USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_ScheduleGMENepal] Script Date: 9/27/2019 1:30:14 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROC [dbo].[proc_ScheduleGMENepal]( @Flag VARCHAR(20) ,@TranId BIGINT = NULL )AS BEGIN IF @Flag='list' BEGIN SELECT TOP 50 AS TranId ,Dbo.FNADecryptString(r.controlNo) AS ControlNo , AS ExConfirmId ,r.senderName AS CustomerName ,ts.address AS CustomerAddress , AS CustomerContact , AS CustomerCity , AS CustomerCountry ,ts.idType AS CustomerIdType ,ts.idNumber AS CustomerIdNumber ,r.receiverName AS BeneName ,tr.address AS BeneAddress , AS BeneContact , AS BeneCity , AS BeneCountry ,ts.occupation AS Profession ,r.sourceOfFund AS IncomeSource ,r.relWithSender AS Relationship ,r.purposeOfRemit AS PurposeOfRemittance ,r.tAmt AS SendingAmount ,r.pAmt AS ReceivingAmount ,'C' AS PaymentMethod ,CONVERT(VARCHAR,r.createdDate,110) AS TransactionDate ,'C' AS CalculateBy ,NULL AS FreeCharge ,(sCurrCostRate + ISNULL(sCurrHoMargin,0)) AS sCurrCostRate ,pCurrCostRate FROM dbo.remitTran r (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN dbo.tranSenders ts (NOLOCK) ON = ts.tranId INNER JOIN dbo.tranReceivers tr (NOLOCK) ON = tr.tranId WHERE r.tranStatus = 'Payment' and r.payStatus = 'Unpaid' AND r.paymentMethod = 'Cash Payment' AND r.pAgent = 1036 and 1=2 return END ELSE IF @flag='updateToPost' BEGIN UPDATE dbo.remitTran SET payStatus = 'Post', postedBy = 'SCHEDULAR', postedDate = GETDATE() WHERE id = @TranId and pAgent = 1036 IF @@ROWCOUNT=1 BEGIN SELECT '0' ErrorCode, 'Transaction Status updated.' Msg, NULL Id RETURN 0 END END ELSE IF @flag='updateToPaid' BEGIN UPDATE dbo.remitTran SET tranStatus='Paid', payStatus='Paid', paidBy = 'system', paidDate=GETDATE(),paidDateLocal = GETUTCDATE() WHERE id = @TranId and pAgent = 1036 IF @@ROWCOUNT=1 BEGIN SELECT '0' ErrorCode, 'Transaction Status updated.' Msg, NULL Id RETURN 0 END END ELSE IF @flag='list-posted' BEGIN SELECT dbo.FNADecryptString(controlNo) AS ControlNo ,id AS TranId FROM dbo.remitTran (NOLOCK) WHERE payStatus = 'Post' AND paymentMethod = 'Cash Payment' and pAgent = 1036 return END END GO