USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_paidTxnCustomerBonusUpdate] Script Date: 9/27/2019 1:30:14 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[proc_paidTxnCustomerBonusUpdate] @flag VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@date DATETIME = NULL AS DECLARE @FromDate DATETIME, @toDate DATETIME IF @flag = 'schedule' BEGIN SET @FromDate = CONVERT(VARCHAR, GETDATE() - 1, 101) SET @toDate = CONVERT(VARCHAR, GETDATE(), 101)+' 23:59:59' IF @date IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @FromDate = CONVERT(VARCHAR, @date, 101) SET @toDate = @FromDate + ' 23:59:59' END DECLARE @customerBonus TABLE(tranId BIGINT, bonusPoint INT, customerId BIGINT) DECLARE @customerBonusGroup TABLE(bonusPoint MONEY, customerId BIGINT,totBonus MONEY, mobileNo VARCHAR(50)) -->>Get Transaction Id and customer bonus earned from paid transactions INSERT INTO @customerBonus(tranId, bonusPoint, customerId) SELECT ,ISNULL(rt.bonusPoint, 0) ,sen.customerId FROM remitTran rt WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tranSenders sen WITH(NOLOCK) ON = sen.tranId INNER JOIN customerMaster cm with(nolock) on sen.membershipId = cm.membershipId WHERE rt.paidDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @toDate AND rt.isBonusUpdated IS NULL AND ISNULL(rt.bonusPoint, 0) <> 0 AND rt.tranStatus <> 'Cancel' -->>Group By customerId to get total bonus earned by customer INSERT INTO @customerBonusGroup(bonusPoint, customerId) SELECT SUM(bonusPoint), customerId FROM @customerBonus GROUP BY customerId -->>Update customer bonus earned and deduct pending bonus UPDATE customerMaster SET bonusPoint = ISNULL(c.bonusPoint, 0) + ISNULL(cbg.bonusPoint, 0) ,bonusPointPending = ISNULL(c.bonusPointPending, 0) - ISNULL(cbg.bonusPoint, 0) FROM customerMaster c INNER JOIN @customerBonusGroup cbg ON c.customerId = cbg.customerId -->>Mark transaction as bonus Updated UPDATE remitTran SET isBonusUpdated = 'Y' FROM remitTran rt INNER JOIN @customerBonus cb ON = cb.tranId /* -- ## SMS Module UPDATE @customerBonusGroup SET totBonus = ISNULL(B.bonusPoint,0) , mobileNo = mobile FROM @customerBonusGroup A, ( SELECT cm.bonusPoint,mobile,cm.customerId FROM customerMaster cm WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN @customerBonusGroup t ON cm.customerId = t.customerId )B WHERE A.customerId = B.customerId INSERT INTO SMSQUEUE(mobileNo,msg,createdDate,createdBy) SELECT mobileNo,'Tapai ko halko bonus point: '+cast(totBonus as varchar(50))+'.IME Garnu bhayeko ma dhanyabad.Samparka ko laagi 01-4430600, IME',GETDATE(),'system' FROM @customerBonusGroup WHERE totBonus > 0 and mobileNo <> '' and mobileNo is not null and mobileNo <> '0000000000' */ RETURN END --select to 10 * from SMSQueue order by rowid desc GO