USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_autocomplete] Script Date: 7/4/2019 11:35:48 AM ******/ DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_autocomplete] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_autocomplete] Script Date: 7/4/2019 11:35:48 AM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROC [dbo].[proc_autocomplete] ( @category VARCHAR(50) ,@searchText VARCHAR(50) ,@param1 VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@param2 VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@param3 VARCHAR(50) = NULL ) AS DECLARE @SQL AS VARCHAR(MAX) IF @category = 'user' BEGIN DECLARE @branchList TABLE(branchId INT) IF @param1 IS NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @branchList SELECT agentId FROM agentMaster WHERE agentType = '2904' AND parentId = @param2 AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' END IF @param1 IS NULL AND @param2 IS NULL BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 userID, userName FROM applicationUsers WHERE userName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' AND ISNULL(isDeleted,'N' )<> 'Y' AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' ORDER BY userName ASC RETURN END IF @param1 IS NOT NULL AND @param2 IS NOT NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @branchList SELECT @param1 END SELECT TOP 20 userID, userName FROM applicationUsers WHERE userName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' AND agentId IN (SELECT branchId FROM @branchList) ORDER BY userName ASC RETURN END IF @category = 'menuSearchAdmin' BEGIN IF @param1 = 'admin' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 linkPage, menuName FROM dbo.applicationMenus WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE AgentMenuGroup IS NULL AND menuName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' END ELSE BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 AM.linkPage , AM.menuName FROM dbo.applicationUserRoles AR WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN dbo.applicationRoleFunctions AF WITH(NOLOCK) ON AF.roleId = AR.roleId INNER JOIN dbo.applicationMenus AM WITH(NOLOCK) ON AM.functionId = AF.functionId INNER JOIN dbo.applicationUsers AU WITH(NOLOCK) ON AU.userId = AR.userId WHERE AU.userName = @param1 AND AM.AgentMenuGroup IS NULL AND menuName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%'; END END IF @category='agentRatingList' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 agentId,agentName FROM agentlistriskprofile WHERE agentName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' ORDER BY agentName ASC RETURN END IF @category = 'menuSearchAgent' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 AM.linkPage , AM.menuName FROM dbo.applicationUserRoles AR WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN dbo.applicationRoleFunctions AF WITH(NOLOCK) ON AF.roleId = AR.roleId INNER JOIN dbo.applicationMenus AM WITH(NOLOCK) ON AM.functionId = AF.functionId INNER JOIN dbo.applicationUsers AU WITH(NOLOCK) ON AU.userId = AR.userId WHERE AU.userName = @param1 AND AM.AgentMenuGroup IS NOT NULL AND menuName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%'; END IF @category = 'users' BEGIN IF @param1 IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 userID, userName FROM applicationUsers WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE userName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' AND agentId = @param1 AND ISNULL(isDeleted,'N' )<> 'Y' AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' ORDER BY userName ASC RETURN END SELECT TOP 20 userID, userName FROM applicationUsers WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE userName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' AND ISNULL(isDeleted,'N' )<> 'Y' AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' ORDER BY userName ASC RETURN END IF @category = 'country' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 countryId, countryName FROM countryMaster WHERE countryName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' AND ISNULL(isOperativeCountry,'')='Y' ORDER BY countryName ASC RETURN END IF @category = 'countryOp' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 countryId, countryName FROM countryMaster WHERE countryName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' ORDER BY countryName ASC RETURN END IF @category = 'countrySend' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 countryId, countryName FROM countryMaster WHERE countryName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' AND ISNULL(isOperativeCountry,'') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(operationType,'B') IN ('B','S','R') ORDER BY countryName ASC RETURN END IF @category = 'countryPay' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 countryId, countryName FROM countryMaster WHERE countryName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' AND ISNULL(isOperativeCountry,'') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(operationType,'B') IN ('B','R') ORDER BY countryName ASC RETURN END IF @category = 'branch' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 agentId, agentName FROM agentMaster WHERE agentType = '2904' AND parentId = @param1 AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND agentName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' ORDER BY agentName ASC RETURN END IF @category = 'branchExt' -- branch filter external or internal BEGIN IF RIGHT(@param1,1) = 'I' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 agentId, agentName FROM agentMaster WHERE agentType = '2904' AND parentId = LEFT(@param1,LEN(@param1)-1) AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND agentName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' ORDER BY agentName ASC RETURN END IF RIGHT(@param1,1) = 'E' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 ebb.extBranchId agentId ,branchName agentName FROM externalBank eb LEFT JOIN externalBankBranch ebb ON eb.extBankId=ebb.extbankid WHERE eb.extBankId = LEFT(@param1,LEN(@param1)-1) AND ebb.branchName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' ORDER BY branchName RETURN END END IF @category = 'agentWiseUser' -- --@author:bibash; Select branch user according to the branch parent BEGIN IF @param1 IS NOT NULL AND @param2 IS NULL BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 userID, userName FROM applicationUsers au WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) ON am.agentId= au.agentId WHERE userName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' AND am.parentId = @param1 AND ISNULL(au.isDeleted,'N' )<> 'Y' AND ISNULL(au.isActive, 'N') = 'Y' ORDER BY userName ASC RETURN END ELSE IF @param2 IS NOT NULL AND @param1 IS NULL BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 userID, userName FROM applicationUsers au WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) ON am.agentId= au.agentId WHERE userName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' AND am.agentCountryId = @param2 AND ISNULL(au.isDeleted,'N' )<> 'Y' AND ISNULL(au.isActive, 'N') = 'Y' ORDER BY userName ASC RETURN END ELSE BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 userID, userName FROM applicationUsers au WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) ON am.agentId= au.agentId WHERE userName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' AND am.parentId = @param1 AND am.agentCountryId = @param2 AND ISNULL(au.isDeleted,'N' )<> 'Y' AND ISNULL(au.isActive, 'N') = 'Y' ORDER BY userName ASC RETURN END END IF @category = 's-r-agent' -- sending / receiving agent according to sending /receiving country BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 agentId, agentName FROM agentMaster WHERE agentType = '2903' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND agentName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' AND agentCountryId = @param1 ORDER BY agentName ASC RETURN END IF @category = 'agent' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 a.agentId,agentName agentName FROM ( SELECT agentId, agentName+ISNULL('(' + b.districtName + ')', '') agentName FROM agentMaster a WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN api_districtList b WITH(NOLOCK) ON a.agentLocation = b.districtCode WHERE ----(actAsBranch = 'Y' OR agentType = 2904) AND ISNULL(a.isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' AND ISNULL(a.isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(agentBlock,'U') <>'B' and a.parentId not IN (1543,5006) )A WHERE A.agentName LIKE '%'+ ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' ORDER BY A.agentName RETURN END IF @category = 'all-agent' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 agentId, agentName FROM agentMaster WHERE agentName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' AND agentCountry = 'Nepal' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' ORDER BY agentName ASC RETURN END IF @category = 'adminUser' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 userID, userName FROM applicationUsers WHERE userName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' AND userType = 'HO' ORDER BY userName ASC RETURN END IF @category = 'internalBranch' -- --@author:bibash; Select internal branchName BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 branch.agentId, branch.agentName FROM agentMaster agent WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN agentMaster branch WITH(NOLOCK) ON branch.parentId= agent.agentId WHERE ISNULL(branch.isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND branch.agentType = '2904' AND agent.isInternal ='Y' AND branch.agentName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' ORDER BY branch.agentName ASC RETURN END --EXEC proc_autocomplete @category='benBankByCountryName', @searchText='PRIME', @param1='Bangladesh' IF @category = 'benBankByCountryName' -->> Beneficiary Bank By Country Name BEGIN SET @SQL = 'SELECT TOP 20 * FROM ( SELECT agentId bankId,agentName+'' (Bank)'' BankName FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentType=2903 AND agentCountry = '''+@param1+''' UNION ALL SELECT extBankId bankId,bankName+'' (Ext. Bank)'' BankName FROM externalBank WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE country = '''+@param1+''' AND isnull(internalCode,'''') NOT IN (SELECT agentid FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentType=2903 AND agentCountry = '''+@param1+''') )x WHERE BankName LIKE ''%'+@searchText+'%''' SET @SQL = @SQL+ ' ORDER BY BankName ASC' PRINT(@SQL); EXEC(@SQL) END IF @category = 'sendAgentByCountryName' -->> Sending Agent By Country Name BEGIN SET @SQL = 'SELECT TOP 20 agentId, agentName FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentName LIKE ''%'+@searchText+'%''' IF @param1 IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND agentCountry = '''+@param1+'''' SET @SQL = @SQL+ ' ORDER BY agentName ASC' EXEC(@SQL) END IF @category = 'value' -- Select Values of ColumnName Accroding to TableName BEGIN SET @SQL = 'SELECT TOP 20 ' +@param2+ ' id, ' +@param2+ ' FROM ' + @param1 + ' WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE ' +@param2+' LIKE '''+@searchText+'%'' ORDER BY ''' + @param2 +''' ASC' PRINT @SQL EXEC (@SQL) RETURN END IF @category = 'allBranch' --@author:bibash; Select all branch name BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 branch.agentId, branch.agentName FROM agentMaster agent WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN agentMaster branch WITH(NOLOCK) ON branch.parentId= agent.agentId WHERE ISNULL(branch.isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND branch.agentType = '2904' AND branch.agentName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' ORDER BY branch.agentName ASC RETURN END IF @category = 'pbranchByAgent' -- Select branchName List According to AgentName By pralhad BEGIN DECLARE @branchSelection VARCHAR(50) SELECT @branchSelection=ISNULL(branchSelection,'A') FROM receiveTranLimit WHERE agentId = @param1 SELECT TOP 20 agentId [serviceTypeId], agentName [typeTitle],@branchSelection [branchSelection] FROM agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE ISNULL(am.isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND am.agentType = '2904' AND am.parentId = @param1 AND agentName LIKE @searchText+'%' ORDER BY agentName ASC RETURN END IF @category = 'internalAgentByExtBankId' -->> Selecting Agent by External Bank Id BEGIN DECLARE @countryId INT,@countryName AS VARCHAR(200) SELECT @countryName = country FROM externalBank WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE extBankId=@param1 SELECT @countryId = countryId FROM countryMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE countryName=@countryName SELECT a.agentId,a.agentName FROM agentMaster a WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN ( SELECT agentId FROM receiveTranLimit WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE countryId=ISNULL(@countryId,countryId) AND tranType='3' )b ON a.agentId=b.agentId WHERE ISNULL(a.isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND a.agentName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' RETURN END IF @category = 'agent-a' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 am.agentId ,am.agentName ,am.agentLocation ,am.agentCountry ,COALESCE(am.agentMobile1, am.agentMobile2, am.agentPhone1, am.agentPhone2) Phone ,pa.agentName parentName FROM agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN agentMaster pa WITH(NOLOCK) ON am.parentId = pa.agentId WHERE am.agentId = @searchText RETURN END IF @category='allBank' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 bankId = extBankId, bankName FROM externalBank WHERE internalCode IS NOT NULL RETURN END IF @category='ime-private-agent' BEGIN --SELECT TOP 20 a.agentId,agentName+'|'+CAST(agentId AS VARCHAR) agentName --FROM --( -- SELECT agentId,agentName+' '+b.districtName agentName -- FROM agentMaster a WITH(NOLOCK) -- LEFT JOIN api_districtList b WITH(NOLOCK) ON a.agentLocation=b.districtCode -- WHERE actAsBranch = 'Y' -- AND agentType = 2903 -- AND ISNULL(a.isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' -- --AND ISNULL(a.isActive, 'N') = 'Y' -- OR (agentType = 2904 and parentId = 4618) -- OR (agentType = 2904 and parentId = 21107) -- OR (agentType = 2904 and parentId = 22194) -- OR a.agentId = 1194 -- --OR (a.agentId = 20653) -- OR (agentType = 2904) --)A WHERE A.agentName LIKE '%'+@searchText+'%' ORDER BY A.agentName SELECT TOP 20 a.agentId,agentName+'|'+CAST(agentId AS VARCHAR) agentName FROM ( SELECT agentId,agentName+' '+b.districtName agentName FROM agentMaster a WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN api_districtList b WITH(NOLOCK) ON a.agentLocation=b.districtCode WHERE agentGrp <> '4301' AND ISNULL(a.isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' AND ( (agentType = 2903 AND actAsBranch = 'Y') OR agentType = 2904 ) )A WHERE A.agentName LIKE '%'+@searchText+'%' ORDER BY A.agentName END IF @category='domestic-agent' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 a.agentId,agentName+'|'+CAST(agentId AS VARCHAR) agentName FROM ( SELECT agentId,agentName+' '+b.districtName agentName FROM agentMaster a WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN api_districtList b WITH(NOLOCK) ON a.agentLocation=b.districtCode WHERE agentType = 2903 AND ISNULL(a.isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' AND ISNULL(a.isActive, 'N') = 'Y' )A WHERE A.agentName LIKE '%'+@searchText+'%' ORDER BY A.agentName END IF @category='CountryAgentLogin' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 agentId, agentName FROM agentMaster WHERE agentName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' AND agentCountryId = @param1 AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' ORDER BY agentName ASC RETURN END IF @category='CountryAgentTxn' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 agentId, agentName FROM agentMaster WHERE agentName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' AND agentCountry = @param1 AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' ORDER BY agentName ASC RETURN END IF @category='AgentUser' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 userId, userName FROM applicationUsers WHERE userName LIKE ISNULL(@searchText, '') + '%' AND agentId = @param1 AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' ORDER BY userName ASC RETURN END -------->>>>For transaction Analysis Report--------->>>> IF @category='zoneRpt' BEGIN SELECT top 20 stateId ,stateName FROM countryStateMaster a WITH(NOLOCK) inner join countryMaster b with(nolock) on a.countryId=b.countryId WHERE (b.countryName = @param1 or b.countryId=@param1) AND stateName like '%'+@searchText+'%' AND ISNULL(A.isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' ORDER BY stateName RETURN END IF @category='districtRpt' BEGIN SELECT top 20 districtId ,districtName FROM zoneDistrictMap WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE zone = isnull(@param1,zone) AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND districtName like '%'+@searchText+'%' ORDER BY districtName RETURN END IF @category='locationRpt' BEGIN SELECT DISTINCT top 20 locationId = districtCode ,locationName = districtName FROM api_districtList adl WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN apiLocationMapping alm WITH(NOLOCK) ON adl.districtCode = alm.apiDistrictCode WHERE ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' AND ISNULL(adl.isActive,'Y')='Y' AND alm.districtId = ISNULL(@param1, alm.districtId) AND districtName like '%'+@searchText+'%' ORDER BY districtName RETURN END IF @category='agentRpt' BEGIN SELECT top 20 agentId ,agentName FROM agentMaster with(nolock) WHERE agentType = 2903 AND agentCountry='Nepal' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' --AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(agentBlock,'U') <>'B' AND agentName like '%'+@searchText+'%' AND agentGrp = isnull(@param1,agentGrp) ORDER BY agentName RETURN END IF @category='agentdistRpt' BEGIN SELECT top 20 agentId ,agentName FROM agentMaster with(nolock) WHERE agentType = 2903 AND agentCountry='Nepal' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' --AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(agentBlock,'U') <>'B' AND agentName like '%'+@searchText+'%' AND agentDistrict = isnull(@param1,agentDistrict) ORDER BY agentName RETURN END IF @category='branchRpt' BEGIN select top 20 agentId ,agentName from agentMaster with (nolock) where parentId = @param1 AND agentName LIKE '%'+@searchText+'%' AND ISNULL(agentBlock,'U') <>'B' RETURN END IF @category='countryRptInt' BEGIN select top 20 countryId ,countryName from countryMaster with(nolock) where countryName like '%'+@searchText+'%' RETURN END IF @category='agentRptInt' BEGIN SELECT top 20 agentId ,agentName FROM agentMaster WHERE ISNULL(isSettlingAgent, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' --AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(agentBlock,'U') <>'B' AND agentName like '%'+@searchText+'%' AND (agentCountry <> 'Nepal' or agentId = 4734) AND agentCountryId = isnull(@param1,agentCountryId) ORDER BY agentName RETURN END IF @category='branchRptInt' BEGIN select top 20 agentId ,agentName from agentMaster with (nolock) where parentId=@param1 AND agentName LIKE '%'+@searchText+'%' AND parentId = @param1 --AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(agentBlock,'U') <>'B' RETURN END IF @category='send-agent' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 map_code,agent_name FROM FastMoneyPro_account.dbo.agentTable with(nolock) WHERE agent_status<>'n' AND AGENT_TYPE='receiving' AND (IsMainAgent ='y' OR ISNULL(central_sett,'n') ='n') AND agent_name like '%'+@searchText+'%' ORDER BY agent_name RETURN END IF @category = 'agentSummBal' -->>Agent summary Balance Rpt Ddl BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 mapcodeInt ,agentName FROM agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) where agentName like '%'+@searchText+'%' and mapcodeInt is not null AND ISNULL(agentBlock,'U') <>'B' order by agentName asc RETURN END IF @category = 'd-agentname-only' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 agentName FROM agentMaster a WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentCountry = 'Nepal' AND (actAsBranch = 'Y' OR agentType = 2904) AND ISNULL(a.isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' --AND ISNULL(a.isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(agentBlock,'U') <>'B' AND A.agentName LIKE '%'+@searchText+'%' ORDER BY A.agentName END IF @category = 'd-agent-only' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 a.agentId,agentName FROM ( SELECT agentId,agentName+' '+b.districtName agentName FROM agentMaster a WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN api_districtList b WITH(NOLOCK) ON a.agentLocation=b.districtCode WHERE agentCountry = 'Nepal' AND (actAsBranch = 'Y' OR agentType = 2904) AND ISNULL(a.isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' --AND ISNULL(a.isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(agentBlock,'U') <>'B' )A WHERE A.agentName LIKE '%'+@searchText+'%' ORDER BY A.agentName END ---->>>>>For Customer report IF @category='sAgent' BEGIN SELECT top 20 agentId ,agentName FROM agentMaster with(nolock) WHERE agentType = 2903 AND agentCountry='Nepal' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' --AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(agentBlock,'U') <>'B' AND agentName like '%'+@searchText+'%' AND agentState =isnull(@param1,agentState) ORDER BY agentName RETURN END IF @category = 'sZone' BEGIN SELECT top 20 stateId ,stateName FROM countryStateMaster a WITH(NOLOCK) inner join countryMaster b with(nolock) on a.countryId=b.countryId WHERE (b.countryName = 'Nepal' or b.countryId=151) AND ISNULL(A.isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND stateName like '%'+@searchText+'%' ORDER BY stateName END IF @category='send-agent-regional' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 map_code,agent_name FROM FastMoneyPro_account.dbo.agentTable at with(nolock) INNER JOIN userZoneMapping zp WITH(NOLOCK) ON at.agentZone = zp.zoneName WHERE agent_status<>'n' AND AGENT_TYPE='receiving' AND (IsMainAgent ='y' OR ISNULL(central_sett,'n') ='n') AND zp.userName = @param1 AND agent_name like '%'+@searchText+'%' and zp.isDeleted IS null ORDER BY agent_name RETURN END -- ## regional transaction analysis report IF @category='zone-r-rpt' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 stateId ,stateName FROM countryStateMaster a WITH(NOLOCK) inner join countryMaster b with(nolock) on a.countryId=b.countryId inner JOIN dbo.userZoneMapping zm WITH(nolock) ON a.stateName = zm.zoneName WHERE (b.countryName = @param1 or b.countryId=@param1) AND stateName like '%'+@searchText+'%' AND ISNULL(A.isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND zm.userName = @param2 AND zm.isDeleted IS null ORDER BY stateName RETURN END IF @category='district-r-rpt' BEGIN SELECT top 20 districtId ,districtName FROM zoneDistrictMap d WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN countryStateMaster z WITH(NOLOCK) ON = z.stateId INner JOIN dbo.userZoneMapping zm WITH(NOLOCK) ON z.stateName = zm.zoneName WHERE = isnull(@param1, AND ISNULL(d.isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND d.districtName like '%'+@searchText+'%' AND zm.userName = @param2 AND zm.isDeleted IS NULL ORDER BY districtName RETURN END IF @category='location-r-rpt' BEGIN SELECT DISTINCT locationId = adl.districtCode ,locationName = adl.districtName FROM api_districtList adl WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN apiLocationMapping alm WITH(NOLOCK) ON adl.districtCode = alm.apiDistrictCode LEFT JOIN zoneDistrictMap d WITH(NOLOCK) ON alm.districtId = d.districtId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster z WITH(NOLOCK) ON = z.stateId LEFT JOIN dbo.userZoneMapping zm WITH(NOLOCK) ON z.stateName = zm.zoneName WHERE ISNULL(adl.isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' AND ISNULL(adl.isActive,'Y')='Y' AND alm.districtId = ISNULL(@param1, alm.districtId) AND adl.districtName like '%'+@searchText+'%' AND zm.userName = @param2 AND zm.isDeleted IS NULL ORDER BY adl.districtName RETURN END IF @category='agent-r-rpt' BEGIN SELECT top 20 agentId ,agentName FROM agentMaster am with(nolock) INNER JOIN dbo.userZoneMapping zm WITH(NOLOCK) ON am.agentState = zm.zoneName WHERE agentType = 2903 AND agentCountry='Nepal' AND ISNULL(am.isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND ISNULL(agentBlock,'U') <>'B' AND agentName like '%'+@searchText+'%' AND agentLocation = isnull(@param1,agentLocation) and zm.userName = @param2 AND zm.isDeleted IS NULL ORDER BY agentName RETURN END IF @category='branch-r-rpt' BEGIN select top 20 agentId ,agentName from agentMaster am with (nolock) INNER JOIN dbo.userZoneMapping zm WITH(NOLOCK) ON am.agentState = zm.zoneName where am.parentId = @param1 and am.agentName like '%'+@searchText+'%' AND ISNULL(am.isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND ISNULL(agentBlock,'U') <>'B' and zm.userName = @param2 AND zm.isDeleted IS null RETURN END IF @category='ext-bank' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 bankId = extBankId, bankName FROM externalBank ext WHERE ext.internalCode IS NOT NULL AND ISNULL(ext.isBlocked,'N') <> 'Y' AND ISNULL(ext.isDeleted,'N') <> 'Y' AND ext.bankName like '%'+@searchText+'%' RETURN END IF @category='agent-sett' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 am.agentId,am.agentName FROM agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE ISNULL(am.isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND ISNULL(am.isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND agentName like '%'+@searchText+'%' and agentType IN (2903) AND agentCountry = 'Nepal' ORDER BY agentName RETURN END IF @category='agentList' BEGIN select top 20 agentId ,agentName from agentMaster am with (nolock) where agentName like '%'+@searchText+'%' --AND (agentType = '2904' OR (agentType = 2903 AND actAsBranch = 'Y')) RETURN END IF @category='zoneagendistrictRpt' BEGIN IF @param1 is not null and @param2 is null BEGIN SELECT top 20 agentId ,agentName FROM agentMaster with(nolock) WHERE (agentType = '2904' OR (agentType = 2903 AND actAsBranch = 'Y')) AND agentCountry='Nepal' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' --AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(agentBlock,'U') <>'B' AND agentName like '%'+@searchText+'%' AND agentState =isnull(@param1,agentState) ORDER BY agentName RETURN END IF @param2 is not null and @param1 is null BEGIN SELECT top 20 agentId ,agentName FROM agentMaster with(nolock) WHERE (agentType = '2904' OR (agentType = 2903 AND actAsBranch = 'Y')) AND agentCountry='Nepal' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' --AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(agentBlock,'U') <>'B' AND agentName like '%'+@searchText+'%' AND agentDistrict =isnull(@param2,agentDistrict) ORDER BY agentName RETURN END IF @param1 is not null and @param2 is not null BEGIN SELECT top 20 agentId ,agentName FROM agentMaster with(nolock) WHERE (agentType = '2904' OR (agentType = 2903 AND actAsBranch = 'Y')) AND agentCountry='Nepal' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' --AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(agentBlock,'U') <>'B' AND agentName like '%'+@searchText+'%' AND agentState =isnull(@param1,agentState) AND agentDistrict =isnull(@param2,agentDistrict) ORDER BY agentName RETURN END SELECT top 20 agentId ,agentName FROM agentMaster with(nolock) WHERE (agentType = '2904' OR (agentType = 2903 AND actAsBranch = 'Y')) AND agentCountry='Nepal' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' --AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(agentBlock,'U') <>'B' AND agentName like '%'+@searchText+'%' ORDER BY agentName END IF @category = 'cooperative' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 agentId ,agentName ,agentType FROM agentMaster (NOLOCK) WHERE (agentGrp='8026' OR agentGrp = '9906') AND agentType='2903' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND agentName LIKE '%' + @searchText +'%' AND agentId<>@param1 ORDER BY agentName ASC END IF @category = 'co-agent' -- cooperative branch list BEGIN IF EXISTS(select 'x' from agentMaster (NOLOCK) WHERE ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND parentId=@param1) BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 agentId ,agentName ,agentType ,parentId FROM agentMaster (NOLOCK) WHERE ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND parentId=@param1 ORDER BY agentName ASC RETURN END ELSE BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 agentId ,agentName ,agentType ,parentId FROM agentMaster (NOLOCK) WHERE ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND agentId=@param1 ORDER BY agentName ASC RETURN END END IF @category='Reconcil-agent' BEGIN SELECT TOP 20 agentId ,agentName+'|'+CAST(agentId AS VARCHAR) FROM agentMaster (NOLOCK) WHERE ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') <> 'Y' AND agentName LIKE '%' + @searchText +'%' ORDER BY agentName ASC END ELSE IF @category='agentByGrp' BEGIN Select TOP 20 agentId,agentName from dbo.agentMaster (NOLOCK) where agentName like @searchText + '%' AND agentGrp = @param1 order by agentName END ELSE IF @category='locationRpt' BEGIN SELECT DISTINCT top 20 locationId = districtCode ,locationName = districtName FROM api_districtList adl WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN apiLocationMapping alm WITH(NOLOCK) ON adl.districtCode = alm.apiDistrictCode WHERE ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' AND ISNULL(adl.isActive,'Y')='Y' AND alm.districtId = ISNULL(@param1, alm.districtId) AND districtName like '%'+@searchText+'%' ORDER BY districtName RETURN END ELSE IF @category='cityList' BEGIN select cityName,cityName from CityMaster(nolock) where cityName like '%'+@searchText+'%' END ELSE IF @category='CustomerInfo' BEGIN if len(@searchText)<2 BEGIN SELECT TOP 35 idNumber,idNumber +' | ' + fullName + mobile FROM CustomerMaster(NOLOCK) WHERE 1=2 RETURN END SELECT TOP 35 idNumber,idNumber +' | '+ fullName +' | ' + mobile FROM CustomerMaster(NOLOCK) WHERE idNumber like @searchText+'%' or fullName like @searchText+'%' OR mobile like @searchText+'%' END ELSE IF @category='CustomerEmail' BEGIN if len(@searchText)<2 begin select top 35 customerId,email +' | '+mobile from CustomerMaster(nolock) where 1=2 return end select top 35 customerId,email +' | '+mobile from CustomerMaster(nolock) where email like @searchText+'%' END ELSE IF @category='CustomerInfoWallet' BEGIN if len(@searchText)<2 begin select top 35 walletAccountNo,walletAccountNo +' | '+fullName from CustomerMaster(nolock) where 1=2 return end select top 35 walletAccountNo,walletAccountNo +' | '+fullName from CustomerMaster(nolock) where walletAccountNo like @searchText+'%' or fullName like @searchText+'%' END GO