USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_bonusRpt] Script Date: 9/27/2019 1:30:14 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[proc_bonusRpt] ( @flag VARCHAR(50) ,@fromDate VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@toDate VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@mFrom varchar(50) = null ,@mTo varchar(50) = null ,@customerId VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@branchId VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@orderBy VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@membershipId VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@user VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@prizeId VARCHAR(20) = NULL ,@pageNumber INT = 1 ,@pageSize INT = 50 ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON SET XACT_ABORT ON declare @sql varchar(max) , @table as varchar(max) , @oldToDate varchar(50) = @toDate SET @toDate = @toDate+' 23:59:59' if @flag = 'bRpt' begin declare @subsql varchar(max) = 'select sen.customerId ,sen.membershipId ,earnedBonus = sum(rt.bonusPoint) from remitTran rt with(nolock) inner join tranSenders sen with(nolock) on = sen.tranId where rt.approvedDateLocal between '''+@fromDate+''' and '''+@toDate+''' and rt.isBonusUpdated = ''Y''' if @membershipId is not null set @subsql = @subsql+ ' and sen.membershipId = '''+@membershipId+'''' set @subsql = @subsql+ 'group by sen.customerId,sen.membershipId' set @sql = ' select [S.N.] = ROW_NUMBER() over(order by x.earnedBonus desc) ,[Membership Id] = ''''+ x.membershipId +'''' ,[Customer Name] = cm.firstName+'' ''+isnull(cm.middleName,'''')+'' ''+ isnull(cm.lastName,'''') ,[Earned Bonus] = x.earnedBonus ,[Zone] = pZone ,[District] = pDistrict ,[VDC/Municipality] = pMunicipality ,[Mobile] = mobile ,[Email] = email ,[Citizenship No] = citizenshipNo from ( '+@subsql+' )x inner join customerMaster cm with(nolock) on x.customerId = cm.customerId where x.earnedBonus between '''+@mFrom+''' and '''+@mTo+'''' EXEC(@sql) EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'Date Range From ' head, @fromDate +' - '+ @toDate value UNION ALL SELECT 'Bonus Range From ' head, @mFrom +' - '+ @mTo value UNION ALL SELECT 'Order By' head, @orderBy value UNION ALL SELECT 'Membership Id' head, @membershipId value SELECT 'Customer Bonus Report ' title end if @flag = 'bRptDrildown' begin select [S.N.] = row_number() over(order by ,[Tran Id] = ,[Control No] = dbo.fnadecryptstring(rt.controlNo) ,[Sender Name] = senderName ,[Receiver Name] = receiverName ,[Confirm Date] = rt.approvedDateLocal ,[Earned Bonus] = rt.bonusPoint ,[Coll. Amt] = cAmt ,[Payout Amt] = pAmt ,[Service Charge] = serviceCharge ,[Payout Agent Comm.] = pAgentComm ,[Sending Agent Comm.] = sAgentComm from remitTran rt with(nolock) inner join tranSenders sen with(nolock) on = sen.tranId where rt.approvedDateLocal between @fromDate and @toDate and rt.isBonusUpdated = 'Y' and sen.membershipId = @membershipId EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'Date Range From ' head, @fromDate +' - '+ @toDate value UNION ALL SELECT 'Order By' head, @orderBy value UNION ALL SELECT 'Membership Id' head, @membershipId value SELECT 'Customer Bonus Transaction Detail Report ' title end IF @flag='bonusPoint' BEGIN if @orderBy = 'CustomerName' set @orderBy = '[Sender Name]' if @orderBy = 'BonusEarned' set @orderBy = '[Bonus Earned]' if @orderBy = 'Branch' set @orderBy = '[Branch Name]' IF ISNULL(@mFrom, 0) = 0 SET @mFrom = 1 set @table = 'select [Sender Name] = ISNULL('' ''+ c.firstName,'''') + ISNULL('' '' + c.middleName, '''') + ISNULL('' '' + c.lastName, '''') , [Sender Citizenship No] = c.citizenshipNo , [Sender Mobile/Phone] = , [Bonus Pending] = convert(int,round(isnull(bonusPointPending,0),0)) , [Bonus Earned] = convert(int,round((isnull(bonusPoint,0) + ISNULL(Redeemed, 0)),0)) , [Available Bonus] = convert(int,round((isnull(bonusPoint,0)),0)) FROM customerMaster c with(nolock) LEFT JOIN agentMaster am with(nolock) on c.agentId = am.agentId WHERE (isnull(bonusPointPending,0) between '''+@mFrom+''' and '''+@mTo+''' OR ISNULL(bonusPoint, 0) BETWEEN ''' + @mFrom + ''' AND ''' + @mTo + ''')' if @membershipId is not null set @table = @table+ ' and c.membershipId = '''+@membershipId+'''' SET @sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS TXNCOUNT ,' + CAST(@pageSize AS VARCHAR) + ' PAGESIZE ,' + CAST(@pageNumber AS VARCHAR) + ' PAGENUMBER FROM (' + @table + ') x' PRINT @sql EXEC (@sql) SET @sql = ' SELECT * FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY '+@orderBy+') AS [S.N],* FROM (' + @table + ') x ) AS tmp WHERE tmp.[S.N] BETWEEN ' + CAST(((@pageNumber - 1) * @pageSize + 1) AS VARCHAR) + ' AND ' + CAST(@pageNumber * @pageSize AS VARCHAR) PRINT @sql EXEC (@sql) EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'Bonus From ' head, @mFrom value union all SELECT 'Bonus To ' head, @mTo value union all select 'Branch Name' head, case when @branchId is not null then (select agentName from agentMaster with(nolock) where agentId = @branchId) else 'All' end union all select 'Order By' head, @orderBy value union all select 'Membership Id' head, @membershipId value SELECT 'Customer Bonus Point Report ' title END /* if @flag = 'bonusRedeemed' begin if @orderBy = 'CustomerName' set @orderBy = '[Sender Name]' if @orderBy = 'RedeemedDate' set @orderBy = '[Redeemed_Date]' if @orderBy = 'Branch' set @orderBy = '[Branch Name]' if @orderBy = 'GiftItem' set @orderBy = '[Gift Item]' declare @tbl table (membershipId varchar(50),hoComm money, txnCount int) IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tbl') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tbl CREATE TABLE #tbl ( membershipId varchar(50), hoComm money, txnCount varchar(50) ) insert into #tbl select membershipId = cm.customerCardNo, hoComm = sum(isnull(serviceCharge,0)-isnull(sAgentComm,0)-isnull(pAgentComm,0)), txnCount = count('x') from remitTran rt with(nolock) inner join tranSenders sen with(nolock) on = sen.tranId inner join customerMaster cm with(nolock) on cm.customerCardNo = sen.membershipId inner join bonusRedeemHistory red with(nolock) on red.customerId = where red.approvedDate between @fromDate and @toDate and cm.customerCardNo = isnull(@membershipId,cm.customerCardNo) and red.prizeId = isnull(@prizeId, red.prizeId) group by cm.customerCardNo set @table = 'select [Ref. No] = red.redeemId , [Membership Id] = c.customerCardNo , [Agent] = am.agentName , [Sender Name] = ISNULL('' ''+ c.firstName,'''') + ISNULL('' '' + c.middleName, '''') + ISNULL('' '' + c.lastName, '''') , [Sender (ID Type/No)] = dbo.FNAGetDataValue(ci.idType)+'' - ''+ cast(ci.idNumber as varchar) , [Sender Contact] = , [No. of Txn] = ''''+ txn.txnCount +'''' , [HO
Commission] = txn.hoComm , [Bonus Point_Total] = cast(ISNULL(red.currentMilage, 0) as int) , [Bonus Point_Redeemed] = convert(int,round(isnull(red.deductMilage,0),0)) , [Bonus Point_Remaining] = cast(ISNULL(red.currentMilage, 0) - isnull(red.deductMilage,0) as int) , [Gift Item] = dbo.FNAGetDataValue(red.prizeId) , [Request_Date] = red.createdDate , [Request_User] = red.createdBy , [Approved_Date] = red.approvedDate , [Approved_By] = red.approvedBy from customerMaster c with(nolock) inner join #tbl txn on c.customerCardNo = txn.membershipId inner join bonusRedeemHistory red with(nolock) on = red.customerId left join customerIdentity ci with(nolock) on = ci.customerId left join agentMaster am with(nolock) on red.branchId = am.agentId where red.approvedDate between '''+@fromDate+''' and '''+@toDate+'''' if @branchId is not null set @table = @table+ ' and red.branchId = '''+@branchId+'''' if @membershipId is not null set @table = @table+ ' and c.customerCardNo = '''+@membershipId+'''' if @prizeId is not null set @table = @table+ ' and red.prizeId = '''+@prizeId+'''' SET @sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS TXNCOUNT ,' + CAST(@pageSize AS VARCHAR) + ' PAGESIZE ,' + CAST(@pageNumber AS VARCHAR) + ' PAGENUMBER FROM (' + @table + ') x' PRINT @sql EXEC (@sql) SET @sql = ' SELECT * FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY '+@orderBy+') AS [S.N],* FROM (' + @table + ') x ) AS tmp WHERE tmp.[S.N] BETWEEN ' + CAST(((@pageNumber - 1) * @pageSize + 1) AS VARCHAR) + ' AND ' + CAST(@pageNumber * @pageSize AS VARCHAR) PRINT @sql EXEC (@sql) EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL select 'Branch Name' head, case when @branchId is not null then (select agentName from agentMaster with(nolock) where agentId = @branchId) else 'All' end value union all SELECT 'From Date' head, @fromDate value union all SELECT 'To Date' head, @toDate value union all select 'Gift Item' head,case when @prizeId is not null then (select dbo.FNAGetDataValue(@prizeId)) else 'All' end value union all select 'Order By' head, @orderBy value union all select 'Membership Id' head, @membershipId value SELECT 'Customer Bonus Redeemed Report ' title end if @flag ='txn-detail' begin SELECT [S.N.] = row_number()over(order by ,[Control No] =''+dbo.FNADecryptString(controlNo)+'' ,[Sending_Country] = sCountry ,[Sending_Agent] = sBranchName ,[Sending_Amt] = tAmt ,[Sending_Currency] = collCurr ,[Receiving_Country] = ISNULL(pCountry,'-') ,[Receiving_Branch] = case when rt.paymentMethod='Bank Deposit' then rt.pBankBranchName else ISNULL(rt.pBranchName,'-') end ,[Receiving_Amt] = pAmt ,[Tran Type] = rt.paymentMethod ,[Sender Name] = sen.firstName + ISNULL(' ' + sen.middleName, '') + ISNULL(' ' + sen.lastName1, '') + ISNULL(' ' + sen.lastName2,'') ,[Receiver Name] = rec.firstName + ISNULL(' ' + rec.middleName, '') + ISNULL(' ' + rec.lastName1, '') + ISNULL(' ' + rec.lastName2, '') FROM remitTran rt WITH(NOLOCK) inner join tranSenders sen WITH(NOLOCK) ON inner join tranReceivers rec WITH(NOLOCK) ON inner join bonusRedeemHistory red with(nolock) on red.customerId = sen.customerId where sen.membershipId = @membershipId and red.approvedDate between @fromDate and @toDate and red.prizeId = isnull(@prizeId,red.prizeId) and red.branchId = isnull(@branchId,red.branchId) EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL select 'Branch Name' head, case when @branchId is not null then (select agentName from agentMaster with(nolock) where agentId = @branchId) else 'All' end value union all SELECT 'From Date' head, @fromDate value union all SELECT 'To Date' head, @toDate value union all select 'Gift Item' head,case when @prizeId is not null then (select dbo.FNAGetDataValue(@prizeId)) else 'All' end value union all select 'Order By' head, @orderBy value union all select 'Membership Id' head, @membershipId value SELECT 'Customer Bonus - TXN Report ' title end if @flag = 'red-agent' begin if @orderBy = 'CustomerName' set @orderBy = '[Sender Name]' if @orderBy = 'RedeemedDate' set @orderBy = '[Redeemed_Date]' if @orderBy = 'Branch' set @orderBy = '[Branch Name]' if @orderBy = 'GiftItem' set @orderBy = '[Gift Item]' set @table = 'select [Ref. No] = red.redeemId , [Membership Id] = c.customerCardNo , [Agent] = am.agentName , [Sender Name] = ISNULL('' ''+ c.firstName,'''') + ISNULL('' '' + c.middleName, '''') + ISNULL('' '' + c.lastName, '''') , [Sender (ID Type/No)] = dbo.FNAGetDataValue(ci.idType)+'' - ''+ cast(ci.idNumber as varchar) , [Sender Contact] = , [Bonus Point_Total] = cast(ISNULL(red.currentMilage, 0) as int) , [Bonus Point_Redeemed] = convert(int,round(isnull(red.deductMilage,0),0)) , [Bonus Point_Remaining] = cast(ISNULL(red.currentMilage, 0) - isnull(red.deductMilage,0) as int) , [Gift Item] = dbo.FNAGetDataValue(red.prizeId) , [Request_Date] = red.createdDate , [Request_User] = red.createdBy , [Approved_Date] = red.approvedDate , [Approved_By] = red.approvedBy from customerMaster c with(nolock) inner join bonusRedeemHistory red with(nolock) on = red.customerId left join customerIdentity ci with(nolock) on = ci.customerId left join agentMaster am with(nolock) on red.branchId = am.agentId where red.approvedDate between '''+@fromDate+''' and '''+@toDate+'''' if @branchId is not null set @table = @table+ ' and red.branchId = '''+@branchId+'''' if @membershipId is not null set @table = @table+ ' and c.customerCardNo = '''+@membershipId+'''' if @prizeId is not null set @table = @table+ ' and red.prizeId = '''+@prizeId+'''' SET @sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS TXNCOUNT ,' + CAST(@pageSize AS VARCHAR) + ' PAGESIZE ,' + CAST(@pageNumber AS VARCHAR) + ' PAGENUMBER FROM (' + @table + ') x' PRINT @sql EXEC (@sql) SET @sql = ' SELECT * FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY '+@orderBy+') AS [S.N],* FROM (' + @table + ') x ) AS tmp WHERE tmp.[S.N] BETWEEN ' + CAST(((@pageNumber - 1) * @pageSize + 1) AS VARCHAR) + ' AND ' + CAST(@pageNumber * @pageSize AS VARCHAR) PRINT @sql EXEC (@sql) EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL select 'Branch Name' head, case when @branchId is not null then (select agentName from agentMaster with(nolock) where agentId = @branchId) else 'All' end value union all SELECT 'From Date' head, @fromDate value union all SELECT 'To Date' head, @toDate value union all select 'Gift Item' head,case when @prizeId is not null then (select dbo.FNAGetDataValue(@prizeId)) else 'All' end value union all select 'Order By' head, @orderBy value union all select 'Membership Id' head, @membershipId value SELECT 'Customer Bonus Redeemed Report ' title end */ GO