USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_sendTransactionLoadData] Script Date: 9/27/2019 1:30:14 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO /* proc_sendTransactionLoadData 'b', 'admin' EXEC proc_sendTransactionLoadData @flag = 'sc', @agentId = '48', @deliveryMethod = '1', @amount = '1111111', @mode = 'ta', @user = 'admin' */ CREATE proc [dbo].[proc_sendTransactionLoadData] ( @flag VARCHAR(50) ,@user VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@controlNo VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@sBranch INT = NULL ,@sCountry INT = NULL ,@sFirstName VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@sMiddleName VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@sLastName1 VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@sLastName2 VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@sPhone VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@sMemId VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@sId BIGINT = NULL ,@sTranId VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@rCountry INT = NULL ,@rFirstName VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@rMiddleName VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@rLastName1 VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@rLastName2 VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@rPhone VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@rMemId VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@rId BIGINT = NULL ,@pSuperAgent INT = NULL ,@pCountry INT = NULL ,@pCountryName VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@collCurr VARCHAR(3) = NULL ,@pCurrency VARCHAR(3) = NULL ,@deliveryMethod VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@pState VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@pDistrict VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@pLocation INT = NULL ,@pBankBranch INT = NULL ,@pCity VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@pPayer VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@customerId INT = NULL ,@agentId INT = NULL ,@senderId INT = NULL ,@benId INT = NULL ,@amount MONEY = NULL ,@mode VARCHAR(10) = NULL ,@msgType CHAR(1) = NULL ,@sortBy VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@sortOrder VARCHAR(5) = NULL ,@pageSize INT = NULL ,@pageNumber INT = NULL ) AS --SELECT * FROM customers --select * from customerDocument --select * from customerIdentity DECLARE @select_field_list VARCHAR(MAX) ,@extra_field_list VARCHAR(MAX) ,@table VARCHAR(MAX) ,@sql_filter VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @ssAgent INT = NULL ,@sAgent INT = NULL ,@rsAgent INT = NULL ,@rAgent INT = NULL ,@code VARCHAR(50) ,@userName VARCHAR(50) ,@password VARCHAR(50) SET NOCOUNT ON SET XACT_ABORT ON --select * from customers SELECT @pageSize = 15, @pageNumber = 1 --EXEC proc_GetAPI @user OUTPUT,@code OUTPUT, @userName OUTPUT, @password OUTPUT IF @flag = 'cti' --All transaction information (sender, receiver, payout) BEGIN SELECT DISTINCT c.customerId ,c.membershipId ,Name = c.firstName + ISNULL(' ' + c.middleName, '') + ISNULL(' ' + c.lastName1, '') + ISNULL(' ' + c.lastName2, '') ,Country = cm.countryName ,Address ,[State] = csm.stateName ,Phone = COALESCE(mobile, homePhone, workPhone) ,city FROM customers c WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster cm WITH(NOLOCK) ON = cm.countryId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm WITH(NOLOCK) ON c.state = csm.stateId WHERE c.customerId = @senderId SELECT DISTINCT c.customerId ,c.membershipId ,Name = c.firstName + ISNULL( ' ' + c.middleName, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + c.lastName1, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + c.lastName2, '') ,Country = cm.countryName ,Address ,[State] = csm.stateName ,Phone = COALESCE(mobile, homePhone, workPhone) ,city FROM customers c WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster cm WITH(NOLOCK) ON = cm.countryId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm WITH(NOLOCK) ON c.state = csm.stateId WHERE c.customerId = @benId SELECT agentId = NULL ,agentCode = NULL ,name = 'Any' ,address = NULL ,city = loc.districtName ,state = csm.stateName ,district = dist.districtName ,Phone = NULL ,country = cm.countryName ,trn.createdDate FROM remitTran trn WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm WITH(NOLOCK) ON trn.pState = csm.stateId LEFT JOIN api_districtList loc WITH(NOLOCK) ON trn.pLocation = loc.districtCode LEFT JOIN zoneDistrictMap dist WITH(NOLOCK) ON trn.pDistrict = dist.districtId LEFT JOIN countryMaster cm WITH(NOLOCK) ON trn.pCountry = cm.countryId WHERE trn.controlNo = @controlNo END ELSE IF @flag = 'msg' BEGIN DECLARE @headMsg NVARCHAR(MAX) ,@commonMsg NVARCHAR(MAX) ,@countrySpecificMsg NVARCHAR(MAX) SELECT @sAgent = agentId FROM applicationUsers WHERE userName = @user SELECT @sCountry = agentCountry FROM agentMaster WHERE agentId = @sAgent --Head Message SELECT @headMsg = headMsg FROM message WHERE countryId = @sCountry AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' IF(@headMsg IS NULL) SELECT @headMsg = headMsg FROM message WHERE countryId IS NULL AND headMsg IS NOT NULL AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' --Common Message SELECT @commonMsg = commonMsg FROM message WHERE countryId = @sCountry AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' IF(@commonMsg IS NULL) SELECT @commonMsg = commonMsg FROM message WHERE countryId IS NULL AND commonMsg IS NOT NULL AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' --Country Specific Message SELECT @countrySpecificMsg = countrySpecificMsg FROM message WHERE countryId = @sCountry AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' IF(@countrySpecificMsg IS NULL) SELECT @countrySpecificMsg = countrySpecificMsg FROM message WHERE countryId IS NULL AND countrySpecificMsg IS NOT NULL AND msgType = @msgType AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' SELECT @headMsg AS headMsg,@commonMsg AS commonMsg, @countrySpecificMsg AS countrySpecificMsg END ELSE IF @flag = 'sc' BEGIN --EXEC proc_sendTransactionLoadData @flag = 'sc', @amount= '100000', @pLocation = '109' DECLARE @payoutMethod CHAR(1) --SELECT -- @sBranch = agentId --FROM applicationUsers WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE userName = @user --SELECT SC = ISNULL([dbo].FNAGetSC(@sBranch, @pSuperAgent, @pCountry, @pDistrict, @agentId , @deliveryMethod, @amount), 0) --DOMESTIC Service Charge: --SELECT @payoutMethod = CASE WHEN @deliveryMethod = 2201 THEN 'c' -- WHEN @deliveryMethod = 2202 THEN 'd' END Exec [].ime_plus_01.dbo.spa_SOAP_Domestic_ServiceCharge @code,@userName,@password,'1234',@amount, 'c', @pLocation END ELSE IF @flag = 'scTBL' BEGIN DECLARE @masterId INT ,@masterType CHAR(1) ,@sc MONEY IF @sBranch IS NULL SELECT @sBranch = agentId FROM applicationUsers WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE userName = @user DECLARE @deliveryMethodId INT SELECT @deliveryMethodId = serviceTypeId FROM serviceTypeMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE typeTitle = @deliveryMethod IF @deliveryMethod = 'Bank Deposit' BEGIN SELECT @pLocation = agentLocation FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @pBankBranch END SELECT @masterId = masterId ,@masterType = masterType ,@sc = amount FROM [dbo].FNAGetSC(@sBranch, @pSuperAgent, @pCountry, @pLocation, @agentId, @deliveryMethodId, @amount, @collCurr) IF(@masterType = 'S') BEGIN SELECT fromAmt, toAmt, pcnt, maxAmt, minAmt FROM sscDetail WHERE sscMasterId = @masterId END ELSE BEGIN SELECT fromAmt, toAmt, pcnt, maxAmt, minAmt FROM dscDetail WHERE dscMasterId = @masterId END END ELSE IF @flag = 'scLocal' BEGIN --EXEC proc_sendTransactionLoadData @flag = 'sc', @amount= '100000', @pLocation = '109' DECLARE @agentType INT IF @sBranch IS NULL SELECT @sBranch = agentId FROM applicationUsers WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE userName = @user SELECT @agentType = agentType FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @sBranch IF @agentType = 2903 BEGIN SET @sAgent = @sBranch END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @sAgent = parentId FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @sBranch END SELECT @pSuperAgent = parentId FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @sAgent SELECT @pCountry = countryId FROM countryMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE countryName = (SELECT agentCountry FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @sAgent) IF @deliveryMethod = 'Bank Deposit' BEGIN SELECT @pLocation = agentLocation FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @pBankBranch END SELECT @deliveryMethodId = serviceTypeId FROM serviceTypeMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE typeTitle = @deliveryMethod SELECT sc = ISNULL(amount, -1) FROM [dbo].FNAGetSC(@sBranch, @pSuperAgent, @pCountry, @pLocation, @agentId , @deliveryMethodId, @amount, @collCurr) END ELSE IF @flag = 'acBal' BEGIN --EXEC proc_sendTransactionLoadData @flag = 'acBal', @user = 'shree_b1' DECLARE @settlingAgent INT IF @agentId IS NULL SELECT @sBranch = agentId FROM applicationUsers WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE userName = @user ELSE SELECT @sBranch = @agentId SELECT @sAgent = parentId, @agentType = agentType FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @sBranch IF @agentType = 2903 SET @sAgent = @sBranch SELECT @ssAgent = parentId FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @sAgent SELECT @settlingAgent = agentId FROM agentMaster WHERE agentId = @sBranch AND isSettlingAgent = 'Y' IF @settlingAgent IS NULL SELECT @settlingAgent = agentId FROM agentMaster WHERE agentId = @sAgent AND isSettlingAgent = 'Y' IF @settlingAgent IS NULL SELECT @settlingAgent = agentId FROM agentMaster WHERE agentId = @ssAgent AND isSettlingAgent = 'Y' SELECT availableBal = ISNULL(dbo.FNAGetLimitBal(@settlingAgent), 0) ,balCurrency = cm.currencyCode ,limExpiry = ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR, expiryDate, 101), 'N/A') FROM creditLimit cl LEFT JOIN currencyMaster cm WITH(NOLOCK) ON cl.currency = cm.currencyId WHERE agentId = @settlingAgent END ELSE IF @flag = 'er' --Exchage Rate BEGIN --DECLARE -- @collCurr INT = 1 -- ,@payCurr INT = 1 SELECT cm.currencyId ,cm.currencyCode ,cm.currencyName --,exRate = [dbo].FNAGetEchangeRate(@sBranch, @agentId, @collCurr, @payCurr) FROM agentCurrency ac WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN ( SELECT parentId FROM agentMaster WHERE agentId = @agentId ) agent ON agent.parentId = ac.agentId INNER JOIN currencyMaster cm WITH(NOLOCK) ON ac.currencyId = cm.currencyId END ELSE IF @flag = 'fer' BEGIN DECLARE @isAnywhere CHAR(1) ,@isTranMode CHAR(1) ,@sending BIGINT ,@receiving BIGINT SELECT @sending = agentId FROM applicationUsers WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE userName = @user SELECT @isAnywhere = CASE WHEN @agentId IS NULL THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END SELECT @receiving = CASE WHEN @isAnywhere = 'Y' THEN @pCountry ELSE @agentId END SELECT @receiving = CASE WHEN @agentId IS NULL THEN @pCountry ELSE @agentId END SELECT @sAgent = parentId FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @sending SELECT @ssAgent = parentId FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @sAgent SELECT @rAgent = parentId FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @agentId SELECT @rsAgent = parentId FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @rAgent --CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].FNAGetEchangeRateForTran(@ssAgent BIGINT, @sending BIGINT, @rsAgent BIGINT, @receiving BIGINT --, @collCurr INT, @payCurr INT, @isAnywhere CHAR(1), @isTranMode CHAR(1), @user VARCHAR(30)) IF @collCurr = @pCurrency BEGIN SELECT 1 RETURN END SELECT [dbo].FNAGetEchangeRateForTran(@ssAgent, @sending, @pSuperAgent, @receiving, @collCurr, @pCurrency, @isAnywhere, 'Y', @user) END ELSE IF @flag IN ('tranId', 'senderId') --Get Details By Tran Id OR sender ID BEGIN DECLARE @tranRowId BIGINT IF @senderId IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @tranRowId = ISNULL(lastTranId, 0) FROM customers WHERE customerId = @senderId SELECT @agentId = pBranch FROM remitTran WHERE Id = @tranRowId SELECT @senderId = customerId FROM tranSenders WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE tranId = @tranRowId SELECT @benId = customerId FROM tranReceivers WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE tranId = @tranRowId END ELSE IF @sTranId IS NOT NULL --control Id BEGIN SELECT @tranRowId = id ,@agentId = pBranch FROM remitTran WHERE controlNo = @sTranId SELECT @senderId = customerId FROM tranSenders WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE tranId = @tranRowId SELECT @benId = customerId FROM tranReceivers WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE tranId = @tranRowId END SELECT SenderId = ISNULL(@senderId, 0), BenId = ISNULL(@benId, 0), AgentId = ISNULL(@agentId, 0) END ELSE IF @flag = 's' BEGIN SET @table = '( SELECT DISTINCT c.customerId ,c.membershipId ,Name = c.firstName + ISNULL( '' '' + c.middleName, '''') + ISNULL( '' '' + c.lastName1, '''') + ISNULL( '' '' + c.lastName2, '''') ,Country = ccm.countryName ,Address ,[State] = csm.stateName ,Phone = COALESCE(mobile, homePhone, workPhone) ,city FROM customers c WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN customerIdentity ci WITH(NOLOCK) ON c.customerId = ci.customerId LEFT JOIN countryMaster ccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON = ccm.countryId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm WITH(NOLOCK) ON c.state = csm.stateId WHERE ISNULL(ci.isDeleted, '''') <> ''Y''' SET @sql_filter = '' IF @senderId IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND c.customerId = ' + CAST(@senderId AS VARCHAR) IF @sCountry IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND = ' + CAST(@sCountry AS VARCHAR) IF @sFirstName IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND c.firstName LIKE ''' + @sFirstName + '%''' IF @sMiddleName IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND c.middleName LIKE ''' + @sMiddleName + '%''' IF @sLastName1 IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND c.lastName1 LIKE ''' + @sLastName1 + '%''' IF @sLastName2 IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND c.lastName2 LIKE ''' + @sLastName2 + '%''' IF @sPhone IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND ( ISNULL(c.homePhone, '''') LIKE ''' + @sPhone + '%'' OR ISNULL(c.workPhone, '''') LIKE ''' + @sPhone + '%'' OR ISNULL(, '''') LIKE ''' + @sPhone + '%'' )' IF @sMemId IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND c.membershipId = ''' + CAST(@sMemId AS VARCHAR) + '''' IF @sId IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND ci.idNumber LIKE ''' + CAST(@sId AS VARCHAR) + '%''' IF ( @senderId IS NULL AND @sFirstName IS NULL AND @sMiddleName IS NULL AND @sLastName1 IS NULL AND @sLastName2 IS NULL AND @sPhone IS NULL AND @sMemId IS NULL AND @sId IS NULL ) SET @table = @table + ' AND 1<>1' SET @select_field_list =' customerId ,membershipId ,Name ,Country ,Address ,[State] ,Phone ,city ' SET @table = @table + ') x' EXEC dbo.proc_paging @table ,@sql_filter ,@select_field_list ,@extra_field_list ,@sortBy ,@sortOrder ,@pageSize ,@pageNumber END ELSE IF @flag = 'b' BEGIN SET @table = '( SELECT DISTINCT c.customerId ,c.membershipId ,Name = c.firstName + ISNULL( '' '' + c.middleName, '''') + ISNULL( '' '' + c.lastName1, '''') + ISNULL( '' '' + c.lastName2, '''') ,Country = ccm.countryName ,Address ,[State] = csm.stateName ,Phone = COALESCE(mobile, homePhone, workPhone) ,city FROM customers c WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN customerIdentity ci WITH(NOLOCK) ON c.customerId = ci.customerId LEFT JOIN countryMaster ccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON = ccm.countryId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm WITH(NOLOCK) ON c.state = csm.stateId WHERE ISNULL(ci.isDeleted, '''') <> ''Y'' ' IF @benId IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND c.customerId = ' + CAST(@benId AS VARCHAR) IF @benId IS NULL BEGIN IF @rCountry IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND = ' + CAST(@rCountry AS VARCHAR) IF @rFirstName IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND c.firstName LIKE ''' + @rFirstName + '%''' IF @rMiddleName IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND c.middleName LIKE ''' + @rMiddleName + '%''' IF @rLastName1 IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND c.LastName1 LIKE ''' + @rLastName1 + '%''' IF @rLastName2 IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND c.LastName2 LIKE ''' + @rLastName2 + '%''' IF @rPhone IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND ( ISNULL(c.homePhone, '''') LIKE ''' + @rPhone + '%'' OR ISNULL(c.workPhone, '''') LIKE ''' + @rPhone + '%'' OR ISNULL(, '''') LIKE ''' + @rPhone + '%'' )' IF @rMemId IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND c.membershipId = ''' + CAST(@rMemId AS VARCHAR) + '''' IF @rId IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND ci.idNumber LIKE ''' + CAST(@rId AS VARCHAR) + '%''' IF ( @benId IS NULL AND @rFirstName IS NULL AND @rMiddleName IS NULL AND @rLastName1 IS NULL AND @rLastName2 IS NULL AND @rPhone IS NULL AND @rMemId IS NULL AND @rId IS NULL ) SET @table = @table + ' AND 1<>1' END SET @table = @table + ') x' SET @sql_filter = '' SET @select_field_list =' customerId ,membershipId ,Name ,Country ,Address ,[State] ,Phone ,city ' EXEC dbo.proc_paging @table ,@sql_filter ,@select_field_list ,@extra_field_list ,@sortBy ,@sortOrder ,@pageSize ,@pageNumber END ELSE IF @flag = 'p' BEGIN SET @table = '( SELECT DISTINCT am.agentId ,am.agentCode ,name = am.agentName ,address = am.agentAddress ,city = agentCity ,district = agentDistrict ,[State] = agentState ,Phone = COALESCE(agentMobile1, agentMobile2, agentPhone1, agentPhone2) ,Country = am.agentCountry FROM agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN agentCurrency ac WITH(NOLOCK) ON am.agentId = ac.agentId INNER JOIN currencyMaster cm WITH(NOLOCK) ON ac.currencyId = cm.currencyId WHERE ISNULL(am.isDeleted, '''') <> ''Y'' AND ISNULL(am.isActive, '''') = ''Y'' AND (agentType = ''2904'' OR actAsBranch = ''Y'') AND (am.parentId IN (SELECT agentId FROM agentMaster WHERE parentId = ' + CAST(ISNULL(@pSuperAgent,0) AS VARCHAR) + ') OR am.parentId = ' + CAST(ISNULL(@pSuperAgent, 0) AS VARCHAR) + ') ' --PRINT (@table) IF @agentId IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND am.agentId = ' + CAST(@agentId AS VARCHAR) IF @agentId IS NULL BEGIN --IF @pSuperAgent IS NOT NULL -- SET @table = @table + ' AND am.parentId IN (' + SELECT agentId FROM agentMaster WHERE parentId = @pCountry + ')' IF @pCountry IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND am.agentCountry = ''' + @pCountryName + '''' IF @pCurrency IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND cm.currencyCode = ''' + @pCurrency + '''' IF @pState IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND am.agentState = ''' + @pState + '''' IF @pDistrict IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND am.agentDistrict = ''' + @pDistrict + '''' IF @pLocation IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND am.agentLocation = ' + CAST(@pLocation AS VARCHAR) IF @pCity IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND am.agentCity LIKE ''' + @pCity + '%''' --IF @deliveryMethod IS NOT NULL -- SET @table = @table + ' AND x.serviceType = ' + CAST(@deliveryMethod AS VARCHAR) IF @pPayer IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND ( am.agentName LIKE ''' + @pPayer + '%'' OR am.agentCode LIKE ''' + @pPayer + '%'' ) ' END SET @table = @table + ') x' SET @sql_filter = '' SET @select_field_list =' agentId ,agentCode ,name ,address ,country ,city ,[State] ,Phone ' EXEC dbo.proc_paging @table ,@sql_filter ,@select_field_list ,@extra_field_list ,@sortBy ,@sortOrder ,@pageSize ,@pageNumber END ELSE IF @flag = 'cust' BEGIN SELECT c.customerId ,membershipId ,Name = c.firstName + ISNULL( ' ' + c.middleName, '') + ISNULL(' ' + c.lastName1, '') + ISNULL(' ' + c.lastName2, '') ,[state] = ISNULL(csm.stateName, 'NA') ,[address] = ISNULL([address], 'NA') ,Phone = COALESCE(mobile, homePhone, workPhone) ,country = ISNULL(ccm.countryName, 'NA') FROM customers c WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster ccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON = ccm.countryId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm WITH(NOLOCK) ON c.state = csm.stateId WHERE c.customerId = @customerId END ELSE IF @flag = 'pay' BEGIN SELECT am.agentId ,code = am.agentCode ,name = am.agentName ,address = am.agentAddress ,city = agentCity ,[State] = ISNULL(csm.stateName, 'NA') ,Phone = COALESCE(agentMobile1, agentMobile2, agentPhone1, agentPhone2) ,Country = am.agentCountry ,am.parentId ,am.agentType FROM agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm WITH(NOLOCK) ON am.agentState = csm.stateId WHERE ISNULL(am.isDeleted, '') <> 'Y' AND ISNULL(am.isActive, '') = 'Y' AND agentId = @agentId END ELSE IF @flag = 'p_curr' BEGIN SELECT DISTINCT currencyId = cm.currencyCode ,cm.currencyCode FROM countryCurrency cc WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN currencyMaster cm WITH(NOLOCK) ON cc.currencyId = cm.currencyId WHERE cc.countryId = @pCountry --ISNULL(@pCountry, cc.countryId ) AND (spFlag IS NULL OR spFlag = 5201) ORDER BY cm.currencyCode END ELSE IF @flag = 'c_curr' BEGIN /*EXEC proc_sendTransactionLoadData @flag = 'c_curr', @user = 'ahalia'*/ DECLARE @agentCountryId INT SELECT @agentId = agentId FROM applicationUsers WHERE userName = @user SELECT @agentCountryId = agentCountryId FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @agentId SELECT DISTINCT currencyId, currencyCode, currencyName FROM ( SELECT currencyId = cm.currencyCode ,cm.currencyCode ,currencyName = cm.currencyCode + ' - ' + cm.currencyName FROM countryCurrency cc WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN currencyMaster cm WITH(NOLOCK) ON cc.currencyId = cm.currencyId WHERE countryId = @agentCountryId AND applyToAgent = 'Y' UNION ALL SELECT currencyId = cm.currencyCode ,cm.currencyCode ,currencyName = cm.currencyCode + ' - ' + cm.currencyName FROM agentCurrency ac WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN ( SELECT parentId FROM agentMaster WHERE agentId = @agentId ) agent ON agent.parentId = ac.agentId INNER JOIN currencyMaster cm WITH(NOLOCK) ON ac.currencyId = cm.currencyId )x ORDER BY currencyCode ASC END ELSE IF @flag = 'dm' -- deliverymethod BEGIN SELECT stm.serviceTypeId ,stm.typeTitle FROM serviceTypeMaster stm WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE ISNULL(stm.isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND ISNULL(stm.isActive, 'N') = 'Y' END GO