USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_cooperativeReport] Script Date: 9/27/2019 1:30:14 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[proc_cooperativeReport] @flag VARCHAR(10) = NULL ,@user VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@fromDate VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@toDate VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@agentGrp VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@agent VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@branch VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@table VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL ,@pageNumber INT = NULL ,@pageSize INT = NULL AS /* EXEC proc_cooperativeReport @flag ='rpt' , @user = 'netra' , @agentGrp = '8026' , @agent = NULL , @branch = NULL , @fromDate = '2016-05-18' , @toDate = '2016-05-29' , @pageNumber = 1 , @pageSize = 100 */ SET NOCOUNT ON; SET XACT_ABORT ON ; BEGIN TRY DECLARE @sql1 VARCHAR(MAX) ,@sql2 VARCHAR(MAX) ,@sql3 VARCHAR(MAX) ,@sqlEP VARCHAR(MAX) ,@sqlPO VARCHAR(MAX) ,@sqlCancel VARCHAR(MAX) ,@mainSql VARCHAR(MAX) IF @flag = 'rpt' BEGIN IF @agentGrp IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @agentGrp=am.agentGrp FROM dbo.applicationUsers u WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN dbo.agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) ON u.agentId=am.agentId WHERE u.userName=@user END -- Domestic Send SET @sql1 =' SELECT sAgent ,sBranch ,sendCount = count(''x'') FROM vwRemitTran rt WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) ON rt.sAgent = am.agentId WHERE (am.agentGrp = 8026 OR am.agentGrp = 9906) and tranType = ''D'' AND rt.approvedDate BETWEEN '''+@fromDate+''' AND '''+ @toDate+' 23:59:59''' IF @agent IS NOT NULL SET @sql1 = @sql1 + ' AND sAgent = '''+@agent+'''' IF @branch IS NOT NULL SET @sql1 = @sql1 + ' AND sBranch = '''+@branch+'''' IF @agentGrp IS NOT NULL SET @sql1 = @sql1 + ' AND am.agentGrp = '''+@agentGrp+'''' SET @sql1= @sql1+' GROUP BY sBranch,sAgent' -- Domestic Cancel SET @sqlCancel =' SELECT sAgent ,sBranch ,cancelCount = count(''x'') FROM vwRemitTran rt WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) ON rt.sAgent = am.agentId WHERE (am.agentGrp = 8026 OR am.agentGrp = 9906) and tranType = ''D'' and tranStatus = ''Cancel'' AND rt.cancelApprovedDate BETWEEN '''+@fromDate+''' AND '''+ @toDate+' 23:59:59''' IF @agent IS NOT NULL SET @sqlCancel = @sqlCancel + ' AND sAgent = '''+@agent+'''' IF @branch IS NOT NULL SET @sqlCancel = @sqlCancel + ' AND sBranch = '''+@branch+'''' IF @agentGrp IS NOT NULL SET @sqlCancel = @sqlCancel + ' AND am.agentGrp = '''+@agentGrp+'''' SET @sqlCancel= @sqlCancel+' GROUP BY sBranch,sAgent' --Domestic Paid SET @sql2 ='SELECT pAgent ,pBranch ,payCount = count(*) --,payAmount = SUM(pAmt) FROM vwRemitTran rt WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) ON rt.pAgent = am.agentId WHERE (am.agentGrp = 8026 OR am.agentGrp = 9906) AND rt.sCountry = ''Nepal'' and tranType =''D'' AND rt.paidDate BETWEEN '''+@fromDate+''' AND '''+ @toDate+' 23:59:59''' IF @agent IS NOT NULL SET @sql2 = @sql2 + ' AND pAgent = '''+@agent+'''' IF @branch IS NOT NULL SET @sql2 = @sql2 + ' AND pBranch = '''+@branch+'''' IF @agentGrp IS NOT NULL SET @sql2 = @sql2 + ' AND am.agentGrp = '''+@agentGrp+'''' SET @sql2= @sql2+' GROUP BY pBranch,pAgent' -- International Paid SET @sql3 ='SELECT pAgent ,pBranch ,payCount = count(*) --,payAmount = SUM(pAmt) FROM vwRemitTran rt WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) ON rt.pAgent = am.agentId WHERE (am.agentGrp = 8026 OR am.agentGrp = 9906) AND rt.sCountry <> ''Nepal'' AND rt.paidDate BETWEEN '''+@fromDate+''' AND '''+ @toDate+' 23:59:59''' IF @agent IS NOT NULL SET @sql3 = @sql3 + ' AND pAgent = '''+@agent+'''' IF @branch IS NOT NULL SET @sql3 = @sql3 + ' AND pBranch = '''+@branch+'''' IF @agentGrp IS NOT NULL SET @sql3 = @sql3 + ' AND am.agentGrp = '''+@agentGrp+'''' SET @sql3= @sql3+' GROUP BY pBranch,pAgent' -- ## EP SET @sqlEP ='SELECT pAgent ,pBranch ,payCount = count(''x'') FROM errPaidTran ep WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) ON ep.oldPBranch = am.agentId inner join remitTran rt with(nolock) on = ep.tranId WHERE (am.agentGrp = 8026 OR am.agentGrp = 9906) AND ep.approvedDate BETWEEN '''+@fromDate+''' AND '''+ @toDate+' 23:59:59''' IF @agent IS NOT NULL SET @sqlEP = @sqlEP + ' AND pAgent = '''+@agent+'''' IF @branch IS NOT NULL SET @sqlEP = @sqlEP + ' AND pBranch = '''+@branch+'''' IF @agentGrp IS NOT NULL SET @sqlEP = @sqlEP + ' AND am.agentGrp = '''+@agentGrp+'''' SET @sqlEP= @sqlEP+' GROUP BY pBranch,pAgent ' -- ## PO SET @sqlPO ='SELECT newPAgent ,newPBranch ,payCount = count(''x'') FROM errPaidTran ep WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) ON ep.newPBranch = am.agentId inner join remitTran rt with(nolock) on = ep.tranId WHERE (am.agentGrp = 8026 OR am.agentGrp = 9906) AND ep.newPaidDate BETWEEN '''+@fromDate+''' AND '''+ @toDate+' 23:59:59''' IF @agent IS NOT NULL SET @sqlPO = @sqlPO + ' AND newPAgent = '''+@agent+'''' IF @branch IS NOT NULL SET @sqlPO = @sqlPO + ' AND newPBranch = '''+@branch+'''' IF @agentGrp IS NOT NULL SET @sqlPO = @sqlPO + ' AND am.agentGrp = '''+@agentGrp+'''' SET @sqlPO= @sqlPO+' GROUP BY newPAgent,newPBranch ' IF CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETDATE(),101) < = CONVERT(VARCHAR,CAST(@toDate AS DATETIME),101) BEGIN SET @mainSql =' select a.agentId ,a.agentName sBranchName ,case when b.agentId = 1002 then a.agentName else b.agentName end sAgentName ,case when b.agentId = 1002 then a.agentId else a.parentId end parentId ,balance = CASE WHEN a.isSettlingAgent = ''Y'' THEN DBO.FNAGetAvailableBalance(a.agentId) WHEN ISNULL(a.isSettlingAgent,''N'') <> ''Y'' AND ISNULL(B.isSettlingAgent,''N'') = ''Y'' AND a.isHeadOffice = ''Y'' THEN DBO.FNAGetAvailableBalance(B.agentId) ELSE 0 END ,a.agentGrp from agentMaster a with(nolock) inner join agentMaster b with(nolock) on a.parentId = b.agentId where ISNULL(a.agentBlock,''U'') <> ''B'' AND ISNULL(B.agentBlock,''U'') <> ''B'' AND (( (a.agentGrp = 8026 OR a.agentGrp = 9906) and a.agentType = 2904) OR (a.agentType = 2903 and a.actasbranch=''Y'' AND (a.agentGrp = 8026 OR a.agentGrp = 9906)))' END ELSE BEGIN SET @mainSql =' select a.agentId ,a.agentName sBranchName ,case when b.agentId = 1002 then a.agentName else b.agentName end sAgentName ,case when b.agentId = 1002 then a.agentId else a.parentId end parentId ,balance = CASE WHEN a.isSettlingAgent = ''Y'' THEN bal.balance WHEN ISNULL(a.isSettlingAgent,''N'') <> ''Y'' AND ISNULL(B.isSettlingAgent,''N'') = ''Y'' AND a.isHeadOffice = ''Y'' THEN bal.balance ELSE 0 END ,a.agentGrp from agentMaster a with(nolock) inner join agentMaster b with(nolock) on a.parentId = b.agentId LEFT join ( SELECT agentId,balance = ISNULL(amt,0) FROM RemittanceLogData.dbo.agentClosingBalanceHistory bh WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR,balDate,101) = CONVERT(VARCHAR,CAST('''+@toDate+''' AS DATETIME),101) )bal ON a.agentId = bal.agentId OR a.parentId = bal.agentId where ISNULL(a.agentBlock,''U'') <> ''B'' AND ISNULL(B.agentBlock,''U'') <> ''B'' AND (( (a.agentGrp = 8026 OR a.agentGrp = 9906) and a.agentType = 2904) OR (a.agentType = 2903 and a.actasbranch=''Y'' AND (a.agentGrp = 8026 OR a.agentGrp = 9906) ))' END SET @table =' SELECT [SN] = row_number() over(order by a.sBranchName) , [Agent] = a.sBranchName , [Domestic Transaction_Send] = isnull(b.sendCount,0) , [Domestic Transaction_Paid] = isnull(c.payCount,0) , [Domestic Transaction_Cancel] = isnull(g.cancelCount,0) , [Int''l
Paid] = isnull(d.payCount,0) , [EP] = isnull(e.payCount,0) , [PO] = isnull(f.payCount,0) , [Closing Balance_Payable] = CASE WHEN balance >= 0 THEN balance ELSE 0 END , [Closing Balance_Receivable] = CASE WHEN balance < 0 THEN balance ELSE 0 END FROM ( '+@mainSql+' )a LEFT JOIN ( '+@sql1 +')b ON a.agentId = b.sBranch LEFT JOIN (' +@sql2 +' )c ON a.agentId = c.pBranch LEFT JOIN (' +@sql3 +' )d ON a.agentId = d.pBranch LEFT JOIN (' +@sqlEP +' )e ON a.agentId = e.pBranch LEFT JOIN (' +@sqlPO +' )f ON a.agentId = f.newPBranch LEFT JOIN (' +@sqlCancel +' )g ON a.agentId = g.sBranch where 1=1 ' IF @agent IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND a.parentId = '''+@agent+'''' IF @branch IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND a.agentId = '''+@branch+'''' IF @agentGrp IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND a.agentGrp = '''+@agentGrp+'''' SET @table = @table + ' order by a.sBranchName' PRINT @table EXEC(@table) EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'From Date' head,@fromDate VALUE UNION ALL SELECT 'TO Date' head,@toDate VALUE UNION ALL SELECT 'Agent' head,CASE WHEN @agent IS NULL THEN 'All' ELSE (SELECT agentName from agentMaster where agentId=@agent) END VALUE UNION ALL SELECT 'Branch' head,CASE WHEN @branch IS NULL THEN 'All' ELSE (SELECT agentName from agentMaster where agentId=@branch) END VALUE UNION ALL SELECT 'Agent Group' AS head, detailTitle AS VALUE from dbo.staticDataValue where valueId= @agentGrp SELECT 'Transaction Report Super Agent (Cooperative)' title END END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION SELECT 1 error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE() mes, NULL id, ERROR_LINE() print error_line() END CATCH GO