USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_ThirdpartyTXN_report] Script Date: 9/27/2019 1:30:14 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[proc_ThirdpartyTXN_report] @user VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@dateType VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@dateFrom VARCHAR(20) = NULL ,@dateTo VARCHAR(20) = NULL ,@tAgent VARCHAR(40) = NULL ,@sBranch VARCHAR(10) = NULL ,@status VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@reportType VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@groupBy VARCHAR(10) = NULL ,@pCountry VARCHAR(200) = NULL ,@scharge VARCHAR(20) = NULL ,@pageNumber INT = NULL ,@pageSize INT = NULL ,@isExportFull VARCHAR(1) = NULL ,@sCountry VARCHAR(200) = NULL AS SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @table VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @FilterList TABLE(head VARCHAR(50), value VARCHAR(5000)) DECLARE @globalFilter VARCHAR(MAX) = '' SET @pageNumber = ISNULL(@pageNumber, 1) SET @pageSize = ISNULL(@pageSize, 100) DECLARE @displayTranNo CHAR(1) = 'Y',@reportHead VARCHAR(100) IF @reportType = 'D' BEGIN --SET @pageSize = 10000 SET @reportHead = ' Detail' INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Third Party Agent', (select agentName from agentMaster with(nolock) where agentId = @tAgent) INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Branch', case when @sBranch is null then 'All' else (select agentName from agentMaster with(nolock) where agentId = @sBranch)end INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Date Type', case when @dateType = 'txnDate' then 'TXN Date' when @dateType = 'confirmDate' then 'Confirmed Date' when @dateType = 'paidDate' then 'Paid Date' when @dateType = 'cancelDate' then 'Cancel Date' end IF @dateType = 'txnDate' -->> sending BEGIN INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'From Date', @dateFrom INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'To Date', @dateTo SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.createdDate between ''' + @dateFrom + ''' and ''' + @dateTo + ' 23:59:59''' SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.pAgent = ''' + @tAgent + '''' if @sBranch is not null begin INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Branch', @sBranch SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.sBranch = ''' + @sBranch + '''' end END IF @dateType = 'confirmDate' -->> sending BEGIN INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'From Date', @dateFrom INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'To Date', @dateTo SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.approvedDate between ''' + @dateFrom + ''' and ''' + @dateTo + ' 23:59:59''' SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.pAgent = ''' + @tAgent + '''' if @sBranch is not null begin INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Branch', @sBranch SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.sBranch = ''' + @sBranch + '''' end END IF @dateType = 'paidDate' --> receiving BEGIN INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'From Date', @dateFrom INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'To Date', @dateTo SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.paidDate between ''' + @dateFrom + ''' and ''' + @dateTo + ' 23:59:59''' SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.sAgent = ''' + @tAgent + '''' if @sBranch is not null begin INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Branch', @sBranch SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.pBranch = ''' + @sBranch + '''' end END IF @dateType = 'cancelDate' --> cancel date BEGIN INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'From Date', @dateFrom INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'To Date', @dateTo SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.cancelApprovedDate between ''' + @dateFrom + ''' and ''' + @dateTo + ' 23:59:59''' SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.pAgent = ''' + @tAgent + '''' if @sBranch is not null begin INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Branch', @sBranch SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.pBranch = ''' + @sBranch + '''' end END if @status is not null and @status ='Post' SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter +' AND rt.payStatus = '''+@status+'''' if @status is not null and @status <> 'Post' begin if @status ='Unpaid' set @status = 'Payment' SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter +' AND rt.tranStatus = '''+@status+''' and rt.payStatus <> ''Post''' END IF @sCountry IS NOT NULL SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter +' AND rt.sCountry = '''+REPLACE(@sCountry,'_',' ')+'''' INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Status', isnull(@status,'All') SET @table = ' SELECT [Tran No] = isnull(rt.holdTranId, ,[Sender Name] = TS.firstName + ISNULL( '' '' + TS.middleName, '''') + ISNULL( '' '' + TS.lastName1, '''') + ISNULL( '' '' + TS.lastName2, '''') ,[Sender Company] = TS.companyName ,[Receiver Name] = rec.firstName + ISNULL( '' '' + rec.middleName, '''') + ISNULL( '' '' + rec.lastName1, '''') + ISNULL( '' '' + rec.lastName2, '''') ,[DOT] = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), rt.createdDate, 120) ,[Paid Date] = ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), rt.paidDate, 120), '''') ,[Ex Rate] = CAST(isnull(rt.customerRate,''1'') AS VARCHAR) + '' '' + rt.payoutCurr ,[Payment Type] = rt.paymentMethod ,[Tot Collected_Amt] = rt.cAmt ,[Tot Collected_Curr] = rt.collCurr ,[Send_Amt] = rt.tAmt ,[Send_Curr] = rt.collCurr ,[Charge_Amt] = rt.serviceCharge ,[Charge_Curr] = rt.collCurr ,[Receive_Amt] = rt.pAmt ,[Receive_Curr] = rt.payoutCurr ,[User ID] = rt.paidBy ,[Send Country] = ISNULL(rt.sCountry,'''') ,[Receive Country] = ISNULL(rt.pCountry,'''') ,[Tran Status] = case when rt.tranStatus = ''Payment'' and rt.payStatus <> ''Post'' then ''Unpaid'' when rt.payStatus = ''Post'' and rt.payStatus = ''Post'' then ''Post'' else rt.tranStatus end ,rt.tranStatus ,rt.payStatus ,[ICN] = dbo.FNADecryptString(rt.controlNo) FROM remitTran rt WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tranSenders TS WITH (NOLOCK) ON = TS.tranId INNER JOIN tranReceivers rec WITH (NOLOCK) ON = rec.tranId WHERE paymentMethod = ''Cash Payment'' ' SET @table = @table + @globalFilter IF @isExportFull = 'Y' BEGIN SET @sql = ' SELECT [S.N] ' + CASE WHEN @displayTranNo = 'Y' THEN ',[Tran No] = '''' + CAST([Tran No] AS VARCHAR(50)) + ''''' ELSE '' END + ' ,[Sender Name] ,[Send/Receive Country] = [Send Country] + ''
'' + [Receive Country] ,[Receiver Name] ,[DOT/Paid Date] = DOT + ''
'' + [Paid Date] ,[Ex Rate] ,[Payment Type] ,[Tot Collected_Amt] ,[Tot Collected_Curr] ,[Send_Amt] ,[Send_Curr] ,[Charge_Amt] ,[Charge_Curr] ,[Receive_Amt] ,[Receive_Curr] ,[User ID] ,[Tran Status] ,[ICN] ,rowColor = CASE WHEN payStatus = ''post'' THEN ''#c8e8ea'' WHEN tranStatus = ''Payment'' THEN ''#fef3b8'' WHEN tranStatus = ''Block'' THEN ''#FF6B6B'' WHEN tranStatus = ''Hold'' OR tranStatus = ''Compliance Hold'' OR tranStatus = ''ofac Hold'' THEN ''#bef9dd'' ELSE ''#FFFFFF'' END FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [Send Country] ) AS [S.N],* FROM (' + @table + ') x ) AS tmp ' EXEC(@sql) print(@sql) END ELSE BEGIN SET @sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS TXNCOUNT ,' + CAST(@pageSize AS VARCHAR) + ' PAGESIZE ,' + CAST(@pageNumber AS VARCHAR) + ' PAGENUMBER FROM (' + @table + ') x' EXEC (@sql) SET @sql = ' SELECT [S.N] ' + CASE WHEN @displayTranNo = 'Y' THEN ',[Tran No] = '''' + CAST([Tran No] AS VARCHAR(50)) + ''''' ELSE '' END + ' ,[Sender Name] ,[Send/Receive Country] = [Send Country] + ''
'' + [Receive Country] ,[Receiver Name] ,[DOT/Paid Date] = DOT + ''
'' + [Paid Date] ,[Ex Rate] ,[Payment Type] ,[Tot Collected_Amt] ,[Tot Collected_Curr] ,[Send_Amt] ,[Send_Curr] ,[Charge_Amt] ,[Charge_Curr] ,[Receive_Amt] ,[Receive_Curr] ,[User ID] ,[Tran Status] ,[ICN] ,rowColor = CASE WHEN payStatus = ''post'' THEN ''#c8e8ea'' WHEN tranStatus = ''Payment'' THEN ''#fef3b8'' WHEN tranStatus = ''Block'' THEN ''#FF6B6B'' WHEN tranStatus = ''Hold'' OR tranStatus = ''Compliance Hold'' OR tranStatus = ''ofac Hold'' THEN ''#bef9dd'' ELSE ''#FFFFFF'' END FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [Send Country] ) AS [S.N],* FROM (' + @table + ') x ) AS tmp WHERE [S.N] BETWEEN ' + CAST(((@pageNumber - 1) * @pageSize + 1) AS VARCHAR) + ' AND ' + CAST(@pageNumber * @pageSize AS VARCHAR) PRINT(@sql) EXEC (@sql) END END IF @reportType = 'S' BEGIN SET @reportHead ='Summary' INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Third Party Agent', (select agentName from agentMaster with(nolock) where agentId = @tAgent) INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Branch', case when @sBranch is null then 'All' else (select agentName from agentMaster with(nolock) where agentId = @sBranch)end INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Date Type', case when @dateType = 'txnDate' then 'TXN Date' when @dateType = 'confirmDate' then 'Confirmed Date' else 'Paid Date' end IF @dateType = 'txnDate' -->> sending BEGIN INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'From Date', @dateFrom INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'To Date', @dateTo SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.createdDate between ''' + @dateFrom + ''' and ''' + @dateTo + ' 23:59:59''' SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.pAgent = ''' + @tAgent + '''' if @sBranch is not null begin INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Branch', @sBranch SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.sBranch = ''' + @sBranch + '''' end END IF @dateType = 'confirmDate' -->> sending BEGIN INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'From Date', @dateFrom INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'To Date', @dateTo SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.approvedDate between ''' + @dateFrom + ''' and ''' + @dateTo + ' 23:59:59''' SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.pAgent = ''' + @tAgent + '''' if @sBranch is not null begin INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Branch', @sBranch SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.sBranch = ''' + @sBranch + '''' end END IF @dateType = 'paidDate' --> receiving BEGIN INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'From Date', @dateFrom INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'To Date', @dateTo SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.paidDate between ''' + @dateFrom + ''' and ''' + @dateTo + ' 23:59:59''' SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.sAgent = ''' + @tAgent + '''' if @sBranch is not null begin INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Branch', @sBranch SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.pBranch = ''' + @sBranch + '''' end END IF @dateType = 'cancelDate' --> receiving BEGIN INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'From Date', @dateFrom INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'To Date', @dateTo SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.cancelApprovedDate between ''' + @dateFrom + ''' and ''' + @dateTo + ' 23:59:59''' SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.pAgent = ''' + @tAgent + '''' if @sBranch is not null begin INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Branch', @sBranch SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.sBranch = ''' + @sBranch + '''' end END if @status is not null and @status ='Post' SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter +' AND RT.payStatus = '''+@status+'''' if @status is not null and @status <> 'Post' SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter +' AND RT.tranStatus = '''+@status+'''' if @groupBy = 'C' -->> Sending country wise begin SET @SQL = 'SELECT [Payout Country]= RT.pCountry ,[Total
Paid TXN] = COUNT(*) ,[Total Paid
Amount] = SUM(RT.cAmt) ,[Total
Agent Commission] = SUM(isnull(RT.pAgentComm,0)) FROM remitTran RT WITH (NOLOCK) where paymentMethod = ''Cash Payment'' ' SET @SQL = @SQL + @globalFilter + ' GROUP BY RT.pCountry' end if @groupBy = 'B' -->> Branch wise begin SET @SQL = 'SELECT [Branch Name] = RT.pBranchName ,[Total
Paid TXN] = COUNT(*) ,[Total Paid
Amount] = SUM(RT.pAmt) ,[Total
Agent Commission] = SUM(isnull(RT.pAgentComm,0)) FROM remitTran RT WITH (NOLOCK) where paymentMethod = ''Cash Payment'' ' SET @SQL = @SQL + @globalFilter + ' GROUP BY RT.pBranchName' end if @groupBy='SCW'----->>sending country wise begin SET @SQL = 'SELECT [Sending Country] = '''' + RT.sCountry + '''' ,[Total
TXN] = COUNT(''x'') ,[Total
Amount] = SUM(RT.cAmt) ,[Total
Agent Commission] = SUM(isnull(RT.sSuperAgentComm,0)) FROM remitTran RT WITH (NOLOCK) where paymentMethod = ''Cash Payment'' ' SET @SQL = @SQL + @globalFilter + ' GROUP BY RT.sCountry' end if @groupBy='SAW'----->>sending agent wise begin SET @SQL = 'SELECT [Branch Name] = RT.sBranchName ,[Total
TXN] = COUNT(*) ,[Total
Amount] = SUM(RT.cAmt) ,[Total
Agent Commission] = SUM(isnull(RT.sSuperAgentComm,0)) FROM remitTran RT WITH (NOLOCK) where paymentMethod = ''Cash Payment'' ' SET @SQL = @SQL + @globalFilter + ' GROUP BY RT.sBranchName' end INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Status', isnull(@status,'All') INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Group By', case when @groupBy = 'C' then 'Payout Country Wise' when @groupBy='SCW' then 'Sending Country Wise' when @groupBy='SAW' then 'Sending Agent Wise' else 'Payout Branch Wise' end PRINT @SQL EXEC(@SQL) END EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT * FROM @FilterList SELECT 'Thirdparty Transaction Report (Cash Payment Only): '+@reportHead title GO