USE FastMoneyPro_Remit GO ALTER PROC [dbo].[proc_cancelTran] ( @flag VARCHAR(50) ,@controlNo VARCHAR(20) = NULL ,@user VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@agentRefId VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@tranId INT = NULL ,@sCountry INT = NULL ,@sFirstName VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@sMiddleName VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@sLastName1 VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@sLastName2 VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@sMemId VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@sId BIGINT = NULL ,@sTranId VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@rCountry INT = NULL ,@rFirstName VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@rMiddleName VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@rLastName1 VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@rLastName2 VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@rMemId VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@rId BIGINT = NULL ,@pCountry INT = NULL ,@customerId INT = NULL ,@agentId INT = NULL ,@senderId INT = NULL ,@benId INT = NULL ,@cancelReason VARCHAR(200) = NULL ,@refund CHAR(1) = NULL ,@sortBy VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@sortOrder VARCHAR(5) = NULL ,@pageSize INT = NULL ,@pageNumber INT = NULL ) AS DECLARE @tranStatus VARCHAR(20) = NULL, @payStatus VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @tranType CHAR(1) = NULL DECLARE @select_field_list VARCHAR(MAX) ,@extra_field_list VARCHAR(MAX) ,@table VARCHAR(MAX) ,@sql_filter VARCHAR(MAX) ,@sAgent INT ,@tAmt BIGINT ,@pAmt MONEY ,@message VARCHAR(200) SET NOCOUNT ON SET XACT_ABORT ON SELECT @pageSize = 1000, @pageNumber = 1 DECLARE @code VARCHAR(50) ,@userName VARCHAR(50) ,@password VARCHAR(50) ,@lockStatus VARCHAR(20) DECLARE @controlNoEncrypted VARCHAR(20) SELECT @controlNoEncrypted = dbo.FNAEncryptString(UPPER(LTRIM(RTRIM(@controlNo)))) IF @flag = 'cancelRequest' BEGIN IF @user IS NULL BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Your session has expired. Cannot send cancel request', NULL RETURN END SELECT @tranStatus = tranStatus, @payStatus = payStatus, @tranId = id, @lockStatus = lockStatus FROM remitTran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo = @controlNoEncrypted IF (@tranStatus IS NULL) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction not found', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END SELECT @agentId = agentId FROM applicationUsers WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE userName = @user IF @agentId <> (SELECT dbo.FNAGetHOAgentId()) BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM remitTran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo = @controlNoEncrypted AND sBranch <> @agentId) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction is not in authorized mode', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END END IF (@tranStatus = 'Block') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction is blocked. Please Contact HO', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'Paid') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction has already been paid', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@payStatus = 'Paid') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction has already been paid', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'Cancel') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction already been cancelled', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'CancelRequest') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Cancel Request has already been sent', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END BEGIN TRANSACTION UPDATE remitTran SET tranStatus = 'CancelRequest' --Transaction Hold ,cancelRequestBy = @user ,cancelRequestDate = dbo.FNAGetDateInNepalTZ() ,cancelRequestDateLocal = dbo.FNAGetDateInNepalTZ() ,cancelReason = @cancelReason WHERE controlNo = @controlNoEncrypted SELECT @message = 'Transaction requested for Cancel. Reason : ''' + @cancelReason + '''' INSERT INTO tranCancelrequest(tranId,controlNo,cancelReason,cancelStatus,createdBy,createdDate,tranStatus) SELECT @tranId,@controlNoEncrypted,@cancelReason,'CancelRequest',@user,GETDATE(),@tranStatus EXEC proc_transactionLogs 'i', @user, @tranId, @message, 'Cancel Request' IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Request for cancel done successfully', @controlNoEncrypted EXEC proc_addCommentAPI @flag = 'i', @controlNo = @controlNo, @user = @user, @message = @message, @agentRefId = NULL END ELSE IF @flag = 'cancel' BEGIN DECLARE @TEMPTBL TABLE (ERRORCODE VARCHAR(5), MSG VARCHAR(MAX), ID VARCHAR(50)) -- @refund ='N' TREATED AS NORMAL / FULL RETUND --WHEN RT.Pagent IN( 221226) then (RT.cAmt-rt.serviceCharge) DECLARE @sBranch INT, @pLocation INT, @pAgentComm MONEY, @cancelCharge MONEY, @returnAmt MONEY , @idNumber VARCHAR(25),@accountType VARCHAR(20),@txnDate DATETIME, @schemeId VARCHAR(10), @holdTranId BIGINT, @schemePremium FLOAT, @email VARCHAR(100) , @pAgent BIGINT SELECT @tranStatus = RT.tranStatus ,@sBranch = RT.sBranch ,@sAgent = RT.sAgent ,@pLocation = RT.pLocation ,@tAmt = RT.tAmt ,@returnAmt = (CASE WHEN ISNULL(@refund,'')='D' OR RT.Pagent IN( 221226,404522) then rt.tAmt else RT.cAmt end) - ISNULL(rt.schemePremium,0) ,@pAmt = RT.pAmt ,@tranId = ,@customerId = S.customerId ,@idNumber = S.idNumber ,@refund = case when RT.Pagent IN( 221226,404522) then 'D' else @refund end ,@accountType = rt.SrouteId ,@txnDate = rt.ApprovedDate ,@schemeId = RT.schemeId ,@holdTranId = RT.holdTranId ,@schemePremium = RT.schemePremium ,@email = ,@pAgent = RT.pAgent FROM remitTran RT WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tranSenders S WITH(NOLOCK) ON S.tranId = WHERE controlNo = @controlNoEncrypted IF @user IS NULL BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Your session has expired. Cannot cancel transaction', NULL RETURN END IF (@tranStatus IS NULL) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction not found', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'Paid') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction has already been paid', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'Cancel') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction already been cancelled', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'Hold' AND @pAgent NOT IN(590815,590852,393228,601361,601392)) ----EXCLUDE NI BANK BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction is hold. Transaction must be approved for cancellation.', NULL RETURN END SET @cancelCharge = 0 BEGIN TRANSACTION UPDATE remitTran SET tranStatus = 'Cancel' ,cancelApprovedBy = @user ,cancelApprovedDate = GETDATE() ,cancelApprovedDateLocal = GETDATE() ,cancelReason = @cancelReason ,refund = @refund WHERE controlNo = @controlNoEncrypted IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION --SELECT @message = 'Cancel Request Approved' SELECT @message = @cancelReason EXEC proc_transactionLogs 'i', @user, @tranId, @message, 'Cancel Approved' DECLARE @SMSBody VARCHAR(90) = 'Your GME transaction '+@controlNo+' was cancelled. Balance returned to your GME wallet.' --IF @accountType = 'A' ----##AUTO DEBIT TRANSACTION -- SET @SMSBody = 'Your GME transaction '+@controlNo+' was cancelled.Balance refunded to your account.' DECLARE @Mobile VARCHAR(20) ----## SMS TO IDENTIFY EVERY CUSTOMRE SELECT @Mobile = mobile FROM FastMoneyPro_Remit.dbo.customerMaster (nolock) WHERE customerId = @customerId EXEC FastMoneyPro_Remit.dbo.proc_CallToSendSMS @FLAG = 'I',@SMSBody = @SMSBody,@MobileNo = @Mobile DECLARE @ref_num VARCHAR(20),@tran_type CHAR(1) = 'T' SET @tran_type = CASE WHEN YEAR(@txnDate) = 2018 THEN 'J' ELSE @tran_type END SELECT TOP 1 @ref_num = t.ref_num FROM FastMoneyPro_Account.dbo.VW_PostedAccountDetail t(nolock) WHERE field1 = @controlNo AND t.tran_type = @tran_type AND field2='remittance voucher' AND acct_type_code IS NULL IF @ref_num IS NULL BEGIN --## generate voucher entry INSERT INTO @tempTbl(errorcode, msg, id) EXEC FastMoneyPro_Account.dbo.proc_transactionVoucherEntry @controlNo= @controlNo SELECT TOP 1 @ref_num = t.ref_num FROM FastMoneyPro_Account.dbo.VW_PostedAccountDetail t(nolock) WHERE field1 = @controlNo AND t.tran_type = @tran_type AND field2='remittance voucher' AND acct_type_code IS NULL END IF @ref_num is NOT null BEGIN IF @accountType = 'A' AND @txnDate < '2019-11-06' SET @cancelReason =' old Cancellation and refund of '+@controlNo ELSE SET @cancelReason =' Cancellation and refund of '+@controlNo IF @refund = 'N' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tempTbl(errorcode, msg, id) EXEC FastMoneyPro_Account.dbo.proc_CancelTranVoucher @flag = 'TxnWithoutCharge',@refNum = @ref_num,@vType = @tran_type,@user = @user,@remarks = @cancelReason END ELSE BEGIN ----EXEC FastMoneyPro_Account.dbo.proc_EditVoucher @flag='REVERSE',@refNum =@ref_num,@vType = @tran_type,@User = @user,@remarks = @cancelReason INSERT INTO @tempTbl(errorcode, msg, id) EXEC FastMoneyPro_Account.dbo.proc_CancelTranVoucher @flag = 'TxnWithCharge',@refNum = @ref_num,@vType = @tran_type,@user = @user,@remarks = @cancelReason END SET @message = ' And voucher reversed successfully' IF @accountType = 'W' ----##AUTOWALLET TRANSACTION BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT 'A' FROM customerMaster(NOLOCK) WHERE customerId = @customerId AND approvedDate IS NOT NULL) BEGIN UPDATE customermaster SET availableBalance = availableBalance + isnull(@returnAmt,0) WHERE customerId = @customerId END END ELSE IF @accountType = 'A' AND @txnDate>'2019-11-06' BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT 'A' FROM customerMaster(NOLOCK) WHERE customerId = @customerId AND approvedDate IS NOT NULL) BEGIN UPDATE customermaster SET availableBalance = availableBalance + isnull(@returnAmt,0) WHERE customerId = @customerId END END END SET @message = 'Transaction Cancelled '+isnull(@message,'') /*Reward entry for send txn*/ EXEC PROC_PointMasterDetails @flag='cancel',@customerId=@customerId,@tranId=@tranId -------START cancel coupon IF EXISTS(SELECT '1' FROM CouponIssue(NOLOCK) WHERE rowId = @schemeId) BEGIN DECLARE @LimitCount int, @CurrentCount int SELECT @LimitCount = CS.usageLimit, @CurrentCount = CI.usedCount FROM CouponIssue(NOLOCK) AS CI INNER JOIN CouponSetup(NOLOCK) AS CS ON CI.couponId = CS.rowId AND CI.rowId = @schemeId UPDATE CouponIssue SET usedCount = @CurrentCount - 1, isActive = 'Y' WHERE rowId = @schemeId -------Start insert Coupon History INSERT INTO CouponHistory (couponIssueId,customerId,actualDiscountValue,usedCount,holdTranId,couponStatus,createdBy,createdDate) VALUES (@schemeId,@customerId,@schemePremium,@CurrentCount - 1,@holdTranId,'9',@email, GETDATE()) -------End insert Coupon History END -------END cancel coupon EXEC [proc_errorHandler] 0, @message, @tranId END ELSE IF @flag = 'cancelReject' BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION UPDATE remitTran SET tranStatus = 'Payment' WHERE controlNo = @controlNoEncrypted SELECT @tranId = id FROM remitTran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo = @controlNoEncrypted SELECT @message = 'Cancel Request for this transaction rejected' EXEC proc_transactionLogs 'i', @user, @tranId, @message, 'Cancel Reject' IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Cancel Request rejected successfully', @controlNoEncrypted EXEC proc_addCommentAPI @flag = 'i', @controlNo = @controlNo, @user = @user, @message = @message, @agentRefId = NULL END ELSE IF @flag = 'detailsAgent' BEGIN --SELECT @agentId = agentId FROM applicationUsers WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE userName = @user SELECT @tranStatus = tranStatus, @payStatus = payStatus FROM remitTran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo = @controlNoEncrypted IF (@tranStatus IS NOT NULL) BEGIN INSERT INTO tranViewHistory( controlNumber ,tranViewType ,createdBy ,createdDate ) SELECT @controlNoEncrypted ,'C' ,@user ,GETDATE() END ELSE BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1000, 'No Transaction Found', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END --IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM remitTran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo = @controlNoEncrypted AND pBranch = @agentId) --BEGIN -- EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction is not in authorized mode', @controlNoEncrypted -- RETURN --END IF (@tranStatus = 'Paid') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction has already been paid', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@payStatus = 'Paid') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction has already been paid', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'CancelRequest') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Cancel Request has already been sent', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'Cancel') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction already been cancelled', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'Lock') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction is locked. Please contact HO', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'Block') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction is blocked. Please contact HO', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END --IF (@payStatus = 'Post') --BEGIN -- EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction is Post. Please contact Head Office.', @controlNoEncrypted -- RETURN --END EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Transaction Found', @controlNoEncrypted SELECT ,controlNo = dbo.FNADecryptString(trn.controlNo) ,sMemId = sen.membershipId ,sCustomerId = sen.customerId ,senderName = sen.firstName + ISNULL( ' ' + sen.middleName, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + sen.lastName1, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + sen.lastName2, '') ,sCountryName = ,sStateName = sen.state ,sDistrict = sen.district ,sCity = ,sAddress = sen.address ,sContactNo = COALESCE(, sen.homephone, sen.workphone) ,sIdType = sen.idType ,sIdNo = sen.idNumber ,sValidDate = sen.validDate ,sEmail = ,rMemId = rec.membershipId ,rCustomerId = rec.customerId ,receiverName = rec.firstName + ISNULL( ' ' + rec.middleName, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + rec.lastName1, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + rec.lastName2, '') ,rCountryName = ,rStateName = rec.state ,rDistrict = rec.district ,rCity = ,rAddress = rec.address ,rContactNo = COALESCE(, rec.homephone, rec.workphone) ,rIdType = rec.idType ,rIdNo = rec.idNumber ,sBranchName = trn.sBranchName ,sAgentName = CASE WHEN trn.sAgent = trn.sBranch THEN trn.sSuperAgentName ELSE trn.sAgentName END ,sAgentLocation = sLoc.districtName ,sAgentDistrict = sa.agentDistrict ,sAgentCity = sa.agentCity ,sAgentCountry = sa.agentCountry ,pAgentName = CASE WHEN trn.pAgentName = trn.pBranchName THEN trn.pSuperAgentName ELSE trn.pAgentName END ,pBranchName = trn.pBranchName ,pAgentCountry = trn.pCountry ,pAgentState = trn.pState ,pAgentDistrict = trn.pDistrict ,pAgentLocation = pLoc.districtName ,pAgentCity = pa.agentCity ,pAgentAddress = pa.agentAddress ,trn.tAmt ,trn.serviceCharge ,handlingFee = ISNULL(trn.handlingFee, 0) ,trn.cAmt ,trn.pAmt ,relationship = ISNULL(trn.relWithSender, '-') ,purpose = ISNULL(trn.purposeOfRemit, '-') ,sourceOfFund = ISNULL(trn.sourceOfFund, '-') ,collMode = trn.collMode ,trn.collCurr ,paymentMethod = trn.paymentMethod ,trn.payoutCurr ,trn.tranStatus ,trn.payStatus ,payoutMsg = ISNULL(trn.pMessage, '-') ,trn.createdBy ,trn.createdDate ,trn.approvedBy ,trn.approvedDate FROM remitTran trn WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN tranSenders sen WITH(NOLOCK) ON = sen.tranId LEFT JOIN tranReceivers rec WITH(NOLOCK) ON = rec.tranId LEFT JOIN agentMaster sa WITH(NOLOCK) ON trn.sBranch = sa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster pa WITH(NOLOCK) ON trn.pBranch = pa.agentId LEFT JOIN api_districtList sLoc WITH(NOLOCK) ON sa.agentLocation = sLoc.districtCode LEFT JOIN api_districtList pLoc WITH(NOLOCK) ON trn.pLocation = pLoc.districtCode WHERE trn.controlNo = @controlNoEncrypted END ELSE IF @flag = 'cancelReceipt' BEGIN DECLARE @AccName NVARCHAR(100),@AccNo VARCHAR(30),@BankName NVARCHAR(100),@bankCode VARCHAR(5),@srouteId CHAR(1) SELECT @controlNoEncrypted = DBO.fnaDecryptstring(Controlno),@tranStatus= tranStatus,@srouteId = sRouteId FROM remitTran(NOLOCK) WHERE ID = @tranId IF @tranStatus <>'CANCEL' BEGIN SELECT '1' AS ERRORCODE,'Transaction status changed to '+@tranStatus MSG,@controlNoEncrypted as controlNo RETURN END SELECT controlNo = dbo.FNADecryptString(controlNo) ,'0' AS ERRORCODE ,postedBy = trn.sBranchName ,createdDate ,cancelDate = cancelApprovedDate ,sender = sen.firstName + ISNULL(' ' + sen.middleName, '') + ISNULL(' ' + sen.lastName1, '') + ISNULL(' ' + sen.lastName2, '') ,receiver = rec.firstName + ISNULL(' ' + rec.middleName, '') + ISNULL(' ' + rec.lastName1, '') + ISNULL(' ' + rec.lastName2, '') ,rContactNo = ,trn.collCurr ,trn.cAmt ,trn.serviceCharge ,trn.pAmt ,trn.cancelCharge ,returnAmt = CASE WHEN refund = 'D' THEN tAmt ELSE cAmt END FROM remitTran trn WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tranSenders sen WITH(NOLOCK) ON = sen.tranId INNER JOIN tranReceivers rec WITH(NOLOCK) ON = rec.tranId WHERE = @tranId END ELSE IF @flag = 's' BEGIN SET @table = '( SELECT ,controlNo = dbo.FNADecryptString(trn.controlNo) ,sCustomerId = sen.customerId ,senderName = sen.firstName + ISNULL( '' '' + sen.middleName, '''') + ISNULL( '' '' + sen.lastName1, '''') + ISNULL( '' '' + sen.lastName2, '''') ,sCountryName = ,sStateName = sen.state ,sCity = ,sAddress = sen.address ,rCustomerId = rec.customerId ,receiverName = rec.firstName + ISNULL( '' '' + rec.middleName, '''') + ISNULL( '' '' + rec.lastName1, '''') + ISNULL( '' '' + rec.lastName2, '''') ,rCountryName = ,rStateName = rec.state ,rCity = ,rAddress = rec.address FROM remitTran trn WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN tranSenders sen WITH(NOLOCK) ON = sen.tranId LEFT JOIN tranReceivers rec WITH(NOLOCK) ON = rec.tranId WHERE trn.tranStatus = ''CancelRequest'' and TranType =''D'' ' SET @sql_filter = '' IF @controlNo IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND trn.controlNo = ''' + @controlNoEncrypted + '''' IF @sFirstName IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND sen.firstName LIKE ''' + @sFirstName + '%''' IF @sMiddleName IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND sen.middleName LIKE ''' + @sMiddleName + '%''' IF @sLastName1 IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND sen.lastName1 LIKE ''' + @sLastName1 + '%''' IF @sLastName2 IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND sen.lastName2 LIKE ''' + @sLastName2 + '%''' IF @sMemId IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND sen.membershipId = ' + CAST(@sMemId AS VARCHAR) IF @rFirstName IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND rec.firstName LIKE ''' + @rFirstName + '%''' IF @rMiddleName IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND rec.middleName LIKE ''' + @rMiddleName + '%''' IF @rLastName1 IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND rec.lastName1 LIKE ''' + @rLastName1 + '%''' IF @rLastName2 IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND rec.lastName2 LIKE ''' + @rLastName2 + '%''' IF @rMemId IS NOT NULL SET @table = @table + ' AND c.membershipId = ' + CAST(@rMemId AS VARCHAR) SET @select_field_list =' id ,controlNo ,sCustomerId ,senderName ,sCountryName ,sStateName ,sCity ,sAddress ,rCustomerId ,receiverName ,rCountryName ,rStateName ,rCity ,rAddress ' SET @table = @table + ') x' EXEC dbo.proc_paging @table ,@sql_filter ,@select_field_list ,@extra_field_list ,@sortBy ,@sortOrder ,@pageSize ,@pageNumber END ELSE IF @flag = 'checkCancleTxn' BEGIN SELECT @tranStatus = tranStatus, @tranType = tranType, @tranId = id FROM remitTran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo = @controlNoEncrypted IF (@tranStatus IS NULL) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Invalid transaction', @controlNo RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'Cancel') BEGIN SELECT errorCode = 0, msg = 'Success', id = @controlNo, extra = @tranType, extra2 = @tranId RETURN END ELSE BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Invalid transaction', @controlNo END END