USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO ALTER PROCEDURE DLL_PROC_GET_PARTNER_CONFIG( @Flag VARCHAR(100) ,@payOutPartnerId BIGINT ,@pCountryId BIGINT ,@pCountryName VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@deliveryMethodId BIGINT ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON BEGIN IF @Flag='config' BEGIN IF @pCountryId IS NULL AND @pCountryName IS NOT NULL SELECT @pCountryId = countryId FROM countryMaster(NOLOCK) WHERE countryName = @pCountryName IF @PAYOUTPARTNERID = 601391 ---- CEBUEANA LHUILLIER BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 BaseUrl = '' ,[Authorization] = '29F9D158-9F59-4D3E-972F-2B4E29D996F2' ,[PartnerRate] = 0 ,[PartnerPin] = 0 ,DefaultAgent = '' RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.TblPartnerwiseCountry(NOLOCK) WHERE IsActive = 1 AND AgentId=@payOutPartnerId AND CountryId=@pCountryId AND PaymentMethod = @deliveryMethodId) BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 [BaseUrl] ,[PartnerRate] = CASE WHEN GetRateFrom='LOG' THEN 1 ELSE [PartnerRate] END ,[PartnerPin] = [PartnerPin] ,[Authorization] = AuthKey ,DefaultAgent FROM dbo.TblPartnerwiseCountry(NOLOCK) WHERE AgentId=@payOutPartnerId AND CountryId=@pCountryId AND PaymentMethod=@deliveryMethodId AND IsActive=1 END ELSE BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 [BaseUrl] ,[PartnerRate] = CASE WHEN GetRateFrom='LOG' THEN 1 ELSE [PartnerRate] END ,[PartnerPin] = [PartnerPin] ,[Authorization] = AuthKey ,DefaultAgent FROM dbo.TblPartnerwiseCountry(NOLOCK) WHERE IsActive=1 AND AgentId=@payOutPartnerId AND CountryId=@pCountryId --AND PaymentMethod=@deliveryMethodId END END END