USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_customerReport] Script Date: 7/4/2019 11:35:48 AM ******/ DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_customerReport] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_customerReport] Script Date: 7/4/2019 11:35:48 AM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO --EXEC proc_customerReport @flag = 'registration-rpt',@startDate = '10/01/2017',@endDate = '12/31/2018',@user = 'admin',@country = null,@branch = NULL CREATE PROC [dbo].[proc_customerReport] ( @flag VARCHAR(50) ,@startDate VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@endDate VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@user VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@country VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@branch VARCHAR(80) = NULL ,@searchType VARCHAR(20) = NULL ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON; SET XACT_ABORT ON; BEGIN IF @flag = 'registration-rpt' BEGIN SELECT [BRANCH NAME] = agentName, [NATIVE COUNTRY] = C.countryName, [TOTAL REGISTERED CUSTOMERS] = '' + CAST(COUNT(1) AS VARCHAR) + '' FROM customerMaster CM(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT AU.userName, AM.agentName, AM.agentId FROM agentMaster AM(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN applicationUsers AU(NOLOCK) ON AU.agentId = AM.agentId WHERE AM.agentId = ISNULL(@branch, AM.agentId) )X ON X.userName = CM.verifiedBy INNER JOIN countryMaster C(NOLOCK) ON C.countryId = CM.nativeCountry WHERE CM.approvedBy IS NOT NULL AND X.agentName IS NOT NULL AND CM.nativeCountry = ISNULL(@country, CM.nativeCountry) AND CM.approvedDate BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate + ' 23:59:59' GROUP BY X.agentName, C.countryName, X.agentId, C.countryName, CM.nativeCountry ORDER BY C.countryName EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL select 'Country' head, CASE WHEN @country IS NULL THEN 'All' ELSE (SELECT countryName FROM countryMaster (NOLOCK) WHERE countryId = @country) END UNION ALL select 'Branch' head, ISNULL((SELECT agentName FROM agentMaster (NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @branch), 'All') union all-- CASE WHEN @branch IS NULL THEN 'All' ELSE (SELECT agentName FROM agentMaster (NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @branch) END UNION ALL SELECT 'From Date' head, @startDate value union all SELECT 'To Date' head, @endDate value SELECT 'Customer Registration Report' title END ELSE IF @flag = 'detail-customer' BEGIN SELECT [CUSTOMER NAME] = firstName, [EMAIL] = email, [REGISTERED DATE] = CM.createdDate, [APPROVED DATE] = CM.verifiedDate, [BANK NAME] = KB.BankName, [BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER] = CM.bankAccountNo, [WALLET ACCOUNT NUMBER] = CM.walletAccountNo, [AVAILBALE BALANCE] = CM.availableBalance FROM customerMaster CM(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT AU.userName, AM.agentName FROM agentMaster AM(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN applicationUsers AU(NOLOCK) ON AU.agentId = AM.agentId WHERE AM.agentId = ISNULL(@branch, AM.agentId) )X ON X.userName = CM.verifiedBy INNER JOIN countryMaster C(NOLOCK) ON C.countryId = CM.nativeCountry INNER JOIN KoreanBankList KB(NOLOCK) ON KB.rowId = CM.bankName WHERE CM.nativeCountry = ISNULL(@country, CM.nativeCountry) AND X.agentName IS NOT NULL AND CM.approvedBy IS NOT NULL AND CM.approvedDate BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate + ' 23:59:59' EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL select 'Country' head, CASE WHEN @country IS NULL THEN 'All' ELSE (SELECT countryName FROM countryMaster (NOLOCK) WHERE countryId = @country) END UNION ALL select 'Branch' head, ISNULL((SELECT agentName FROM agentMaster (NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @branch), 'All') union all-- CASE WHEN @branch IS NULL THEN 'All' ELSE (SELECT agentName FROM agentMaster (NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @branch) END UNION ALL SELECT 'From Date' head, @startDate value union all SELECT 'To Date' head, @endDate value SELECT 'Customer Registration Detail Report' title END ELSE IF @flag = 'transaction-rpt' BEGIN DECLARE @MAINTABLE TABLE (AgentName VARCHAR(80), Country VARCHAR(50), Transactions INT) DECLARE @CUSTOMERTABLE TABLE (AgentName VARCHAR(80),customerId BIGINT) DECLARE @CUSTOMERTXNTABLE TABLE (AgentName VARCHAR(80), Transactions INT, Country VARCHAR(50)) DECLARE @BRANCHTABLE TABLE (AgentName VARCHAR(80), Transactions INT, Country VARCHAR(50)) INSERT INTO @CUSTOMERTABLE (AgentName, customerId) SELECT ISNULL(X.agentName, 'System HO'),CM.customerId FROM customerMaster CM(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT AU.userName, AM.agentName, AM.agentId FROM agentMaster AM(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN applicationUsers AU(NOLOCK) ON AU.agentId = AM.agentId WHERE AM.agentId = ISNULL(@branch, AM.agentId) )X ON X.userName = CM.approvedBy WHERE CM.approvedBy IS NOT NULL --AND X.agentName IS NOT NULL AND CM.availableBalance IS NOT NULL --GROUP BY X.agentName, CM.customerId INSERT INTO @CUSTOMERTXNTABLE (AgentName, Transactions, Country) SELECT CT.AgentName, COUNT(1) Transactions, X.pCountry FROM @CUSTOMERTABLE CT LEFT JOIN ( SELECT TS.customerId, RT.pCountry, RT.approvedDate FROM remitTran RT(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tranSenders TS(NOLOCK) ON TS.tranId = INNER JOIN countryMaster CM(NOLOCK) ON CM.countryName = RT.pCountry WHERE RT.tranType IN('O','M') and RT.tranStatus <> 'cancel' AND CM.countryId = ISNULL(@country, CM.countryId) ) X ON X.customerId = CT.customerId WHERE X.customerId IS NOT NULL AND X.approvedDate BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate + ' 23:59:59' GROUP BY X.pCountry, CT.AgentName INSERT INTO @BRANCHTABLE (AgentName, Transactions, Country) SELECT X.agentName, COUNT(1) Transactions, C.countryName FROM remitTran RT(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT AU.userName, AM.agentName FROM agentMaster AM(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN applicationUsers AU(NOLOCK) ON AU.agentId = AM.agentId WHERE AM.agentId = ISNULL(@branch, AM.agentId) )X ON X.userName = RT.createdBy INNER JOIN countryMaster C(NOLOCK) ON C.countryName = RT.pCountry WHERE C.countryId = ISNULL(@country, C.countryId) AND X.agentName IS NOT NULL AND RT.tranType = 'I' and RT.tranStatus <> 'cancel' AND RT.approvedDate BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate + ' 23:59:59' GROUP BY X.agentName, C.countryName --SELECT * FROM @CUSTOMERTXNTABLE --SELECT * FROM @BRANCHTABLE INSERT INTO @MAINTABLE (AgentName, Transactions, Country) SELECT DISTINCT AgentName, Transactions, Country FROM @CUSTOMERTXNTABLE UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT AgentName, Transactions, Country FROM @BRANCHTABLE SELECT [BRANCH NAME] = MT.AgentName, [NATIVE COUNTRY] = MT.Country, [TOTAL TRANSACTIONS] = '' + CAST(SUM(Transactions) AS VARCHAR) + '' FROM @MAINTABLE MT INNER JOIN agentMaster AM(NOLOCK) ON AM.agentName = MT.AgentName GROUP BY MT.AgentName, MT.Country, AM.agentId EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'Country' head, CASE WHEN @country IS NULL THEN 'All' ELSE (SELECT countryName FROM countryMaster (NOLOCK) WHERE countryId = @country) END UNION ALL SELECT 'Branch' head, ISNULL((SELECT agentName FROM agentMaster (NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @branch), 'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'From Date' head, @startDate value UNION ALL SELECT 'To Date' head, @endDate value SELECT 'Transaction Report' title END ELSE IF @flag = 'detail-tran-customer' BEGIN DECLARE @CUSTOMERTBL TABLE (customerId VARCHAR(20)) INSERT INTO @CUSTOMERTBL (customerId) SELECT CM.customerId FROM customerMaster CM(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT AU.userName, AM.agentName FROM agentMaster AM(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN applicationUsers AU(NOLOCK) ON AU.agentId = AM.agentId WHERE AM.agentId = ISNULL(@branch, AM.agentId) )X ON X.userName = CM.verifiedBy WHERE X.agentName IS NOT NULL AND CM.approvedBy IS NOT NULL AND CM.availableBalance IS NOT NULL SELECT [GME CONTROLNO] = DBO.decryptDb(controlNo) ,[SENDER NAME] = senderName ,[RECEIVER NAME] = receiverName ,[TRANSACTION TYPE] = paymentMethod ,[COLL AMOUNT] = RT.cAmt ,[PAYOUT AMOUNT] = RT.pAmt ,[PAYOUT AGENT] = RT.pAgentName ,[PAYOUT BANK] = RT.pBankName FROM remitTran RT(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tranSenders TS(NOLOCK) ON TS.tranId = INNER JOIN @CUSTOMERTBL C ON C.customerId = TS.customerId WHERE RT.pCountry = ISNULL(@country, RT.pCountry) AND RT.approvedDate BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate + ' 23:59:59' AND RT.tranStatus <> 'Cancel' AND RT.tranType IN('O','M') UNION ALL SELECT [GME CONTROLNO] = DBO.decryptDb(controlNo) ,[SENDER NAME] = senderName ,[RECEIVER NAME] = receiverName ,[TRANSACTION TYPE] = paymentMethod ,[COLL AMOUNT] = RT.cAmt ,[PAYOUT AMOUNT] = RT.pAmt ,[PAYOUT AGENT] = RT.pAgentName ,[PAYOUT BANK] = RT.pBankName FROM remitTran RT(NOLOCK) WHERE RT.pCountry = ISNULL(@country, RT.pCountry) AND RT.sAgent = ISNULL(@branch, RT.sAgent) AND RT.approvedDate BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate + ' 23:59:59' AND RT.tranStatus <> 'Cancel' AND RT.tranType = 'I' EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'Country' head, ISNULL(@country, 'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Branch' head, ISNULL((SELECT agentName FROM agentMaster (NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @branch), 'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'From Date' head, @startDate value UNION ALL SELECT 'To Date' head, @endDate value SELECT 'Transaction Detail Report' title END ELSE IF @flag = 'register-matrix' BEGIN IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TEMP') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TEMP CREATE TABLE #TEMP (NAME VARCHAR(50), COUNTRY VARCHAR(50), QTY INT, AGENTID INT) INSERT INTO #TEMP (NAME , COUNTRY , QTY, AGENTID ) SELECT [NAME] = agentName, [COUNTRY] = C.countryName, [QTY] = COUNT(1), AGENTID = X.agentId FROM customerMaster CM(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT AU.userName, AM.agentName, AM.agentId FROM agentMaster AM(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN applicationUsers AU(NOLOCK) ON AU.agentId = AM.agentId WHERE AM.agentId = ISNULL(@branch, AM.agentId) )X ON X.userName = CM.approvedBy INNER JOIN countryMaster C(NOLOCK) ON C.countryId = CM.nativeCountry WHERE CM.approvedBy IS NOT NULL AND X.agentName IS NOT NULL AND CM.nativeCountry = ISNULL(@country, CM.nativeCountry) AND CM.approvedDate BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate + ' 23:59:59' GROUP BY X.agentName, C.countryName, X.agentId, C.countryName, CM.nativeCountry ORDER BY C.countryName IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM #TEMP) BEGIN SELECT SNO = 1, [ERROR_MESSAGE] = 'NO DATA FOUND FOR THIS FILTER' RETURN END DECLARE @columns NVARCHAR(MAX), @sql NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @columns = ''; SELECT @columns += N', p.' + QUOTENAME(NAME) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT NAME FROM #TEMP) AS x; SET @columns = ', p.Country ' + @columns SET @sql = N' SELECT * FROM ( SELECT NAME, COUNTRY, QTY = ISNULL(QTY, 0) FROM #TEMP ) AS j PIVOT ( SUM(QTY) FOR NAME IN (' + STUFF(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(@columns, 'p.Country ,', ''), ', p.[', ',['), 'p.', ''), 1, 1, '') + ') ) AS p;'; PRINT @sql; EXEC sp_executesql @sql; END ELSE IF @flag = 'matrix-detail' BEGIN SELECT [CUSTOMER NAME] = firstName, [EMAIL] = email, [REGISTERED DATE] = CM.createdDate, [APPROVED DATE] = CM.verifiedDate, [BANK NAME] = KB.BankName, [BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER] = CM.bankAccountNo, [WALLET ACCOUNT NUMBER] = CM.walletAccountNo, [AVAILBALE BALANCE] = CM.availableBalance FROM customerMaster CM(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT AU.userName, AM.agentName FROM agentMaster AM(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN applicationUsers AU(NOLOCK) ON AU.agentId = AM.agentId WHERE AM.agentName = ISNULL(@branch, AM.agentName) )X ON X.userName = CM.verifiedBy INNER JOIN countryMaster C(NOLOCK) ON C.countryId = CM.nativeCountry INNER JOIN KoreanBankList KB(NOLOCK) ON KB.rowId = CM.bankName WHERE C.countryName = ISNULL(@country, C.countryName) AND X.agentName IS NOT NULL AND CM.approvedBy IS NOT NULL AND CM.approvedDate BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate + ' 23:59:59' EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL select 'Country' head, @country UNION ALL select 'Branch' head, @branch UNION ALL SELECT 'From Date' head, @startDate value union all SELECT 'To Date' head, @endDate value SELECT 'Customer Registration Detail Report' title END ELSE IF @flag = 'trn-matrix' BEGIN SELECT RT.pCountry, COUNT(1) CNT, TS.customerId INTO #TEMPtrnmatrix FROM remitTran RT(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tranSenders TS(NOLOCK) ON TS.tranId = WHERE RT.tranType IN('O','M') and RT.tranStatus <> 'cancel' AND RT.approvedDate BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate + ' 23:59:59' AND RT.pCountry = ISNULL(@country, RT.pCountry) GROUP BY RT.pCountry,TS.customerId --SELECT approvedBy,* FROM customerMaster(NOLOCK) WHERE customerId=45077 ALTER TABLE #TEMPtrnmatrix ADD BranchName VARCHAR(100) --SELECT ISNULL(X.agentName, 'System HO'),CM.customerId --FROM customerMaster CM(NOLOCK) --INNER JOIN #TEMP T ON T.customerId = cm.customerId --LEFT JOIN ( -- SELECT AU.userName, AM.agentName, AM.agentId FROM agentMaster AM(NOLOCK) -- INNER JOIN applicationUsers AU(NOLOCK) ON AU.agentId = AM.agentId -- --WHERE AM.agentId = ISNULL(@branch, AM.agentId) --)X ON X.userName = CM.approvedBy --WHERE CM.approvedBy IS NOT NULL UPDATE T SET T.BranchName = ISNULL(X.agentName, 'System HO') FROM customerMaster CM(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN #TEMPtrnmatrix T ON T.customerId = cm.customerId LEFT JOIN ( SELECT AU.userName, AM.agentName, AM.agentId FROM agentMaster AM(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN applicationUsers AU(NOLOCK) ON AU.agentId = AM.agentId WHERE AM.agentId = ISNULL(@branch, AM.agentId) )X ON X.userName = CM.approvedBy WHERE CM.approvedBy IS NOT NULL UPDATE #TEMPtrnmatrix SET BRANCHNAME='Unknown Branch' WHERE BRANCHNAME IS NULL INSERT INTO #TEMPtrnmatrix (BRANCHNAME, CNT, pCountry) SELECT RT.sAgentName, COUNT(1) Transactions,RT.pCountry FROM remitTran RT(NOLOCK) WHERE 1=1 AND RT.pCountry= ISNULL(@country, RT.pCountry) AND RT.sAgent = ISNULL(@branch, RT.sAgent) AND RT.tranType = 'I' and RT.tranStatus <> 'cancel' AND RT.approvedDate BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate + ' 23:59:59' GROUP BY RT.sAgentName,RT.pCountry --INSERT INTO @MAINTABLE (AgentName, Transactions, Country) --SELECT BRANCHNAME,SUM(CNT) CNT,pCountry FROM #TEMP GROUP BY BRANCHNAME,pCountry IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TEMPTRN') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TEMPTRN CREATE TABLE #TEMPTRN (NAME VARCHAR(50), COUNTRY VARCHAR(50), QTY INT) INSERT INTO #TEMPTRN (NAME, COUNTRY, QTY) SELECT BRANCHNAME,pCountry,SUM(CNT) CNT FROM #TEMPtrnmatrix GROUP BY BRANCHNAME,pCountry --SELECT NAME = MT.AgentName, -- COUNTRY = MT.Country, -- QTY = SUM(Transactions) --FROM @MAINTABLE MT --INNER JOIN agentMaster AM(NOLOCK) ON AM.agentName = MT.AgentName --GROUP BY MT.AgentName, MT.Country, AM.agentId IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM #TEMPTRN) BEGIN SELECT SNO = 1, [ERROR_MESSAGE] = 'NO DATA FOUND FOR THIS FILTER' RETURN END SET @columns = ''; SELECT @columns += N', p.' + QUOTENAME(NAME) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT NAME FROM #TEMPTRN) AS x; SET @columns = ', p.Country ' + @columns SET @sql = N' SELECT * FROM ( SELECT NAME, COUNTRY, QTY = ISNULL(QTY, 0) FROM #TEMPTRN ) AS j PIVOT ( SUM(QTY) FOR NAME IN (' + STUFF(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(@columns, 'p.Country ,', ''), ', p.[', ',['), 'p.', ''), 1, 1, '') + ') ) AS p;'; PRINT @sql; EXEC sp_executesql @sql; END ELSE IF @flag = 'matrix-trn-detail' BEGIN INSERT INTO @CUSTOMERTBL (customerId) SELECT TS.customerId FROM remitTran RT(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tranSenders TS(NOLOCK) ON TS.tranId = WHERE RT.tranType IN('O','M') and RT.tranStatus <> 'cancel' AND RT.approvedDate BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate + ' 23:59:59' AND RT.pCountry = ISNULL(@country, RT.pCountry) GROUP BY RT.pCountry,TS.customerId --INSERT INTO @CUSTOMERTBL (customerId) --SELECT CM.customerId --FROM customerMaster CM(NOLOCK) --LEFT JOIN ( -- SELECT AU.userName, AM.agentName FROM agentMaster AM(NOLOCK) -- INNER JOIN applicationUsers AU(NOLOCK) ON AU.agentId = AM.agentId -- WHERE AM.agentName = ISNULL(@branch, AM.agentName) --)X ON X.userName = CM.verifiedBy --WHERE X.agentName IS NOT NULL --AND CM.approvedBy IS NOT NULL --AND CM.availableBalance IS NOT NULL SELECT [GME CONTROLNO] = DBO.decryptDb(controlNo) ,[SENDER NAME] = senderName ,[RECEIVER NAME] = receiverName ,[TRANSACTION TYPE] = paymentMethod ,[COLL AMOUNT] = RT.cAmt ,[PAYOUT AMOUNT] = RT.pAmt ,[PAYOUT AGENT] = RT.pAgentName ,[PAYOUT BANK] = RT.pBankName FROM remitTran RT(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tranSenders TS(NOLOCK) ON TS.tranId = INNER JOIN @CUSTOMERTBL C ON C.customerId = TS.customerId WHERE RT.pCountry = ISNULL(@country, RT.pCountry) AND RT.approvedDate BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate + ' 23:59:59' AND RT.tranStatus <> 'Cancel' AND RT.tranType IN('O','M') UNION ALL SELECT [GME CONTROLNO] = DBO.decryptDb(controlNo) ,[SENDER NAME] = senderName ,[RECEIVER NAME] = receiverName ,[TRANSACTION TYPE] = paymentMethod ,[COLL AMOUNT] = RT.cAmt ,[PAYOUT AMOUNT] = RT.pAmt ,[PAYOUT AGENT] = RT.pAgentName ,[PAYOUT BANK] = RT.pBankName FROM remitTran RT(NOLOCK) WHERE RT.pCountry = ISNULL(@country, RT.pCountry) AND RT.sAgentName = ISNULL(@branch, RT.sAgentName) AND RT.approvedDate BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate + ' 23:59:59' AND RT.tranStatus <> 'Cancel' AND RT.tranType = 'I' EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'Country' head, ISNULL(@country, 'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Branch' head, ISNULL(@branch, 'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'From Date' head, @startDate value UNION ALL SELECT 'To Date' head, @endDate value SELECT 'Transaction Detail Report' title END ELSE IF @flag = 'LocalTopup-Rpt' BEGIN SELECT cy.countryName AS CountryName, SUM(kj.refundAmount) AS BuyAmount, COUNT(*) AS BuyCount FROM powercallHistory ph INNER JOIN KJ_AUTO_REFUND kj ON kj.customerSummary = ph.processId INNER JOIN customerMaster cm ON cm.customerId = kj.customerId INNER JOIN countryMaster cy ON cy.countryId = cm.nativeCountry WHERE kj.action = 'SUCCESS' AND kj.refundType ='PowerCall' AND cm.nativeCountry = ISNULL(@country,cm.nativeCountry) AND kj.customerSummary = ph.processId AND ph.errorCode = '0' AND ph.responesTime BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate + ' 23:59:59' GROUP BY cy.countryName END ELSE IF @flag = 'LocalTopup-Rpt-Detail' BEGIN IF @searchType = 'BuyAmount' BEGIN SELECT kj.customerSummary AS ProcessId, cy.countryName AS CountryName, kj.customerId AS CustomerId, cm.firstName AS FirstName, kj.refundAmount AS BuyAmount, ph.phoneNo AS PhoneNo FROM powercallHistory(NOLOCK) ph INNER JOIN KJ_AUTO_REFUND(NOLOCK) kj ON kj.customerSummary = ph.processId INNER JOIN customerMaster(NOLOCK) cm ON cm.customerId = kj.customerId INNER JOIN countryMaster(NOLOCK) cy ON cy.countryId = cm.nativeCountry WHERE kj.action = 'SUCCESS' AND kj.refundType ='PowerCall' AND kj.customerSummary = ph.processId AND ph.errorCode = '0' AND cy.countryName = @country AND ph.responesTime BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate + ' 23:59:59' EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL --RETURN END ELSE BEGIN SELECT kj.customerSummary AS ProcessId, cy.countryName AS CountryName, kj.customerId AS CustomerId, cm.firstName AS FirstName, kj.refundAmount AS BuyAmount, ph.phoneNo AS PhoneNo FROM powercallHistory(NOLOCK) ph INNER JOIN KJ_AUTO_REFUND(NOLOCK) kj ON kj.customerSummary = ph.processId INNER JOIN customerMaster(NOLOCK) cm ON cm.customerId = kj.customerId INNER JOIN countryMaster(NOLOCK) cy ON cy.countryId = cm.nativeCountry WHERE kj.action = 'SUCCESS' AND kj.refundType ='PowerCall' AND kj.customerSummary = ph.processId AND ph.errorCode = '0' AND cy.countryName = @country AND ph.responesTime BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate + ' 23:59:59' EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL --RETURN END END ELSE IF @flag = 'LocalTransaction-Rpt' BEGIN SELECT cy.countryName AS CountryName, SUM(dh.reqAmt) AS BuyAmount, COUNT(*) AS BuyCount FROM KFTC_DOMESTIC_HISTORY(NOLOCK) dh INNER JOIN customerMaster(NOLOCK) cm ON cm.customerId = dh.customerId INNER JOIN countryMaster(NOLOCK) cy ON cy.countryId = cm.nativeCountry WHERE dh.resRspCode = 'A0000' AND transferType = 'deposit' AND dh.reqTransferDtime BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate + ' 23:59:59' AND cm.nativeCountry = ISNULL(@country,cm.nativeCountry) GROUP BY cy.countryName END ELSE IF @flag = 'LocalTranscation-Rpt-Detail' BEGIN IF @searchType = 'BuyAmount' BEGIN SELECT dh.processId AS ProcessId, cy.countryName AS CountryName, dh.customerId AS CustomerId, cm.firstName AS FirstName, dh.reqAmt AS SendAmount, AS PhoneNo FROM KFTC_DOMESTIC_HISTORY(NOLOCK) dh INNER JOIN customerMaster(NOLOCK) cm ON cm.customerId = dh.customerId INNER JOIN countryMaster(NOLOCK) cy ON cy.countryId = cm.nativeCountry WHERE dh.resRspCode = 'A0000' AND transferType = 'deposit' AND cy.countryName = @country AND dh.reqTransferDtime BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate + ' 23:59:59' EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL END END END