USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_transactionUtility] Script Date: 7/4/2019 11:35:48 AM ******/ DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_transactionUtility] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_transactionUtility] Script Date: 7/4/2019 11:35:48 AM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROC [dbo].[proc_transactionUtility] ( @flag VARCHAR(50) ,@user VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@controlNo VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@agentId VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@requestXML VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL ,@responseXML VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL ,@id VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@msg VARCHAR(200) = NULL ,@holdTranId VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@createdDate VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@count INT = NULL ,@pass VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@ragent VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@agentCode VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@sortBy VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@sortOrder VARCHAR(5) = NULL ,@pageSize INT = NULL ,@pageNumber INT = NULL ,@bankType CHAR(1) = NULL ,@fromDate VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@toDate VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@rCountry VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@bankCode VARCHAR(max) = NULL ,@accountNo VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@accountName VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@responseCode VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@bankName VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@superAgentId VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@targetCountries VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL ) AS /* */ SET XACT_ABORT ON SET NOCOUNT ON BEGIN TRY --Get list of agent and date for Sync Status in Bulk (Called by Schedular) DECLARE @table VARCHAR(MAX) ,@sql VARCHAR(MAX) ,@select_field_list VARCHAR(MAX) ,@riaAgentId INT = 56778 --Reprocess List IF @flag = 'rp' BEGIN IF @sortBy IS NULL SET @sortBy = 'id' IF @sortOrder IS NULL SET @sortOrder = 'ASC' SET @table = '( SELECT DISTINCT ,ISNULL(trn.holdTranId, holdTranId ,controlNo = dbo.FNADecryptString(trn.controlNo) ,sAgent = ams.agentName ,sBranchName ,sCountry = trn.sCountry ,rAgent = amr.agentName ,rCountry = trn.pCountry ,sender = sen.firstName + ISNULL( '' '' + sen.middleName, '''') + ISNULL( '' '' + sen.lastName1, '''') + ISNULL( '' '' + sen.lastName2, '''') ,receiver = rec.firstName + ISNULL( '' '' + rec.middleName, '''') + ISNULL( '' '' + rec.lastName1, '''') + ISNULL( '' '' + rec.lastName2, '''') ,accountNo = trn.accountNo ,amt = CAST(trn.cAmt AS DECIMAL(18, 2)) ,createdDate = CONVERT(VARCHAR, trn.createdDate, 101) ,createdBy = trn.createdBy ,collMode = trn.collMode ,ScOrderNo = '''' FROM remitTran trn WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN agentMaster ams WITH(NOLOCK) ON trn.sAgent = ams.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster amr WITH(NOLOCK) ON trn.pAgent = amr.agentId INNER JOIN tranSenders sen WITH(NOLOCK) ON = sen.tranId INNER JOIN tranReceivers rec WITH(NOLOCK) ON = rec.tranId WHERE trn.approvedBy IS NOT NULL AND trn.payStatus =''Unpaid'' AND tranStatus = ''payment'' AND trn.pAgent = 1056 AND pCountry=''Nepal'' ' IF @id IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND = ''' + @id + '''' IF @createdDate IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND TRN.createdDate between '''+@createdDate+''' and '''+@createdDate+' 23:59:59''' IF @holdTranId IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND TRN.holdTranId = '''+@holdTranId+'''' IF @controlNo IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND TRN.controlNo = dbo.FNAEncryptString('''+@controlNo+''')' IF @ragent IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND amr.agentName = '''+@ragent+'''' if @rCountry IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND trn.pCountry = '''+@rCountry+'''' if @superAgentId IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND trn.pSuperAgent = '''+@superAgentId+'''' IF @fromDate IS NOT NULL and @toDate IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND trn.createdDate BETWEEN ''' + @fromDate +''' AND '''+ @toDate +' 23:59:59''' SET @table = @table + ' ) x ' SET @select_field_list =' id ,holdTranId ,controlNo ,sAgent ,sBranchName ,sCountry ,rAgent ,collMode ,rCountry ,ScOrderNo ,sender ,receiver ,accountNo ,amt ,createdDate ,createdBy ' PRINT @table EXEC dbo.proc_paging @table ,null ,@select_field_list ,null ,@sortBy ,@sortOrder ,@pageSize ,@pageNumber RETURN END DECLARE @controlNoEnc VARCHAR(100) = dbo.FNAencryptString(@controlNo) IF @flag IN ('a') BEGIN SELECT controlNo = dbo.FnaDecryptString(controlNo) ,benefName = tr.firstName + ISNULL(' ' + tr.middleName,'') + ISNULL(' ' + tr.lastName1,'') ,benefAdddress = tr.address ,benefTel = tr.homePhone ,benefMobile = ,benefIdType = tr.idType ,benefAccIdNo = tr.idNumber ,senderName = ts.firstName + ISNULL(' ' + ts.middleName,'') + ISNULL(' ' + ts.lastName1,'') ,senderAddress = ts.address ,senderTel = ts.homePhone ,senderMobile = ,senderIdType = ts.idType ,senderIdNo = ts.idNumber ,purpose = rt.purposeOfRemit ,remitType = rt.paymentMethod ,rCurrency =rt.payoutCurr ,localAmount = rt.tAmt ,amount = rt.pAmt ,serviceCharge = rt.serviceCharge ,rCommission = rt.pAgentComm ,exchangeRate = rt.customerRate ,refNo = ,remarks = rt.pMessage ,[source] = rt.sourceOfFund ,tranStatus = rt.tranStatus ,payStatus = rt.payStatus ,paidBy = rt.paidBy ,paidDate = rt.paidDate ,approvedDate = CONVERT(VARCHAR, rt.approvedDate, 101) FROM remitTran rt INNER JOIN tranSenders ts WITH(NOLOCK) ON = ts.tranId INNER JOIN tranReceivers tr WITH(NOLOCK) ON = tr.tranId WHERE rt.controlNo = @controlNoEnc END IF @flag IN ('gbl-a') BEGIN SELECT controlNo = dbo.FnaDecryptString(controlNo) ,benefName = tr.firstName + ISNULL(' ' + tr.middleName,'') + ISNULL(' ' + tr.lastName1,'') --,benefAdddress = tr.address --,benefTel = tr.homePhone --,benefMobile = --,benefIdType = tr.idType --,benefAccIdNo = tr.idNumber ,senderName = ts.firstName + ISNULL(' ' + ts.middleName,'') + ISNULL(' ' + ts.lastName1,'') --,senderAddress = ts.address --,senderTel = ts.homePhone --,senderMobile = --,senderIdType = ts.idType --,senderIdNo = ts.idNumber --,purpose = rt.purposeOfRemit ,remitType = rt.paymentMethod --,rCurrency =rt.payoutCurr ,localAmount = rt.tAmt ,amount = rt.pAmt ,serviceCharge = rt.serviceCharge --,rCommission = rt.pAgentComm ,exchangeRate = rt.customerRate --,refNo = --,remarks = rt.pMessage --,[source] = rt.sourceOfFund ,tranStatus = rt.tranStatus ,payStatus = rt.payStatus --,paidBy = rt.paidBy --,paidDate = rt.paidDate ,approvedDate = CONVERT(VARCHAR, rt.approvedDate, 101) FROM remitTran rt INNER JOIN tranSenders ts WITH(NOLOCK) ON = ts.tranId INNER JOIN tranReceivers tr WITH(NOLOCK) ON = tr.tranId WHERE rt.controlNo = @controlNoEnc END IF @flag = 'rpid' BEGIN --Check for authentication IF dbo.FNACheckWsAuthentication(@user, @pass, @agentCode) <> 0 BEGIN SELECT id, holdTranId FROM remitTran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE 1 = 2 RETURN END UPDATE dbo.jobRunLog SET lastExecutionDate = GETDATE() WHERE jobName = 'Reprocess transaction' IF ISNULL(@count, 0) < 1 SET @count = 1 --Get the list of transaction ids to process IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempTran') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tempTran CREATE TABLE #tempTran(id BIGINT) INSERT INTO #tempTran(id) SELECT DISTINCT id FROM ( SELECT TOP (50) FROM remitTran trn WITH(READPAST) INNER JOIN serviceTypeMaster stm WITH(NOLOCK) ON trn.paymentMethod = stm.typeTitle WHERE trn.approvedBy IS NOT NULL AND trn.payStatus ='Unpaid' AND trn.tranStatus = 'Payment' AND ISNULL(trn.lockStatus, 'unlocked') <> 'locked' ORDER BY ASC ) x --Lock the transactions to make it unavailable for another process call UPDATE remitTran SET lockStatus = 'locked' ,lockedBy = 'system' ,lockedDate = GETDATE() FROM remitTran rt INNER JOIN #tempTran t ON = DECLARE @currentDate DATETIME = GETDATE() DECLARE @txnCount INT = 0 SELECT @txnCount = COUNT('X') FROM #tempTran IF @txnCount > 0 BEGIN --Log with the number of transactions processed in a single batch run INSERT INTO reprocessScheduleRunLog(createdDate, txnCount, processName) SELECT @currentDate, txnCount = COUNT('X'), 'Process third party transaction' FROM #tempTran END --Return the list of transaction ids to be processed SELECT *, processId = SCOPE_IDENTITY() FROM #tempTran --dispose temp table IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempTran') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tempTran RETURN END END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION SELECT 1 errorCode, ERROR_MESSAGE() msg, NULL id SELECT ERROR_LINE() END CATCH GO