USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_feeCollectionReport] Script Date: 9/27/2019 1:30:14 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[proc_feeCollectionReport] @flag VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@user VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@fromDate VARCHAR(20) = NULL ,@toDate VARCHAR(20) = NULL ,@level VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@controlNo VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@agentId INT = NULL ,@sAgentId VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@status VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@sortOrder VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@pageSize VARCHAR(20) = NULL ,@pageNumber VARCHAR(20) = NULL ,@sortBy VARCHAR(20) = NULL AS SET NOCOUNT ON SET XACT_ABORT ON DECLARE @SQL AS VARCHAR(MAX), @SQL1 AS VARCHAR(MAX), @schoolId AS VARCHAR(50) SET @toDate=@toDate+' 23:59:59' IF @flag = 'a' BEGIN SELECT @schoolId = rowId FROM schoolMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId=@agentId SET @SQL =' SELECT [S.N.] = row_number()over(ORDER BY CONVERT(VARCHAR,a.createdDate,101)), [Control No] = dbo.FNADecryptString(controlNo), [TXN Date] = CONVERT(VARCHAR,a.createdDate,101), [Amount] = pAmt, [Student Name] = b.stdName, [Reg. No./Roll No.] = b.stdRollRegNo, [Level/Class] =, [Semester/Year] = b.stdSemYr, [Fee Type] = d.feeType, [Sender Name] = ISNULL(c.firstName,'''')+'' ''+ISNULL(c.middleName,'''')+'' ''+ISNULL(c.lastName1,''''), [Contact No.] = FROM remitTran a WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tranReceivers b WITH(NOLOCK) ON INNER JOIN tranSenders c WITH(NOLOCK) ON b.tranId=c.tranId LEFT JOIN schoolFee d WITH(NOLOCK) ON b.feeTypeId=d.rowId LEFT JOIN schoolLevel f WITH(NOLOCK) ON f.rowId = b.stdLevel WHERE 1=1 AND b.stdCollegeId is not null and a.tranStatus <> ''Cancel'' and a.createdDate between '''+@fromDate+''' and '''+@toDate+'''' IF @schoolId IS NOT NULL SET @SQL=@SQL+' AND b.stdCollegeId= '''+@schoolId+'''' IF @controlNo IS NOT NULL SET @SQL=@SQL+' AND a.controlNo = '''+dbo.FNAEncryptString(@controlNo)+'''' IF @level IS NOT NULL SET @SQL=@SQL+' AND f.rowId = '''+@level+'''' EXEC(@SQL) EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'From Date' head, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @fromDate, 101) value UNION ALL SELECT 'To Date' head, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @toDate, 101) value UNION ALL SELECT 'Level/Program' head,case when @level is null then 'All' else (select name from schoolLevel with(nolock) where rowId= @level)end value UNION ALL SELECT 'Control No' head, isnull(@controlNo,'All') value SELECT 'School Fee Collection Report' title END IF @flag = 'b' BEGIN SELECT @schoolId = rowId FROM schoolMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @agentId SET @SQL =' SELECT [S.N] = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CONVERT(VARCHAR,a.createdDate,101)) , [Control No] = dbo.FNADecryptString(controlNo), [TXN Date] = CONVERT(VARCHAR,a.createdDate,101), [Amount] = pAmt, [Student Name] = b.stdName, [Reg. No./Roll No.] = b.stdRollRegNo, [Level/Class] =, [Semester/Year] = b.stdSemYr, [Fee Type] = d.feeType, [Sender Name] = ISNULL(c.firstName,'''')+'' ''+ISNULL(c.middleName,'''')+'' ''+ISNULL(c.lastName1,''''), [Receiver Name] = ISNULL(b.firstName,'''')+'' ''+ISNULL(b.middleName,'''')+'' ''+ISNULL(b.lastName1,''''), [Sending Agent] = a.sBranchName, [Bank Name] = a.pBankName, [Account Number] = a.accountNo, [Sender Contact No.] =, [Status] = a.payStatus FROM remitTran a WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tranReceivers b WITH(NOLOCK) ON INNER JOIN tranSenders c WITH(NOLOCK) ON b.tranId=c.tranId LEFT JOIN schoolFee d WITH(NOLOCK) ON b.feeTypeId=d.rowId LEFT JOIN schoolLevel f WITH(NOLOCK) ON f.rowId = b.stdLevel WHERE 1=1 and b.stdCollegeId is not null and a.tranStatus <> ''Cancel'' ' IF @controlNo IS NOT NULL SET @SQL=@SQL+' AND a.controlNo = '''+dbo.FNAEncryptString(@controlNo)+'''' ELSE BEGIN SET @SQL=@SQL+' AND a.createdDate between '''+@fromDate+''' and '''+@toDate+'''' IF @schoolId IS NOT NULL SET @SQL=@SQL+' AND b.stdCollegeId= '''+@schoolId+'''' IF @sAgentId IS NOT NULL SET @SQL=@SQL+' AND a.sBranch= '''+@sAgentId+'''' IF @level IS NOT NULL SET @SQL=@SQL+' AND f.rowId = '''+@level+'''' IF @status = 'unpaid' SET @SQL=@SQL+' AND a.payStatus in (''Unpaid'',''Un-Paid'')' IF @status = 'paid' SET @SQL=@SQL+' AND a.payStatus in (''Paid'')' END EXEC(@SQL) EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'From Date' head, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @fromDate, 101) value UNION ALL SELECT 'To Date' head, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @toDate, 101) value UNION ALL SELECT 'College/School' head,case when @agentId is null then 'All' else (select agentName from agentMaster with(nolock) where agentId= @agentId)end value UNION ALL SELECT 'Level/Program' head,case when @level is null then 'All' else (select name from schoolLevel with(nolock) where rowId= @level)end value UNION ALL SELECT 'Status' head, isnull(@status,'All') value UNION ALL SELECT 'Control No' head, isnull(@controlNo,'All') value SELECT 'School Fee Collection Report' title END GO