USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_txnDocumentsForAgent] Script Date: 9/27/2019 1:30:14 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[proc_txnDocumentsForAgent] @flag VARCHAR(50) ,@user VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@rowId BIGINT = NULL ,@tranId VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@agentId VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@fromDate VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@toDate VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@agent VARCHAR(200) = NULL ,@status VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@receivedId VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@controlNo VARCHAR(20) = NULL ,@tranAmt VARCHAR(50) = Null ,@senderName VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@receiverName VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@createdBy VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@createdDate DATE = NULL ,@fileDescription VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@fileType VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@txnYear VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@fileName VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@sortBy VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@sortOrder VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@pageSize VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@pageNumber VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@txnType VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@userName VARCHAR(100) = NULl ,@isDocUpload VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@vouType VARCHAR(20) = NULL ,@remarks VARCHAR(Max) = NULL ,@agentName VARCHAR(200) = NULL ,@pAmt VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@sendCardNo VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@recCardNo VARCHAR(50) = NULL AS /* EXEC proc_txnDocuments @flag='deleteDoc',@user='admin',@rowId='28' */ SET NOCOUNT ON; CREATE TABLE #msg(errorCode INT, msg VARCHAR(100), id INT) DECLARE @table VARCHAR(MAX) ,@selectFieldList VARCHAR(MAX) ,@extraFieldList VARCHAR(MAX) ,@sqlFilter VARCHAR(MAX) ,@sql VARCHAR(MAX) IF @flag = 's' BEGIN IF @sortBy IS NULL SET @sortBy = 'id' IF @sortOrder IS NULL SET @sortOrder = 'DESC' SET @table = '( SELECT DISTINCT,controlNo = dbo.FNADecryptString(rt.controlNo) ,tranAmt = rt.pAmt ,senderName = rt.senderName ,receiverName = rt.receiverName ,txnType1 = CASE WHEN rT.sAgent = '''+@agent+''' AND tranType = ''D'' THEN ''sd'' WHEN pAgent = '''+@agent+''' AND tranType = ''D'' THEN ''pd'' WHEN pAgent = '''+@agent+''' AND tranType = ''I'' THEN ''pi'' END ,txnType = CASE WHEN rT.sAgent = '''+@agent+''' AND tranType = ''D'' THEN ''Send Domestic'' WHEN pAgent = '''+@agent+''' AND tranType = ''D'' THEN ''Paid Domestic'' WHEN pAgent = '''+@agent+''' AND tranType = ''I'' THEN ''Paid Intl'' END ,createdDate =rt.createdDate ,[status] = CASE WHEN v.tranId IS NULL THEN ''Not-Reconciled'' ELSE v.status END ,isDocUpload = CASE WHEN d.tdId IS NOT NULL THEN ''Y'' ELSE ''N'' END FROM remitTran rt(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN txnDocuments D(NOLOCK) ON = D.tdId AND D.AGENTID = '''+@agent+''' --AND D.txnType<>D.txnType LEFT JOIN voucherReconcilation V (NOLOCK) on d.tdId = v.tranId and d.txnType = v.voucherType WHERE rT.tranType IS NOT NULL and (rT.sagent = '''+@agent+''' or rT.pagent = '''+@agent+''') ' SET @sqlFilter = '' print @table IF @controlNo IS NOT NULL SET @sqlFilter=@sqlFilter + ' AND controlNo LIKE ''' +@controlNo+'''' IF @txnType IS NOT NULL SET @sqlFilter=@sqlFilter + ' AND txnType1 = ''' +@txnType+'''' IF @status IS NOT NULL SET @sqlFilter=@sqlFilter + ' AND status = ''' +@status+'''' IF @isDocUpload IS NOT NULL SET @sqlFilter=@sqlFilter + ' AND isDocUpload = ''' +@isDocUpload+'''' IF @fromDate IS NOT NULL AND @toDate IS NOT NULL BEGIN IF ISNULL(@txnType,'') = 'sd' BEGIN SET @table = @table + ' AND rt.createdDate BETWEEN ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@fromDate,101) + ''' AND ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@toDate,101) + ' 23:59:59''' END ELSE IF ISNULL(@txnType,'') IN('pd','pi') BEGIN SET @table = @table + ' AND rt.PaidDate BETWEEN ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@fromDate,101) + ''' AND ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@toDate,101) + ' 23:59:59''' END ELSE BEGIN SET @table = @table + ' AND (rt.createdDate BETWEEN ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@fromDate,101) + ''' AND ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@toDate,101) + ' 23:59:59''' SET @table = @table + ' OR rt.PaidDate BETWEEN ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@fromDate,101) + ''' AND ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@toDate,101) + ' 23:59:59'')' END END SET @table = @table + ')x' SET @table='(SELECT , x.controlNo , x.tranAmt , x.senderName , x.receiverName ,x.txnType ,convert(varchar,x.createdDate,101) as createdDate ,x.txnType1 ,x.status -- ,link1=CASE WHEN x.status=''Reconciled'' THEN ''Browse Doc'' ELSE ''Browse Doc'' END ,link=CASE WHEN x.status=''Reconciled'' THEN '''' ELSE '''' END ,x.isDocUpload FROM '+@table+ ')a'; SET @selectFieldList = ' id , controlNo , tranAmt , senderName , receiverName ,txnType ,createdDate ,txnType1 ,status ,link ,isDocUpload ' print @table EXEC dbo.proc_paging @table ,@sqlFilter ,@selectFieldList ,@extraFieldList ,@sortBy ,@sortOrder ,@pageSize ,@pageNumber END IF @flag = 'i' BEGIN SELECT @controlNo=dbo.FNADecryptString(controlNo) FROM remittran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE id=@rowId DECLARE @sn INT SELECT @sn = COUNT(*) FROM txnDocuments (NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo = @controlNo SELECT @sn = ISNULL(@sn, 0) + 1 SET @fileName = @ControlNo + +'_'+ CAST(@sn AS VARCHAR) + '.' + @fileType INSERT INTO txnDocuments (tdId, controlNo, [fileName], fileDescription, fileType, [year], agentId, createdBy, createdDate,txnType) SELECT @rowId, @controlNo, @fileName, @fileDescription, @fileType, @txnYear, @agentId, @user, GETDATE(),@txnType SET @rowId = SCOPE_IDENTITY() EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'File Uploaded Successfully', @fileName RETURN END ELSE IF @flag='displayDoc' BEGIN SELECT rowId ,tdId ,fileName ,fileDescription ,createdBy ,createdDate ,[year] ,agentId ,txnType FROM txnDocuments WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE tdId=@rowId AND (isDeleted = 'N' OR isDeleted IS NULL) AND txnType=@txnType RETURN END ELSE IF @flag = 'a' BEGIN SELECT * FROM txnDocuments WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE rowId = @rowId RETURN END ELSE IF @flag='image-display' BEGIN SELECT [fileName] = fileName ,fileDescription ,agentId FROM txnDocuments a WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE tdid=@rowId AND isDeleted IS NULL RETURN END ELSE IF @flag='deleteDoc' BEGIN SELECT @tranId=tdid from txnDocuments WHERE rowId = @rowId IF EXISTS(SELECT 'x' FROM voucherReconcilation WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE tranId = @tranId and status='Reconciled' AND voucherType=@txnType) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Document Already Reconciled!! You Cannot Delete this document', NULL RETURN END DECLARE @path VARCHAR(255) SELECT @path = CAST([Year] AS VARCHAR(20)) + '\' + CAST(agentId AS VARCHAR(20)) + '\' + [fileName] FROM txnDocuments (NOLOCK) WHERE rowId = @rowId DELETE txnDocuments WHERE rowId = @rowId EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'File Deleted Successfully', @path RETURN END ELSE IF @flag='at' BEGIN SELECT NULL [value], 'Select' [text] UNION ALL SELECT 'sd','Send Domestic' UNION ALL SELECT 'pd','Paid Domestic' UNION ALL SELECT 'pi','Paid International' RETURN END ELSE IF @flag='isDoc' BEGIN SELECT NULL [value], 'Select' [text] UNION ALL SELECT 'y','Yes' UNION ALL SELECT 'n','No' RETURN END ELSE IF @flag='status' BEGIN SELECT NULL as value, 'Select' [text] UNION ALL SELECT 'Reconciled','Reconciled' UNION ALL SELECT 'Complain','Complain' UNION ALL SELECT 'Not-Reconciled','Not-Reconciled' RETURN END IF @flag = 'agent-wise' BEGIN SET @sql = 'SELECT x.[date] As Date ,count([Transaction]) AS [Transaction] ,count([Upload Transaction]) AS [Upload Transaction] ,count([Transaction])-count([Upload Transaction]) AS [Remaining Transaction] FROM ( SELECT [date]=CONVERT(VARCHAR,rt.createdDate,101) , AS [Transaction] ,td.tdId AS [Upload Transaction] FROM remitTran rt LEFT JOIN txnDocuments td ON WHERE (rt.sAgent='''+@agentId+''' or rt.pAgent='''+@agentId+''') AND rt.createdDate BETWEEN '''+@fromDate+''' and '''+@toDate+' 23:59:59'' ' IF @controlNo is not null SET @sql = @sql +' AND dbo.FNADecryptString(rt.controlNo)='''+ @controlNo +'''' IF @isDocUpload IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + CASE @isDocUpload WHEN 'Y' THEN ' AND td.tdId IS NOT NULL ' ELSE ' AND td.tdId IS NULL ' END END SET @sql= @sql + ')x WHERE 1=1 ' SET @sql=@sql+' GROUP by x.[date]' PRINT @sql EXEC(@sql) EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'Date Range From ' head, @fromDate +' - '+ @toDate value ,NULl UNION ALL SELECT 'ICN' head, @controlNo value ,NULL UNION ALL SELECT 'Is Doc-Uploaded' head, @isDocUpload value ,NULL SELECT 'Agent Send/Paid - Reconciliation Report ' title RETURN; END IF @flag = 'list' BEGIN IF @sortBy IS NULL SET @sortBy = 'id' IF @sortOrder IS NULL SET @sortOrder = 'DESC' SET @table = '( SELECT controlNo ,agentName ,id ,DATE ,txnType ,txnType1 ,agent ,status ,senderName ,receiverName ,pAmt ,sendCardNo ,recCardNo FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT controlNo ,agentName ,id ,MAX(date) As DATE ,txnType ,txnType1 ,agent ,status ,senderName ,receiverName ,pAmt ,sendCardNo ,recCardNo FROM ( SELECT controlNo=dbo.fnaDecryptString(rt.controlNo) ,agentName=am.agentName , , ,txnType= CASE WHEN td.txnTYpe=''sd'' THEN ''Send Domestic'' WHEN td.txnTYpe=''pd'' THEN ''Paid Domestic'' WHEN td.txnTYpe=''pi'' THEN ''Paid Intl'' END ,txnType1 = td.txnType ,agent=td.agentId ,status=CASE WHEN vr.tranId IS NULL THEN ''Not-Reconciled'' ELSE vr.status END ,rt.senderName ,rt.receiverName ,rt.pAmt ,sendCardNo=sen.membershipId ,recCardNo=rec.membershipId FROM ( SELECT Distinct agentId ,tdid ,txnType ,date = max(createdDate) FROM txnDocuments (NOLOCK) WHERE 1 = 1 ' + CASE WHEN @txnType IS NOT NULL THEN 'AND txnType = ''' +@txnType+'''' ELSE '' END + ' GROUP BY agentId, tdid, txnType ) td INNER JOIN dbo.remitTran rt ON INNER JOIN agentMaster am (NOLOCK) ON am.agentId=td.agentId LEFT JOIN dbo.voucherReconcilation vr ON vr.tranId = and vr.vouchertype = td.txnType INNER JOIN tranSenders sen with(nolock) on INNER JOIN tranReceivers rec with(nolock) on )xx GROUP BY controlNo,agentName,id,txnType,txnType1,agent,status,senderName ,receiverName,pAmt,sendCardNo,recCardNo )yy WHERE 1=1 ) pp' SET @sqlFilter = '' IF @controlNo IS NOT NULL SET @sqlFilter=@sqlFilter + ' AND controlNo = ''' +@controlNo+'''' IF @agentName IS NOT NULL SET @sqlFilter=@sqlFilter + ' AND agentName LIKE ''' +@agentName+'%''' IF @senderName IS NOT NULL SET @sqlFilter=@sqlFilter + ' AND senderName LIKE ''' +@senderName+'%''' IF @receiverName IS NOT NULL SET @sqlFilter=@sqlFilter + ' AND receiverName LIKE ''' +@receiverName+'%''' IF @pAmt IS NOT NULL SET @sqlFilter=@sqlFilter + ' AND pAmt = ''' +@pAmt+'''' IF @txnType IS NOT NULL SET @sqlFilter=@sqlFilter + ' AND txnType1 = ''' +@txnType+'''' IF @status IS NOT NULL SET @sqlFilter=@sqlFilter + ' AND status = ''' +@status+'''' IF @sendCardNo IS NOT NULL SET @sqlFilter=@sqlFilter +' and sendCardNo ='''+@sendCardNo+'''' IF @recCardNo IS NOT NULL SET @sqlFilter=@sqlFilter +' and recCardNo ='''+@recCardNo+'''' IF @fromDate IS NOT NULL AND @toDate IS NOT NULL SET @sqlFilter = @sqlFilter + ' AND date BETWEEN ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@fromDate,101) + ''' AND ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@toDate,101) + ' 23:59:59''' SET @selectFieldList = ' id , controlNo , agent , date , status , txnType ,txnType1 ,agentName ,senderName ,receiverName ,pAmt ,sendCardNo ,recCardNo ' EXEC dbo.proc_paging @table ,@sqlFilter ,@selectFieldList ,@extraFieldList ,@sortBy ,@sortOrder ,@pageSize ,@pageNumber END ELSE IF @flag='approve' BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 'x' FROM txnDocuments WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE tdid = @tranId ) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Document Has been Deleted!!', NULL RETURN END IF @user IS NULL BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Your session has expired. Please relogin to the system.' , NULL RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT 'x' FROM voucherReconcilation WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE tranId = @tranId AND voucherType = @vouType AND agentId=@agentId) BEGIN UPDATE voucherReconcilation SET status='Reconciled' ,remarks=@remarks WHERE tranId = @tranId AND voucherType = @vouType AND agentId=@agentId EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Document Reconciled Successfully', NULL END IF @vouType='sd' BEGIN INSERT INTO voucherReconcilation(receivedId,boxNo,fileNo,tranId,remarks,status,voucherType,voucherDate,createdBy,createdDate,agentId) SELECT '','','',@tranId,@remarks,'Reconciled',@vouType,approvedDate,@user,GETDATE(),@agentId FROM remittran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE id=@tranId END IF @vouType='pd' BEGIN INSERT INTO voucherReconcilation(receivedId,boxNo,fileNo,tranId,remarks,status,voucherType,voucherDate,createdBy,createdDate,agentId) SELECT '','','',@tranId,@remarks,'Reconciled',@vouType,approvedDate,@user,GETDATE(),@agentId FROM remittran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE id=@tranId END IF @vouType='pi' BEGIN INSERT INTO voucherReconcilation(receivedId,boxNo,fileNo,tranId,remarks,status,voucherType,voucherDate,createdBy,createdDate,agentId) SELECT '','','',@tranId,@remarks,'Reconciled',@vouType,paidDate,@user,GETDATE(),@agentId FROM remittran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE id=@tranId END EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Document Reconciled Successfully', NULL UPDATE txnDocuments SET --approvedBy = @user --,approvedDate = GetDate() status = 'Approved' WHERE tdid = @tranId and txnType = @vouType AND agentId=@agentId EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Document Uploaded Successfully', NULL END ELSE IF @flag='reject' BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 'x' FROM txnDocuments WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE tdid = @tranId ) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Document has been Deleted!!', NULL RETURN END IF @user IS NULL BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Your session has expired. Please relogin to the system.' , NULL RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT 'x' FROM voucherReconcilation WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE tranId = @tranId and voucherType = @vouType AND agentId=@agentId) BEGIN UPDATE voucherReconcilation SET status='Complain' ,remarks=@remarks WHERE tranId=@tranId AND voucherType = @vouType AND agentId=@agentId EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Document Rejected Successfully' , NULL END IF @vouType='sd' BEGIN INSERT INTO voucherReconcilation(receivedId,boxNo,fileNo,tranId,remarks,status,voucherType,voucherDate,createdBy,createdDate,agentId) SELECT '','','',@tranId,@remarks,'Complain',@vouType,approvedDate,@user,GETDATE(),@agentId FROM remittran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE id=@tranId END IF @vouType='pd' BEGIN INSERT INTO voucherReconcilation(receivedId,boxNo,fileNo,tranId,remarks,status,voucherType,voucherDate,createdBy,createdDate,agentId) SELECT '','','',@tranId,@remarks,'Complain',@vouType,approvedDate,@user,GETDATE(),@agentId FROM remittran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE id=@tranId END IF @vouType='pi' BEGIN INSERT INTO voucherReconcilation(receivedId,boxNo,fileNo,tranId,remarks,status,voucherType,voucherDate,createdBy,createdDate,agentId) SELECT '','','',@tranId,@remarks,'Complain',@vouType,paidDate,@user,GETDATE(),@agentId FROM remittran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE id=@tranId END EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Document Rejected Successfully' , NULL Update txnDocuments Set --approvedBy=@user --,approvedDate=GetDate() status='Rejected' WHERE tdid = @tranId and txnType = @vouType AND agentId=@agentId EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Document Rejected Successfully', NULL RETURN END ELSE IF @flag = 'details' BEGIN SELECT DISTINCT agentName=am.agentName ,txnType = CASE WHEN td.txnTYpe='sd' THEN 'Send Domestic' WHEN td.txnTYpe='pd' THEN 'Paid Domestic' WHEN td.txnTYpe='pi' THEN 'Paid Intl' END ,rt.senderName ,rt.receiverName ,rt.pAmt ,status=CASE WHEN vr.tranId IS NULL THEN 'Not-Reconciled' ELSE vr.status END ,controlNo=dbo.FNADecryptString(rt.controlNo) ,remarks=vr.remarks FROM remittran rt INNER JOIN txnDocuments td (NOLOCK) ON INNER JOIN agentMaster am (NOLOCK) ON am.agentId=td.agentId LEFT JOIN dbo.voucherReconcilation vr ON and vr.voucherType = td.txnType WHERE = @rowId AND td.txnType=@txnType RETURN END GO