USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_payTxnV2] Script Date: 9/27/2019 1:30:14 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE procEDURE [dbo].[proc_payTxnV2]( @flag VARCHAR(1) ,@user VARCHAR(50) ,@rowId BIGINT = NULL ,@securityNo VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@transactionDate DATETIME = NULL ,@sendingCountry VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@senderName VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@senderAddress VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@senderContactNo VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@senderCountry VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@senderIdNo VARCHAR(50) = NULl ,@senderIdType VARCHAR(50) = NULl ,@recName VARCHAR(50) = NULl ,@recAddress VARCHAR(50) = NULl ,@recContactNo VARCHAR(50) = NULl ,@recIdType VARCHAR(50) = NULl ,@recIdNo VARCHAR(50) = NULl ,@pAmount VARCHAR(50) = NULl ,@relationType VARCHAR(50) = NULl ,@relativeName VARCHAR(50) = NULl ,@rIdPlaceOfIssue VARCHAR(50) = NULl ,@partnerId VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@pBranchId VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@branchName VARCHAR(200) = NULL ) AS IF @Flag='s' BEGIN DECLARE @agentGrp INT,@cotrolNo VARCHAR(50) IF @pBranchId IS NOT NULL SELECT @branchName = agentName, @agentGrp = agentGrp FROM agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @pBranchId IF(@partnerId='4734') /***** Global Remit *****/ BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Transaction Verification Successful', @rowId SELECT TOP 1 rowId = gbl.rowId ,securityNo = dbo.FNADecryptString(gbl.radNo) ,transactionDate = gbl.createdDate ,senderName = gbl.senderName ,senderAddress = gbl.senderAddress ,senderMobile = gbl.senderMobile ,senderTel = gbl.senderTel ,senderIdNo = gbl.senderIdNo ,senderIdType = gbl.senderIdType ,senderCity = '' ,recName = gbl.benefName ,recAddress = gbl.benefAddress ,recMobile = gbl.benefMobile ,recTelePhone = gbl.benefTel ,recIdType = gbl.benefIdType ,recIdNo = gbl.benefAccIdNo ,recCity = '' ,recCountry = '' ,pAmount = isnull(gbl.amount,0) ,rCurrency = gbl.rCurrency ,pCurrency = gbl.pCurrency ,remarks = gbl.remarks ,paymentMethod = 'Cash Payment' ,tokenId = gbl.tokenId ,amt = isnull(gbl.amount,0) ,pBranch = gbl.pBranch ,sendingCountry = '' ,sendingAgent = '' ,branchName = @branchName ,providerName = 'Global Remit' ,orderNo = '' ,agentGrp = '' FROM globalBankPayHistory gbl WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE rowId = @rowId ORDER BY rowId DESC -- ## Log Details SELECT [message] ,trn.createdBy ,trn.createdDate FROM tranModifyLog trn WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE 1=2 RETURN END IF (@partnerId='4670') /***** CASH EXPRESS *****/ BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Transaction Verification Successful', @rowId SELECT TOP 1 rowId ,securityNo = dbo.FNADecryptString(ce.gitNo) ,transactionDate = ce.createdDate ,senderName = ce.custName ,senderAddress = ISNULL(ce.custAddress,'') ,senderMobile = ISNULL(ce.custPhone,'') ,senderTel = '' ,senderIdNo = ce.custIdNo ,senderIdType = ce.custIdType ,senderCity = '' ,recName = ce.beneName ,recAddress = ce.beneAddress ,recMobile = isnull(ce.rContactNo,ce.benePhone) ,recTelePhone = ISNULL(ce.benePhone,'') ,recIdType = ce.rIdType ,recIdNo = ce.rIdNumber ,recCity = '' ,recCountry = '' ,pAmount = ce.destinationAmount ,rCurrency = 'NPR' ,pCurrency = ce.destinationCurrency ,remarks = ce.remarks ,paymentMethod = 'Cash Payment' ,tokenId = '' ,amt = ce.destinationAmount ,pBranch = ce.pBranch ,sendingCountry = '' ,sendingAgent = '' ,branchName = @branchName ,providerName = 'Cash Express' ,orderNo = '' ,agentGrp = @agentGrp FROM cePayHistory ce WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE rowId = @rowId ORDER BY rowId DESC -- ## Log Details SELECT [message] ,trn.createdBy ,trn.createdDate FROM tranModifyLog trn WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE 1=2 RETURN END IF (@partnerId='4726') /***** EZ Remit *****/ BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Transaction Verification Successful', @rowId SELECT TOP 1 rowId = ,securityNo = dbo.FNADecryptString(ez.SecurityNumber) ,transactionDate = ez.createdDate ,senderName = ez.scCustomerName ,senderAddress = ISNULL(ez.scCustomerAddress,'') ,senderMobile = ISNULL(ez.scCustMobileNumber,'') ,senderTel = ISNULL(ez.scCustTelephoneNumber,'') ,senderIdNo = ez.scCustId ,senderIdType = ez.scCustIdType ,senderCity = '' ,recName = ez.tbName ,recAddress = ez.tbAddress ,recMobile = isnull(rContactNo,ez.tbContactTelephoneNo) ,recTelePhone = ISNULL(ez.tbTelephoneNumber,ez.tbContactTelephoneNo) ,recIdType = ez.rIdType ,recIdNo = ez.rIdNumber ,recCity = '' ,recCountry = ez.tbBenCountry ,pAmount = ez.tdFxAmount ,rCurrency = 'NPR' ,pCurrency = ez.tdFxCurrencyCode ,remarks = ez.remarks ,paymentMethod = 'Cash Payment' ,tokenId = '' ,amt = ez.tdFxAmount ,pBranch = ez.pBranch ,sendingCountry = ez.scCustCountry ,sendingAgent = ez.scCustBankName ,branchName = @branchName ,providerName = 'EZ Remit' ,orderNo = '' ,agentGrp = @agentGrp FROM ezPayHistory ez WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE = @rowId ORDER BY id DESC -- ## Log Details SELECT [message] ,trn.createdBy ,trn.createdDate FROM tranModifyLog trn WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE 1=2 RETURN END IF (@partnerId='4869') /***** RIA *****/ BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Transaction Verification Successful', @rowId SELECT TOP 1 rowId ,securityNo = dbo.FNADecryptString( ,transactionDate = ria.createdDate ,senderName = ria.CustNameFirst + ISNULL( ' ' + ria.custNameLast1, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + ria.custNameLast2, '') ,senderAddress = ISNULL(ria.CustAddress,'') ,senderMobile = ISNULL(ria.custTelNo,'') ,senderTel = ISNULL(ria.custTelNo,'') ,senderIdNo = '' ,senderIdType = '' ,senderCity = '' ,recName = ria.beneNameFirst + ISNULL( ' ' + ria.beneNameLast1, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + ria.beneNameLast2, '') ,recAddress = ria.rAddress ,recMobile = ISNULL(ria.rContactNo,'') ,recTelePhone = ISNULL(ria.rContactNo,'') ,recIdType = ria.rIdType ,recIdNo = ria.rIdNumber ,recCity = '' ,recCountry = '' ,pAmount = ria.BeneAmount ,rCurrency = 'NPR' ,pCurrency = 'NPR' ,remarks = ria.remarks ,paymentMethod = 'Cash Payment' ,tokenId = ria.transRefID ,amt = ria.beneAmount ,pBranch = ria.pBranch ,sendingCountry = '' ,sendingAgent = '' ,branchName = @branchName ,providerName = 'RIA Financial' ,orderNo = ria.orderNo ,agentGrp = @agentGrp FROM riaRemitPayHistory ria WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE rowId = @rowId ORDER BY rowId DESC -- ## Log Details SELECT [message] ,trn.createdBy ,trn.createdDate FROM tranModifyLog trn WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE 1=2 RETURN END IF (@partnerId='4909') /***** X-PRESS Money *****/ BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Transaction Verification Successful', @rowId SELECT TOP 1 rowId ,securityNo = dbo.FNADecryptString(xp.xpin) ,transactionDate = xp.payinDate ,senderName = xp.customerFirstName + ISNULL( ' ' + xp.customerMiddleName, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + xp.customerLastName, '') ,senderAddress = ISNULL(xp.customerAddress1,'') ,senderMobile = ISNULL(xp.customerMobile,'') ,senderTel = ISNULL(xp.customerPhone,'') ,senderIdNo = '' ,senderIdType = '' ,senderCity = customerAddressCity ,recName = xp.beneficiaryFirstName + ISNULL( ' ' + xp.beneficiaryMiddleName, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + xp.beneficiaryLastName, '') ,recAddress = xp.beneficiaryAddress1 ,recMobile = ISNULL(xp.beneficiaryMobile,'') ,recTelePhone = ISNULL(xp.beneficiaryPhone,'') ,recIdType = xp.beneficiaryIDOtherType ,recIdNo = xp.beneficiaryID ,recCity = xp.beneficiaryAddressCity ,recCountry = xp.beneficiaryAddressCountry ,pAmount = xp.payoutAmount ,rCurrency = xp.payoutCcyCode ,pCurrency = xp.payoutCcyCode ,remarks = xp.messageToBeneficiary ,paymentMethod = 'Cash Payment' ,tokenId = xp.xmwsSessionID ,amt = xp.payoutAmount ,pBranch = xp.branchId ,sendingCountry = xp.sendingCountry ,sendingAgent = xp.sendingAgentName ,branchName = @branchName ,providerName = 'XPRESS Money' ,orderNo = '' ,agentGrp = @agentGrp FROM xPressTranHistory xp WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE rowId = @rowId ORDER BY rowId DESC -- ## Log Details SELECT [message] ,trn.createdBy ,trn.createdDate FROM tranModifyLog trn WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE 1=2 RETURN END IF @partnerId = '4854' /***** MONEY GRAM *****/ BEGIN --SELECT top 10 * FROM mgPayHistory WITH(NOLOCK) order by id desc WHERE id = @id EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Transaction Verification Successful', @rowId SELECT TOP 1 rowId = ,securityNo = dbo.FNADecryptString(xp.referenceNumber) ,transactionDate = xp.dateTimeSent ,senderName = xp.senderFirstName + ISNULL( ' ' + xp.senderMiddleName, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + xp.senderLastName, '')+ISNULL( ' ' + xp.senderLastName2, '') ,senderAddress = ISNULL(xp.senderAddress,'') ,senderMobile = ISNULL(xp.senderHomePhone,'') ,senderTel = ISNULL(xp.senderHomePhone,'') ,senderIdType = '' ,senderIdNo = '' ,senderCity = xp.senderCity ,senderCountry = xp.senderCountry ,recName = xp.receiverFirstName + ISNULL( ' ' + xp.receiverMiddleName, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + xp.receiverLastName, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + xp.receiverLastName2, '') ,recAddress = xp.receiverAddress ,recMobile = '' ,recTelePhone = ISNULL(xp.receiverContactNo,'') ,recIdType = xp.receiverIdType ,recIdNo = xp.receiverIdnumber ,recCity = xp.receiverCity ,recCountry = xp.receiverNativeCountry ,pAmount = floor(xp.receiveAmount) ,rCurrency = '' ,pCurrency = xp.receiveCurrency ,remarks = xp.remarks ,paymentMethod = 'Cash Payment' ,tokenId = xp.mgiTransactionSessionID ,amt = xp.receiveAmount ,pBranch = xp.branch ,sendingCountry = xp.originatingCountry ,sendingAgent = xp.agentName ,branchName = @branchName ,providerName = 'Money Gram' ,orderNo = '' ,agentGrp = @agentGrp FROM mgPayHistory xp WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE id = @rowId ORDER BY id DESC -- ## Log Details SELECT [message] ,trn.createdBy ,trn.createdDate FROM tranModifyLog trn WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE 1=2 RETURN END IF (@partnerId='4816') /***** Instant Cash *****/ BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Transaction Verification Successful', @rowId SELECT TOP 1 rowId ,securityNo = dbo.FNADecryptString(ic.ICTC_Number) ,transactionDate = CASE WHEN ISNULL(ic.Transaction_SentDate,'')<>'' AND LEN(ic.Transaction_SentDate)=8 THEN SUBSTRING(ic.Transaction_SentDate,5,2)+'/'+SUBSTRING(ic.Transaction_SentDate,7,2)+'/'+SUBSTRING(ic.Transaction_SentDate,1,4) ELSE ic.Transaction_SentDate END -- 11/13/2014 ,senderName = ic.Remitter_Name ,senderAddress = ISNULL(ic.Remitter_Address,'') ,senderMobile = '' ,senderTel = '' ,senderIdNo = ic.Remitter_IDDtl ,senderIdType = ic.Remitter_IDType ,senderCity = '' ,recName = ic.Beneficiary_Name ,recAddress = ic.Beneficiary_Address ,recMobile = ISNULL(ic.Beneficiary_MobileNo,'') ,recTelePhone = ISNULL(ic.Beneficiary_TelNo,'') ,recIdType = ic.rIdType ,recIdNo = ic.rIdNumber ,recCity = ic.Beneficiary_City ,recCountry = ic.Destination_Country ,pAmount = ic.Paying_Amount ,rCurrency = ic.Paying_Currency ,pCurrency = 'NPR' ,remarks = ic.remarks ,paymentMethod = 'Cash Payment' ,tokenId = '' ,amt = ic.Paying_Amount ,pBranch = ic.pBranch ,sendingCountry = ic.Originating_Country ,sendingAgent = '' ,branchName = @branchName ,providerName = 'Instant Cash' ,orderNo = ic.Agent_OrderNumber ,agentGrp = @agentGrp FROM icPayHistory ic WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE rowId = @rowId ORDER BY rowId DESC -- ## Log Details SELECT [message] ,trn.createdBy ,trn.createdDate FROM tranModifyLog trn WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE 1=2 RETURN END DECLARE @mapCodeDom VARCHAR(50) ,@tranStatus VARCHAR(50) ,@tranId INT ,@payStatus VARCHAR(50) ,@controlNoEncrypted VARCHAR(50) ,@agentType VARCHAR(50) ,@pTxnLocation VARCHAR(50) ,@pAgentLocation VARCHAR(50) ,@pAgent VARCHAR(50) ,@controlNo VARCHAR(50) ,@paymentMethod VARCHAR(50) ,@sBranchId VARCHAR(50) ,@mapCodeInt VARCHAR(50) ,@lockStatus VARCHAR(50) ,@payTokenId VARCHAR(50) IF (@partnerId='IME-D') /***** IME DOMESTIC*****/ BEGIN IF @pBranchId IS NULL BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Please Choose Paying Agent', NULL RETURN END SELECT @mapCodeDom = mapCodeDom, @agentType = agentType, @pAgentLocation = agentLocation, @branchName = agentName FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @pBranchId IF (@mapCodeDom IS NULL OR @mapCodeDom = '' OR @mapCodeDom = 0) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Invalid Map Code', NULL RETURN END SELECT @tranStatus = tranStatus, @tranId = id, @payStatus = payStatus , @controlNoEncrypted = controlNo, @paymentMethod = paymentMethod, @sBranchId = sBranch, @pTxnLocation = pLocation FROM remitTran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE id = @rowId IF @tranStatus IS NULL BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1000, 'Transaction not found', NULL RETURN END IF @agentType = 2903 BEGIN SET @pAgent = @pBranchId END INSERT INTO tranViewHistory( controlNumber ,tranViewType ,agentId ,createdBy ,createdDate ,tranId ) SELECT @controlNoEncrypted ,'PAY' ,@pBranchId ,@user ,GETDATE() ,@tranId IF @paymentMethod = 'Bank Deposit' BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Cannot process payment for Payment Type Bank Deposit', NULL RETURN END IF @sBranchId = @pBranchId BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Cannot process payment for same POS', @tranId RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'CancelRequest') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction has been requested for cancel', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'Lock' ) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction is locked', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'Block') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction is blocked. Please Contact HO', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'Paid') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction has already been paid', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@payStatus = 'Paid') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction has already been paid', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'Hold') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction is hold', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'Cancel') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction is cancelled', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END DECLARE @tranDistrictId INT, @payAgentDistrictId INT SELECT @payAgentDistrictId = districtId FROM apiLocationMapping WHERE apiDistrictCode = @pAgentLocation SELECT @tranDistrictId = districtId FROM apiLocationMapping WHERE apiDistrictCode = @pTxnLocation IF @payAgentDistrictId IS NULL BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Location not found. Please Contact HO', @controlNo RETURN END IF @tranDistrictId IS NULL BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Location not found. Please Contact HO', @controlNo RETURN END IF(@tranDistrictId <> @payAgentDistrictId) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'You are not allowed to pay this TXN. It is not within your district.', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Transaction Verification Successful', @tranId SET @payTokenId = SCOPE_IDENTITY() SELECT TOP 1 rowId ,securityNo =dbo.FNADecryptString(trn.controlNo) ,transactionDate =trn.createdDateLocal ,senderName =sen.firstName + ISNULL( ' ' + sen.middleName, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + sen.lastName1, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + sen.lastName2, '') ,senderAddress =sen.address ,senderCity ,senderMobile ,senderTel =sen.homephone ,senderIdType =sen.idType ,senderIdNo =sen.idNumber ,recName =rec.firstName + ISNULL( ' ' + rec.middleName, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + rec.lastName1, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + rec.lastName2, '') ,recAddress =rec.address ,recMobile ,recTelePhone =rec.homephone ,recIdType =rec.idType ,recIdNo =rec.idNumber ,recCity ,recCountry ,pAmount =trn.pAmt ,rCurrency =trn.collCurr ,pCurrency =trn.payoutCurr ,remarks =pMessage ,paymentMethod =trn.paymentMethod ,tokenId =trn.payTokenId ,amt =tAmt ,pBranch =trn.pBranch ,sendingCountry =trn.sCountry ,sendingAgent =trn.sAgentName ,branchName =@branchName ,providerName ='IME Domestic' ,orderNo = '' ,agentGrp = @agentGrp FROM remitTran trn WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tranSenders sen WITH(NOLOCK) ON = sen.tranId INNER JOIN tranReceivers rec WITH(NOLOCK) ON = rec.tranId WHERE = @rowId -- ## Lock Transaction UPDATE remitTran SET payTokenId = @payTokenId ,tranStatus = 'Lock' ,lockedBy = @user ,lockedDate = GETDATE() ,lockedDateLocal = GETDATE() WHERE id = @rowId -- ## Log Details SELECT [message] ,trn.createdBy ,trn.createdDate FROM tranModifyLog trn WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE trn.tranId = @tranId OR ISNULL(trn.controlNo,'') = ISNULL(@controlNoEncrypted, '') ORDER BY trn.createdDate DESC -- ## Compliance pay details Details SELECT tranId ,controlNo ,pBranch ,receiverName ,rMemId ,dob = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),dob,101) ,rIdType ,rIdNumber ,rPlaceOfIssue ,rContactNo ,rRelationType ,rRelativeName ,relWithSender ,purposeOfRemit = ISNULL(sd.detailTitle,purposeOfRemit) ,purposeOfRemitId = purposeOfRemit ,reason ,bankName ,branchName ,chequeNo ,accountNo ,alternateMobileNo FROM tranPayCompliance tc WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sd WITH(NOLOCK) ON tc.purposeOfRemit=sd.valueId WHERE tc.tranId = @tranId OR ISNULL(tc.controlNo,'') = ISNULL(@controlNoEncrypted, '') END IF (@partnerId='IME-I') /***** IME INTERNATIONAL *****/ BEGIN IF @pBranchId IS NULL BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Please Choose Agent', NULL RETURN END SELECT @mapCodeInt = mapCodeInt ,@agentType = agentType ,@pAgentLocation = agentLocation FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @pBranchId IF (@mapCodeInt IS NULL OR @mapCodeInt = '' OR @mapCodeInt = 0) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Invalid Map Code', NULL RETURN END SELECT @tranStatus = tranStatus , @tranId = id , @lockStatus = lockStatus , @payStatus = payStatus , @sBranchId = sBranch , @paymentMethod = paymentMethod , @controlNoEncrypted = controlNo FROM remitTran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE id = @rowId IF @tranStatus IS NULL BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1000, 'Transaction not found', NULL RETURN END IF @agentType = 2903 BEGIN SET @pAgent = @pBranchId END INSERT INTO tranViewHistory( controlNumber ,tranViewType ,agentId ,createdBy ,createdDate ,tranId ) SELECT @controlNoEncrypted ,'PAY' ,@pBranchId ,@user ,GETDATE() ,@tranId IF @paymentMethod = 'Bank Deposit' BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Cannot process payment for Payment Type Bank Deposit', NULL RETURN END IF @sBranchId = @pBranchId BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Cannot process payment for same POS', @tranId RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'CancelRequest') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction has been requested for cancel', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@lockStatus = 'Lock' ) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction is locked', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'Lock' ) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction is locked', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'Block') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction is blocked. Please Contact HO', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'Paid') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction has already been paid', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@payStatus = 'Paid') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction has already been paid', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'Hold') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction is hold', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END IF (@tranStatus = 'Cancel') BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Transaction is cancelled', @controlNoEncrypted RETURN END EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Transaction Verification Successful', @tranId SET @payTokenId = SCOPE_IDENTITY() SELECT TOP 1 rowId ,securityNo =dbo.FNADecryptString(trn.controlNo) ,transactionDate =trn.createdDateLocal ,senderName =sen.firstName + ISNULL( ' ' + sen.middleName, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + sen.lastName1, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + sen.lastName2, '') ,senderAddress =sen.address ,senderCity ,senderMobile ,senderTel =sen.homephone ,senderIdType =sen.idType ,senderIdNo =sen.idNumber ,recName =rec.firstName + ISNULL( ' ' + rec.middleName, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + rec.lastName1, '') + ISNULL( ' ' + rec.lastName2, '') ,recAddress =rec.address ,recMobile ,recTelePhone =rec.homephone ,recIdType =rec.idType ,recIdNo =rec.idNumber ,recCity ,recCountry ,pAmount =trn.pAmt ,rCurrency =trn.collCurr ,pCurrency =trn.payoutCurr ,remarks =pMessage ,paymentMethod =trn.paymentMethod ,tokenId =trn.payTokenId ,amt =trn.pAmt ,pBranch =trn.pBranch ,sendingCountry =trn.sCountry ,sendingAgent =trn.sAgentName ,branchName =dbo.GetAgentNameFromId(@pBranchId) ,providerName ='IME International' ,orderNo = '' ,agentGrp = @agentGrp FROM remitTran trn WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tranSenders sen WITH(NOLOCK) ON = sen.tranId INNER JOIN tranReceivers rec WITH(NOLOCK) ON = rec.tranId WHERE = @rowId -- ## Lock Transaction UPDATE remitTran SET payTokenId = @payTokenId ,lockStatus = 'locked' ,lockedBy = @user ,lockedDate = GETDATE() ,lockedDateLocal = GETDATE() WHERE id = @rowId -- ## Log Details SELECT [message] ,trn.createdBy ,trn.createdDate FROM tranModifyLog trn WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE trn.tranId = @tranId OR ISNULL(trn.controlNo,'') = ISNULL(@controlNoEncrypted, '') ORDER BY trn.createdDate DESC -- ## Compliance pay details Details SELECT tranId ,controlNo ,pBranch ,receiverName ,rMemId ,dob = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),dob,101) ,rIdType ,rIdNumber ,rPlaceOfIssue ,rContactNo ,rRelationType ,rRelativeName ,relWithSender ,purposeOfRemit = ISNULL(sd.detailTitle,purposeOfRemit) ,purposeOfRemitId = purposeOfRemit ,reason ,bankName ,branchName ,chequeNo ,accountNo ,alternateMobileNo FROM tranPayCompliance tc WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sd WITH(NOLOCK) ON tc.purposeOfRemit=sd.valueId WHERE tc.tranId = @tranId OR ISNULL(tc.controlNo,'') = ISNULL(@controlNoEncrypted, '') END END GO