USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[ws_int_proc_costRateUpdateJP] Script Date: 9/27/2019 1:30:14 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[ws_int_proc_costRateUpdateJP] @accesscode VARCHAR(50) ,@username VARCHAR(50) ,@password VARCHAR(50) ,@AGENT_REFID VARCHAR(50) ,@cost FLOAT AS SET NOCOUNT ON SET XACT_ABORT ON BEGIN TRY DECLARE @errorTable TABLE(AGENT_REFID VARCHAR(150), cost FLOAT) INSERT INTO @errorTable(AGENT_REFID, cost) SELECT @AGENT_REFID, @cost DECLARE @errCode INT, @autMsg VARCHAR(500), @errorCode VARCHAR(10), @errorMsg VARCHAR(MAX) EXEC ws_int_proc_checkAuthntication @USERNAME,@PASSWORD,@ACCESSCODE,@errCode OUT, @autMsg OUT IF (@errCode = 1 ) BEGIN --1002 SELECT @errorCode = '102', @errorMsg = ISNULL(@autMsg, 'Authentication Fail') SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END CREATE TABLE #defExRateIdTemp(defExRateId INT) CREATE TABLE #exRateIdTempMain(exRateTreasuryId INT) CREATE TABLE #exRateIdTempMod(exRateTreasuryId INT) DECLARE @cCountry INT, @cAgent INT, @defExRateId INT SELECT @cCountry = 113 SELECT @cAgent = 4846 SELECT @defExRateId = defExRateId FROM defExRate WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE country = @cCountry AND agent = @cAgent AND currency = 'JPY' DECLARE @cRate FLOAT SET @cRate = @cost IF @defExRateId IS NULL RETURN BEGIN TRAN --Currency Rate/ Agent Rate Update------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPDATE defExRate SET cRate = ISNULL(@cost, 0) ,modifiedBy = @username ,modifiedDate = GETDATE() WHERE defExRateId = @defExRateId --Change Record History----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSERT INTO defExRateHistory( defExRateId ,setupType ,currency,country,agent,baseCurrency,tranType,factor ,cRate,cMargin,cMax,cMin ,pRate,pMargin,pMax,pMin ,isEnable,createdBy,createdDate,approvedBy,approvedDate,modType ) SELECT @defExRateId ,main.setupType ,main.currency,,main.agent,main.baseCurrency,main.tranType,factor ,cRate,cMargin,cMax,cMin ,pRate,pMargin,pMax,pMin ,isEnable,@username,GETDATE(),@username,GETDATE(),'U' FROM defExRate main WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE defExRateId = @defExRateId --1. Get All Corridor records affected by receive cost rate change DELETE FROM #exRateIdTempMain INSERT INTO #exRateIdTempMain SELECT exRateTreasuryId FROM exRateTreasury WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE cRateId = @defExRateId --2. Update Records in Mod Table if data already exist in mod table IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM exRateTreasuryMod mode WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN #exRateIdTempMain temp ON mode.exRateTreasuryId = temp.exRateTreasuryId) BEGIN DELETE FROM #exRateIdTempMod INSERT INTO #exRateIdTempMod SELECT mode.exRateTreasuryId FROM exRateTreasuryMod mode WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN #exRateIdTempMain temp ON mode.exRateTreasuryId = temp.exRateTreasuryId UPDATE ert SET cRate = @cRate ,cMargin = ert.cMargin ,maxCrossRate = ROUND(def.pRate/@cRate, dbo.FNAGetCrossRateDecimalMask(ert.cCurrency, ert.pCurrency)) ,crossRate = ROUND((def.pRate - def.pMargin - pHoMargin)/(@cRate + ert.cMargin + cHoMargin), dbo.FNAGetCrossRateDecimalMask(ert.cCurrency, ert.pCurrency)) ,customerRate = CASE WHEN ISNULL(toleranceOn, '') IN ('S', 'P', '') THEN ROUND((def.pRate - ert.pMargin - pHoMargin - pAgentMargin)/(@cRate + ert.cMargin + cHoMargin + cAgentMargin), dbo.FNAGetCrossRateDecimalMask(ert.cCurrency, ert.pCurrency)) WHEN ISNULL(toleranceOn, '') IN ('C') THEN ROUND((def.pRate - def.pMargin - pHoMargin)/(@cRate + ert.cMargin + cHoMargin), dbo.FNAGetCrossRateDecimalMask(ert.cCurrency, ert.pCurrency)) - ISNULL(agentCrossRateMargin, 0) END ,createdBy = @username ,createdDate = GETDATE() FROM exRateTreasuryMod ert INNER JOIN defExRate def ON ert.pRateId = def.defExRateId INNER JOIN #exRateIdTempMod temp ON ert.exRateTreasuryId = temp.exRateTreasuryId END --3. Update Record in main table UPDATE ert SET cRate = @cRate ,pMargin = ert.cMargin ,maxCrossRate = ROUND(def.pRate/@cRate, dbo.FNAGetCrossRateDecimalMask(ert.cCurrency, ert.pCurrency)) ,crossRate = ROUND((def.pRate - def.pMargin - pHoMargin)/(@cRate + ert.cMargin + cHoMargin), dbo.FNAGetCrossRateDecimalMask(ert.cCurrency, ert.pCurrency)) --,customerRate = ROUND((@pRate - @pMargin - pHoMargin - pAgentMargin)/(def.cRate + def.cMargin + cHoMargin + cAgentMargin), dbo.FNAGetCrossRateDecimalMask(ert.cCurrency, ert.pCurrency)) ,customerRate = CASE WHEN ISNULL(toleranceOn, '') IN ('S', 'P', '') THEN ROUND((def.pRate - def.pMargin - pHoMargin - pAgentMargin)/(@cRate + ert.cMargin + cHoMargin + cAgentMargin), dbo.FNAGetCrossRateDecimalMask(ert.cCurrency, ert.pCurrency)) WHEN ISNULL(toleranceOn, '') IN ('C') THEN ROUND((def.pRate - def.pMargin - pHoMargin)/(@cRate + ert.cMargin + cHoMargin), dbo.FNAGetCrossRateDecimalMask(ert.cCurrency, ert.pCurrency)) - ISNULL(agentCrossRateMargin, 0) END ,modifiedBy = @username ,modifiedDate = GETDATE() FROM exRateTreasury ert INNER JOIN defExRate def ON ert.pRateId = def.defExRateId WHERE cRateId = @defExRateId COMMIT TRAN SELECT @cRate COST END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRAN SELECT @errorCode = '9001', @errorMsg = 'Technical Error : ' + ERROR_MESSAGE() SELECT '9001' CODE, 'Technical Error : ' + ERROR_MESSAGE() MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable INSERT INTO Logs (errorPage, errorMsg, errorDetails, createdBy, createdDate) SELECT 'API SP Error','Technical Error : ' + ERROR_MESSAGE() MESSAGE,'ws_int_proc_costRateUpdateJP', @USERNAME, GETDATE() END CATCH GO