USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_CancelTxnReceipt] Script Date: 9/27/2019 1:30:14 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER procEDURE [dbo].[proc_CancelTxnReceipt] ( @user VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@controlNo VARCHAR(50) = NULL ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON SET XACT_ABORT ON BEGIN SELECT dbo.FNADecryptString(ct.controlNo) controlNo ,ct.createdBy ,ct.createdDate ,ct.approvedBy ,ct.approvedDate ,ct.cancelRequestBy ,ct.cancelRequestDate ,ct.cancelApprovedBy ,ct.cancelApprovedDate ,ct.tranId ,'need to update' expectedPayoutAgent ,ct.paidBy ,ct.paidDate ,ct.paidDateLocal ,ct.createdDateLocal ,ct.approvedDateLocal ,s.firstName + isnull(' '+s.middleName,'')+isnull(' '+s.lastName1,'')+isnull(' '+s.lastName2,'') senderName ,s.address sAddress , sCountryName , sCity , sContactNo ,s.homePhone sTelNo ,s.idType sIdType ,s.idNumber sIdNo ,s.validDate , sEmail ,s.membershipId ,s.nativeCountry nativeCountry ,s.membershipId sMemId ,r.firstName + isnull(' '+r.middleName,'')+isnull(' '+r.lastName1,'')+isnull(' '+r.lastName2,'') receiverName ,r.address rAddress , rCountryName , rCity , rContactNo ,r.homePhone rTelNo ,r.idType rIdType ,r.idNumber rIdNo ,r.validDate ,r.relationType ,ct.sAgentName ,ct.sBranchName ,sm.agentAddress sAgentAddress ,sm.agentCountry sCountryName ,ct.pAgentName ,ct.pBranchName ,rm.agentAddress pAgentAddress ,rm.agentCountry pAgentCountry ,ct.cAmt ,ct.serviceCharge ,ct.collCurr ,ct.tAmt ,ct.collCurr ,ct.customerRate custRate ,ct.pAmt ,ct.payoutCurr ,ct.pAgentComm ,ct.pAgentCommCurrency ,ct.collMode CashOrBank ,ct.paymentMethod ,ct.payStatus ,ct.tranStatus ,ct.accountNo accountNo ,ct.pBankName BankName ,ct.pBankBranchName BranchName ,ct.sourceOfFund ,ct.purposeOfRemit ,ct.pMessage payoutMsg ,ct.relWithSender relationship ,ct.payTokenId FROM cancelTranHistory ct WITH (NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN cancelTranSendersHistory s WITH (NOLOCK) ON s.tranId = ct.tranId LEFT JOIN cancelTranReceiversHistory r WITH (NOLOCK) ON r.tranId = ct.tranId INNER JOIN agentMaster sm WITH (NOLOCK) ON sm.agentId= ct.sBranch LEFT JOIN agentMaster rm WITH (NOLOCK) ON rm.agentId = ct.pBranch WHERE ct.controlNo = dbo.FNAEncryptString(UPPER(LTRIM(RTRIM(@controlNo)))) SELECT bankName = ISNULL(B.bankName, 'Cash') ,C.collMode ,amt = ISNULL(amt, 0) ,collDate ,voucherNo = A.voucherNo ,narration FROM collectionDetails C WITH (NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryBanks B WITH (NOLOCK) ON C.countryBankId = B.countryBankId INNER JOIN cancelTranHistory A WITH(NOLOCK) ON C.tranId=A.tranId WHERE A.controlNo = dbo.FNAEncryptString(UPPER(LTRIM(RTRIM(@controlNo)))) END GO