USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[mobile_proc_userRegistration] Script Date: 7/4/2019 11:35:48 AM ******/ DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[mobile_proc_userRegistration] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[mobile_proc_userRegistration] Script Date: 7/4/2019 11:35:48 AM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE mobile_proc_userRegistration @flag VARCHAR(30) ,@MSISDN VARCHAR(20) = NULL --Mobile Number ,@email VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@code VARCHAR(50) = NULL --one time password ,@codeType VARCHAR(30) = NULL --one time password ,@userName VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@Password VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@newPassword VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@Imei VARCHAR(256) = NULL --Imei Number of Mobile ,@appVersion VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@deviceId VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@osVersion VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@phoneBrand VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@phoneOs VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@scope VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@clientId VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@answer DATE = NULL --password secutiry question applies for the dob ,@refWalletAccNo VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@cmRegistrationId VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL ,@dpUrl VARCHAR(300) = NULL AS SET NOCOUNT ON; SET XACT_ABORT ON; BEGIN TRY IF ISNULL(@username,'')='' BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'User Id not defined.' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END IF ISNULL(@scope,'')<>'mobile_app' BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Application scope is not valid for this user.' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ----------------------- Local variables declaration ###STARTS------------------------ DECLARE @_customerId BIGINT ,@_imei VARCHAR(256) ,@_otpUsed BIT ,@_scope VARCHAR(50) ,@_isDeleted CHAR(1) ,@_errorMsg VARCHAR(MAX) ,@_isExists BIT=0 ,@_Otp VARCHAR(50) ,@_pwdRecoveryCode VARCHAR(50) ,@_dob DATE ,@_errorCode VARCHAR(50) ,@_isVerified BIT=0 ,@_password VARCHAR(50) ,@_createdDate DATETIME ,@_count INT ,@_onlineUser CHAR(1) ,@_createdBy VARCHAR(100) ----------------------- Local variables declaration ###ENDS------------------------ IF @flag='signup' --first time user create(DONE) BEGIN ------------- ### Check if the user trying to signup is already exists ###STARTS------------ IF EXISTS( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.customerMaster(NOLOCK) cm WHERE OR ) BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode , @userName +' already exists' Msg ,@userName ID RETURN; END IF EXISTS( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.customerMasterTemp(NOLOCK) cm WHERE OR ) BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode , @userName +' already exists' Msg ,@userName ID RETURN; END ------------- ### Check if the user trying to signup is already exists ###ENDS------------ ------------- ### Check device registration limit ###STARTS------------ --IF EXISTS(SELECT 'x' FROM mobile_userRegistration(NOLOCK) WHERE imei=@imei GROUP BY imei HAVING COUNT(imei)>5) --BEGIN -- SELECT @_errorMsg = 'This device has exceeded the app registration limit.' -- SELECT '1' ErrorCode, @_errorMsg Msg ,NULL ID -- RETURN --END ------------- ### Check device registration limit ###ENDS------------ BEGIN TRANSACTION INSERT INTO customerMasterTemp(mobile,email,customerpassword,createdBy) SELECT @MSISDN,@email,dbo.FNAEncryptString(@Password),@scope SET @_customerId=SCOPE_IDENTITY() INSERT INTO mobile_userRegistration (customerId,username, OTP,OTP_Used,createdDate,IMEI,clientId) SELECT @_customerId,@userName,@code,0,GETDATE(),@Imei,@clientId INSERT INTO OTPHistory(username,OTP,OTP_Used,createdDate,codeType,customerId) SELECT @userName,@code,0,GETDATE(),'dvc',@_customerId IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION SELECT '0' ErrorCode , 'Registration Success' Msg ,@userName ID RETURN -------## if record already exists ##ENDS--------------- END ELSE IF @flag='v-otp' --validate otp (DONE) BEGIN --SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Invalid device verification code.' Msg ,NULL ID --RETURN IF ISNULL(@code,'')='' BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Device verification code is required.' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END IF ISNULL(@phoneOs,'') NOT IN('android','ios') BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Invalid Device type(PhoneOs).' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ------------- ### Check if the user trying to validate is already exists ###STARTS------------ IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.customerMasterTemp(NOLOCK) cm WHERE ( OR AND ISNULL(cm.isDeleted,'N')='N' ) BEGIN SELECT @_errorMsg = 'User with contact Info ' + @username + ' does not exists. If you are a new user, then sign up and proceed further.' SELECT '1' ErrorCode, @_errorMsg Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ------------- ### Check if the user trying to validate is already exists ###ENDS------------ SELECT @_customerId=cm.customerId FROM dbo.customerMasterTemp(NOLOCK) cm WHERE OR SELECT TOP 1 @_imei=v.imei ,@_Otp=otp.OTP ,@_otpUsed=otp.OTP_Used ,@_isDeleted=ISNULL(cust.isDeleted,'N') ,@_createdDate=DATEADD(MINUTE,20,otp.createdDate) FROM customermasterTemp(NOLOCK) cust LEFT JOIN mobile_userRegistration(NOLOCK) v ON cust.customerId=v.customerId INNER JOIN dbo.OTPHistory(NOLOCK) otp ON cust.customerId=otp.customerId WHERE cust.customerId=@_customerId AND otp.codeType='dvc' ORDER BY otp.rowId DESC --INNER JOIN OTPHistory otp(NOLOCK) ON v.username=otp.username --WHERE cust.customerId=@_customerId AND otp.codeType='dvc' --ORDER BY otp.rowId DESC --SELECT TOP 1 -- @_imei=v.imei -- ,@_Otp=otp.OTP -- ,@_otpUsed=otp.OTP_Used -- ,@_isDeleted=ISNULL(cust.isDeleted,'N') -- ,@_createdDate=DATEADD(MINUTE,20,otp.createdDate) --FROM customermaster(NOLOCK) cust --LEFT JOIN mobile_userRegistration(NOLOCK) v ON cust.customerId=v.customerId --INNER JOIN OTPHistory otp(NOLOCK) ON v.username=otp.username --WHERE cust.customerId=@_customerId AND otp.codeType='dvc' --ORDER BY otp.rowId DESC IF @_Otp=@code AND DATEDIFF(MINUTE, GETDATE() ,@_createdDate)>0 AND @_imei=@Imei AND @_otpUsed=0 BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION UPDATE mobile_userRegistration SET OTP_Used = 1 ,appVersion=@appVersion ,phoneBrand=@phoneBrand ,phoneOs=@phoneOs ,osVersion=@osVersion ,deviceId=@deviceId WHERE imei=@Imei AND otp=@code --UPDATE OTPHistory -- SET OTP_Used = 1 --WHERE username=@userName AND otp=@code UPDATE OTPHistory SET OTP_Used = 1 WHERE customerId=@_customerId AND otp=@code IF EXISTS(SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.customerMasterTemp(NOLOCK)cm WHERE BEGIN UPDATE cm SET cm.isEmailVerified=1, cm.isMobileVerified=0 FROM dbo.customerMasterTemp(NOLOCK) cm WHERE END ELSE BEGIN UPDATE cm SET cm.isMobileVerified=1, cm.isEmailVerified=0 FROM dbo.customerMasterTemp(NOLOCK) cm WHERE END COMMIT TRANSACTION SELECT '0' ErrorCode, 'Success' Msg, NULL ID RETURN END ELSE IF ISNULL(@_Otp,'')<>@code BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Please enter valid verification code sent to your ' + @userName Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ELSE IF DATEDIFF(MINUTE, GETDATE() ,@_createdDate)<=0 BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Device verification code expired. Please re-send code and try again.' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ELSE IF @_imei=@Imei AND @_otpUsed=1 BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'User already verified.' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ELSE IF @_imei<>@Imei BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'User does not belongs to this device for verification.' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ELSE BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Invalid device verification code.' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END END ELSE IF @flag='re-code' --resend OTP(DONE) BEGIN IF ISNULL(@scope,'')<>'mobile_app' BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Application scope is not valid for this user.' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END IF ISNULL(@codeType,'') NOT IN('dvc','prc') BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Requested code type is not valid.' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END DECLARE @today VARCHAR(15)=CONVERT(DATE, GETDATE(),101) ------------- ### Check if the user trying to re-send code is exists or not ###STARTS------------ IF EXISTS( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.CustomerMasterTemp(NOLOCK) cm WHERE ( OR AND ISNULL(cm.isDeleted,'N')='N' ) BEGIN SELECT @_customerId=cm.customerId FROM dbo.customerMasterTemp(NOLOCK) cm WHERE OR SELECT TOP 1 @_imei=v.imei ,@_Otp=otp.OTP ,@_otpUsed=otp.OTP_Used FROM dbo.CustomerMasterTemp(NOLOCK) cust LEFT JOIN mobile_userRegistration(NOLOCK) v ON cust.customerId=v.customerId INNER JOIN OTPHistory otp(NOLOCK) ON cust.customerId=otp.customerId WHERE cust.customerId=@_customerId AND otp.codeType=@codeType ORDER BY otp.rowId DESC IF @_otpUsed=1 AND @codeType='dvc' --for device verification code BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'User already verified. You cannot re-send code for the user who is already verified.' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END SELECT @_count=COUNT('x') FROM dbo.CustomerMasterTemp(NOLOCK) cust LEFT JOIN mobile_userRegistration(NOLOCK) v ON cust.customerId=v.customerId INNER JOIN OTPHistory otp(NOLOCK) ON cust.customerId=otp.customerId WHERE cust.customerId=@_customerId AND otp.codeType=@codeType AND v.imei=@imei AND otp.createdDate BETWEEN @today AND @today+ ' 23:59:59' IF ISNULL(@_count,0)>10 BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Your device has been blocked. Re-send code attempts exceeded from same device.' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END INSERT INTO OTPHistory(username,OTP,OTP_Used,createdDate,codeType,customerId) SELECT @userName,@code,0,GETDATE(),@codeType,@_customerId SELECT '0' ErrorCode, 'Success' Msg ,@code ID RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.customerMaster(NOLOCK) cm WHERE ( OR AND ISNULL(cm.isDeleted,'N')='N' ) BEGIN SELECT @_errorMsg = 'Invalid UserId.' SELECT '1' ErrorCode, @_errorMsg Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ------------- ### Check if the user trying to re-send code is exists or not ###ENDS------------ SELECT @_customerId=cm.customerId FROM dbo.customerMaster(NOLOCK) cm WHERE OR --SELECT TOP 1 -- @_imei=v.imei -- ,@_Otp=otp.OTP -- ,@_otpUsed=otp.OTP_Used --FROM mobile_userRegistration(NOLOCK) v --LEFT JOIN OTPHistory otp(NOLOCK) ON v.username=otp.username --WHERE otp.username=@userName AND otp.codeType=@codeType --ORDER BY otp.rowId DESC SELECT TOP 1 @_imei=v.imei ,@_Otp=otp.OTP ,@_otpUsed=otp.OTP_Used FROM customermaster(NOLOCK) cust LEFT JOIN mobile_userRegistration(NOLOCK) v ON cust.customerId=v.customerId INNER JOIN OTPHistory otp(NOLOCK) ON cust.customerId=otp.customerId WHERE cust.customerId=@_customerId AND otp.codeType=@codeType ORDER BY otp.rowId DESC ------------- ### Check if the user trying to re-send code is already verified or not ###STARTS------------ IF @_otpUsed=1 AND @codeType='dvc' --for device verification code BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'User already verified. You cannot re-send code for the user who is already verified.' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ------------- ### Check if the user trying to re-send code is already verified or not ###ENDS------------ ------------- ### Check attempts of re-send code from same device ###STARTS------------ SELECT @_count=COUNT('x') FROM customermaster(NOLOCK) cust LEFT JOIN mobile_userRegistration(NOLOCK) v ON cust.customerId=v.customerId INNER JOIN OTPHistory otp(NOLOCK) ON cust.customerId=otp.customerId WHERE cust.customerId=@_customerId AND otp.codeType=@codeType AND v.imei=@imei AND otp.createdDate BETWEEN @today AND @today+ ' 23:59:59' IF ISNULL(@_count,0)>10 BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Your device has been blocked. Re-send code attempts exceeded from same device.' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ------------- ### Check attempts of re-send code ###ENDS------------ INSERT INTO OTPHistory(username,OTP,OTP_Used,createdDate,codeType,customerId) SELECT @userName,@code,0,GETDATE(),@codeType,@_customerId SELECT '0' ErrorCode, 'Success' Msg ,@code ID RETURN END ELSE IF @flag='pwd-reset-rq' --password reset request(DONE) BEGIN ------------- ### Check if the user trying to re-send code is exists or not ###STARTS------------ IF EXISTS( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.CustomerMasterTemp(NOLOCK) cm WHERE ( OR AND ISNULL(cm.isDeleted,'N')='N' ) BEGIN SELECT @_customerId=cm.customerId FROM dbo.CustomerMasterTemp(NOLOCK) cm WHERE OR INSERT INTO OTPHistory(username,OTP,OTP_Used,createdDate,codeType,customerId) SELECT @userName,@code,0,GETDATE(),'prc',@_customerId SELECT ErrorCode= '0' ,userId=@userName ,isVerified='false' RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.customerMaster(NOLOCK) cm WHERE ( OR AND ISNULL(cm.isDeleted,'N')='N' ) BEGIN SELECT @_errorMsg = 'User with contact Info ' + @username + ' does not exists. If you are a new user, then sign up and proceed further.' SELECT '1' ErrorCode, @_errorMsg Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ------------- ### Check if the user trying to re-send code is exists or not ###ENDS------------ SELECT @_customerId=cm.customerId FROM dbo.customerMaster(NOLOCK) cm WHERE OR IF EXISTS(SELECT 'x' FROM customermaster(NOLOCK) cust WHERE cust.customerId=@_customerId AND ISNULL(cust.verifiedDate,'')<>'' ) BEGIN SELECT ErrorCode= '0' ,userId=@userName ,isVerified='true' RETURN END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO OTPHistory(username,OTP,OTP_Used,createdDate,codeType,customerId) SELECT @userName,@code,0,GETDATE(),'prc',@_customerId SELECT ErrorCode= '0' ,userId=@userName ,isVerified='false' RETURN END END ELSE IF @flag='qstn_validate' --reset password question validation(DONE) BEGIN IF ISNULL(@answer,'')='' BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'The answer field is required.' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ------------- ### Check if the user trying to validate is already exists ###STARTS------------ IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.customerMaster(NOLOCK) cm WHERE OR AND ISNULL(cm.isDeleted,'N')='N' ) BEGIN SELECT @_errorMsg = 'User with contact Info ' + @username + ' does not exists. If you are a new user, then sign up and proceed further.' SELECT '1' ErrorCode, @_errorMsg Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ------------- ### Check if the user trying to validate is already exists ###ENDS------------ SELECT @_customerId=cm.customerId FROM dbo.customerMaster(NOLOCK) cm WHERE OR IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.customerMaster(NOLOCK) cm WHERE cm.customerId=@_customerId AND ISNULL(cm.dob,'')=@answer ) BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Your Date of Birth does not matches with your saved details' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END INSERT INTO OTPHistory(username,OTP,OTP_Used,createdDate,codeType,customerId) SELECT @userName,@code,0,GETDATE(),'prc',@_customerId SELECT '0' ErrorCode, 'Correct answer.' Msg ,@userName ID RETURN END ELSE IF @flag='prc-validate' --password recovery validation(DONE) BEGIN IF ISNULL(@code,'')='' BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Password Recovery code is required.' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ------------- ### Check if the user trying to validate is already exists ###STARTS------------ IF EXISTS( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.CustomerMasterTemp(NOLOCK) cm WHERE OR AND ISNULL(cm.isDeleted,'N')='N' ) BEGIN SELECT @_customerId=cm.customerId FROM dbo.customerMasterTemp(NOLOCK) cm WHERE OR SELECT TOP 1 @_Otp=otp.OTP ,@_otpUsed=otp.OTP_Used ,@_createdDate=DATEADD(MINUTE,20,otp.createdDate) FROM dbo.OTPHistory(NOLOCK) otp WHERE otp.customerId=@_customerId AND otp.codeType='prc' /* AND otp.OTP=@code */ ORDER BY otp.rowId DESC IF @_Otp=@code AND DATEDIFF(MINUTE, GETDATE() ,@_createdDate)>0 AND @_otpUsed=0 BEGIN --UPDATE OTPHistory -- SET OTP_Used = 1 --WHERE username=@userName AND otp=@code UPDATE OTPHistory SET OTP_Used = 1 WHERE customerId=@_customerId AND otp=@code SELECT '0' ErrorCode, 'Success' Msg, @userName ID RETURN END IF @_otpUsed=1 BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Password recovery code already used.' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ELSE IF ISNULL(@_Otp,'') <> @code BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Invalid Password recovery code..' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ELSE IF DATEDIFF(MINUTE, GETDATE() ,@_createdDate)<=0 BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Password recovery code expired. Please re-send code and try again.' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ELSE BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Invalid Password recovery code.' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END END IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.customerMaster(NOLOCK) cm WHERE OR AND ISNULL(cm.isDeleted,'N')='N' ) BEGIN SELECT @_errorMsg = 'User with contact Info ' + @username + ' does not exists. If you are a new user, then sign up and proceed further.' SELECT '1' ErrorCode, @_errorMsg Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ------------- ### Check if the user trying to validate is already exists ###ENDS------------ SELECT @_customerId=cm.customerId FROM dbo.customerMaster(NOLOCK) cm WHERE OR --SELECT TOP 1 -- @_Otp=otp.OTP -- ,@_otpUsed=otp.OTP_Used -- ,@_createdDate=DATEADD(MINUTE,20,otp.createdDate) --FROM dbo.OTPHistory(NOLOCK) otp --WHERE otp.username=@userName AND otp.codeType='prc' AND otp.OTP=@code --ORDER BY otp.rowId DESC SELECT TOP 1 @_Otp=otp.OTP ,@_otpUsed=otp.OTP_Used ,@_createdDate=DATEADD(MINUTE,20,otp.createdDate) FROM dbo.OTPHistory(NOLOCK) otp WHERE otp.customerId=@_customerId AND otp.codeType='prc' /* AND otp.OTP=@code */ ORDER BY otp.rowId DESC IF @_Otp=@code AND DATEDIFF(MINUTE, GETDATE() ,@_createdDate)>0 AND @_otpUsed=0 BEGIN --UPDATE OTPHistory -- SET OTP_Used = 1 --WHERE username=@userName AND otp=@code UPDATE OTPHistory SET OTP_Used = 1 WHERE customerId=@_customerId AND otp=@code SELECT '0' ErrorCode, 'Success' Msg, @userName ID RETURN END IF @_otpUsed=1 BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Password recovery code already used.' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ELSE IF ISNULL(@_Otp,'') <> @code BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Invalid Password recovery code..' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ELSE IF DATEDIFF(MINUTE, GETDATE() ,@_createdDate)<=0 BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Password recovery code expired. Please re-send code and try again.' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ELSE BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Invalid Password recovery code.' Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END END ELSE IF @flag='u-pwd' --used to update user fields before login(DONE) BEGIN --SELECT TOP 1 -- @_customerId=cust.customerId -- ,@_otpUsed=otp.OTP_Used -- ,@_onlineUser=cust.onlineUser --FROM customermaster(NOLOCK) cust --LEFT JOIN mobile_userRegistration(NOLOCK) v ON cust.customerId=v.customerId --INNER JOIN OTPHistory otp(NOLOCK) ON v.username=otp.username --WHERE OR AND ISNULL(cust.createdBy, '')=@scope --ORDER BY otp.rowId DESC IF EXISTS( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.CustomerMasterTemp(NOLOCK) cm WHERE OR AND ISNULL(cm.isDeleted,'N')='N' ) BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @_customerId=cust.customerId ,@_otpUsed=otp.OTP_Used ,@_onlineUser=cust.onlineUser ,@_createdBy=cust.createdBy FROM customermasterTemp(NOLOCK) cust LEFT JOIN mobile_userRegistration(NOLOCK) v ON cust.customerId=v.customerId LEFT JOIN OTPHistory(NOLOCK) otp ON cust.customerId=otp.customerId WHERE OR AND ISNULL(cust.createdBy, '')=@scope ORDER BY otp.rowId DESC IF ISNULL(@_customerId,'')='' BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Invalid username.' Msg ,@userName ID RETURN END IF ISNULL(@Password,'')='' BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'The password field is Required.' Msg ,@userName ID RETURN END IF @_otpUsed<>1 AND @_createdBy IN ('mobile','mobile_app') BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'To update your password, please verify your account first with the verification code sent to your ' + @userName Msg ,@userName ID RETURN END UPDATE customermasterTemp SET customerpassword=ISNULL(dbo.FNAEncryptString(@Password),customerPassword) WHERE customerId=@_customerId SELECT errorCode='0' ,userId=@userName ,firstName=cm.firstName ,middleName=cm.middleName ,lastName=cm.lastName1 ,nickName=cm.nickName ,email=ISNULL(,'') ,phone=ISNULL(,'') ,rewardPoint=CAST(ISNULL(cm.bonusPoint,0) AS DECIMAL) ,verificationCode=ISNULL(ur.OTP,'') ,VerificationCodeExpiryDate='' ,createdDate=ISNULL(ur.createdDate,'') ,userRoles='' ,active=CASE WHEN ISNULL(cm.isActive,'Y')='Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ,kyc=CASE WHEN ISNULL(cm.createdDate,'') <> '' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ,verified=CASE WHEN ISNULL(cm.verifiedDate,'') <> '' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ,forgetCode=ISNULL(ur.passRecoveryCode,'') ,ForgetCodeExpiryDate='' ,primaryBankName=ISNULL(bl.BankName,'') ,walletNumber=ISNULL(cm.walletAccountNo,'') ,availableBalance=CAST([dbo].FNAGetCustomerACBal(@userName) AS DECIMAL) ,dpUrl=ISNULL(cm.dpUrl,'') ,cmRegistrationId=ISNULL(ur.cmRegistrationId,'') FROM dbo.customerMasterTemp(NOLOCK) cm LEFT JOIN dbo.mobile_userRegistration(NOLOCK) ur ON ur.customerId=cm.customerId LEFT JOIN dbo.vwBankLists bl WITH(NOLOCK) ON bl.bankCode=cm.bankName WHERE cm.customerId=@_customerId RETURN END SELECT TOP 1 @_customerId=cust.customerId ,@_otpUsed=otp.OTP_Used ,@_onlineUser=cust.onlineUser FROM customermaster(NOLOCK) cust LEFT JOIN mobile_userRegistration(NOLOCK) v ON cust.customerId=v.customerId LEFT JOIN OTPHistory(NOLOCK) otp ON cust.customerId=otp.customerId WHERE OR AND ISNULL(cust.createdBy, '')=@scope ORDER BY otp.rowId DESC IF ISNULL(@_customerId,'')='' BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Invalid username.' Msg ,@userName ID RETURN END IF ISNULL(@Password,'')='' BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'The password field is Required.' Msg ,@userName ID RETURN END IF @_otpUsed<>1 AND @_createdBy IN ('mobile','mobile_app') BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'To update your password, please verify your account first with the verification code sent to your ' + @userName Msg ,@userName ID RETURN END UPDATE customermaster SET customerpassword=ISNULL(dbo.FNAEncryptString(@Password),customerPassword) WHERE customerId=@_customerId SELECT errorCode='0' ,userId=@userName ,firstName=cm.firstName ,middleName=cm.middleName ,lastName=cm.lastName1 ,nickName='' ,email=ISNULL(,'') ,phone=ISNULL(,'') ,rewardPoint=CAST(ISNULL(cm.bonusPoint,0) AS DECIMAL) ,verificationCode=ISNULL(ur.OTP,'') ,VerificationCodeExpiryDate='' ,createdDate=ISNULL(ur.createdDate,'') ,userRoles='' ,active=CASE WHEN ISNULL(cm.isActive,'Y')='Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ,kyc=CASE WHEN ISNULL(cm.createdDate,'') <> '' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ,verified=CASE WHEN ISNULL(cm.verifiedDate,'') <> '' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ,forgetCode=ISNULL(ur.passRecoveryCode,'') ,ForgetCodeExpiryDate='' ,primaryBankName=ISNULL(bl.BankName,'') ,walletNumber=ISNULL(cm.walletAccountNo,'') ,availableBalance=CAST([dbo].FNAGetCustomerACBal(@userName) AS DECIMAL) ,dpUrl='' ,cmRegistrationId=ISNULL(ur.cmRegistrationId,'') FROM dbo.customerMaster(NOLOCK) cm LEFT JOIN dbo.mobile_userRegistration(NOLOCK) ur ON ur.customerId=cm.customerId LEFT JOIN dbo.vwBankLists bl WITH(NOLOCK) ON bl.bankCode=cm.bankName WHERE cm.customerId=@_customerId RETURN END ELSE IF @flag='u-user' BEGIN --SELECT TOP 1 -- @_customerId=cust.customerId -- ,@_otpUsed=otp.OTP_Used -- , -- , --FROM customermaster(NOLOCK) cust --LEFT JOIN mobile_userRegistration(NOLOCK) v ON cust.customerId=v.customerId --INNER JOIN OTPHistory otp(NOLOCK) ON v.username=otp.username --WHERE OR AND ISNULL(cust.createdBy, '')=@scope --ORDER BY otp.rowId DESC SELECT TOP 1 @_customerId=cust.customerId --,@_otpUsed=otp.OTP_Used , , FROM customermaster(NOLOCK) cust --LEFT JOIN mobile_userRegistration(NOLOCK) v ON cust.customerId=v.customerId INNER JOIN mobile_userRegistration(NOLOCK) v ON cust.customerId=v.customerId --LEFT JOIN OTPHistory(NOLOCK) otp ON cust.customerId=otp.customerId WHERE ( OR --AND ISNULL(cust.createdBy, '')=@scope --WHERE (( AND cust.isEmailVerified=1) OR ( AND cust.isMobileVerified=1)) AND ISNULL(cust.createdBy, '')=@scope --ORDER BY otp.rowId DESC IF ISNULL(@_customerId,'')='' BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode, 'Invalid username.' Msg ,@userName ID RETURN END IF ISNULL(@cmRegistrationId,'') <> '' BEGIN UPDATE mobile_userRegistration SET cmRegistrationId=ISNULL(@cmRegistrationId,cmRegistrationId) WHERE customerId=@_customerId END --IF ISNULL(@dpUrl,'') <> '' --BEGIN -- UPDATE cm SET dpUrl=ISNULL(@dpUrl,dpUrl) -- FROM dbo.customerMaster cm -- WHERE cm.customerId=@_customerId --END SELECT errorCode='0' ,userId=@userName ,firstName=cm.firstName ,middleName=cm.middleName ,lastName=cm.lastName1 ,nickName='' ,email=ISNULL(,'') ,phone=ISNULL(,'') ,rewardPoint=CAST(ISNULL(cm.bonusPoint,0) AS DECIMAL) ,verificationCode=ISNULL(ur.OTP,'') ,VerificationCodeExpiryDate='' ,createdDate=ISNULL(ur.createdDate,'') ,userRoles='' ,active=CASE WHEN ISNULL(cm.isActive,'Y')='Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ,kyc=CASE WHEN ISNULL(cm.createdDate,'') <> '' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ,verified=CASE WHEN ISNULL(cm.verifiedDate,'') <> '' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ,forgetCode=ISNULL(ur.passRecoveryCode,'') ,ForgetCodeExpiryDate='' ,primaryBankName=ISNULL(bl.BankName,'') ,walletNumber=ISNULL(cm.walletAccountNo,'') ,availableBalance=CAST([dbo].FNAGetCustomerACBal(@userName) AS DECIMAL) ,dpUrl='' ,cmRegistrationId=ISNULL(ur.cmRegistrationId,'') FROM dbo.mobile_userRegistration(NOLOCK) ur INNER JOIN dbo.customerMaster(NOLOCK) cm ON ur.customerId=cm.customerId LEFT JOIN dbo.vwBankLists(NOLOCK) bl ON bl.bankCode=cm.bankName WHERE cm.customerId=@_customerId RETURN END ELSE IF @flag='pwd-change' --password changed after successful login(DONE) BEGIN ------------- ### Check if the user trying to change password exists or not ###STARTS------------ IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.customerMaster(NOLOCK) cust WHERE OR AND ISNULL(cust.isDeleted,'N')='N' ) BEGIN SELECT @_errorMsg = 'User with contact Info ' + @username + ' does not exists. If you are a new user, then sign up and proceed further.' SELECT '1' ErrorCode, @_errorMsg Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END ------------- ### Check if the user trying to change password exists or not ###ENDS------------ SELECT @_customerId=cust.customerId ,@_password=cust.customerpassword FROM customermaster(NOLOCK) cust WHERE OR IF @_password <> dbo.FNAEncryptString(@Password) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Incorrect existing password.. Please try again!', @userName RETURN; END IF @_password = dbo.FNAEncryptString(@newPassword) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Please enter a new password.Old passwords are not accepted.', @userName RETURN; END IF ISNULL(@_customerId,'') = '' BEGIN SELECT @_errorMsg = 'User with contact Info ' + @username + ' does not exists. If you are a new user, then sign up and proceed further.' SELECT '1' ErrorCode, @_errorMsg Msg ,NULL ID RETURN END BEGIN TRANSACTION UPDATE customermaster SET customerpassword=dbo.FNAEncryptString(@newPassword) WHERE customerId=@_customerId IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION SELECT '0' ErrorCode, 'Password changed successfully.' Msg ,@userName ID RETURN END ELSE IF @flag='chk-referred' BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT 'x' FROM referralmaster(NOLOCK) WHERE email = @email OR mobile = @MSISDN) BEGIN SELECT @userName=userId FROM dbo.referralMaster(NOLOCK) WHERE email=@email OR mobile=@MSISDN SELECT errorCode = '0' , referredBy=@userName, isReferred=1 RETURN END ELSE BEGIN SELECT errorCode = '1', referredBy='', isReferred=0 RETURN END END END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION DECLARE @errorMessage VARCHAR(MAX) SET @errorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE() SELECT '1' ErrorCode, @errorMessage Msg ,NULL ID END CATCH