USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_sendSmsEmailBankGauranteeExpire] Script Date: 9/27/2019 1:30:14 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[proc_sendSmsEmailBankGauranteeExpire]( @flag VARCHAR(30)=NULL )AS SET XACT_ABORT ON SET NOCOUNT ON BEGIN DECLARE @currDate date,@before15Days date SET @currDate=convert(date,GETDATE(),101) SET @before15Days=convert(date,DATEADD(DAY,-15,@currDate),101) ---select @currDate,@before15Days IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#smsTemp') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #smsTemp IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#notSend') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #notSend IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempbank') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tempbank --select * from SMSQueue where msg like '%bank Guarantee%' --delete from SMSQueue where msg like '%bank Guarantee%' SELECT DISTINCT agentId,sentDate INTO #smsTemp FROM SMSQueue (NOLOCK) WHERE msg like '%bank Guarantee%' SELECT * INTO #notSend FROM ( SELECT bank.agentId agentId ,bank.guaranteeNo guaranteeNo ,bank.bgId bgId ,bank.amount amount ,bank.bankName bankName ,CONVERT(date,bank.issuedDate,101) issuedDate ,CONVERT(date,bank.expiryDate,101) expiryDate ,CONVERT(date,bank.followUpDate,101) followUpDate ,sms.agentId as smsAgentId FROM bankGuarantee (NOLOCK) bank left join #smsTemp sms on bank.agentId=sms.agentId WHERE sms.agentId is null OR dateDiff(DAY,sentDate,getdate())>=7 --AND other condition Goes here ) x SELECT agentName= am.agentName ,agentId=am.agentId ,branchId=am.agentId ,[Guarantee No.] = bg.guaranteeNo ,Amount = bg.amount ,BankName = bg.bankName ,issuedDate = convert(date,bg.issuedDate,101) ,expiryDate = convert(date,bg.expiryDate,101) ,followUpDate = convert(date,bg.followUpDate,101) ,agentMobile=am.agentMobile1 ,agentEmail=am.agentEmail1 ,smsMsg='Dear IME Agent, Your Bank Guarantee is going to expire on '+convert(varchar,bg.expiryDate,101)+'. Kindly proceed to renew.IME Ltd' ,emailMsg='Dear IME Agent '+am.agentName+',

Your Bank Guarantee is going to expire on '+convert(varchar,bg.expiryDate,101)+'.
Kindly proceed to renew.
Please contact IME Sales Department for further support and assistance.

' INTO #tempbank FROM dbo.agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN #notSend bg WITH(NOLOCK) ON am.agentid = bg.agentId WHERE am.isSettlingAgent = 'Y' AND (agentType = 2903 or agentType =2904) and am.agentCountry ='Nepal' and am.parentId <> 5576 AND followUpDate=@currDate OR convert(date,DATEADD(DAY,-15,expiryDate),101)=@currDate --select @currDate,@before15Days INSERT INTO SMSQueue(mobileNo,msg,createdDate,createdBy,country,agentId,branchId) SELECT agentMobile,smsMsg,GETDATE(),'admin','Nepal',agentId,branchId FROM #tempbank --WHERE followUpDate=@currDate OR convert(varchar,DATEADD(DAY,-15,expiryDate),101)=@currDate INSERT INTO SMSQueue(email,subject,msg,createdDate,createdBy,country,agentId,branchId) SELECT agentEmail,'Bank Guarantee Expiry Notification',emailMsg,GETDATE(),'admin','Nepal',agentId,branchId FROM #tempbank --WHERE followUpDate=@currDate OR convert(varchar,DATEADD(DAY,-15,expiryDate),101)=@currDate --add record to email admins DECLARE @adminEmailText NVARCHAR(MAX); SELECT @adminEmailText = COALESCE(@adminEmailText + '
', '') + emailMsg FROM #tempbank INSERT INTO SMSQueue(email,subject,msg,createdDate,createdBy,country,agentId,branchId) SELECT email,'Bank Guarantee Expiry Notification',@adminEmailText as emailMsg,GETDATE() createdDate,'admin' createdBy,'Nepal' country,agent agentId,agent branchId FROM SystemEmailSetup WHERE isbankGuaranteeExpiry='Yes' AND isnull(isDeleted,'N')='N' END GO