USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_fraudAnalysisTxn] Script Date: 9/27/2019 1:30:14 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE procEDURE [dbo].[proc_fraudAnalysisTxn]( @flag VARCHAR(100) ,@fromDate VARCHAR(30)=NULL ,@toDate VARCHAR(30)=NULL ,@count VARCHAR(30)=NULL ,@sCountry VARCHAR(30)=NULL ,@rCountry VARCHAR(30)=NULL ,@reportBy VARCHAR(30)=NULL ,@operator VARCHAR(30)=NULL ,@User varchar(50)=NULL ,@userName varchar(50) = null ,@agent VARCHAR(30)=NULL ,@agentUser VARCHAR(50)=NULL )AS SET NOCOUNT ON ------------------- START ######## SAME USER DIFF IP SUMMARY --DECLARE @fromDate varchar(20)= '2014-2-22', @toDate varchar(20)='2014-2-22 23:59', @User varchar(50) DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(MAX) if @flag ='Same User Vs Multiple IP' BEGIN -- ############## SAME USER DIFF IP SET @sql='SELECT sAgentName, createdBy ,IpUsed = ''''+CAST(count(*) AS VARCHAR)+'''' FROM ( SELECT distinct sAgentName, createdBy, LEFT(ipAddress,6) ipAddress,sCountry from remitTran T WITH (NOLOCK), tranSenders S WITH (NOLOCK) where = S.tranId AND createdDate between '''+ @fromDate +''' AND '''+ @toDate + ' 23:59:59'' AND S.ipAddress is not null )A WHERE 1=1 ' IF @sCountry IS NOT NULL SET @sql = @sql +' AND sCountry=''' + @sCountry + '''' --IF @rCountry IS NOT NULL -- SET @sql = @sql +' AND pCountry=''' + @rCountry + '''' SET @sql = @sql + 'GROUP BY createdBy,sAgentName HAVING COUNT(*) '+@operator +@count -- AND sCountry=''' + @sCountry + '''' + --' AND pCountry=''' + @rCountry + '''' + print @sql EXEC(@sql) EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'rCountry' head,@rCountry VALUE UNION ALL SELECT 'From Date' head,@fromDate VALUE UNION ALL SELECT 'TO Date' head,@toDate VALUE SELECT 'Fraud Transaction Reporting - Summary'+(@flag) title END if @flag ='Same User Vs Multiple Certificate' BEGIN -- ############## SAME USER DIFF Certificate SET @sql=' SELECT sAgentName, createdBy ,DcUsed = ''''+CAST(count(*) AS VARCHAR)+'''' FROM ( SELECT distinct sAgentName, createdBy, S.dcInfo,sCountry from remitTran T WITH (NOLOCK), tranSenders S WITH (NOLOCK) where = S.tranId AND createdDate between '''+ @fromDate +''' AND '''+ @toDate + ' 23:59:59'' AND S.ipAddress is not null )A where 1=1 ' IF @sCountry IS NOT NULL SET @sql = @sql +' AND sCountry=''' + @sCountry + '''' --IF @rCountry IS NOT NULL -- SET @sql = @sql +' AND pCountry=''' + @rCountry + '''' SET @sql = @sql + 'GROUP BY createdBy,sAgentName HAVING COUNT(*) '+@operator +@count --print @sql EXEC(@sql) EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'rCountry' head,@rCountry VALUE UNION ALL SELECT 'From Date' head,@fromDate VALUE UNION ALL SELECT 'TO Date' head,@toDate VALUE SELECT 'Fraud Transaction Reporting - Summary'+(@flag) title END if @flag ='OffHour' BEGIN -- ############## Off Hour Txn Report SET @sql=' SELECT sAgentName, createdBy ,[OffHour Txn] = ''''+CAST(SUM(CNT) AS VARCHAR)+'''' FROM ( SELECT sAgentName, createdBy,sCountry,COUNT(*) CNT from remitTran T WITH (NOLOCK), tranSenders S WITH (NOLOCK) where = S.tranId AND createdDate between '''+ @fromDate +''' AND '''+ @toDate + ' 23:59:59'' AND (CAST(createdDate AS TIME) > ''23:00:00'' OR CAST(createdDate AS TIME) < ''08:00:00'') AND S.ipAddress is not null GROUP BY sAgentName, createdBy,sCountry )A where 1=1 ' IF @sCountry IS NOT NULL SET @sql = @sql +' AND sCountry=''' + @sCountry + '''' --IF @rCountry IS NOT NULL -- SET @sql = @sql +' AND pCountry=''' + @rCountry + '''' SET @sql = @sql + 'GROUP BY createdBy,sAgentName HAVING SUM(CNT) '+@operator +@count --print @sql EXEC(@sql) EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'rCountry' head,@rCountry VALUE UNION ALL SELECT 'From Date' head,@fromDate VALUE UNION ALL SELECT 'TO Date' head,@toDate VALUE SELECT 'Fraud Transaction Reporting - Summary'+(@flag) title END -->>Same day User Created and Txn Generate if @flag ='samedayuserTXN' BEGIN SET @sql=' SELECT sAgentName [Sending Agent], createdBy [Created By] ,[Same day Txn] = ''''+CAST(SUM(CNT) AS VARCHAR)+'''' FROM ( SELECT sAgentName , t.createdBy ,sCountry ,COUNT(*) CNT from remitTran T WITH (NOLOCK) inner join tranSenders S WITH (NOLOCK) on = S.tranId inner join applicationusers u with(nolock) on u.username=t.createdby and cast(t.createdDate as date)=cast(u.createdDate as date) where t.createdDate between '''+ @fromDate +''' AND '''+ @toDate + ' 23:59:59'' ----and u.createdDate between '''+ @fromDate +''' AND '''+ @toDate + ' 23:59:59'' AND S.ipAddress is not null GROUP BY sAgentName, t.createdBy,sCountry )A where 1=1 ' IF @sCountry IS NOT NULL SET @sql = @sql +' AND sCountry=''' + @sCountry + '''' --IF @rCountry IS NOT NULL -- SET @sql = @sql +' AND pCountry=''' + @rCountry + '''' SET @sql = @sql + 'GROUP BY createdBy,sAgentName HAVING SUM(CNT) '+@operator +@count print @sql EXEC(@sql) EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'rCountry' head,@rCountry VALUE UNION ALL SELECT 'From Date' head,@fromDate VALUE UNION ALL SELECT 'TO Date' head,@toDate VALUE SELECT 'Fraud Transaction Reporting - Summary'+(@flag) title END if @flag ='detail' BEGIN -- ############## SAME USER DETAIL IP And DC info SELECT TOP 500 [Tran No] = '' + CAST( AS VARCHAR(50)) + '' ,sAgentName, sBranchName ,createdBy, ipAddress, dcInfo, cAmt, createdDate ,pCountry FROM remitTran T WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tranSenders S WITH (NOLOCK) ON = S.tranId WHERE createdDate between @fromDate AND @toDate+' 23:59:59' AND createdBy = @userName AND T.sCountry = ISNULL(@SCOUNTRY,T.sCountry) EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'rCountry' head,@rCountry VALUE UNION ALL SELECT 'From Date' head,@fromDate VALUE UNION ALL SELECT 'TO Date' head,@toDate VALUE SELECT 'Fraud Transaction Reporting - Detail' title END if @flag ='detailOffHrs' BEGIN -- ############## SAME USER DETAIL IP And DC info SELECT TOP 500 [Tran No] = '' + CAST( AS VARCHAR(50)) + '' ,sAgentName, sBranchName ,createdBy, ipAddress, dcInfo, cAmt, createdDate ,pCountry FROM remitTran T WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tranSenders S WITH (NOLOCK) ON = S.tranId WHERE createdDate between @fromDate AND @toDate+' 23:59:59' AND createdBy = @userName AND T.sCountry = ISNULL(@SCOUNTRY,T.sCountry) AND (CAST(createdDate AS TIME) > '23:00:00' OR CAST(createdDate AS TIME) < '08:00:00') EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'rCountry' head,@rCountry VALUE UNION ALL SELECT 'From Date' head,@fromDate VALUE UNION ALL SELECT 'TO Date' head,@toDate VALUE SELECT 'Fraud Transaction Reporting - Detail' title END if @flag ='detailsamedayuserTXN' BEGIN -- ############## SAME USER DETAIL IP And DC info ----SELECT TOP 5 sAgent,sAgentName,sBranch,sBranchName FROM remitTran SELECT TOP 500 [Tran No] = '' + CAST( AS VARCHAR(50)) + '' ,sAgentName [Agent Name] , sBranchName [Branch Name] ,t.createdBy [Created by], ipAddress [Ip Address], dcInfo [Dc Info], cAmt [C.Amount],u.createdDate 'User Created Date', t.createdDate 'Txn Date' ,pCountry [Receiving Country] FROM remitTran T WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tranSenders S WITH (NOLOCK) ON = S.tranId inner join applicationusers u with(nolock) on u.username=t.createdby and cast(t.createdDate as date)=cast(u.createdDate as date) WHERE t.createdDate between @fromDate AND @toDate+' 23:59:59' --and u.createdDate between @fromDate AND @toDate+' 23:59:59' AND t.createdBy = @userName AND T.sCountry = ISNULL(@SCOUNTRY,T.sCountry) EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'Sending Country' head,@sCountry VALUE UNION ALL SELECT 'From Date' head,@fromDate VALUE UNION ALL SELECT 'TO Date' head,@toDate VALUE SELECT 'Fraud Transaction Reporting - Same Day User Created and Txn Generated Detail' title RETURN END GO