOPE_IDENTITY() INSERT INTO creditLimitIntHistory( crLimitId ,agentId ,currency ,limitAmt ,perTopUpAmt ,maxLimitAmt ,expiryDate ,createdBy ,createdDate ,modType ,status ) SELECT @crLimitId ,@agentId ,@currency ,@limitAmt ,@perTopUpAmt ,@maxLimitAmt ,@expiryDate ,@user ,GETDATE() ,'I' ,'Requested' IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Record has been added successfully.', @crLimitId END ELSE IF @flag = 'a' BEGIN IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM creditLimitIntHistory WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId AND createdBy = @user AND approvedBy IS NULL ) BEGIN SELECT mode.* ,CONVERT(VARCHAR,mode.expiryDate,101) expiryDate1 FROM creditLimitIntHistory mode WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN creditLimitInt main WITH(NOLOCK) ON mode.crLimitId = main.crLimitId WHERE mode.crLimitId= @crLimitId AND mode.approvedBy IS NULL END ELSE BEGIN SELECT * ,CONVERT(VARCHAR,expiryDate,101) expiryDate1 FROM creditLimitInt WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId END END ELSE IF @flag = 'u' BEGIN IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM creditLimitInt WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId AND ( createdBy <> @user AND approvedBy IS NULL) ) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'You can not modify this record. Previous modification has not been approved yet1.', @crLimitId RETURN END IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM creditLimitIntHistory WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId AND (createdBy<> @user AND approvedBy IS NULL) ) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'You can not modify this record. Previous modification has not been approved yet2.', @crLimitId RETURN END IF (@limitAmt > @maxLimitAmt) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Limit Amount defined greater than Max Limit Amt', @crLimitId RETURN END BEGIN TRANSACTION IF EXISTS (SELECT 'X' FROM creditLimitInt WHERE approvedBy IS NULL AND crLimitId = @crLimitId) BEGIN UPDATE creditLimitInt SET agentId = @agentId ,currency = @currency ,limitAmt = @limitAmt ,perTopUpAmt = @perTopUpAmt ,maxLimitAmt = @maxLimitAmt ,expiryDate = @expiryDate ,todaysAddedMaxLimit = @todaysAddedMaxLimit ,modifiedBy = @user ,modifiedDate = GETDATE() WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId UPDATE creditLimitIntHistory SET agentId = @agentId ,currency = @currency ,limitAmt = @limitAmt ,perTopUpAmt = @perTopUpAmt ,maxLimitAmt = @maxLimitAmt ,expiryDate = @expiryDate WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId END ELSE BEGIN DELETE FROM creditLimitIntHistory WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId AND approvedBy IS NULL INSERT INTO creditLimitIntHistory( crLimitId ,agentId ,currency ,limitAmt ,perTopUpAmt ,maxLimitAmt ,expiryDate ,createdBy ,createdDate ,modType ,status ) SELECT @crLimitId ,@agentId ,@currency ,@limitAmt ,@perTopUpAmt ,@maxLimitAmt ,@expiryDate ,@user ,GETDATE() ,'U' ,'Requested' END IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Record updated successfully.', @crLimitId END ELSE IF @flag = 'd' BEGIN IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM creditLimitInt WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId AND (createdBy <> @user AND approvedBy IS NULL) ) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'You can not delete this record. Previous modification has not been approved yet.', @crLimitId RETURN END IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM creditLimitIntHistory WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId AND approvedBy IS NULL ) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'You can not delete this record. Previous modification has not been approved yet.', @crLimitId RETURN END SELECT @agentId = agentId FROM creditLimitInt WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM creditLimitInt WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId AND approvedBy IS NULL AND createdBy = @user) BEGIN DELETE FROM creditLimitInt WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Record deleted successfully.', @agentId RETURN END INSERT INTO creditLimitIntHistory( crLimitId ,agentId ,currency ,limitAmt ,perTopUpAmt ,maxLimitAmt ,expiryDate ,createdBy ,createdDate ,modType ) SELECT crLimitId ,agentId ,currency ,limitAmt ,perTopUpAmt ,maxLimitAmt ,expiryDate ,@user ,GETDATE() ,'D' FROM creditLimitInt WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId SET @modType = 'delete' EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Record deleted successfully.', @agentId END ELSE IF @flag = 's' BEGIN DECLARE @hasRight CHAR(1) SET @hasRight = 'Y' IF @sortBy IS NULL SET @sortBy = 'agentName' IF @sortOrder IS NULL SET @sortOrder = 'ASC' SET @table = '( SELECT crLimitId = ISNULL(mode.crLimitId, main.crLimitId) ,agentId = ISNULL(mode.agentId, main.agentId) ,currency = ISNULL(mode.currency, main.currency) ,limitAmt = ISNULL(mode.limitAmt, main.limitAmt) ,perTopUpAmt = ISNULL(mode.perTopUpAmt, main.perTopUpAmt) ,maxLimitAmt = ISNULL(mode.maxLimitAmt, main.maxLimitAmt) ,expiryDate = ISNULL(mode.expiryDate, main.expiryDate) ,main.topUpTillYesterday ,main.topUpToday ,main.todaysSent ,main.todaysPaid ,main.todaysCancelled ,main.lienAmt ,main.createdBy ,main.createdDate ,modifiedDate = CASE WHEN main.approvedBy IS NULL THEN main.createdDate ELSE ISNULL(mode.createdDate, main.modifiedDate) END ,modifiedBy = CASE WHEN main.approvedBy IS NULL THEN main.createdBy ELSE ISNULL(mode.createdBy, main.modifiedBy) END ,hasChanged = CASE WHEN (main.approvedBy IS NULL) OR (mode.crLimitId IS NOT NULL) THEN ''Y'' ELSE ''N'' END FROM creditLimitInt main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN creditLimitIntHistory mode ON main.crLimitId = mode.crLimitId AND mode.approvedBy IS NULL AND ( mode.createdBy = ''' + @user + ''' OR ''Y'' = ''' + @hasRight + ''' ) WHERE ISNULL(main.isDeleted, ''N'') <> ''Y'' AND ( main.approvedBy IS NOT NULL OR main.createdBy = ''' + @user + ''' OR ''Y'' = ''' + @hasRight + ''' ) ) ' print @table SET @table = '( SELECT main.crLimitId ,am.agentId ,am.agentName ,am.agentCountry ,am.agentCountryId ,main.currency ,limitAmt = ISNULL(CAST(main.limitAmt AS VARCHAR), ''N/A'') ,maxLimitAmt = ISNULL(CAST(main.maxLimitAmt AS VARCHAR), ''N/A'') ,perTopUpAmt = ISNULL(CAST(main.perTopUpAmt AS VARCHAR), ''N/A'') ,expiryDate = ISNULL(CAST(main.expiryDate AS VARCHAR), ''N/A'') ,main.createdBy ,main.createdDate ,main.modifiedBy ,haschanged FROM agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN ' + @table + ' main ON am.agentId = main.agentId WHERE am.isSettlingAgent = ''Y'' and am.parentId = '+cast(@parentAgentId as varchar)+' --WHERE am.isSettlingAgent = ''N'' and am.parentId = '+cast(@parentAgentId as varchar)+' ) x ' SET @sql_filter = '' IF @haschanged IS NOT NULL SET @sql_filter = @sql_filter + ' AND haschanged = ''' + CAST(@haschanged AS VARCHAR) + '''' IF @agentCountry IS NOT NULL SET @sql_filter = @sql_filter + ' AND ISNULL(agentCountry, '''') = ''' + @agentCountry + '''' IF @agentDistrict IS NOT NULL SET @sql_filter = @sql_filter + ' AND ISNULL(agentDistrict, '''') = ''' + @agentDistrict + '''' IF @agentName IS NOT NULL SET @sql_filter = @sql_filter + ' AND ISNULL(agentName, '''') LIKE ''%' + @agentName + '%''' IF @agentLocation IS NOT NULL SET @sql_filter = @sql_filter + ' AND ISNULL(agentLocation, '''') =''' + @agentLocation + '''' SET @select_field_list =' crLimitId ,agentId ,agentName ,agentCountry ,agentCountryId ,currency ,limitAmt ,perTopUpAmt ,maxLimitAmt ,expiryDate ,createdBy ,createdDate ,modifiedBy ,haschanged ' print @sql EXEC dbo.proc_paging @table ,@sql_filter ,@select_field_list ,@extra_field_list ,@sortBy ,@sortOrder ,@pageSize ,@pageNumber END ELSE IF @flag = 'simpleGrid' BEGIN IF @sortBy IS NULL SET @sortBy = 'agentName' IF @sortOrder IS NULL SET @sortOrder = 'ASC' SET @table = '( SELECT crLimitId = ISNULL(mode.crLimitId, main.crLimitId) ,agentId = ISNULL(mode.agentId, main.agentId) ,currency = ISNULL(mode.currency, main.currency) ,limitAmt = ISNULL(mode.limitAmt, main.limitAmt) ,perTopUpAmt = ISNULL(mode.perTopUpAmt, main.perTopUpAmt) ,maxLimitAmt = ISNULL(mode.maxLimitAmt, main.maxLimitAmt) ,expiryDate = ISNULL(mode.expiryDate, main.expiryDate) ,main.topUpTillYesterday ,main.topUpToday ,main.todaysSent ,main.todaysPaid ,main.todaysCancelled ,main.lienAmt ,main.createdBy ,main.createdDate ,modifiedDate = CASE WHEN main.approvedBy IS NULL THEN main.createdDate ELSE ISNULL(mode.createdDate, main.modifiedDate) END ,modifiedBy = CASE WHEN main.approvedBy IS NULL THEN main.createdBy ELSE ISNULL(mode.createdBy, main.modifiedBy) END ,hasChanged = CASE WHEN (main.approvedBy IS NULL) OR (mode.crLimitId IS NOT NULL) THEN ''Y'' ELSE ''N'' END FROM creditLimitInt main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN creditLimitIntHistory mode ON main.crLimitId = mode.crLimitId AND mode.approvedBy IS NULL AND ( mode.createdBy = ''' + @user + ''' OR ''Y'' = dbo.FNAHasRight(''' + @user + ''',' + CAST(@ApprovedFunctionId AS VARCHAR) + ') ) WHERE ISNULL(main.isDeleted, ''N'') <> ''Y'' AND ( main.approvedBy IS NOT NULL OR main.createdBy = ''' + @user + ''' OR ''Y'' = dbo.FNAHasRight(''' + @user + ''',' + CAST(@ApprovedFunctionId AS VARCHAR) + ') ) ) ' IF @user IN ('admin', 'imeadmin') BEGIN SET @table = '( SELECT main.crLimitId ,am.agentId ,am.agentName ,am.agentCountry ,am.agentDistrict ,am.agentLocation ,currency = ISNULL(cm.currencyCode, ''N/A'') ,limitAmt = ISNULL(CAST(main.limitAmt AS VARCHAR), ''N/A'') ,maxLimitAmt = ISNULL(CAST(main.maxLimitAmt AS VARCHAR), ''N/A'') ,perTopUpAmt = ISNULL(CAST(main.perTopUpAmt AS VARCHAR), ''N/A'') --,currentBalance = v.clr_bal_amt --,availableLimit = dbo.FNAGetLimitBal(am.agentId) --,availableLimit = main.limitamt + main.topUpTillYesterday + main.topUpToday - V.todaysSend + V.todaysPaid + V.todaysCancel + v.clr_bal_amt - main.lienAmt ,expiryDate = ISNULL(CAST(main.expiryDate AS VARCHAR), ''N/A'') --,limitToppedUp = ISNULL(main.topUpTillYesterday, 0) + ISNULL(main.topUpToday, 0) --,todaysSent = V.todaysSend --,todaysPaid = V.todaysPaid --,todaysCancelled = V.todaysCancel ,main.createdBy ,main.createdDate ,main.modifiedBy ,haschanged FROM agentMaster am --INNER JOIN [].FastMoneyPro_account.dbo.vWAgentClrBal V ON V.map_code = am.mapCodeInt LEFT JOIN ' + @table + ' main ON am.agentId = main.agentId LEFT JOIN currencyMaster cm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.currency = cm.currencyCode WHERE am.isSettlingAgent = ''Y'' ) x ' END ELSE BEGIN /* IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#agentId') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #agentId*/ --CREATE TABLE #agentId(agentId INT) INSERT INTO #agentId SELECT agentId FROM agentMaster WHERE ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' DELETE FROM #agentId FROM #agentId ag INNER JOIN agentGroupMaping agm ON agm.agentId = ag.agentId WHERE agm.groupCat = '6900' AND ISNULL(agm.isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' INSERT INTO #agentId SELECT DISTINCT agm.agentId FROM userGroupMapping ugm INNER JOIN agentGroupMaping agm ON agm.groupDetail = ugm.groupDetail AND ISNULL(agm.isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' AND ISNULL(ugm.isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' WHERE ugm.userName = @user SET @table = '( SELECT main.crLimitId ,am.agentId ,am.agentName ,am.agentCountry ,am.agentDistrict ,am.agentLocation ,currency = ISNULL(cm.currencyCode, ''N/A'') ,limitAmt = ISNULL(CAST(main.limitAmt AS VARCHAR), ''N/A'') ,maxLimitAmt = ISNULL(CAST(main.maxLimitAmt AS VARCHAR), ''N/A'') ,perTopUpAmt = ISNULL(CAST(main.perTopUpAmt AS VARCHAR), ''N/A'') ,expiryDate = ISNULL(CAST(main.expiryDate AS VARCHAR), ''N/A'') ,main.createdBy ,main.createdDate ,main.modifiedBy ,haschanged FROM agentMaster am INNER JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT agentId FROM #agentId )ag ON am.agentId = ag.agentId --INNER JOIN [].FastMoneyPro_account.dbo.vWAgentClrBal V ON V.map_code = am.mapCodeInt LEFT JOIN ' + @table + ' main ON am.agentId = main.agentId LEFT JOIN currencyMaster cm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.currency = cm.currencyCode WHERE am.isSettlingAgent = ''Y'' ) x ' END SET @sql_filter = '' IF @haschanged IS NOT NULL SET @sql_filter = @sql_filter + ' AND haschanged = ''' + CAST(@haschanged AS VARCHAR) + '''' IF @agentCountry IS NOT NULL SET @sql_filter = @sql_filter + ' AND ISNULL(agentCountry, '''') = ''' + @agentCountry + '''' IF @agentDistrict IS NOT NULL SET @sql_filter = @sql_filter + ' AND ISNULL(agentDistrict, '''') = ''' + @agentDistrict + '''' IF @agentName IS NOT NULL SET @sql_filter = @sql_filter + ' AND ISNULL(agentName, '''') LIKE ''%' + @agentName + '%''' IF @agentLocation IS NOT NULL SET @sql_filter = @sql_filter + ' AND ISNULL(agentLocation, '''') =''' + @agentLocation + '''' SET @select_field_list =' crLimitId ,agentId ,agentName ,agentCountry ,agentDistrict ,agentLocation ,currency ,limitAmt ,perTopUpAmt ,maxLimitAmt ,expiryDate ,createdBy ,createdDate ,modifiedBy ,haschanged ' EXEC dbo.proc_paging @table ,@sql_filter ,@select_field_list ,@extra_field_list ,@sortBy ,@sortOrder ,@pageSize ,@pageNumber END ELSE IF @flag='history' BEGIN IF @sortBy IS NULL SET @sortBy = 'approvedDate' IF @sortOrder IS NULL SET @sortOrder = 'Desc' SET @table = '( select ROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDER BY a.rowid desc) sn ,b.currencyCode ,limitAmt ,perTopUpAmt ,maxLimitAmt ,expiryDate ,a.createdBy ,a.approvedBy ,a.approvedDate ,haschanged=''Y'' ,modifiedBy='''' from creditLimitIntHistory a with(nolock) inner join currencyMaster b with(nolock) on a.currency=b.currencyId where agentId=''' + cast(@agentId as varchar) + ''' ) x ' SET @sql_filter = '' IF @createdBy IS NOT NULL SET @sql_filter = @sql_filter + ' AND ISNULL(createdBy, '''') LIKE ''%' + @currencyCode + '%''' IF @approvedBy IS NOT NULL SET @sql_filter = @sql_filter + ' AND ISNULL(approvedBy, '''') LIKE ''%' + @currencyCode + '%''' IF @currencyCode IS NOT NULL SET @sql_filter = @sql_filter + ' AND ISNULL(currencyCode, '''') LIKE ''%' + @currencyCode + '%''' SET @select_field_list =' sn ,currencyCode ,limitAmt ,perTopUpAmt ,maxLimitAmt ,expiryDate ,createdBy ,approvedBy ,approvedDate ,haschanged ,modifiedBy ' EXEC dbo.proc_paging @table ,@sql_filter ,@select_field_list ,@extra_field_list ,@sortBy ,@sortOrder ,@pageSize ,@pageNumber END ELSE IF @flag = 'reject' BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM creditLimitInt WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId ) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM creditLimitInt WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId AND approvedBy IS NULL ) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, '
Modification approval is not pending.
', @crLimitId RETURN END IF EXISTS (SELECT 'X' FROM creditLimitInt WHERE approvedBy IS NULL AND crLimitId = @crLimitId) BEGIN --New record BEGIN TRANSACTION SET @modType = 'Reject' EXEC [dbo].proc_GetColumnToRow @logParamMain, @logIdentifier, @crLimitId, @oldValue OUTPUT INSERT INTO #msg(errorCode, msg, id) EXEC proc_applicationLogs 'i', NULL, @modType, @tableAlias, @crLimitId, @user, @oldValue, @newValue IF EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM #msg WHERE errorCode <> '0') BEGIN IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Failed to reject the transaction.', @crLimitId RETURN END DELETE FROM creditLimitInt WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId UPDATE creditLimitIntHistory SET status='Rejected',approvedBy=@user,approvedDate=GETDATE() where crLimitId = @crLimitId --update FROM creditLimitInt WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION END ELSE BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION SET @modType = 'Reject' EXEC [dbo].proc_GetColumnToRow @logParamMain, @logIdentifier, @crLimitId, @oldValue OUTPUT INSERT INTO #msg(errorCode, msg, id) EXEC proc_applicationLogs 'i', NULL, @modType, @tableAlias, @crLimitId, @user, @oldValue, @newValue IF EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM #msg WHERE errorCode <> '0') BEGIN IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Failed to reject the transaction.', @crLimitId RETURN END --DELETE FROM creditLimitIntHistory WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId AND approvedBy IS NULL UPDATE creditLimitIntHistory SET status='Rejected',approvedBy=@user,approvedDate=GETDATE() where crLimitId = @crLimitId IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION END EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Changes rejected successfully.', @crLimitId END ELSE IF @flag = 'approve' BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM creditLimitInt WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId ) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM creditLimitInt WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId AND approvedBy IS NULL ) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, '
Modification approval is not pending.
', @crLimitId RETURN END BEGIN TRANSACTION IF EXISTS (SELECT 'X' FROM creditLimitInt WHERE approvedBy IS NULL AND crLimitId = @crLimitId ) SET @modType = 'I' ELSE SELECT @modType = modType FROM creditLimitIntHistory WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId AND approvedBy IS NULL IF @modType = 'I' BEGIN --New record UPDATE creditLimitInt SET isActive = 'Y' ,approvedBy = @user ,approvedDate= GETDATE() WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId UPDATE creditLimitIntHistory SET approvedBy = @user ,approvedDate= GETDATE() ,status='Approved' WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId EXEC [dbo].proc_GetColumnToRow @logParamMain, @logIdentifier, @crLimitId, @newValue OUTPUT --END END ELSE IF @modType = 'U' BEGIN EXEC [dbo].proc_GetColumnToRow @logParamMain, @logIdentifier, @crLimitId, @oldValue OUTPUT UPDATE main SET main.agentId = mode.agentId ,main.currency = mode.currency ,main.limitAmt = mode.limitAmt ,main.perTopUpAmt = mode.perTopUpAmt ,main.maxLimitAmt = mode.maxLimitAmt ,main.expiryDate = mode.expiryDate ,main.modifiedDate = GETDATE() ,main.modifiedBy = @user FROM creditLimitInt main INNER JOIN creditLimitIntHistory mode ON mode.crLimitId = main.crLimitId WHERE mode.crLimitId = @crLimitId AND mode.approvedBy IS NULL UPDATE creditLimitIntHistory SET approvedBy = @user ,approvedDate= GETDATE() ,status='Approved' WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId EXEC [dbo].proc_GetColumnToRow 'creditLimitInt', 'crLimitId', @crLimitId, @newValue OUTPUT END ELSE IF @modType = 'D' BEGIN EXEC [dbo].proc_GetColumnToRow @logParamMain, @logIdentifier, @crLimitId, @oldValue OUTPUT UPDATE creditLimitInt SET isDeleted = 'Y' ,modifiedDate = GETDATE() ,modifiedBy = @user WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId END UPDATE creditLimitIntHistory SET approvedBy = @user ,approvedDate = GETDATE() WHERE crLimitId = @crLimitId AND approvedBy IS NULL INSERT INTO #msg(errorCode, msg, id) EXEC proc_applicationLogs 'i', NULL, @modType, @tableAlias, @crLimitId, @user, @oldValue, @newValue IF EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM #msg WHERE errorCode <> '0') BEGIN IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Could not approve the changes.', @crLimitId RETURN END IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Changes approved successfully.', @crLimitId END END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION DECLARE @errorMessage VARCHAR(MAX) SET @errorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE() EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, @errorMessage, @crLimitId END CATCH GO