USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_ezPayHistory] Script Date: 9/27/2019 1:30:14 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE procEDURE [dbo].[proc_ezPayHistory]( @flag VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@user VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@rowId BIGINT = NULL ,@TransactionNumber VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@SecurityNumber VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@TransactionDate VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@TypeOfTransaction VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@TransactionStatus VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scCustomerName VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scCustomerArabicName VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scCustomerAddress VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scCustomerCardNumber VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scCustID VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scCustIDType VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scCustTelephoneNumber VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scCustMobileNumber VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scCustNationality VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scCustEmail VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@sccustDOB VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scCustMessage VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scCustOccupation VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scRelationship VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scCustBankcode VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scCustBankShortname VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scCustBankName VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scCustBankBranchcode VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scCustBankBranchshortname VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scCustBankBranchName VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scBranchAddress VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scContactPerson VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scContactTelephoneNo VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scCustCountryCode VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@scCustCountry VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbName VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbArabicName VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbAddress VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbAccountNumber VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbIdNumber VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbIdtype VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbBenBankName VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbBenBankBranchName VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbBankShortName VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbBankName VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbBranchShortName VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbBranchName VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbBranchAddress VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbContactPerson VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbContactTelephoneNo VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbIBBank VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbIBBranch VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbIBAddress VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbIBBankAccountno VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbIBBankDiffernt VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbIBClearingNumber VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbIBClearingType VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbIBSwiftCode VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbTelephoneNumber VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbMobileNumber VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbNationality VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbBenCountry VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbFundSource VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbPin VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbPurpose VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbSwiftCode VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbPaymentAgentCode VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbPaymentAgentCountryCode VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbPaymentAgentLocationCode VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbRecipientName VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbRecipientAddress VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbRecipientTelephone VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbRecipientMessage VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbReceiverComm VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tbTypeOfTransaction VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tdFxAmount VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tdRate VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tdMktRate VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tdLocalAmount VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tdTotalLocalAmount VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tdCommissionAmount VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tdLocalCurrencyCode VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tdFxCurrencyCode VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@apiStatus VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@payResponseCode VARCHAR(20) = NULL ,@payResponseMsg VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@recordStatus VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tranPayProcess VARCHAR(20) = NULL ,@createdDate DATETIME = NULL ,@paidDate DATETIME = NULL ,@paidBy VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@rContactNo VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@nativeCountry VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@pBranch INT = NULL ,@rIdType VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@rIdNumber VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@rIdPlaceOfIssue VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@rIssuedDate DATETIME = NULL ,@rValidDate DATETIME = NULL ,@rDob DATETIME = NULL ,@rAddress VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@rCity VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@rOccupation VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@relationType VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@relativeName VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@remarks VARCHAR(500) = NULL ,@cAmt VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@pAmt VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@tAmt VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@sCountry VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@pCountry VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@pBranchName VARCHAR(100) =NULL ,@agentName VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@provider VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@sortBy VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@sortOrder VARCHAR(5) = NULL ,@pageSize INT = NULL ,@pageNumber INT = NULL ,@controlNo VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@customerId VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@membershipId VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@rbankName VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@rbankBranch VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@rcheque VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@rAccountNo VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@topupMobileNo varchar(50) = null ,@relationship VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@purpose VARCHAR(100) = NULL )AS SET NOCOUNT ON SET XACT_ABORT ON BEGIN TRY DECLARE @SecurityNoEnc VARCHAR(50) = dbo.FNAencryptString(@SecurityNumber) IF @flag = 's' BEGIN DECLARE @table VARCHAR(MAX) ,@sql_filter VARCHAR(MAX) ,@select_field_list VARCHAR(MAX) ,@extra_field_list VARCHAR(MAX) SET @table = ' ( SELECT rowId=id ,''EZREMIT Remit'' AS provider ,am.agentName ,dbo.FNADecryptString(SecurityNumber) AS xpin ,customer = ISNULL(scCustomerName, '''') ,beneficiary = ISNULL(tbName, '''') ,customerAddress = ISNULL(scCustomerAddress, '''') ,beneficiaryAddress = ISNULL(tbAddress, '''') ,payoutAmount = ez.tdFxAmount ,payoutDate =ez.paidDate FROM ezPayHistory ez WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) ON am.agentId = ez.pBranch WHERE recordStatus NOT IN(''DRAFT'', ''EXPIRED'') ' IF @SecurityNumber IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @table = @table + ' AND SecurityNumber = ''' + @SecurityNoEnc + '''' select @pBranch = pBranch,@user = createdBy from ezPayHistory with(nolock) where SecurityNumber = @SecurityNoEnc if @pBranch is null and @user is not null begin select @pBranch = agentId from applicationUsers with(nolock) where userName = @user update ezPayHistory set pBranch = @pBranch where SecurityNumber = @SecurityNoEnc end END ELSE BEGIN SET @table = @table + ' AND tranPayProcess IS NULL' END IF @agentName IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND am.agentName LIKE ''' + @agentName + '%''' SET @table = @table + ' ) x ' SET @sql_filter = '' IF @provider IS NOT NULL SET @sql_filter = @sql_filter + ' AND provider LIKE ''' + @provider + '%''' SET @select_field_list =' rowId ,provider ,agentName ,xpin ,customer ,beneficiary ,customerAddress ,beneficiaryAddress ,payoutAmount ,payoutDate ' EXEC dbo.proc_paging @table ,@sql_filter ,@select_field_list ,@extra_field_list ,@sortBy ,@sortOrder ,@pageSize ,@pageNumber RETURN END IF @flag='a' BEGIN SELECT TOP 100 rowId = ,[controlNo] = dbo.FNADecryptString(ez.SecurityNumber) ,[sCountry] = ez.scCustCountry ,[sName] = ez.scCustomerName ,[sAddress] = ISNULL(ez.scCustomerAddress,'') ,sCity = null ,sMobile = isnull(ez.scCustTelephoneNumber,'')+isnull(','+ez.scCustMobileNumber,'') ,sAgentName = 'EZREMIT LTD' ,sAgent = 4726 ,[rCountry] = 'Nepal' ,[rName] = ez.tbName ,[rAddress] = ez.tbAddress ,[rCity] = isnull(ez.rCity,'') ,[rPhone] = ISNULL(ez.tbContactTelephoneNo,'') ,branchId = ez.pBranch ,[rIdType] = ez.rIdType ,[rIdNumber] = ez.rIdNumber ,[pAmt] = ez.tdFxAmount ,[pCurr] = ez.tdFxCurrencyCode ,[pBranch] = am.agentName ,[pUser] = ez.createdBy ,transactionMode = 'Cash Payment' ,PlaceOfIssue = rIdPlaceOfIssue ,rRelativeName = relativeName ,RelationType = relationType ,rContactNo = rContactNo FROM ezPayHistory ez WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) ON ez.pBranch = am.agentId WHERE recordStatus <> ('DRAFT') AND = @rowId ORDER BY id DESC RETURN END IF @flag='i' BEGIN IF EXISTS( SELECT 'x' FROM ezPayHistory WHERE SecurityNumber=@SecurityNoEnc ) BEGIN UPDATE ezPayHistory SET recordStatus = 'EXPIRED' WHERE SecurityNumber= @SecurityNoEnc AND recordStatus <> 'READYTOPAY' END IF @pBranch IS NULL SELECT @pBranch = agentId FROM applicationUsers WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE userName = @user IF @pBranch = '1001' BEGIN EXEC [proc_errorHandler] 1, 'Payout branch is missing.', @rowId RETURN; END INSERT INTO ezPayHistory( TransactionNumber ,SecurityNumber ,TransactionDate ,TypeOfTransaction ,TransactionStatus ,scCustomerName ,scCustomerArabicName ,scCustomerAddress ,scCustomerCardNumber ,scCustID ,scCustIDType ,scCustTelephoneNumber ,scCustMobileNumber ,scCustNationality ,scCustEmail ,sccustDOB ,scCustMessage ,scCustOccupation ,scRelationship ,scCustBankcode ,scCustBankShortname ,scCustBankName ,scCustBankBranchcode ,scCustBankBranchshortname ,scCustBankBranchName ,scBranchAddress ,scContactPerson ,scContactTelephoneNo ,scCustCountryCode ,scCustCountry ,tbName ,tbArabicName ,tbAddress ,tbAccountNumber ,tbIdNumber ,tbIdtype ,tbBenBankName ,tbBenBankBranchName ,tbBankShortName ,tbBankName ,tbBranchShortName ,tbBranchName ,tbBranchAddress ,tbContactPerson ,tbContactTelephoneNo ,tbIBBank ,tbIBBranch ,tbIBAddress ,tbIBBankAccountno ,tbIBBankDiffernt ,tbIBClearingNumber ,tbIBClearingType ,tbIBSwiftCode ,tbTelephoneNumber ,tbMobileNumber ,tbNationality ,tbBenCountry ,tbFundSource ,tbPin ,tbPurpose ,tbSwiftCode ,tbPaymentAgentCode ,tbPaymentAgentCountryCode ,tbPaymentAgentLocationCode ,tbRecipientName ,tbRecipientAddress ,tbRecipientTelephone ,tbRecipientMessage ,tbReceiverComm ,tbTypeOfTransaction ,tdFxAmount ,tdRate ,tdMktRate ,tdLocalAmount ,tdTotalLocalAmount ,tdCommissionAmount ,tdLocalCurrencyCode ,tdFxCurrencyCode ,apiStatus ,payResponseCode ,payResponseMsg ,recordStatus ,tranPayProcess ,createdDate ,createdBy ,paidDate ,paidBy ,rContactNo ,nativeCountry ,pBranch ,rIdType ,rIdNumber ,rIdPlaceOfIssue ,rValidDate ,rDob ,rAddress ,rCity ,rOccupation ,relationType ,relativeName ,remarks )SELECT @TransactionNumber ,@SecurityNoEnc ,@TransactionDate ,@TypeOfTransaction ,@TransactionStatus ,@scCustomerName ,@scCustomerArabicName ,@scCustomerAddress ,@scCustomerCardNumber ,@scCustID ,@scCustIDType ,@scCustTelephoneNumber ,@scCustMobileNumber ,@scCustNationality ,@scCustEmail ,@sccustDOB ,@scCustMessage ,@scCustOccupation ,@scRelationship ,@scCustBankcode ,@scCustBankShortname ,@scCustBankName ,@scCustBankBranchcode ,@scCustBankBranchshortname ,@scCustBankBranchName ,@scBranchAddress ,@scContactPerson ,@scContactTelephoneNo ,@scCustCountryCode ,@scCustCountry ,@tbName ,@tbArabicName ,@tbAddress ,@tbAccountNumber ,@tbIdNumber ,@tbIdtype ,@tbBenBankName ,@tbBenBankBranchName ,@tbBankShortName ,@tbBankName ,@tbBranchShortName ,@tbBranchName ,@tbBranchAddress ,@tbContactPerson ,@tbContactTelephoneNo ,@tbIBBank ,@tbIBBranch ,@tbIBAddress ,@tbIBBankAccountno ,@tbIBBankDiffernt ,@tbIBClearingNumber ,@tbIBClearingType ,@tbIBSwiftCode ,@tbTelephoneNumber ,@tbMobileNumber ,@tbNationality ,@tbBenCountry ,@tbFundSource ,@tbPin ,@tbPurpose ,@tbSwiftCode ,@tbPaymentAgentCode ,@tbPaymentAgentCountryCode ,@tbPaymentAgentLocationCode ,@tbRecipientName ,@tbRecipientAddress ,@tbRecipientTelephone ,@tbRecipientMessage ,@tbReceiverComm ,@tbTypeOfTransaction ,@tdFxAmount ,@tdRate ,@tdMktRate ,@tdLocalAmount ,@tdTotalLocalAmount ,@tdCommissionAmount ,@tdLocalCurrencyCode ,@tdFxCurrencyCode ,@apiStatus ,@payResponseCode ,@payResponseMsg ,@recordStatus ,@tranPayProcess ,GETDATE() ,@user ,@paidDate ,@paidBy ,@rContactNo ,@nativeCountry ,@pBranch ,@rIdType ,@rIdNumber ,@rIdPlaceOfIssue ,@rValidDate ,@rDob ,@rAddress ,@rCity ,@rOccupation ,@relationType ,@relativeName ,@remarks SET @rowId = SCOPE_IDENTITY() EXEC [proc_errorHandler] 0, 'Transaction Has Been Saved Successfully', @rowId RETURN END IF @flag='readyToPay' BEGIN --alter table ezPayHistory add topupMobileNo varchar(20) --alter table ezPayHistory add customerId bigint,membershipId varchar(50) UPDATE ezPayHistory SET recordStatus = 'READYTOPAY' ,pBranch = ISNULL(@pBranch,pBranch) ,rIdType = @rIdType ,rIdNumber = @rIdNumber ,rIdPlaceOfIssue = @rIdPlaceOfIssue ,rValidDate = @rValidDate ,rDob = @rDob ,rAddress = @rAddress ,rCity = @rCity ,rOccupation = @rOccupation ,rContactNo = @rContactNo ,nativeCountry = @nativeCountry ,relationType = @relationType ,relativeName = @relativeName ,remarks = @remarks ,rBank = @rbankName ,rBankBranch = @rbankBranch ,rAccountNo = @rAccountNo ,rChequeNo = @rcheque ,topupMobileNo = @topupMobileNo ,customerId = @customerId ,membershipId = @membershipId ,relWithSender = @relationship ,purposeOfRemit = @purpose ,rIssueDate = @rIssuedDate WHERE id = @rowId EXEC [proc_errorHandler] 0, 'Ready to pay has been recorded successfully.', @rowId RETURN END IF @flag = 'payError' BEGIN UPDATE ezPayHistory SET recordStatus = 'PAYERROR' ,payResponseCode = @payResponseCode ,payResponseMsg = @payResponseMsg WHERE id = @rowId EXEC [proc_errorHandler] 0, 'Pay error has been recorded successfully.', @rowId RETURN END IF @flag IN('pay','restore') BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT 'x' FROM ezPayHistory WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE recordStatus IN('READYTOPAY','PAYERROR','PAID') AND id=@rowId ) BEGIN declare @ms varchar(100)='Transaction Not Found! '+Convert(varchar(10),@rowId) EXEC proc_errorHandler 1,@ms,@rowId END DECLARE @pAgent VARCHAR(100)= NULL ,@agentType VARCHAR(100)= NULL ,@pState VARCHAR(100)= NULL ,@pDistrict VARCHAR(100)= NULL ,@pLocation VARCHAR(100)= NULL ,@sAgentMapCode INT = '28100000' ,@sBranchMapCode INT = '28100100' ,@sBranch VARCHAR(100)= NULL ,@sAgent VARCHAR(100)= NULL ,@sBranchName VARCHAR(100)= NULL ,@pSuperAgent VARCHAR(100)= NULL ,@pAgentName VARCHAR(100)= NULL ,@pSuperAgentName VARCHAR(100)= NULL ,@sSuperAgent VARCHAR(100)= NULL ,@sAgentName VARCHAR(100)= NULL ,@sSuperAgentName VARCHAR(100)= NULL ,@payoutMethod VARCHAR(100)= NULL ,@pSuperAgentComm VARCHAR(100)= NULL ,@pSuperAgentCommCurrency VARCHAR(100)= NULL ,@pAgentComm VARCHAR(100)= NULL ,@pAgentCommCurrency VARCHAR(100)= NULL ,@tranId BIGINT = NULL ,@MapCodeIntBranch VARCHAR(100)= NULL ,@tranIdTemp BIGINT SELECT @TransactionNumber =ez.TypeOfTransaction ,@SecurityNumber =ez.SecurityNumber ,@scCustomerName =ez.scCustomerName ,@scCustomerAddress =ez.scCustomerAddress ,@scCustID =ez.scCustID ,@scCustIDType =ez.scCustIDType ,@scCustTelephoneNumber =ez.scCustTelephoneNumber ,@scCustCountry =ez.scCustCountry ,@scCustNationality =ez.scCustNationality ,@tbName =ez.tbName ,@tbAddress =ez.tbAddress ,@tbPurpose =ez.tbPurpose ,@tbIdNumber =tbIdNumber ,@tbTelephoneNumber =ez.tbTelephoneNumber ,@pCountry =ez.tbBenCountry ,@tbNationality =ez.tbNationality ,@cAmt = floor(ez.tdFxAmount) ,@pAmt = floor(ez.tdFxAmount) ,@tAmt = floor(ez.tdFxAmount) ,@tdFxAmount = floor(ez.tdFxAmount) ,@tdTotalLocalAmount = floor(ez.tdFxAmount) ,@tdFxCurrencyCode =ez.tdFxCurrencyCode ,@apiStatus =ez.apiStatus ,@recordStatus =ez.recordStatus ,@nativeCountry =ez.nativeCountry ,@pBranch =isnull(@pBranch,ez.pBranch) ,@rIdType =ez.rIdType ,@rIdNumber =ez.rIdNumber ,@rIdPlaceOfIssue =ez.rIdPlaceOfIssue ,@rValidDate =ez.rValidDate ,@rDob =ez.rDob ,@rOccupation =ez.rOccupation ,@relationType =ez.relationType ,@relativeName =ez.relativeName ,@remarks =ez.remarks ,@rbankName = rBank ,@rbankBranch = rBankBranch ,@rcheque = rAccountNo ,@rAccountNo = rChequeNo ,@topupMobileNo = topupMobileNo ,@customerId = customerId ,@membershipId = membershipId ,@rContactNo = rContactNo ,@purpose = purposeOfRemit ,@relationship = relWithSender ,@rIssuedDate = rIssueDate FROM ezPayHistory ez WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE id=@rowId SELECT @pAgent = parentId, @pBranchName = agentName, @agentType = agentType, @pCountry = agentCountry, @pState = agentState, @pDistrict = agentDistrict, @pLocation = agentLocation, @MapCodeIntBranch=mapCodeInt FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @pBranch -- ## check for control number if exist in remittran IF EXISTS(SELECT 'x' from remitTran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo=@SecurityNumber) BEGIN DECLARE @status VARCHAR(50) ,@msg VARCHAR(100) SELECT @agentName =sAgentName ,@status=payStatus FROM remitTran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo=@SecurityNumber SET @msg='This transaction belong to '+@agentName+'and is in status:'+@status EXEC proc_errorHandler 1,@msg,NULL RETURN END -- ## Set Paying agent detail SELECT @pAgent = parentId ,@pBranchName =agentName ,@agentType =agentType ,@pCountry =agentCountry ,@pState =agentState ,@pDistrict =agentDistrict ,@pLocation =agentLocation ,@MapCodeIntBranch =mapCodeInt FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId=@pBranch IF @agentType = 2903 BEGIN SET @pAgent = @pBranch END -- ## Find sending agent detail SELECT @sBranch =agentId ,@sAgent =parentId ,@sBranchName =agentName ,@agentType =agentType FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE mapCodeInt = @sBranchMapCode AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' IF @agentType = 2903 BEGIN SET @sAgent = @sBranch END SELECT @sSuperAgent =parentId ,@sAgentName =agentName FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId=@sAgent SELECT @sSuperAgentName=agentName FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId=@sSuperAgent -- ## Find Payout agent Detail SELECT @pSuperAgent =parentId ,@pAgentName =agentName FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK)WHERE agentId=@pAgent SELECT @pSuperAgentName=agentName FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK)WHERE agentId=@pSuperAgent -- ## Find Commisssion DECLARE @sCountryId INT ,@deliveryMethodId INT ,@pCommCheck MONEY select @sCountry =agentCountry,@sCountryId=agentCountryId from agentMaster where agentCode='4726' SET @payoutMethod='Cash Payment' DECLARE @pCountryId INT=NULL SELECT @pCountryId = countryId FROM countryMaster WITH(NOLOCK)WHERE countryName = @pCountry SELECT @deliveryMethodId=serviceTypeId FROM serviceTypeMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE typeTitle=@payoutMethod AND ISNULL(isDeleted,'N')='N' SELECT @pSuperAgentComm =0 ,@pSuperAgentCommCurrency ='NPR' SELECT @pAgentComm =ISNULL(amount,0) ,@pCommCheck =amount ,@pAgentCommCurrency=commissionCurrency FROM dbo.FNAGetPayComm(@sBranch,@sCountryId,NULL,@pSuperAgent,151, @pLocation,@pBranch,'NPR',@deliveryMethodId,NULL,@tdFxAmount,NULL,NULL,NULL)---tdFxAmount is destination amount IF @pCommCheck IS NULL BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1,'Payout Commission not defined.',NULL RETURN END -------Compliance Check Begin---------- -- Thirdparty txn doesn't have tranid. Hence, temp tranid is created for compliance checking process. Later on this will replace by actual tranId. SELECT @tranIdTemp = ABS(CAST(CRYPT_GEN_RANDOM(8) AS BIGINT)) IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM remitTranCompliancePay WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE tranId = @tranIdTemp AND approvedDate IS NOT NULL) BEGIN DECLARE @csMasterId INT, @complianceRes VARCHAR(20), @totalRows INT, @count INT, @compFinalRes VARCHAR(20), @result VARCHAR(MAX),@complianceAction CHAR(1), @compApproveRemark VARCHAR(200) DECLARE @csMasterRec TABLE (rowId INT IDENTITY(1,1), masterId INT) INSERT @csMasterRec(masterId) SELECT masterId FROM dbo.FNAGetComplianceRuleMaster_Pay(@pBranch, @pCountryId, NULL, @pBranch, NULL, NULL, @customerId) SELECT @totalRows = COUNT(*) FROM @csMasterRec DECLARE @denyTxn CHAR(1) = 'N' IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM @csMasterRec) BEGIN DELETE FROM remitTranCompliancePayTemp WHERE tranId = @tranIdTemp SET @count = 1 WHILE(@count <= @totalRows) BEGIN SELECT @csMasterId = masterId FROM @csMasterRec WHERE rowId = @count EXEC proc_complianceRuleDetail_Pay @user = @user ,@tranId = @tranIdTemp ,@tAmt = @pAmt ,@customerId = @customerId ,@receiverId = @rIdNumber ,@receiverMemId = @membershipId ,@receiverName = @tbName ,@receiverMobile = @rContactNo ,@receiverAcNo = @rAccountNo ,@masterId = @csMasterId ,@paymentMethod = @deliveryMethodId ,@checkingFor = 'v' ,@result = @complianceRes OUTPUT SET @compFinalRes = ISNULL(@compFinalRes, '') + ISNULL(@complianceRes, '') IF @complianceRes = 'M' AND ISNULL(@complianceAction, '') <> 'C' SET @complianceAction = 'M' IF @complianceRes = 'C' SET @complianceAction = 'C' SET @count = @count + 1 END END IF(ISNULL(@compFinalRes, '') <> '') BEGIN IF(@compFinalRes <> '') BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM remitTranCompliancePayTemp WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE tranId = @tranIdTemp) BEGIN INSERT INTO remitTranCompliancePay(tranId, csDetailTranId, matchTranId) SELECT @tranIdTemp, csDetailTranId, matchTranId FROM remitTranCompliancePayTemp WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE tranId = @tranIdTemp --INSERT tranPayCompliance(tranId,provider,controlNo,pBranch,receiverName,rMemId,dob, --rIdType,rIdNumber,rPlaceOfIssue,rContactNo,rRelationType,rRelativeName,relWithSender,purposeOfRemit,createdBy,createdDate) --SELECT @tranIdTemp, '4726' , @SecurityNumber,@pBranch,@tbName,@membershipId,@rDob, --@rIdType,@rIdNumber,@rIdPlaceOfIssue,@rContactNo,@relationType,@relativeName,@relationship,@purpose,@user,GETDATE() DELETE FROM dbo.remitTranCompliancePayTemp WHERE tranId = @tranIdTemp END IF ISNULL(@complianceAction, '') <> '' BEGIN --UPDATE remitTran SET -- tranStatus = 'Hold' --WHERE id = @tranId UPDATE remitTranCompliancePay SET approvedRemarks = 'Marked for Compliance' ,approvedBy = 'system' ,approvedDate = GETDATE() WHERE tranId = @tranIdTemp --UPDATE tranPayCompliance SET -- approvedRemarks = 'Marked for Compliance' -- ,approvedBy = 'system' -- ,approvedDate = GETDATE() --WHERE tranId = @tranIdTemp END END END END -------Compliance Check End---------- BEGIN TRANSACTION INSERT INTO remitTran ( [controlNo] ,[senderName] ,[sCountry] ,[sSuperAgent] ,[sSuperAgentName] ,[paymentMethod] ,[cAmt] ,[pAmt] ,[tAmt] ,[pAgentComm] ,[payoutCurr] ,[pAgent] ,[pAgentName] ,[pSuperAgent] ,[pSuperAgentName] ,[receiverName] ,[pCountry] ,[pBranch] ,[pBranchName] ,[pState] ,[pDistrict] ,[pLocation] ,[purposeofRemit] ,[pMessage] ,[createdDate] ,[createdDateLocal] ,[createdBy] ,[approvedDate] ,[approvedDateLocal] ,[approvedBy] ,[paidBy] ,[paidDate] ,[paidDateLocal] --## hardcoded parameters ,[tranStatus] ,[payStatus] ,[collCurr] ,[controlNo2] ,[tranType] ,[sAgent] ,[sAgentName] ,[sBranch] ,[sBranchName] ,[sCurrCostRate] )SELECT @SecurityNumber ,@scCustomerName ,@sCountry ,@sSuperAgent ,@sSuperAgentName ,'Cash Payment'--hard core ,@cAmt --destination amount ,@pAmt ,@tAmt ,@pAgentComm ,@tdFxCurrencyCode--payout currency ,@pAgent ,@pAgentName ,@pSuperAgent ,@pSuperAgentName ,@tbName----benefic name ,@pCountry ,@pBranch ,@pBranchName ,@pState ,@pDistrict ,@pLocation ,@tbPurpose---remit purpose ,@remarks ,GETDATE() ,dbo.FNAGetDateInNepalTZ() ,'SWIFT:API' ,GETDATE() ,dbo.FNAGetDateInNepalTZ() ,'SWIFT:API' ,@user ,GETDATE() ,dbo.FNAGetDateInNepalTZ() ,'Paid' ,'Paid' ,@tdFxCurrencyCode--destination currency ,@SecurityNoEnc--controlNo2 ,'I' ,@sAgent ,@sAgentName ,@sBranch ,@sBranchName ,'1' SET @tranId=SCOPE_IDENTITY(); INSERT INTO tranSenders( tranId ,firstName ,country ,nativeCountry ,[address] ,idType ,idNumber ,homePhone ) SELECT @tranId ,@scCustomerName ,@scCustCountry ,@scCustNationality ,@scCustomerAddress ,@scCustIDType ,@scCustID ,@scCustTelephoneNumber INSERT INTO tranReceivers ( tranId ,firstName ,country ,nativeCountry ,city ,[address] ,homePhone ,idType ,idNumber ,idType2 ,idNumber2 ,dob ,occupation ,validDate ,idPlaceOfIssue ,relationType ,relativeName ,bankName ,branchName ,chequeNo ,accountNo ,workPhone ,customerId ,membershipId ,mobile ,relWithSender ,purposeOfRemit ,issuedDate2 ,validDate2 )SELECT @tranId ,@tbName ,@pCountry ,@tbNationality ,@tbAddress ,@tbAddress ,@tbTelephoneNumber ,@rIdType ,@rIdNumber ,@rIdType ,@rIdNumber ,@rDob ,@rOccupation ,@rValidDate ,@rIdPlaceOfIssue ,@relationType ,@relativeName ,@rbankName ,@rbankBranch ,@rcheque ,@raccountNo ,@topupMobileNo ,@customerId ,@membershipId ,@rContactNo ,@relationship ,@purpose ,@rIssuedDate ,@rValidDate UPDATE remitTranCompliancePay SET tranId = @tranId WHERE tranId = @tranIdTemp UPDATE tranPayCompliance SET tranId = @tranId WHERE tranId = @tranIdTemp IF @membershipId IS NOT NULL BEGIN UPDATE dbo.customerMaster SET paidTxn = ISNULL(paidTxn,0)+1, firstTxnDate = ISNULL(firstTxnDate,GETDATE()) WHERE membershipId = @membershipId END UPDATE ezPayHistory SET recordStatus = 'PAID' ,tranPayProcess = CASE WHEN @flag = 'Pay' THEN 'REGULAR' ELSE 'RESTORED' END ,payResponseCode = @payResponseCode ,payResponseMsg = @payResponseMsg ,paidDate = GETDATE() ,paidBy = @user WHERE id = @rowId EXEC proc_pushToAc @flag= 'i', @controlNoEncrypted = @SecurityNumber SET @controlNo = dbo.fnadecryptstring(@SecurityNumber) /*Topup Information Send SMS*/ IF @membershipId IS NOT NULL BEGIN EXEC proc_topupQueue @flag = 'a' ,@user = @user ,@tranId = @tranId ,@tranType = 'I' END -- ## Limit Update EXEC Proc_AgentBalanceUpdate @flag = 'p',@tAmt = @pAmt ,@settlingAgent = @pBranch IF @@TRANCOUNT>0 COMMIT TRANSACTION SET @msg= CASE WHEN @flag='restore' THEN 'Transaction has been restored successfully' ELSE 'Transaction paid Successfully' END EXEC proc_errorHandler 0,@msg, @controlNo RETURN END IF @flag ='byPass' BEGIN SELECT @rowId = id FROM ezPayHistory WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE SecurityNumber = DBO.FNAEncryptString(@SecurityNumber) AND recordStatus='PAID' SELECT CASE WHEN (@rowId IS NOT NULL OR @rowId > 0)THEN '0' ELSE '1' END errorCode , CASE WHEN (@rowId IS NOT NULL OR @rowId > 0)THEN 'Success' ELSE 'Transaction not found' END msg , @rowId id, @pAmt extra END END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION SELECT 1 errorCode, ERROR_MESSAGE() msg, NULL id SELECT ERROR_LINE() END CATCH GO