USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_SchedulerForRemittanceVoucher] Script Date: 9/27/2019 1:30:14 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[proc_SchedulerForRemittanceVoucher] as set nocount on select DISTINCT field1,ref_num,acct_type_code into #acc from FastMoneyPro_Account.DBO.tran_master(nolock) where field2='remittance voucher' ----and acc_num='771345592' and acct_type_code is null and tran_date >=DATEADD(DAY,-2,cast(getdate() as date)) --and acc_num in ( --select acc_num from FastMoneyPro_Account.DBO.ac_master(nolock) where agent_id in ( --select agentId from FastMoneyPro_Remit.dbo.agentmaster(nolock) where isApiPartner=1 and agenttype=2903 -- union -- select 1056 -- --union -- --select 1036 --) and acct_rpt_code='TC' --) --select * from ac_master(nolock) where acct_name like '%tranglo%' select controlNo=dbo.FNADecryptString(controlNo),pagent,pagentName,approveddate,pcountry,pagentcomm into #temp from FastMoneyPro_Remit.dbo.remittran(nolock) where approveddate BETWEEN DATEADD(DAY,-2,cast(getdate() as date)) AND DATEADD(MINUTE,-2,GETDATE()) --and pagent in ( -- select agentId from FastMoneyPro_Remit.dbo.agentmaster(nolock) where isApiPartner=1 and agenttype=2903 -- union -- select 1056 union -- select 1036 --) --select 'exec proc_transactionVoucherEntry '''+controlNo+'''' from #temp t where pcountry <> 'Cambodia' --select * from #temp t --inner join #acc c on c.field1 = t.controlNo delete t from #temp t inner join #acc c on c.field1 = t.controlNo select TOP 10 * into #RemainforVoucher from #temp alter table #RemainforVoucher add id int IDENTITY(1,1) declare @tRow int,@controlno varchar(20) select @tRow = count(1) from #RemainforVoucher --select * from #RemainforVoucher --return while @tRow>0 begin select @controlno = controlNo from #RemainforVoucher where id = @tRow EXEC FastMoneyPro_Account.DBO.proc_transactionVoucherEntry @controlno WAITFOR DELAY '000:00:01' set @tRow = @tRow -1 end EXEC Proc_PayTXN_Locked_Released SELECT TOP 5 * INTO #TempPaid FROM tblPostedTxnQueue(NOLOCK) WHERE acPost IS NULL IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 'A' FROM #TempPaid) RETURN ALTER TABLE #TempPaid ADD id int identity(1,1) SET @tRow = 0 select @tRow = count(1) from #TempPaid UPDATE T SET T.CONTROLNO=DBO.FNADecryptString(r.controlNo) FROM #TempPaid T INNER JOIN remitTran R(NOLOCK) ON = T.tranId WHERE pCountry ='NEPAL' AND R.pAgent IS NOT NULL DECLARE @pAgent BIGINT,@User VARCHAR(30),@tranId BIGINT WHILE @tRow>0 BEGIN SELECT @controlno = controlNo,@pAgent=pAgentId,@User=POSTEDBY,@tranId = tranId FROM #TempPaid WHERE id = @tRow EXEc FastMoneyPro_Account.dbo.proc_remittanceVoucher_Paid @controlNo = @controlno ,@pAgent = @pAgent,@User = @User WAITFOR DELAY '000:00:01' SET @tRow = @tRow -1 UPDATE tblPostedTxnQueue SET acPost=1,controlno = @controlno WHERE tranId = @tranId END GO