USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_GetColumnToRow] Script Date: 7/4/2019 11:35:48 AM ******/ DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_GetColumnToRow] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_GetColumnToRow] Script Date: 7/4/2019 11:35:48 AM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROC [dbo].[proc_GetColumnToRow]( @tableName VARCHAR(100) ,@fieldName VARCHAR(50) ,@dataId VARCHAR(50) ,@dataList NVARCHAR(MAX) = NULL OUTPUT ,@returnTable CHAR(1) = NULL ) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @separator VARCHAR(10) SET @separator = '-:::-' IF @tableName IN ('applicationUserRoles') BEGIN SELECT @dataList = ISNULL(@dataList + ',', '') + CAST(aur.roleId AS VARCHAR(50)) FROM applicationUserRoles aur WHERE aur.[userId] = @dataId IF @returnTable = 'Y' SELECT @dataList RETURN END ELSE IF @tableName IN ('applicationUserRolesMod') BEGIN SELECT @dataList = ISNULL(@dataList + ',', '') + CAST(aur.roleId AS VARCHAR(50)) FROM applicationUserRolesMod aur WHERE aur.[userId] = @dataId IF @returnTable = 'Y' SELECT @dataList RETURN END ELSE IF @tableName IN ('applicationRoleFunctions') BEGIN SELECT @dataList = ISNULL(@dataList + ',', '') + arf.functionId FROM applicationRoleFunctions arf WHERE arf.roleId = @dataId IF @returnTable = 'Y' SELECT @dataList RETURN END ELSE IF @tableName IN ('applicationRoleFunctionsMod') BEGIN SELECT @dataList = ISNULL(@dataList + ',', '') + arf.functionId FROM applicationRoleFunctionsMod arf WHERE arf.roleId = @dataId IF @returnTable = 'Y' SELECT @dataList RETURN END ELSE IF @tableName IN ('applicationUserFunctions') BEGIN SELECT @dataList = ISNULL(@dataList + ',', '') + auf.functionId FROM applicationUserFunctions auf WHERE auf.[userId] = @dataId IF @returnTable = 'Y' SELECT @dataList RETURN END ELSE IF @tableName IN ('applicationUserFunctionsMod') BEGIN SELECT @dataList = ISNULL(@dataList + ',', '') + auf.functionId FROM applicationUserFunctionsMod auf WHERE auf.[userId] = @dataId IF @returnTable = 'Y' SELECT @dataList RETURN END ELSE IF @tableName IN ('commissionPackage', 'commissionPackageHistory') BEGIN IF @returnTable = 'Y' SELECT @dataId RETURN END ELSE IF @tableName IN ('agentGroup') BEGIN SELECT @dataList = ISNULL(@dataList + ',', '') + CAST(ag.agentId AS VARCHAR(50)) FROM agentGroup ag WHERE ag.groupId = @dataId IF @returnTable = 'Y' SELECT @dataList RETURN END ELSE IF @tableName IN ('agentGroupMod') BEGIN SELECT @dataList = ISNULL(@dataList + ',', '') + CAST(agm.agentId AS VARCHAR(50)) FROM agentGroupMod agm WHERE agm.groupId = @dataId IF @returnTable = 'Y' SELECT @dataList RETURN END ELSE IF @tableName IN ('csCriteria') BEGIN SELECT @dataList = ISNULL(@dataList + ',', '') + CAST(csc.criteriaId AS VARCHAR(50)) FROM csCriteria csc WHERE csc.csDetailId = @dataId IF @returnTable = 'Y' SELECT @dataList RETURN END ELSE IF @tableName IN ('csCriteriaHistory') BEGIN SELECT @dataList = ISNULL(@dataList + ',', '') + CAST(csch.criteriaId AS VARCHAR(50)) FROM csCriteriaHistory csch WHERE csch.csDetailId = @dataId AND csch.approvedBy IS NULL IF @returnTable = 'Y' SELECT @dataList RETURN END ELSE IF @tableName IN ('cisCriteria') BEGIN SELECT @dataList = ISNULL(@dataList + ',', '') + CAST(csc.criteriaId AS VARCHAR(50)) FROM cisCriteria csc WHERE csc.cisDetailId = @dataId IF @returnTable = 'Y' SELECT @dataList RETURN END ELSE IF @tableName IN ('cisCriteriaHistory') BEGIN SELECT @dataList = ISNULL(@dataList + ',', '') + CAST(csch.criteriaId AS VARCHAR(50)) FROM cisCriteriaHistory csch WHERE csch.cisDetailId = @dataId AND csch.approvedBy IS NULL IF @returnTable = 'Y' SELECT @dataList RETURN END DECLARE @columnList TABLE(columnName NVARCHAR(500)) DECLARE @table NVARCHAR(MAX) --Application Role IF @tableName = 'applicationRoles' BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Name' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 roleName [Name] FROM applicationRoles ar WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + ''' ORDER BY ar.createdDate DESC )x ' END --IP Blacklist IF @tableName IN ('IPBlacklist', 'IPBlacklistMod') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'IP Address' UNION ALL SELECT 'Message' UNION ALL SELECT 'Reason' UNION ALL SELECT 'Is Enable' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [IP Address] = IPAddress ,[Message] = msg ,[Reason] = reason ,[Is Enable] = CASE WHEN isEnable = ''Y'' THEN ''Yes'' ELSE ''No'' END FROM ' + @tableName + ' WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + ''' )x ' END --Maintenance Plan IF @tableName IN ('maintenancePlan', 'maintenancePlanMod') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'From Date' UNION ALL SELECT 'To Date' UNION ALL SELECT 'Message' UNION ALL SELECT 'Reason' UNION ALL SELECT 'Is Enable' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [From Date] = fromDate ,[To Date] = toDate ,[Message] = msg ,[Reason] = reason ,[Is Enable] = CASE WHEN isEnable = ''Y'' THEN ''Yes'' ELSE ''No'' END FROM ' + @tableName + ' WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + ''' )x ' END --Agent Master IF @tableName IN ('agentMaster', 'agentMasterMod') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Address' UNION ALL SELECT 'City' UNION ALL SELECT 'Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'State' UNION ALL SELECT 'District' UNION ALL SELECT 'Location' UNION ALL SELECT 'Zip' UNION ALL SELECT 'Phone1' UNION ALL SELECT 'Phone2' UNION ALL SELECT 'Fax1' UNION ALL SELECT 'Fax2' UNION ALL SELECT 'Mobile1' UNION ALL SELECT 'Mobile2' UNION ALL SELECT 'Email1' UNION ALL SELECT 'Email2' UNION ALL SELECT 'Bank Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Bank Branch' UNION ALL SELECT 'Bank Account Number' UNION ALL SELECT 'Account Holders Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Registration Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Business Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Agent Role' UNION ALL SELECT 'Agent Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Allow Account Deposit' UNION ALL SELECT 'Contract Expiry Date' UNION ALL SELECT 'Renewal Follow-up Date' UNION ALL SELECT 'Is Settling Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Agent Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Business License' UNION ALL SELECT 'Agent Block' UNION ALL SELECT 'Company Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Company Address' UNION ALL SELECT 'Company City' UNION ALL SELECT 'Company Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Company State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Company District' UNION ALL SELECT 'Company Zip' UNION ALL SELECT 'Company Phone1' UNION ALL SELECT 'Company Phone2' UNION ALL SELECT 'Company Fax1' UNION ALL SELECT 'Company Fax2' UNION ALL SELECT 'Company Email1' UNION ALL SELECT 'Company Email2' UNION ALL SELECT 'Local Time' UNION ALL SELECT 'isActive' UNION ALL SELECT 'Agent Details' UNION ALL SELECT 'Head Message' UNION ALL SELECT 'Mapcode International' UNION ALL SELECT 'Mapcode Domestic' UNION ALL SELECT 'Commcode International' UNION ALL SELECT 'Commcode Domestic' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Name] = agentName ,[Code] = agentCode ,Address = agentAddress ,City = agentCity ,Country = agentCountry ,State = agentState ,District = agentDistrict ,Location = loc.districtName ,Zip = agentZip ,Phone1 = agentPhone1 ,Phone2 = agentPhone2 ,Fax1 = agentFax1 ,Fax2 = agentFax2 ,Mobile1 = agentMobile1 ,Mobile2 = agentMobile2 ,Email1 = agentEmail1 ,Email2 = agentEmail2 ,[Bank Code] = bankcode ,[Bank Branch] = bankbranch ,[Bank Account Number] = bankaccountnumber ,[Account Holders Name] = accountholdername ,[Registration Type] = bot.detailTitle ,[Business Type] = bt.detailTitle ,[Agent Role] = CASE WHEN agentRole = ''S'' THEN ''Send'' WHEN agentRole = ''R'' THEN ''Receive'' ELSE ''Both'' END ,[Agent Type] = sdv.detailTitle ,[Allow Account Deposit]= CASE WHEN allowAccountDeposit = ''Y'' THEN ''Yes'' ELSE ''No'' END ,[Contract Expiry Date] = am.contractExpiryDate ,[Renewal Follow-up Date] = am.renewalFollowupDate ,[Is Settling Agent] = CASE WHEN am.isSettlingAgent = ''Y'' THEN ''Yes'' WHEN am.isSettlingAgent = ''N'' THEN ''No'' ELSE ''NC'' END ,[Agent Group] = ag.detailTitle ,[Business License] = businessLicense ,[Agent Block] = CASE WHEN agentBlock = ''U'' THEN ''Unblock'' WHEN agentBlock = ''B'' THEN ''Block'' ELSE ''N/A'' END ,[Company Name] = agentCompanyName ,[Company Address] = companyAddress ,[Company City] = companyCity ,[Company Country] = companyCountry ,[Company State] = companyState ,[Company District] = companyDistrict ,[Company Zip] = companyZip ,[Company Phone1] = companyPhone1 ,[Company Phone2] = companyPhone2 ,[Company Fax1] = companyFax1 ,[Company Fax2] = companyFax2 ,[Company Email1] = companyEmail1 ,[Company Email2] = companyEmail2 ,[Local Time] = ,[isActive] = am.isActive ,[Agent Details] = agentDetails ,[Head Message] = am.headMessage ,[Mapcode International] = am.mapcodeInt ,[Mapcode Domestic] = am.mapCodeDom ,[Commcode International] = am.commCodeInt ,[Commcode Domestic] = am.commCodeDom FROM ' + @tableName + ' am WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sdv WITH(NOLOCK) ON am.agentType = sdv.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue bt WITH(NOLOCK) ON am.businessType = bt.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue ag WITH(NOLOCK) ON am.agentGrp = ag.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue bot WITH(NOLOCK) ON am.businessOrgType = bot.valueId LEFT JOIN timeZones tz WITH(NOLOCK) ON am.localTime = tz.ROWID LEFT JOIN api_districtList loc WITH(NOLOCK) ON am.agentLocation = loc.districtCode WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + ''' )x ' END --Application Users IF @tableName IN ('applicationUsers', 'applicationUsersMod') BEGIN BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Salutation' UNION ALL SELECT 'First Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Middle Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Last Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Gender' UNION ALL SELECT 'Branch/Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'State' UNION ALL SELECT 'District' UNION ALL SELECT 'Zip' UNION ALL SELECT 'City' UNION ALL SELECT 'Address' UNION ALL SELECT 'Phone' UNION ALL SELECT 'Mobile' UNION ALL SELECT 'Email' UNION ALL SELECT 'Password Change Days' UNION ALL SELECT 'Password Change Warning Days' UNION ALL SELECT 'User Access Level' UNION ALL SELECT 'Session Time out Period' UNION ALL SELECT 'Login Time' UNION ALL SELECT 'Logout Time' UNION ALL SELECT 'Max Report View Days' UNION ALL SELECT 'Send Tran From Time' UNION ALL SELECT 'Send Tran To Time' UNION ALL SELECT 'Pay Tran From Time' UNION ALL SELECT 'Pay Tran To Time' UNION ALL SELECT 'Report View From Time' UNION ALL SELECT 'Report View To Time' UNION ALL SELECT 'User Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Is Acive' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 Salutation = sdv1.detailTitle ,[First Name] = firstName ,[Middle Name] = middleName ,[Last Name] = lastName ,Gender = sdv2.detailTitle ,[Branch/Agent] = am.agentName ,Country = country.countryName ,State = st.stateName ,District = dist.districtName ,Zip = zip ,City = city ,Address = address ,Phone = telephoneNo ,Mobile = mobileNo ,Email = email ,[isLocked] = isLocked ,[Agent Code] = main.agentCode ,[Password Change Days] = pwdChangeDays ,[Password Change Warning Days] = pwdChangeWarningDays ,[User Access Level] = userAccessLevel ,[Session Time out Period] = sessionTimeOutPeriod ,[Login Time] = loginTime ,[Logout Time] = logoutTime ,[Max Report View Days] = maxReportViewDays ,[Send Tran From Time] = fromSendTrnTime ,[Send Tran To Time] = toSendTrnTime ,[Pay Tran From Time] = fromPayTrnTime ,[Pay Tran To Time] = toPayTrnTime ,[Report View From Time] = fromRptViewTime ,[Report View To Time] = toRptViewTime ,[User Type] = sdv3.detailDesc ,[Is Acive] = case when isnull(main.isActive,''Y'') = ''Y'' then ''Yes'' else ''No'' end FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster country WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.countryId = country.countryId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sdv1 WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.salutation = sdv1.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sdv2 WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.gender = sdv2.valueId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster st WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.state = st.stateId LEFT JOIN zoneDistrictMap dist WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.district = dist.districtId LEFT JOIN agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.agentId = am.agentId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sdv3 WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.userType = sdv3.detailTitle WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + ''' )x ' END END --Country Currency Master IF @tableName IN ('userLimit', 'userLimitMod') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Send Limit' UNION ALL SELECT 'Pay Limit' UNION ALL SELECT 'Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Is Enable' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Send Limit] = main.sendLimit ,[Pay Limit] = main.payLimit ,[Currency] = cm.currencyCode ,[Is Enable] = CASE WHEN main.isEnable = ''Y'' THEN ''Yes'' ELSE ''No'' END FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN currencyMaster cm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.currencyId = cm.currencyId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + ''' )x ' END --Country Currency Master IF @tableName IN ('countryCurrencyMaster', 'countryCurrencyMasterMod') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Country Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Country Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Currency Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Currency Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Currency Description' UNION ALL SELECT 'Currency Decimal Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'After Decimal Count' UNION ALL SELECT 'Decimal Digit Round' UNION ALL SELECT 'Time Zone' UNION ALL SELECT 'isActive' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Country Name] = countryName ,[Country Code] = countryCode ,[Currency Name] = currName ,[Currency Code] = currCode ,[Currency Description] = currDesc ,[Currency Decimal Name] = currDecimalName ,[After Decimal Count] = countAfterDecimal ,[Decimal Digit Round] = roundNoDecimal ,[Time Zone] = ,[isActive] = main.isActive FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN timezones tz WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.timeZone = tz.ROWID WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + ''' )x ' END --Admin Master IF @tableName IN ('adminMaster', 'adminMasterMod') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'User Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'User Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Password' UNION ALL SELECT 'Address' UNION ALL SELECT 'City' UNION ALL SELECT 'Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Phone1' UNION ALL SELECT 'Phone2' UNION ALL SELECT 'Fax1' UNION ALL SELECT 'Fax2' UNION ALL SELECT 'Mobile1' UNION ALL SELECT 'Mobile2' UNION ALL SELECT 'Email1' UNION ALL SELECT 'Email2' UNION ALL SELECT 'Post' UNION ALL SELECT 'User Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'isActive' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [User Name] = userName ,[User Code] = userCode ,[Password] = userPassword ,[Address] = userAddress ,[City] = userCity ,[Country] = ccm.countryName ,[Phone1] = userPhone1 ,[Phone2] = userPhone2 ,[Fax1] = userFax1 ,[Fax2] = userFax2 ,[Mobile1] = userMobile1 ,[Mobile2] = userMobile2 ,[Email1] = userEmail1 ,[Email2] = userEmail2 ,[Post] = userPost ,[User Type] = userType ,[isActive] = main.isActive FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster ccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.userCountry = ccm.countryId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + ''' )x ' END --Default Service Charge Master IF @tableName IN ('dscMaster', 'dscMasterHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Description' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Transaction Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Base Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Active' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Code] = code ,[Description] = description ,[Sending Country] = sccm.countryName ,[Receiving Country] = rccm.countryName ,[Transaction Type] = stm.typeTitle ,[Base Currency] = baseCurrency ,[Active] = main.isEnable FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster sccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sCountry = sccm.countryId LEFT JOIN countryMaster rccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rCountry = rccm.countryId LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster stm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.tranType = stm.serviceTypeId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'dscMasterHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Special Service Charge Master IF @tableName IN ('sscMaster', 'sscMasterHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Description' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Super Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Branch' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Zip Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Super Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Branch' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Zip Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Agent Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Transaction Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Base Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Discount(ve)' UNION ALL SELECT 'VE Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Discount(ne)' UNION ALL SELECT 'NE Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Effective From' UNION ALL SELECT 'Effective To' UNION ALL SELECT 'Active' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Code] = code ,[Description] = description ,[Sending Country] = sccm.countryName ,[Sending Super Agent] = ISNULL(ssa.agentName, ''All'') ,[Sending Agent] = ISNULL(sa.agentName, ''All'') ,[Sending Branch] = ISNULL(sb.agentName, ''All'') ,[Sending State] = ISNULL(csm.stateName, ''All'') ,[Sending Zip Code] = zip ,[Sending Agent Group] = ISNULL(ag.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Receiving Country] = rccm.countryName ,[Receiving Super Agent] = ISNULL(rsa.agentName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Agent] = ISNULL(ra.agentName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Branch] = ISNULL(rb.agentName, ''All'') ,[Receiving State] = ISNULL(csm2.stateName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Zip Code] = rZip ,[Receiving Agent Group] = ISNULL(ag2.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Transaction Type] = stm.typeTitle ,[Base Currency] = baseCurrency ,[Discount(ve)] = CAST(ve AS VARCHAR) ,[VE Type] = sdv1.detailTitle ,[Discount(ne)] = CAST(ne AS VARCHAR) ,[NE Type] = sdv2.detailTitle ,[Effective From] = effectiveFrom ,[Effective To] = effectiveTo ,[Active] = main.isEnable FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster sccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sCountry = sccm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster ssa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.ssAgent = ssa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster sa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sAgent = sa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster sb WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sBranch = sb.agentId LEFT JOIN countryMaster rccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rCountry = rccm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster rsa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rsAgent = rsa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster ra WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rAgent = ra.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster rb WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rBranch = rb.agentId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.state = csm.stateId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm2 WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rState = csm2.stateId LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster stm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.tranType = stm.serviceTypeId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue ag WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.agentGroup = ag.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue ag2 WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rAgentGroup = ag2.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sdv1 WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.veType = sdv1.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sdv2 WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.neType = sdv2.valueId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'sscMasterHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Default/Special Service Charge Detail,Default/Custom Send/Pay Commission Detail IF @tableName IN ('dscDetail', 'dscDetailHistory', 'sscDetail', 'sscDetailHistory', 'dcSendDetail', 'dcSendDetailHistory', 'scSendDetail', 'scSendDetailHistory', 'dcPayDetail', 'dcPayDetailHistory', 'scPayDetail', 'scPayDetailHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Amount From' UNION ALL SELECT 'Amount To' UNION ALL SELECT 'Percent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Min Amount' UNION ALL SELECT 'Max Amount' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Amount From] = fromAmt ,[Amount To] = toAmt ,[Percent] = pcnt ,[Min Amount] = minAmt ,[Max Amount] = maxAmt FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName IN ('dscDetailHistory','sscDetailHistory','dcSendDetailHistory','scSendDetailHistory','dcPayDetailHistory','scPayDetailHistory') THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Default/Custom Send/Pay Commission Detail for SuperAgent IF @tableName IN ('dcSendDetailSA', 'dcSendDetailSAHistory', 'scSendDetailSA', 'scSendDetailSAHistory', 'dcPayDetailSA', 'dcPayDetailSAHistory', 'scPayDetailSA', 'scPayDetailSAHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Amount From' UNION ALL SELECT 'Amount To' UNION ALL SELECT 'Percent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Min Amount' UNION ALL SELECT 'Max Amount' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Amount From] = fromAmt ,[Amount To] = toAmt ,[Percent] = pcnt ,[Min Amount] = minAmt ,[Max Amount] = maxAmt FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName IN ('dcSendDetailSAHistory','scSendDetailSAHistory','dcPayDetailSAHistory','scPayDetailSAHistory') THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Default/Custom Send/Pay Commission Detail For Hub IF @tableName IN ('dcSendDetailHub', 'dcSendDetailHubHistory', 'scSendDetailHub', 'scSendDetailHubHistory', 'dcPayDetailHub', 'dcPayDetailHubHistory', 'scPayDetailHub', 'scPayDetailHubHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Amount From' UNION ALL SELECT 'Amount To' UNION ALL SELECT 'Percent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Min Amount' UNION ALL SELECT 'Max Amount' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Amount From] = fromAmt ,[Amount To] = toAmt ,[Percent] = pcnt ,[Min Amount] = minAmt ,[Max Amount] = maxAmt FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName IN ('dcSendDetailHubHistory','scSendDetailHubHistory','dcPayDetailHubHistory','scPayDetailHubHistory') THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Default Domestic Commission Detail IF @tableName IN ('dcDetail', 'dcDetailHistory', 'scDetail', 'scDetailHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Amount From' UNION ALL SELECT 'Amount To' UNION ALL SELECT 'Service Charge Percent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Service Charge Min Amount' UNION ALL SELECT 'Service Charge Max Amount' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent Comm. Percent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent Comm. Min Amount' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent Comm. Max Amount' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Sup Agent Comm. Percent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Sup Agent Comm. Min Amount' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Sup Agent Comm. Max Amount' UNION ALL SELECT 'Paying Agent Comm. Percent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Paying Agent Comm. Min Amount' UNION ALL SELECT 'Paying Agent Comm. Max Amount' UNION ALL SELECT 'Paying Sup Agent Comm. Percent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Paying Sup Agent Comm. Min Amount' UNION ALL SELECT 'Paying Sup Agent Comm. Max Amount' UNION ALL SELECT 'Bank Commission Percent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Bank Commission Min Amount' UNION ALL SELECT 'Bank Commission Max Amount' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Amount From] = fromAmt ,[Amount To] = toAmt ,[Service Charge Percent] = serviceChargePcnt ,[Service Charge Min Amount] = serviceChargeMinAmt ,[Service Charge Max Amount] = serviceChargeMaxAmt ,[Sending Agent Comm. Percent] = sAgentCommPcnt ,[Sending Agent Comm. Min Amount] = sAgentCommMinAmt ,[Sending Agent Comm. Max Amount] = sAgentCommMaxAmt ,[Sending Sup Agent Comm. Percent] = ssAgentCommPcnt ,[Sending Sup Agent Comm. Min Amount] = ssAgentCommMinAmt ,[Sending Sup Agent Comm. Max Amount] = ssAgentCommMaxAmt ,[Paying Agent Comm. Percent] = pAgentCommPcnt ,[Paying Agent Comm. Min Amount] = pAgentCommMinAmt ,[Paying Agent Comm. Max Amount] = pAgentCommMaxAmt ,[Paying Sup Agent Comm. Percent] = psAgentCommPcnt ,[Paying Sup Agent Comm. Min Amount] = psAgentCommMinAmt ,[Paying Sup Agent Comm. Max Amount] = psAgentCommMaxAmt ,[Bank Commission Percent] = bankCommPcnt ,[Bank Commission Min Amount] = bankCommMinAmt ,[Bank Commission Max Amount] = bankCommMaxAmt FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName IN ('dcDetailHistory', 'scDetailHistory') THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Default Domestic Commission Master IF @tableName IN ('dcMaster', 'dcMasterHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Description' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Transaction Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Commission Base' UNION ALL SELECT 'Active' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Code] = code ,[Description] = description ,[Sending Group] = sg.detailTitle ,[Receiving Group] = rg.detailTitle ,[Transaction Type] = stm.typeTitle ,[Commission Base] = sdv.detailTitle ,[Active] = main.isEnable FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sg WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sGroup = sg.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue rg WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rGroup = rg.valueId LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster stm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.tranType = stm.serviceTypeId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sdv WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.commissionBase = sdv.valueId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'dcMasterHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Custom Domestic Commission Master IF @tableName IN ('scMaster', 'scMasterHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Description' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Branch' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Branch' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Transaction Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Commission Base' UNION ALL SELECT 'Effective From' UNION ALL SELECT 'Effective To' UNION ALL SELECT 'Active' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Code] = code ,[Description] = description ,[Sending Agent] = ISNULL(sa.agentName, ''All'') ,[Sending Branch] = ISNULL(sb.agentName, ''All'') ,[Sending State] = ISNULL(ss.stateName, ''All'') ,[Sending Group] = ISNULL(sg.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Receiving Agent] = ISNULL(ra.agentName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Branch] = ISNULL(rb.agentName, ''All'') ,[Receiving State] = ISNULL(rs.stateName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Group] = ISNULL(rg.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Transaction Type] = stm.typeTitle ,[Commission Base] = sdv.detailTitle ,[Effective From] = effectiveFrom ,[Effective To] = effectiveTo ,[Active] = main.isEnable FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN agentMaster sa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sAgent = sa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster sb WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sBranch = sb.agentId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster ss WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sState = ss.stateId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sg WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sGroup = sg.valueId LEFT JOIN agentMaster ra WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rAgent = ra.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster rb WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rBranch = rb.agentId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster rs WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rState = rs.stateId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue rg WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rGroup = rg.valueId LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster stm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.tranType = stm.serviceTypeId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sdv WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.commissionBase = sdv.valueId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'scMasterHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Default Sending Commission Master IF @tableName IN ('dcSendMaster', 'dcSendMasterHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Description' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Transaction Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Base Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Commission Base' UNION ALL SELECT 'Active' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Code] = code ,[Description] = description ,[Sending Country] = sccm.countryName ,[Receiving Country] = rccm.countryName ,[Transaction Type] = stm.typeTitle ,[Base Currency] = baseCurrency ,[Commission Base] = sdv.detailTitle ,[Active] = main.isEnable FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster sccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sCountry = sccm.countryId LEFT JOIN countryMaster rccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rCountry = rccm.countryId LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster stm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.tranType = stm.serviceTypeId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sdv WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.commissionBase = sdv.valueId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'dcSendMasterHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Custom Sending Commission Master IF @tableName IN ('scSendMaster', 'scSendMasterHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Description' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Super Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Branch' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Zip' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Super Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Branch' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Zip' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Agent Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Transaction Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Base Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Commission Base' UNION ALL SELECT 'Effective From' UNION ALL SELECT 'Effective To' UNION ALL SELECT 'Active' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Code] = code ,[Description] = description ,[Sending Country] = sccm.countryName ,[Sending Super Agent] = ISNULL(ssa.agentName, ''All'') ,[Sending Agent] = ISNULL(sa.agentName, ''All'') ,[Sending Branch] = ISNULL(sb.agentName, ''All'') ,[Sending State] = ISNULL(csm.stateName, ''All'') ,[Sending Zip] = zip ,[Sending Agent Group] = ISNULL(ag.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Receiving Country] = ISNULL(rccm.countryName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Super Agent] = ISNULL(rsa.agentName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Agent] = ISNULL(ra.agentName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Branch] = ISNULL(rb.agentName, ''All'') ,[Receiving State] = ISNULL(csm2.stateName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Zip] = zip ,[Receiving Agent Group] = ISNULL(ag2.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Transaction Type] = stm.typeTitle ,[Base Currency] = baseCurrency ,[Commission Base] = sdv.detailTitle ,[Effective From] = effectiveFrom ,[Effective To] = effectiveTo ,[Active] = main.isEnable FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster sccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sCountry = sccm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster ssa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.ssAgent = ssa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster sa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sAgent = sa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster sb WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sBranch = sb.agentId LEFT JOIN countryMaster rccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rCountry = rccm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster rsa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rsAgent = rsa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster ra WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rAgent = ra.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster rb WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rBranch = rb.agentId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.state = csm.stateId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm2 WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rState = csm2.stateId LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster stm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.tranType = stm.serviceTypeId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sdv WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.commissionBase = sdv.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue ag WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.agentGroup = ag.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue ag2 WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rAgentGroup = ag2.valueId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'scSendMasterHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Default Paying Commission Master IF @tableName IN ('dcPayMaster', 'dcPayMasterHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Description' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Transaction Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Base Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Commission Base' UNION ALL SELECT 'Active' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Code] = code ,[Description] = description ,[Sending Country] = sccm.countryName ,[Receiving Country] = rccm.countryName ,[Transaction Type] = stm.typeTitle ,[Base Currency] = baseCurrency ,[Commission Base] = sdv.detailTitle ,[Active] = main.isEnable FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster sccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sCountry = sccm.countryId LEFT JOIN countryMaster rccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rCountry = rccm.countryId LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster stm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.tranType = stm.serviceTypeId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sdv WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.commissionBase = sdv.valueId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'dcPayMasterHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Custom Paying Commission Master IF @tableName IN ('scPayMaster', 'scPayMasterHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Description' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Super Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Branch' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Zip' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Super Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Branch' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Zip' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Agent Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Transaction Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Base Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Commission Base' UNION ALL SELECT 'Effective From' UNION ALL SELECT 'Effective To' UNION ALL SELECT 'Active' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Code] = code ,[Description] = description ,[Sending Country] = ISNULL(sccm.countryName, ''All'') ,[Sending Super Agent] = ISNULL(ssa.agentName, ''All'') ,[Sending Agent] = ISNULL(sa.agentName, ''All'') ,[Sending Branch] = ISNULL(sb.agentName, ''All'') ,[Sending State] = ISNULL(csm.stateName, ''All'') ,[Sending Zip] = zip ,[Sending Agent Group] = ISNULL(ag.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Receiving Country] = rccm.countryName ,[Receiving Super Agent] = ISNULL(rsa.agentName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Agent] = ISNULL(ra.agentName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Branch] = ISNULL(rb.agentName, ''All'') ,[Receiving State] = ISNULL(csm2.stateName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Zip] = zip ,[Receiving Agent Group] = ISNULL(ag2.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Transaction Type] = stm.typeTitle ,[Base Currency] = baseCurrency ,[Commission Base] = sdv.detailTitle ,[Effective From] = effectiveFrom ,[Effective To] = effectiveTo ,[Active] = main.isEnable FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster sccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sCountry = sccm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster ssa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.ssAgent = ssa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster sa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sAgent = sa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster sb WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sBranch = sb.agentId LEFT JOIN countryMaster rccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rCountry = rccm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster rsa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rsAgent = rsa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster ra WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rAgent = ra.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster rb WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rBranch = rb.agentId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.state = csm.stateId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm2 WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rState = csm2.stateId LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster stm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.tranType = stm.serviceTypeId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sdv WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.commissionBase = sdv.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue ag WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.agentGroup = ag.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue ag2 WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rAgentGroup = ag2.valueId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'scPayMasterHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END ---------------------------------- --Default Sending Commission Master For SuperAgent IF @tableName IN ('dcSendMasterSA', 'dcSendMasterSAHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Description' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Transaction Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Base Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Commission Base' UNION ALL SELECT 'Active' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Code] = code ,[Description] = description ,[Sending Country] = sccm.countryName ,[Receiving Country] = rccm.countryName ,[Transaction Type] = stm.typeTitle ,[Base Currency] = baseCurrency ,[Commission Base] = sdv.detailTitle ,[Active] = main.isEnable FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster sccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sCountry = sccm.countryId LEFT JOIN countryMaster rccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rCountry = rccm.countryId LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster stm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.tranType = stm.serviceTypeId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sdv WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.commissionBase = sdv.valueId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'dcSendMasterSAHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Custom Sending Commission Master For SuperAgent IF @tableName IN ('scSendMasterSA', 'scSendMasterSAHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Description' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Super Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Branch' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Zip' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Super Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Branch' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Zip' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Agent Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Transaction Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Base Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Commission Base' UNION ALL SELECT 'Effective From' UNION ALL SELECT 'Effective To' UNION ALL SELECT 'Active' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Code] = code ,[Description] = description ,[Sending Country] = sccm.countryName ,[Sending Super Agent] = ISNULL(ssa.agentName, ''All'') ,[Sending Agent] = ISNULL(sa.agentName, ''All'') ,[Sending Branch] = ISNULL(sb.agentName, ''All'') ,[Sending State] = ISNULL(csm.stateName, ''All'') ,[Sending Zip] = zip ,[Sending Agent Group] = ISNULL(ag.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Receiving Country] = ISNULL(rccm.countryName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Super Agent] = ISNULL(rsa.agentName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Agent] = ISNULL(ra.agentName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Branch] = ISNULL(rb.agentName, ''All'') ,[Receiving State] = ISNULL(csm2.stateName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Zip] = zip ,[Receiving Agent Group] = ISNULL(ag2.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Transaction Type] = stm.typeTitle ,[Base Currency] = baseCurrency ,[Commission Base] = sdv.detailTitle ,[Effective From] = effectiveFrom ,[Effective To] = effectiveTo ,[Active] = main.isEnable FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster sccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sCountry = sccm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster ssa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.ssAgent = ssa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster sa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sAgent = sa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster sb WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sBranch = sb.agentId LEFT JOIN countryMaster rccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rCountry = rccm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster rsa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rsAgent = rsa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster ra WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rAgent = ra.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster rb WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rBranch = rb.agentId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.state = csm.stateId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm2 WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rState = csm2.stateId LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster stm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.tranType = stm.serviceTypeId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sdv WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.commissionBase = sdv.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue ag WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.agentGroup = ag.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue ag2 WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rAgentGroup = ag2.valueId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'scSendMasterSAHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Default Paying Commission Master For SuperAgent IF @tableName IN ('dcPayMasterSA', 'dcPayMasterSAHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Description' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Transaction Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Base Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Commission Base' UNION ALL SELECT 'Active' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Code] = code ,[Description] = description ,[Sending Country] = sccm.countryName ,[Receiving Country] = rccm.countryName ,[Transaction Type] = stm.typeTitle ,[Base Currency] = baseCurrency ,[Commission Base] = sdv.detailTitle ,[Active] = main.isEnable FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster sccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sCountry = sccm.countryId LEFT JOIN countryMaster rccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rCountry = rccm.countryId LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster stm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.tranType = stm.serviceTypeId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sdv WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.commissionBase = sdv.valueId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'dcPayMasterSAHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Custom Paying Commission Master For Super Agent IF @tableName IN ('scPayMasterSA', 'scPayMasterSAHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Description' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Super Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Branch' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Zip' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Super Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Branch' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Zip' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Agent Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Transaction Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Base Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Commission Base' UNION ALL SELECT 'Effective From' UNION ALL SELECT 'Effective To' UNION ALL SELECT 'Active' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Code] = code ,[Description] = description ,[Sending Country] = ISNULL(sccm.countryName, ''All'') ,[Sending Super Agent] = ISNULL(ssa.agentName, ''All'') ,[Sending Agent] = ISNULL(sa.agentName, ''All'') ,[Sending Branch] = ISNULL(sb.agentName, ''All'') ,[Sending State] = ISNULL(csm.stateName, ''All'') ,[Sending Zip] = zip ,[Sending Agent Group] = ISNULL(ag.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Receiving Country] = ISNULL(rccm.countryName ,[Receiving Super Agent] = ISNULL(rsa.agentName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Agent] = ISNULL(ra.agentName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Branch] = ISNULL(rb.agentName, ''All'') ,[Receiving State] = ISNULL(csm2.stateName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Zip] = zip ,[Receiving Agent Group] = ISNULL(ag2.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Transaction Type] = stm.typeTitle ,[Base Currency] = baseCurrency ,[Commission Base] = sdv.detailTitle ,[Effective From] = effectiveFrom ,[Effective To] = effectiveTo ,[Active] = main.isEnable FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster sccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sCountry = sccm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster ssa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.ssAgent = ssa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster sa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sAgent = sa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster sb WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sBranch = sb.agentId LEFT JOIN countryMaster rccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rCountry = rccm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster rsa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rsAgent = rsa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster ra WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rAgent = ra.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster rb WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rBranch = rb.agentId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.state = csm.stateId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm2 WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rState = csm2.stateId LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster stm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.tranType = stm.serviceTypeId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sdv WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.commissionBase = sdv.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue ag WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.agentGroup = ag.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue ag2 WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rAgentGroup = ag2.valueId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'scPayMasterSAHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --------------------------------------- --Default Sending Commission Master for Hub IF @tableName IN ('dcSendMasterHub', 'dcSendMasterHubHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Description' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Transaction Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Base Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Commission Base' UNION ALL SELECT 'Active' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Code] = code ,[Description] = description ,[Sending Country] = sccm.countryName ,[Receiving Country] = rccm.countryName ,[Transaction Type] = stm.typeTitle ,[Base Currency] = baseCurrency ,[Commission Base] = sdv.detailTitle ,[Active] = main.isEnable FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster sccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sCountry = sccm.countryId LEFT JOIN countryMaster rccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rCountry = rccm.countryId LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster stm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.tranType = stm.serviceTypeId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sdv WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.commissionBase = sdv.valueId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'dcSendMasterHubHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Custom Sending Commission Master for Hub IF @tableName IN ('scSendMasterHub', 'scSendMasterHubHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Description' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Super Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Branch' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Zip' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Super Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Branch' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Zip' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Agent Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Transaction Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Base Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Commission Base' UNION ALL SELECT 'Effective From' UNION ALL SELECT 'Effective To' UNION ALL SELECT 'Active' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Code] = code ,[Description] = description ,[Sending Country] = sccm.countryName ,[Sending Super Agent] = ssa.agentName ,[Sending Agent] = sa.agentName ,[Sending Branch] = sb.agentName ,[Sending State] = csm.stateName ,[Sending Zip] = zip ,[Sending Agent Group] = ag.detailTitle ,[Receiving Country] = rccm.countryName ,[Receiving Super Agent] = rsa.agentName ,[Receiving Agent] = ra.agentName ,[Receiving Branch] = rb.agentName ,[Receiving State] = csm2.stateName ,[Receiving Zip] = zip ,[Receiving Agent Group] = ag2.detailTitle ,[Transaction Type] = stm.typeTitle ,[Base Currency] = baseCurrency ,[Commission Base] = sdv.detailTitle ,[Effective From] = effectiveFrom ,[Effective To] = effectiveTo ,[Active] = main.isEnable FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster sccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sCountry = sccm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster ssa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.ssAgent = ssa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster sa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sAgent = sa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster sb WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sBranch = sb.agentId LEFT JOIN countryMaster rccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rCountry = rccm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster rsa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rsAgent = rsa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster ra WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rAgent = ra.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster rb WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rBranch = rb.agentId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.state = csm.stateId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm2 WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rState = csm2.stateId LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster stm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.tranType = stm.serviceTypeId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sdv WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.commissionBase = sdv.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue ag WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.agentGroup = ag.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue ag2 WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rAgentGroup = ag2.valueId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'scSendMasterHubHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Default Paying Commission Master for Hub IF @tableName IN ('dcPayMasterHub', 'dcPayMasterHubHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Description' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Transaction Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Base Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Commission Base' UNION ALL SELECT 'Active' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Code] = code ,[Description] = description ,[Sending Country] = sccm.countryName ,[Receiving Country] = rccm.countryName ,[Transaction Type] = stm.typeTitle ,[Base Currency] = baseCurrency ,[Commission Base] = sdv.detailTitle ,[Active] = main.isEnable FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster sccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sCountry = sccm.countryId LEFT JOIN countryMaster rccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rCountry = rccm.countryId LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster stm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.tranType = stm.serviceTypeId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sdv WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.commissionBase = sdv.valueId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'dcPayMasterHubHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Custom Paying Commission Master for Hub IF @tableName IN ('scPayMasterHub', 'scPayMasterHubHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Description' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Super Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Branch' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Zip' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Super Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Branch' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Zip' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Agent Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Transaction Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Base Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Commission Base' UNION ALL SELECT 'Effective From' UNION ALL SELECT 'Effective To' UNION ALL SELECT 'Active' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Code] = code ,[Description] = description ,[Sending Country] = sccm.countryName ,[Sending Super Agent] = ssa.agentName ,[Sending Agent] = sa.agentName ,[Sending Branch] = sb.agentName ,[Sending State] = csm.stateName ,[Sending Zip] = zip ,[Sending Agent Group] = ag.detailTitle ,[Receiving Country] = rccm.countryName ,[Receiving Super Agent] = rsa.agentName ,[Receiving Agent] = ra.agentName ,[Receiving Branch] = rb.agentName ,[Receiving State] = csm2.stateName ,[Receiving Zip] = zip ,[Receiving Agent Group] = ag2.detailTitle ,[Transaction Type] = stm.typeTitle ,[Base Currency] = baseCurrency ,[Commission Base] = sdv.detailTitle ,[Effective From] = effectiveFrom ,[Effective To] = effectiveTo ,[Active] = main.isEnable FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster sccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sCountry = sccm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster ssa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.ssAgent = ssa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster sa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sAgent = sa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster sb WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sBranch = sb.agentId LEFT JOIN countryMaster rccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rCountry = rccm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster rsa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rsAgent = rsa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster ra WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rAgent = ra.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster rb WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rBranch = rb.agentId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.state = csm.stateId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm2 WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rState = csm2.stateId LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster stm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.tranType = stm.serviceTypeId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sdv WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.commissionBase = sdv.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue ag WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.agentGroup = ag.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue ag2 WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rAgentGroup = ag2.valueId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'scPayMasterHubHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END -------------------------------- --Compliance Rule Setup Master for Hub IF @tableName IN ('csMaster', 'csMasterHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Sending Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Zip' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Customer Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Zip' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Customer Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Currency' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Sending Country] = ISNULL(sccm.countryName, ''All'') ,[Sending Agent] = ISNULL(sa.agentName, ''All'') ,[Sending State] = ISNULL(ss.stateName, ''All'') ,[Sending Zip] = sZip ,[Sending Group] = sg.detailTitle ,[Sending Customer Type] = ISNULL(sct.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Receiving Country] = ISNULL(rccm.countryName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Agent] = ISNULL(ra.agentName, ''All'') ,[Receiving State] = ISNULL(rs.stateName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Zip] = rZip ,[Receiving Group] = rg.detailTitle ,[Receiving Customer Type] = ISNULL(rct.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Currency] = curr.currencyCode FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster sccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sCountry = sccm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster sa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sAgent = sa.agentId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster ss WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sState = ss.stateId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sg WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sGroup = sg.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sct WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sCustType = sct.valueId LEFT JOIN countryMaster rccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rCountry = rccm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster ra WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rAgent = ra.agentId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster rs WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rState = rs.stateId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue rg WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rGroup = rg.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue rct WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rCustType = rct.valueId LEFT JOIN currencyMaster curr WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.currency = curr.currencyId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'csMasterHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Compliance Setup Detail IF @tableName IN ('csDetail', 'csDetailHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Condition' UNION ALL SELECT 'Collection Mode' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Mode' UNION ALL SELECT '#Txn' UNION ALL SELECT 'Amount' UNION ALL SELECT 'Period' UNION ALL SELECT 'Action' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Condition] = ISNULL(con.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Collection Mode] = ISNULL(cm.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Payment Mode] = ISNULL(pm.typeTitle, ''All'') ,[#Txn] = tranCount ,[Amount] = amount ,[Period] = period ,[Action] = CASE WHEN main.nextAction = ''P'' THEN ''Pending'' WHEN main.nextAction = ''H'' THEN ''Hold'' WHEN main.nextAction = ''B'' THEN ''Block'' WHEN main.nextAction = ''M'' THEN ''Mark as Compliance'' END FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN staticDataValue con ON main.condition = con.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue cm ON main.collMode = cm.valueId LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster pm ON main.paymentMode = pm.serviceTypeId --LEFT JOIN staticDataValue act ON main.nextAction = act.valueId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName IN ('csDetailHistory') THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Compliance ID Setup Master IF @tableName IN ('cisMaster', 'cisMasterHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Sending Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Zip' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Customer Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Zip' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Customer Type' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Sending Country] = ISNULL(sccm.countryName, ''All'') ,[Sending Agent] = ISNULL(sa.agentName, ''All'') ,[Sending State] = ISNULL(ss.stateName, ''All'') ,[Sending Zip] = sZip ,[Sending Group] = sg.detailTitle ,[Sending Customer Type] = ISNULL(sct.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Receiving Country] = ISNULL(rccm.countryName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Agent] = ISNULL(ra.agentName, ''All'') ,[Receiving State] = ISNULL(rs.stateName, ''All'') ,[Receiving Zip] = rZip ,[Receiving Group] = rg.detailTitle ,[Receiving Customer Type] = ISNULL(rct.detailTitle, ''All'') FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster sccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sCountry = sccm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster sa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sAgent = sa.agentId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster ss WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sState = ss.stateId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sg WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sGroup = sg.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue sct WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sCustType = sct.valueId LEFT JOIN countryMaster rccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rCountry = rccm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster ra WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rAgent = ra.agentId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster rs WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rState = rs.stateId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue rg WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rGroup = rg.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue rct WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rCustType = rct.valueId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'csMasterHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Compliance ID Setup Detail IF @tableName IN ('cisDetail', 'cisDetailHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Condition' UNION ALL SELECT 'Collection Mode' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Mode' UNION ALL SELECT '#Txn' UNION ALL SELECT 'Amount' UNION ALL SELECT 'Period' UNION ALL SELECT 'isEnable' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Condition] = ISNULL(con.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Collection Mode] = ISNULL(cm.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Payment Mode] = ISNULL(pm.typeTitle, ''All'') ,[#Txn] = tranCount ,[Amount] = amount ,[Period] = period ,[isEnable] = isEnable FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN staticDataValue con ON main.condition = con.valueId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue cm ON main.collMode = cm.valueId LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster pm ON main.paymentMode = pm.serviceTypeId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName IN ('cisDetailHistory') THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Exchange Rate Default Setup IF @tableName IN ('deRate', 'deRateHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Hub' UNION ALL SELECT 'Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Base Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Local Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Cost' UNION ALL SELECT 'Margin' UNION ALL SELECT 'Max(+)' UNION ALL SELECT 'Min(-)' UNION ALL SELECT 'Active' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Hub] = h.agentName ,[Country] = ccm.countryName ,[Base Currency] = bccm.currencyCode ,[Local Currency] = lccm.currencyCode ,[Cost] = cost ,[Margin] = margin ,[Max(+)] = ve ,[Min(-)] = ne ,[Active] = main.isEnable FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN agentMaster h WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.hub = h.agentId LEFT JOIN countryMaster ccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON = ccm.countryId LEFT JOIN currencyMaster bccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.baseCurrency = bccm.currencyId LEFT JOIN currencyMaster lccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.localCurrency = lccm.currencyId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'seRateHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Exchange Rate Custom Setup IF @tableName IN ('seRate', 'seRateHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Base Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Local Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Hub' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Super Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sending Branch' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Hub' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Super Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiving Branch' UNION ALL SELECT 'State' UNION ALL SELECT 'Zip Code' UNION ALL SELECT 'Agent Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Cost' UNION ALL SELECT 'Margin' UNION ALL SELECT 'Max(+)' UNION ALL SELECT 'Min(-)' UNION ALL SELECT 'Agent Margin' UNION ALL SELECT 'Effective From' UNION ALL SELECT 'Effective To' UNION ALL SELECT 'Active' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Base Currency] = bccm.currencyCode ,[Local Currency] = lccm.currencyCode ,[Sending Hub] = sh.agentName ,[Sending Country] = sccm.countryName ,[Sending Super Agent] = ssa.agentName ,[Sending Agent] = sa.agentName ,[Sending Branch] = sb.agentName ,[Receiving Hub] = rh.agentName ,[Receiving Country] = rccm.countryName ,[Receiving Super Agent] = rsa.agentName ,[Receiving Agent] = ra.agentName ,[Receiving Branch] = rb.agentName ,[State] = csm.stateName ,[Zip Code] = zip ,[Agent Group] = ag.detailTitle ,[Cost] = cost ,[Margin] = margin ,[Max(+)] = ve ,[Min(-)] = ne ,[Agent Margin] = agentMargin ,[Effective From] = effectiveFrom ,[Effective To] = effectiveTo ,[Active] = main.isEnable FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN agentMaster sh WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sHub = sh.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster rh WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rHub = rh.agentId LEFT JOIN currencyMaster lccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.localCurrency = lccm.currencyId LEFT JOIN countryMaster sccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sCountry = sccm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster ssa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.ssAgent = ssa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster sa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sAgent = sa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster sb WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.sBranch = sb.agentId LEFT JOIN countryMaster rccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rCountry = rccm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster rsa WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rsAgent = rsa.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster ra WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rAgent = ra.agentId LEFT JOIN agentMaster rb WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.rBranch = rb.agentId LEFT JOIN countryStateMaster csm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.state = csm.stateId LEFT JOIN currencyMaster bccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.baseCurrency = bccm.currencyId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue ag WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.agentGroup = ag.valueId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'seRateHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Transaction Limit IF @tableName IN ('sendTranLimit', 'sendTranLimitMod') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Receiving Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Collection Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Min Limit' UNION ALL SELECT 'Max Limit' UNION ALL SELECT 'Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Customer Type' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Receiving Country] = ISNULL(receivingCountry, ''Any'') ,[Collection Type] = ISNULL(tranType, ''Any'') ,[Min Limit] = minLimitAmt ,[Max Limit] = maxLimitAmt ,[Currency] = currency ,[Customer Type] = ISNULL(ct.detailTitle, ''Any'') FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN staticDataValue ct WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.customerType = ct.valueId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + ''' )x ' END IF @tableName IN ('receiveTranLimit', 'receiveTranLimitMod') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Sending Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payout Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Max Limit' UNION ALL SELECT 'Agent Max Limit' UNION ALL SELECT 'Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Customer Type' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Sending Country] = ISNULL(sendingCountry, ''Any'') ,[Payout Type] = ISNULL(tranType, ''Any'') ,[Max Limit] = maxLimitAmt ,[Agent Max Limit] = agMaxLimitAmt ,[Currency] = currency ,[Customer Type] = ISNULL(ct.detailTitle, ''Any'') FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN staticDataValue ct WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.customerType = ct.valueId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + ''' )x ' END IF @tableName IN ('creditLimit', 'creditLimitHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Limit' UNION ALL SELECT 'Max Limit' UNION ALL --SELECT 'Todays Added Max Limit' UNION ALL SELECT 'Per Topup Limit' UNION ALL --SELECT 'Expiry Date' UNION ALL SELECT 'Per Topup Request' UNION ALL SELECT 'Max Toup Request' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Currency] = curr.currencyCode ,[Limit] = limitAmt ,[Max Limit] = maxLimitAmt --,[Todays Added Max Limit] = todaysAddedMaxLimit ,[Per Topup Limit] = perTopUpAmt --,[Expiry Date] = expiryDate ,[Per Topup Request] = perToupRequest ,[Max Toup Request] = maxTopupRequest FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN currencyMaster curr WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.currency = curr.currencyId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'creditLimitHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END IF @tableName IN ('creditLimitInt', 'creditLimitIntHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Limit' UNION ALL SELECT 'Max Limit' UNION ALL SELECT 'Per Topup Limit' UNION ALL SELECT 'Expiry Date' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Currency] = main.currency ,[Limit] = limitAmt ,[Max Limit] = maxLimitAmt ,[Per Topup Limit] = perTopUpAmt ,[Expiry Date] = convert(varchar,expiryDate,101) FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'creditLimitIntHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END IF @tableName IN ('topUpLimit', 'topUpLimitMod') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Limit Per Day' UNION ALL SELECT 'Per Topup Limit' UNION ALL SELECT 'Max Credit Limit For Agent' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Currency] = curr.currencyCode ,[Limit Per Day] = limitPerDay ,[Per Topup Limit] = perTopUpLimit ,[Max Credit Limit For Agent] = maxCreditLimitForAgent FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN currencyMaster curr WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.currency = curr.currencyId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + ''' )x ' END IF @tableName IN ('topUpLimitInt', 'topUpLimitIntMod') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Limit Per Day' UNION ALL SELECT 'Per Topup Limit' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Currency] = curr.currencyCode ,[Limit Per Day] = limitPerDay ,[Per Topup Limit] = perTopUpLimit FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN currencyMaster curr WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.currency = curr.currencyId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + ''' )x ' END IF @tableName IN ('fundDeposit', 'fundDepositMod') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Req Id' UNION ALL SELECT 'Agent Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Bank Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Amount' UNION ALL SELECT 'Deposited Date' UNION ALL SELECT 'Remarks' UNION ALL SELECT 'Created By' UNION ALL SELECT 'Created Date' UNION ALL SELECT 'Modified By' UNION ALL SELECT 'Modified Date' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Req Id] = rowId ,[Agent Name] = dbo.GetAgentNameFromId(agentId) ,[Bank Name] = dbo.FNAGetAccName(bankId) ,[Amount] = dbo.ShowDecimal(amount) ,[Deposited Date] = CONVERT(VARCHAR,depositedDate,107) ,[Remarks] = remarks ,[Created By] = createdBy ,[Created Date] = convert(varchar,createdDate ,107) ,[Modified By] = modifiedBy ,[Modified Date] = convert(varchar,modifiedDate ,107) FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'fundDepositMod' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END IF @tableName IN ('fundTransfer', 'fundTransferMod') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Req Id' UNION ALL SELECT 'Super Agent Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Agent Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Amount' UNION ALL SELECT 'Date' UNION ALL SELECT 'Transfer Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Remarks' UNION ALL SELECT 'Created By' UNION ALL SELECT 'Created Date' UNION ALL SELECT 'Modified By' UNION ALL SELECT 'Modified Date' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Req Id] = fundTrxId ,[Super Agent Name] = dbo.GetAgentNameFromId(Sagent) ,[Agent Name] = dbo.GetAgentNameFromId(agent) ,[Amount] = dbo.ShowDecimal(trnAmt) ,[Date] = CONVERT(VARCHAR,trnDate,107) ,[Transfer Type] = case when trnType=''T'' then ''Transfer'' else ''Receipt'' end ,[Remarks] = remarks ,[Created By] = createdBy ,[Created Date] = convert(varchar,createdDate ,107) ,[Modified By] = modifiedBy ,[Modified Date] = convert(varchar,modifiedDate ,107) FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'fundTransferMod' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END IF @tableName IN ('moneyGram', 'moneyGramMod') BEGIN --select * from moneyGram INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Control No' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiver Full Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Sender Full Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Receiver Contact Number' UNION ALL SELECT 'Tran Amount' UNION ALL SELECT 'Tran Date' UNION ALL SELECT 'Location' UNION ALL SELECT 'Address' UNION ALL SELECT 'Created By' UNION ALL SELECT 'Created Date' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Agent] = main.agent ,[Control No] = main.controlNo ,[Receiver Full Name] = main.recFullName ,[Sender Full Name] = main.sendFullName ,[Receiver Contact Number] = main.recContactNo ,[Tran Amount] = dbo.ShowDecimal(main.amount) ,[Tran Date] = convert(varchar,main.tranDate ,107) ,[Location] = dbo.GetAgentNameFromId(main.location) ,[Address] = address ,[Created By] = main.createdBy ,[Created Date] = convert(varchar,main.createdDate ,107) FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'moneyGramMod' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END --Default Exchange Rate IF @tableName IN ('defExRate', 'defExRateHistory') BEGIN DECLARE @setupType CHAR(2) SELECT @setupType = setupType FROM defExRate WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE defExRateId = @dataId IF(@setupType = 'CU') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Base Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Factor' UNION ALL SELECT 'Transaction Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Collection Rate' UNION ALL SELECT 'Collection Notional Margin' UNION ALL SELECT 'Collection Max Rate' UNION ALL SELECT 'Collection Min Rate' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Rate' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Notional Margin' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Max Rate' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Min Rate' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Base Currency] = main.baseCurrency ,[Currency] = main.currency ,[Transaction Type] = stm.typeTitle ,[Factor] = main.factor ,[Collection Rate] = main.cRate ,[Collection Notional Margin] = main.cMargin ,[Collection Max Rate] = main.cMax ,[Collection Min Rate] = main.cMin ,[Payment Rate] = main.pRate ,[Payment Notional Margin] = main.pMargin ,[Payment Max Rate] = main.pMax ,[Payment Min Rate] = main.pMin FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster stm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.tranType = stm.serviceTypeId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'defExRateHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END IF(@setupType = 'CO') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Base Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Factor' UNION ALL SELECT 'Transaction Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Collection Rate' UNION ALL SELECT 'Collection Notional Margin' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Rate' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Notional Margin' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Base Currency] = main.baseCurrency ,[Currency] = main.currency ,[Country] = cm.countryName ,[Transaction Type] = stm.typeTitle ,[Factor] = main.factor ,[Collection Rate] = main.cRate ,[Collection Notional Margin] = main.cMargin ,[Payment Rate] = main.pRate ,[Payment Notional Margin] = main.pMargin FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster cm WITH(NOLOCK) ON = cm.countryId LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster stm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.tranType = stm.serviceTypeId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'defExRateHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END IF(@setupType = 'AG') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Base Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Factor' UNION ALL SELECT 'Transaction Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Collection Rate' UNION ALL SELECT 'Collection Notional Margin' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Rate' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Notional Margin' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Base Currency] = main.baseCurrency ,[Currency] = main.currency ,[Country] = cm.countryName ,[Agent] = am.agentName ,[Transaction Type] = stm.typeTitle ,[Factor] = main.factor ,[Collection Rate] = main.cRate ,[Collection Notional Margin] = main.cMargin ,[Payment Rate] = main.pRate ,[Payment Notional Margin] = main.pMargin FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster cm WITH(NOLOCK) ON = cm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.agent = am.agentId LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster stm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.tranType = stm.serviceTypeId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'defExRateHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END END IF @tableName IN ('spExRate', 'spExRateHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Transaction Type' UNION ALL SELECT 'Coll. Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Coll. Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Coll. Agent Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Coll. Branch' UNION ALL SELECT 'Coll. Branch Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Coll. Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Coll. Rate Factor' UNION ALL SELECT 'Coll. Rate' UNION ALL SELECT 'Coll. Curr HO Margin' UNION ALL SELECT 'Coll. Curr Agent Margin' UNION ALL SELECT 'Coll. HO Tolerance Max' UNION ALL SELECT 'Coll. HO Tolerance Min' UNION ALL SELECT 'Coll. Agent Tolerance Max' UNION ALL SELECT 'Coll. Agent Tolerance Min' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Agent Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Branch' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Branch Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Rate Factor' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Rate' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Curr HO Margin' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Curr Agent Margin' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment HO Tolerance Max' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment HO Tolerance Min' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Agent Tolerance Max' UNION ALL SELECT 'Payment Agent Tolerance Min' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Transaction Type] = stm.typeTitle ,[Coll. Country] = ccm.countryName ,[Coll. Agent] = ISNULL(cam.agentName, ''All'') ,[Coll. Agent Group] = ISNULL(cag.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Coll. Branch] = ISNULL(cbm.agentName, ''All'') ,[Coll. Branch Group] = ISNULL(cbg.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Coll. Currency] = main.cCurrency ,[Coll. Rate Factor] = main.cRateFactor ,[Coll. Rate] = main.cRate ,[Coll. Curr HO Margin] = main.cCurrHOMargin ,[Coll. Curr Agent Margin] = main.cCurrAgentMargin ,[Coll. HO Tolerance Max] = main.cHOTolMax ,[Coll. HO Tolerance Min] = main.cHOTolMin ,[Coll. Agent Tolerance Max] = main.cAgentTolMax ,[Coll. Agent Tolerance Min] = main.cAgentTolMin ,[Payment Country] = pcm.countryName ,[Payment Agent] = ISNULL(pam.agentName, ''All'') ,[Payment Agent Group] = ISNULL(pag.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Payment Branch] = ISNULL(pbm.agentName, ''All'') ,[Payment Branch Group] = ISNULL(pbg.detailTitle, ''All'') ,[Payment Currency] = main.pCurrency ,[Payment Rate Factor] = main.pRateFactor ,[Payment Rate] = main.pRate ,[Payment Curr HO Margin] = main.pCurrHOMargin ,[Payment Curr Agent Margin] = main.pCurrAgentMargin ,[Payment HO Tolerance Max] = main.pHOTolMax ,[Payment HO Tolerance Min] = main.pHOTolMin ,[Payment Agent Tolerance Max] = main.pAgentTolMax ,[Payment Agent Tolerance Min] = main.pAgentTolMin FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN serviceTypeMaster stm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.tranType = stm.serviceTypeId LEFT JOIN countryMaster ccm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.cCountry = ccm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster cam WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.cAgent = cam.agentId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue cag WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.cAgentGroup = cag.valueId LEFT JOIN agentMaster cbm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.cBranch = cbm.agentId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue cbg WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.cBranchGroup = cbg.valueId LEFT JOIN countryMaster pcm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.pCountry = pcm.countryId LEFT JOIN agentMaster pam WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.pAgent = pam.agentId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue pag WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.pAgentGroup = pag.valueId LEFT JOIN agentMaster pbm WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.pBranch = pbm.agentId LEFT JOIN staticDataValue pbg WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.pBranchGroup = pbg.valueId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'spExRateHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END IF @tableName IN ('rateMask', 'rateMaskHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Rate Mask Id' UNION ALL SELECT 'Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Rate Mask MUL- Before Decimal' UNION ALL SELECT 'Rate Mask MUL- After Decimal' UNION ALL SELECT 'Rate Mask DIV- Before Decimal' UNION ALL SELECT 'Rate Mask DIV- After Decimal' UNION ALL SELECT 'Created By' UNION ALL SELECT 'Created Date' UNION ALL SELECT 'Modified By' UNION ALL SELECT 'Modified Date' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Rate Mask Id] = rmId ,[Currency] = currency ,[Rate Mask MUL- Before Decimal] = rateMaskMulBd ,[Rate Mask MUL- After Decimal] = rateMaskMulAd ,[Rate Mask DIV- Before Decimal] = rateMaskDivBd ,[Rate Mask DIV- After Decimal] = rateMaskDivAd ,[Created By] = createdBy ,[Created Date] = convert(varchar,createdDate ,107) ,[Modified By] = modifiedBy ,[Modified Date] = convert(varchar,modifiedDate ,107) FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'rateMaskHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END IF @tableName IN ('errPaidTran', 'errPaidTranHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Tran Id' UNION ALL SELECT 'Control No' UNION ALL SELECT 'New Payout Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Old Payout Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Old Paid Date' UNION ALL SELECT 'Message' UNION ALL SELECT 'Tran Amount' UNION ALL SELECT 'Created By' UNION ALL SELECT 'Created Date' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Tran Id] = tranId ,[Control No] = dbo.FNADecryptString(controlNo) ,[New Payout Agent] = newPBranchName ,[Old Payout Agent] = oldPBranchName ,[Old Paid Date] = CONVERT(VARCHAR,OLDPAIDDATE,101) ,[Message] = narration ,[Tran Amount] = payoutAmt ,[Created By] = main.createdBy ,[Created Date] = main.createdDate FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN remitTran TXN WITH(NOLOCK) ON = main.tranId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'errPaidTranHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END IF @tableName ='balanceTopUp' BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'ID' UNION ALL SELECT 'AGENT NAME' UNION ALL SELECT 'TOP UP AMOUNT' UNION ALL SELECT 'CREATED BY' UNION ALL SELECT 'CREATED DATE' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [ID] = MAIN.BTID ,[AGENT NAME] = TXN.AGENTNAME ,[TOP UP AMOUNT] = MAIN.AMOUNT ,[CREATED BY] = MAIN.CREATEDBY ,[CREATED DATE] = CONVERT(VARCHAR,MAIN.CREATEDDATE,101) FROM ' + @tableName + ' MAIN WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN AGENTMASTER TXN WITH(NOLOCK) ON TXN.AGENTID = MAIN.AGENTID WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + ''' )x ' END IF @tableName in ('imeRemitCardReIssueRequest') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Requesting For' UNION ALL SELECT 'IME Remit Card Number' UNION ALL SELECT 'New IME Remit Card Number' UNION ALL SELECT 'Customer Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Request Remarks' UNION ALL SELECT 'Created By' UNION ALL SELECT 'Created Date' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Requesting For] = CASE main.requestFor WHEN ''C'' THEN ''IME Remit Card Loss'' ELSE ''PIN Number Loss'' END ,[IME Remit Card Number] = main.oldRemitCardNo ,[New IME Remit Card Number] = main.newRemitCardNo ,[Customer Name] = ISNULL(km.firstName, '''') + ISNULL( '' '' + km.middleName, '''')+ ISNULL( '' '' + km.lastName, '''') ,[Request Remarks] = main.requestRemarks ,[Created By] = main.createdBy ,[Created Date] = main.createdDate FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN kycMaster km WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.oldRemitCardNo = km.remitCardNo WHERE main.' + @fieldName + ' = ''' + @dataId + ''' )x ' END IF @tableName IN ('userWiseTxnLimit', 'userWiseTxnLimitHISTORY') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'User Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'User Full Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Send Per Day' UNION ALL SELECT 'Send Per Txn' UNION ALL SELECT 'Send Todays' UNION ALL SELECT 'Pay Per Day' UNION ALL SELECT 'Pay Per Txn' UNION ALL SELECT 'Pay Todays' UNION ALL SELECT 'Cancel Per Day' UNION ALL SELECT 'Cancel Per Txn' UNION ALL SELECT 'Cancel Todays' UNION ALL SELECT 'Created By' UNION ALL SELECT 'Created Date' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [User Name] = a.userName ,[User Full Name] = ISNULL(a.firstName, '''') + ISNULL( '' '' + a.middleName, '''')+ ISNULL( '' '' + a.lastName, '''') ,[Send Per Day] = main.sendPerDay ,[Send Per Txn] = main.sendPerTxn ,[Send Todays] = main.sendTodays ,[Pay Per Day] = main.payPerDay ,[Pay Per Txn] = main.payPerTxn ,[Pay Todays] = main.payTodays ,[Cancel Per Day] = main.cancelPerDay ,[Cancel Per Txn] = main.cancelPerTxn ,[Cancel Todays] = main.cancelTodays ,[Created By] = main.createdBy ,[Created Date] = main.createdDate FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN applicationUsers a WITH(NOLOCK) ON a.userId = main.userId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'userWiseTxnLimitHISTORY' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END IF @tableName IN ('customerMaster', 'customerMasterMod') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Customer Id' UNION ALL SELECT 'Customer Card No' UNION ALL SELECT 'First Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Middle Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Last Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Marital Status' UNION ALL SELECT 'DOB -English Date' UNION ALL SELECT 'DOB -Nepali Date' UNION ALL SELECT 'Citizenship No' UNION ALL SELECT 'Place Of Issue' UNION ALL SELECT 'Permanent Tole' UNION ALL SELECT 'Permanent House No' UNION ALL SELECT 'Permanent Municipality/VDC' UNION ALL SELECT 'Permanent Ward No' UNION ALL SELECT 'Permanent Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Permanent Zone' UNION ALL SELECT 'Permanent District' UNION ALL SELECT 'Temporary Tole' UNION ALL SELECT 'Temporary House No' UNION ALL SELECT 'Temporary Municipality/VDC' UNION ALL SELECT 'Temporary Ward No' UNION ALL SELECT 'Temporary Country' UNION ALL SELECT 'Temporary Zone' UNION ALL SELECT 'Temporary District' UNION ALL SELECT 'Father Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Mother Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Grand Father Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Occupation' UNION ALL SELECT 'Email' UNION ALL SELECT 'Phone' UNION ALL SELECT 'Mobile' UNION ALL SELECT 'Created By' UNION ALL SELECT 'Created Date' UNION ALL SELECT 'Agent' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Customer Id] = customerId , [Customer Card No] = membershipId, [First Name] = firstName, [Middle Name] = middleName, [Last Name] = lastName, [Marital Status] = maritalStatus, [DOB -English Date] = dobEng, [DOB -Nepali Date] = dobNep, [Citizenship No] = citizenshipNo, [Place Of Issue] = placeOfIssue, [Permanent Tole] = pTole, [Permanent House No] = pHouseNo, [Permanent Municipality/VDC] = pMunicipality, [Permanent Ward No] = pWardNo, [Permanent Country] = pCountry, [Permanent Zone] = pZone, [Permanent District] = pDistrict, [Temporary Tole] = tTole, [Temporary House No] = tHouseNo, [Temporary Municipality/VDC] = tMunicipality, [Temporary Ward No] = tWardNo, [Temporary Country] = tCountry, [Temporary Zone] = tZone, [Temporary District] = tDistrict, [Father Name] = fatherName, [Mother Name] = motherName, [Grand Father Name] = grandFatherName, [Occupation] = occupation, [Email] = email, [Phone] = phone, [Mobile] = mobile, [Created By] = main.createdBy, [Created Date] = main.createdDate, [Agent] = am.agentName FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) left join agentMaster am with(nolock) on main.agentId = am.agentId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'customerMaster' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END IF @tableName IN ('customerMemIdReIssue') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Customer Id' UNION ALL SELECT 'Old Membership Id' UNION ALL SELECT 'New Membership Id' UNION ALL SELECT 'Request Remarks' UNION ALL SELECT 'Requested By' UNION ALL SELECT 'Requested Date' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Customer Id] = customerId , [Old Membership Id] = oldMemId, [New Membership Id] = newMemId, [Request Remarks] = remarks, [Requested By] = main.createdBy, [Requested Date] = main.createdDate FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + ''' AND approvedBy IS NULL )x ' --PRINT(@table) --RETURN END IF @tableName IN('agentBlock','agentBlockMod') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) select 'Agent' UNION ALL select 'Status' UNION ALL select 'Remark' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Agent] = am.agentName, [Status] = agentStatus, [Remark] = remarks FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN agentMaster am with(nolock) on am.agentId=main.agentId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'agentBlock' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' --PRINT(@table) --RETURN END IF @tableName IN ('agentGroupMaping', 'agentGroupMapingHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Agent' UNION ALL SELECT 'Group' UNION ALL SELECT 'Group Detail' UNION ALL SELECT 'Requested By' UNION ALL SELECT 'Requested Date' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Agent] = am.agentName ,[Group] = sdt.typeTitle ,[Group Detail] = sdv.detailTitle ,[Requested By] = main.createdBy ,[Requested Date] = convert(varchar,main.createdDate,101) FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN staticDataType sdt on sdt.typeId = main.groupCat INNER JOIN staticDataValue sdv on sdv.valueId = main.groupDetail INNER JOIN agentMaster am on am.agentId = main.agentId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'agentGroupMapingHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END IF @tableName IN ('bankGuarantee', 'bankGuaranteeHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'Guarantee No' UNION ALL SELECT 'Amount' UNION ALL SELECT 'Currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'Bank Name' UNION ALL SELECT 'Issued Date' UNION ALL SELECT 'Expiry Date' UNION ALL SELECT 'Follow UpDate' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [Guarantee No] = main.guaranteeNo ,[Amount] = main.amount ,[Currency] = main.currency ,[Bank Name] = main.bankName ,[Issued Date] = convert(varchar, main.issuedDate, 101) ,[Expiry Date] = convert(varchar, main.expiryDate, 101) ,[Follow UpDate] = convert(varchar, main.followUpDate, 101) FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'bankGuaranteeHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END IF @tableName IN ('cashSecurity', 'cashSecurityHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'RowId' UNION ALL SELECT 'depositAcNo' UNION ALL SELECT 'cashDeposit' UNION ALL SELECT 'currency' UNION ALL SELECT 'depositedDate' UNION ALL SELECT 'bankName' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [RowId] = main.csId ,[depositAcNo] = main.depositAcNo ,[cashDeposit] = main.cashDeposit ,[currency] = main.currency ,[depositedDate] = main.depositedDate ,[bankName] = main.bankName FROM ' + @tableName + ' main WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) ON main.agentid = am.agentId WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + '''' + CASE WHEN @tableName = 'cashSecurityHistory' THEN ' AND main.approvedBy IS NULL ' ELSE '' END + ' )x ' END IF @tableName IN ('sendingAmtThreshold','sendingAmtThresholdHistory') BEGIN INSERT @columnList(columnName) SELECT 'SENDING COUNTRY NAME' UNION ALL SELECT 'RECEIVING COUNTRY NAME' UNION ALL SELECT 'SENDING AGENT' UNION ALL SELECT 'AMOUNT' UNION ALL SELECT 'MESSAGE' UNION ALL SELECT 'IS ACTIVE' UNION ALL SELECT 'CREATED BY' UNION ALL SELECT 'CREATED DATE' SET @table='( SELECT TOP 1 [SENDING COUNTRY NAME] = MAIN.sCountryName ,[RECEIVING COUNTRY NAME] = MAIN.rCountryName ,[SENDING AGENT] = ISNULL(TXN.agentName,''All'') ,[AMOUNT] = MAIN.Amount ,[MESSAGE] = MAIN.MessageTxt ,[IS ACTIVE] = MAIN.IsActive ,[CREATED BY] = MAIN.CREATEDBY ,[CREATED DATE] = CONVERT(VARCHAR,MAIN.CREATEDDATE,101) FROM ' + @tableName + ' MAIN WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN AGENTMASTER TXN WITH(NOLOCK) ON TXN.AGENTID = MAIN.sAgent WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + ''' )x ' END DECLARE @fieldList NVARCHAR(MAX) ,@fieldList2 NVARCHAR(MAX) ,@sql NVARCHAR(MAX) SELECT @fieldList = ISNULL(@fieldList + ', ', '') + + '[' + columnName + ']' ,@fieldList2 = ISNULL(@fieldList2 + ', ', '') + 'CAST (ISNULL(' + '[' + columnName + '] , '''') AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) [' + columnName + ']' FROM @columnList IF @fieldList IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @fieldList = ISNULL(@fieldList + ', ', '') + + '[' + column_name + ']' ,@fieldList2 = ISNULL(@fieldList2 + ', ', '') + 'CAST (ISNULL(' + '[' + column_name + '] , '''') AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) [' + column_name + ']' FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = @tableName AND COLUMN_NAME NOT IN ( 'isDeleted', 'isActive', 'createdBy' ,'createdDate', 'modifiedBy', 'modifiedDate' ,'approvedBy', 'approvedDate', 'modType' ,'msrepl_tran_version' ) SET @table = @tableName SET @sql = ' SELECT field, data FROM ( SELECT ' + @fieldList2 + ' FROM ' + @table + ' WHERE [' + @fieldName + '] = ''' + @dataId + ''' ) p UNPIVOT (Data FOR Field IN ( ' + @fieldList + ' ) )AS unpvt;' END ELSE BEGIN SET @sql = ' SELECT field, data FROM ( SELECT ' + @fieldList2 + ' FROM ' + @table + ' ) p UNPIVOT (Data FOR Field IN ( ' + @fieldList + ' ) )AS unpvt;' END --PRINT @sql DECLARE @temp_table TABLE(Field NVARCHAR(100), Data NVARCHAR(MAX)) INSERT @temp_table (Field, data) EXEC (@sql) SET @fieldList = NULL --print @table SELECT @fieldList = ISNULL(@fieldList + @separator, '') + Field + ' = ' + Data FROM @temp_table SET @dataList = @fieldList IF @returnTable = 'Y' SELECT @dataList END GO