USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_paidTranReport] Script Date: 7/4/2019 11:35:48 AM ******/ DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_paidTranReport] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_paidTranReport] Script Date: 7/4/2019 11:35:48 AM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_paidTranReport] @flag VARCHAR(20), @fromDate VARCHAR(20) = NULL, @toDate VARCHAR(30) = NULL, @sCountry VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @sZone VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @sDistrict VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @sLocation VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @sAgent VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @sBranch VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @rCountry VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @rZone VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @rDistrict VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @rLocation VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @rAgent VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @rBranch VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @tranType VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @user VARCHAR(50) = NULL AS SET NOCOUNT ON; SET ANSI_NULLS ON; IF @rZone ='All' set @rZone = null if @sZone ='All' set @sZone= null IF @rDistrict ='All' set @rDistrict = null if @sDistrict ='All' set @sDistrict= null IF @rLocation ='All' set @rLocation = null if @sLocation ='All' set @sLocation= null SET @TODATE = @TODATE + ' 23:59:59' IF @FLAG='A' BEGIN IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TEMP_TABLE') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TEMP_TABLE select dbo.GetAgentNameFromId(pAgent) [Payout Agent] ,ltrim(rtrim(dbo.GetAgentNameFromId(sBranch)))+' : '+'' + dbo.FNADecryptString(controlNo) +''+'
'+isnull(sen.firstName,'')+' '+isnull(sen.middleName,'')+' '+isnull(sen.lastName1,'')+' '+isnull(sen.lastName2,'') [Sendng Details] ,isnull(rec.firstName,'')+' '+isnull(rec.middleName,'')+' '+isnull(rec.lastName1,'')+' '+isnull(rec.lastName2,'') [Receiver Name] ,paidBy+'
'+ convert(varchar,paidDate,107) [Paid Date] ,cast(dbo.ShowDecimal(cAmt) as varchar)+' '+collCurr [Send Amount] ,cast(dbo.ShowDecimal(pAmt) as varchar) [Receive Amount] INTO #TEMP_TABLE from remitTran A with(nolock) LEFT JOIN tranReceivers rec WITH(NOLOCK) ON = rec.tranId LEFT JOIN tranSenders sen WITH(NOLOCK) ON LEFT JOIN agentMaster B with(nolock) ON a.sBranch=b.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster C with(nolock) ON a.pBranch=C.agentId LEFT JOIN api_districtList D WITH(NOLOCK) ON D.ROWID=B.agentLocation LEFT JOIN api_districtList E WITH(NOLOCK) ON E.ROWID=C.agentLocation WHERE tranStatus='Paid' AND paidDate BETWEEN @fromDate AND @toDate AND isnull(B.agentState,'') =ISNULL(@sZone,isnull(B.agentState,'')) AND isnull(B.agentDistrict,'') =ISNULL(@sDistrict,isnull(B.agentDistrict,'')) AND isnull(B.agentLocation,'') =ISNULL(@sLocation,isnull(B.agentLocation,'')) AND isnull(sAgent,'') = ISNULL(@sAgent,isnull(sAgent,'')) AND isnull(sBranch,'') = ISNULL(@sBranch,isnull(sBranch,'')) AND isnull(C.agentState,'') =ISNULL(@rZone,isnull(C.agentState,'')) AND isnull(C.agentDistrict,'') =ISNULL(@rDistrict,isnull(C.agentDistrict,'')) AND isnull(C.agentLocation,'') =ISNULL(@rLocation,isnull(C.agentLocation,'')) AND isnull(pAgent,'') = ISNULL(@rAgent,isnull(pAgent,'')) AND isnull(pBranch,'') = ISNULL(@rBranch,isnull(pBranch,'')) AND a.tranType = 'D' order by pBranch SELECT DISTINCT [Payout Agent] HEAD FROM #TEMP_TABLE SELECT [Payout Agent] HEAD,[Sendng Details],[Receiver Name],[Paid Date],[Send Amount],[Receive Amount] FROM #TEMP_TABLE EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'From Date ' head, CONVERT(VARCHAR, @fromDate, 101) value UNION ALL SELECT 'To Date ' head, CONVERT(VARCHAR, @toDate, 101) value UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Country ' head,ISNULL(@sCountry,'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Zone ' head,ISNULL(@sZone,'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending District ' head,ISNULL(@sDistrict,'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Location ' head,ISNULL((select districtName from api_districtList where districtCode=@sLocation),'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent ' head,ISNULL((SELECT agentName FROM agentMaster with(nolock) WHERE agentId = @sAgent),'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Branch ' head,ISNULL((SELECT agentName FROM agentMaster with(nolock) WHERE agentId = @rAgent),'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Country ' head,ISNULL(@rCountry,'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Zone ' head,ISNULL(@rZone,'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving District ' head,ISNULL(@rDistrict,'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Location ' head,ISNULL((select districtName from api_districtList where districtCode=@rLocation),'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Agent ' head,ISNULL((SELECT agentName FROM agentMaster with(nolock) WHERE agentId = @sAgent),'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Branch ' head,ISNULL((SELECT agentName FROM agentMaster with(nolock) WHERE agentId = @rAgent),'All') SELECT 'PAID TRANSACTION REPORT DETAIL (DOMESTIC)' title END IF @flag='B' BEGIN select dbo.GetAgentNameFromId(pAgent) [Payout Agent] ,count(*) [Total Count] ,dbo.ShowDecimal(sum(pAmt)) [Payout Amount] from remitTran a with(nolock) LEFT JOIN tranReceivers rec WITH(NOLOCK) ON = rec.tranId LEFT JOIN tranSenders sen WITH(NOLOCK) ON LEFT JOIN agentMaster B with(nolock) ON a.sBranch=b.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster C with(nolock) ON a.pBranch=C.agentId LEFT JOIN api_districtList D WITH(NOLOCK) ON D.ROWID=B.agentLocation LEFT JOIN api_districtList E WITH(NOLOCK) ON E.ROWID=C.agentLocation where tranStatus='Paid' AND paidDate BETWEEN @fromDate AND @toDate AND isnull(B.agentState,'') =ISNULL(@sZone,isnull(B.agentState,'')) AND isnull(B.agentDistrict,'') =ISNULL(@sDistrict,isnull(B.agentDistrict,'')) AND isnull(B.agentLocation,'') =ISNULL(@sLocation,isnull(B.agentLocation,'')) AND isnull(sAgent,'') = ISNULL(@sAgent,isnull(sAgent,'')) AND isnull(sBranch,'') = ISNULL(@sBranch,isnull(sBranch,'')) AND isnull(C.agentState,'') =ISNULL(@rZone,isnull(C.agentState,'')) AND isnull(C.agentDistrict,'') =ISNULL(@rDistrict,isnull(C.agentDistrict,'')) AND isnull(C.agentLocation,'') =ISNULL(@rLocation,isnull(C.agentLocation,'')) AND isnull(pAgent,'') = ISNULL(@rAgent,isnull(pAgent,'')) AND isnull(pBranch,'') = ISNULL(@rBranch,isnull(pBranch,'')) AND a.tranType = 'D' group by pAgent EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'From Date ' head, CONVERT(VARCHAR, @fromDate, 101) value UNION ALL SELECT 'To Date ' head, CONVERT(VARCHAR, @toDate, 101) value UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Country ' head,ISNULL(@sCountry,'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Zone ' head,ISNULL(@sZone,'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending District ' head,ISNULL(@sDistrict,'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Location ' head,ISNULL((select districtName from api_districtList where districtCode=@sLocation),'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent ' head,ISNULL((SELECT agentName FROM agentMaster with(nolock) WHERE agentId = @sAgent),'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Branch ' head,ISNULL((SELECT agentName FROM agentMaster with(nolock) WHERE agentId = @rAgent),'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Country ' head,ISNULL(@rCountry,'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Zone ' head,ISNULL(@rZone,'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving District ' head,ISNULL(@rDistrict,'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Location ' head,ISNULL((select districtName from api_districtList where districtCode=@rLocation),'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Agent ' head,ISNULL((SELECT agentName FROM agentMaster with(nolock) WHERE agentId = @sAgent),'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Branch ' head,ISNULL((SELECT agentName FROM agentMaster with(nolock) WHERE agentId = @rAgent),'All') SELECT 'PAID TRANSACTION REPORT SUMMARY (DOMESTIC)' title END IF @flag='C' BEGIN IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temptable') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temptable CREATE TABLE #temptable ( agentId int null, sendCount int null, sendAmount money null, sendHOmargin money null, sendServiceCharge money null, sendAgentComm money null, sendSuperAgentComm money null, paidCount int null, paidAmount money null, paidHOmargin money null, paidServiceCharge money null, paidAgentComm money null, paidSuperAgentComm money null ) --insert into #temptable --select sBranch -- ,sendCount = count(*) -- ,sendAmount = SUM(cAmt) -- ,sendHOMargin = sum(isnull(serviceCharge,0)-isnull(sAgentComm,0)-isnull(sSuperAgentComm,0)-isnull(pAgentComm,0)-isnull(pSuperAgentComm,0)) -- ,sendServiceCharge = sum(isnull(serviceCharge,0)) -- ,sendAgentComm = sum(isnull(sAgentComm,0)) -- ,sendSuperAgentComm = sum(isnull(sSuperAgentComm,0)) -- ,0,0,0,0,0,0 --from remitTran a with(nolock) --LEFT JOIN agentMaster B with(nolock) ON a.sBranch=b.agentId --LEFT JOIN agentMaster C with(nolock) ON a.pBranch=C.agentId --LEFT JOIN api_districtList D WITH(NOLOCK) ON D.ROWID=B.agentLocation --LEFT JOIN api_districtList E WITH(NOLOCK) ON E.ROWID=C.agentLocation --where a.approvedDate between @fromDate AND @toDate -- AND isnull(convert(varchar,a.cancelApprovedDate,101),'') <> convert(varchar,a.approvedDate,101) -- AND isnull(B.agentState,'') =ISNULL(@sZone,isnull(B.agentState,'')) -- AND isnull(B.agentDistrict,'') =ISNULL(@sDistrict,isnull(B.agentDistrict,'')) -- AND isnull(B.agentLocation,'') =ISNULL(@sLocation,isnull(B.agentLocation,'')) -- AND isnull(sAgent,'') = ISNULL(@sAgent,isnull(sAgent,'')) -- AND isnull(sBranch,'') = ISNULL(@sBranch,isnull(sBranch,'')) -- AND isnull(C.agentState,'') =ISNULL(@rZone,isnull(C.agentState,'')) -- AND isnull(C.agentDistrict,'') =ISNULL(@rDistrict,isnull(C.agentDistrict,'')) -- AND isnull(C.agentLocation,'') =ISNULL(@rLocation,isnull(C.agentLocation,'')) -- AND isnull(pAgent,'') = ISNULL(@rAgent,isnull(pAgent,'')) -- AND isnull(pBranch,'') = ISNULL(@rBranch,isnull(pBranch,'')) -- AND a.tranType = 'D' --group by sBranch insert into #temptable select pAgent ,0,0,0,0,0,0 ,paidCount = count(*) ,paidAmount = SUM(pAmt) ,paidHOMargin = sum(isnull(serviceCharge,0)-isnull(sAgentComm,0)-isnull(sSuperAgentComm,0)-isnull(pAgentComm,0)-isnull(pSuperAgentComm,0)) ,paidServiceCharge = sum(isnull(serviceCharge,0)) ,paidAgentComm = sum(isnull(pAgentComm,0)) ,paidSuperAgentComm = sum(isnull(pSuperAgentComm,0)) from remitTran a with(nolock) LEFT JOIN agentMaster B with(nolock) ON a.sBranch=b.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster C with(nolock) ON a.pBranch=C.agentId LEFT JOIN api_districtList D WITH(NOLOCK) ON D.ROWID=B.agentLocation LEFT JOIN api_districtList E WITH(NOLOCK) ON E.ROWID=C.agentLocation where tranStatus='Paid' AND a.paidDate between @fromDate AND @toDate AND isnull(B.agentState,'') =ISNULL(@sZone,isnull(B.agentState,'')) AND isnull(B.agentDistrict,'') =ISNULL(@sDistrict,isnull(B.agentDistrict,'')) AND isnull(B.agentLocation,'') =ISNULL(@sLocation,isnull(B.agentLocation,'')) AND isnull(sAgent,'') = ISNULL(@sAgent,isnull(sAgent,'')) AND isnull(sBranch,'') = ISNULL(@sBranch,isnull(sBranch,'')) AND isnull(C.agentState,'') =ISNULL(@rZone,isnull(C.agentState,'')) AND isnull(C.agentDistrict,'') =ISNULL(@rDistrict,isnull(C.agentDistrict,'')) AND isnull(C.agentLocation,'') =ISNULL(@rLocation,isnull(C.agentLocation,'')) AND isnull(pAgent,'') = ISNULL(@rAgent,isnull(pAgent,'')) AND isnull(pBranch,'') = ISNULL(@rBranch,isnull(pBranch,'')) AND a.tranType = 'D' group by pAgent select [Agent Name] = am.agentName, [#Send Count] = sum(isnull(sendCount,0)), [#Paid Count] = sum(isnull(paidCount,0)), [Send Amount] = sum(isnull(sendAmount,0)), [Paid Amount] = sum(isnull(paidAmount,0)), [Net Sattlement Amount] = sum(isnull(sendAmount,0)) - sum(ISNULL(paidAmount,0)), [SC] = sum(isnull(sendAgentComm,0)), [RC] = sum(isnull(paidAgentComm,0)), [Total Margin] = sum(isnull(sendAgentComm,0)) - sum(isnull(paidAgentComm,0)), [HO Margin] = sum(isnull(sendHOmargin,0)) + sum(isnull(paidHOmargin,0)) from #temptable temp with(nolock) inner join agentMaster am with(nolock) on temp.agentId = am.agentId group by am.agentName EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'From Date ' head, CONVERT(VARCHAR, @fromDate, 101) value UNION ALL SELECT 'To Date ' head, CONVERT(VARCHAR, @toDate, 101) value UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Country ' head,ISNULL(@sCountry,'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Zone ' head,ISNULL(@sZone,'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending District ' head,ISNULL(@sDistrict,'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Location ' head,ISNULL((select districtName from api_districtList where districtCode=@sLocation),'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent ' head,ISNULL((SELECT agentName FROM agentMaster with(nolock) WHERE agentId = @sAgent),'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Branch ' head,ISNULL((SELECT agentName FROM agentMaster with(nolock) WHERE agentId = @rAgent),'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Country ' head,ISNULL(@rCountry,'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Zone ' head,ISNULL(@rZone,'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving District ' head,ISNULL(@rDistrict,'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Location ' head,ISNULL((select districtName from api_districtList where districtCode=@rLocation),'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Agent ' head,ISNULL((SELECT agentName FROM agentMaster with(nolock) WHERE agentId = @sAgent),'All') UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Branch ' head,ISNULL((SELECT agentName FROM agentMaster with(nolock) WHERE agentId = @rAgent),'All') SELECT 'PAID TRANSACTION REPORT SUMMARY WITH COMMISSION (DOMESTIC)' title END GO