USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_agentProfileUpdate] Script Date: 9/27/2019 1:30:14 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE procEDURE [dbo].[proc_agentProfileUpdate] @flag varchar(50) = NULL ,@user varchar(50) = NULL ,@agentId VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@authorizePerson VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@contactPerson VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@agentPhone1 VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@agentPhone2 VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@agentMobile1 VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@agentMobile2 VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@agentFax1 VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@agentFax2 VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@address1 VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@address2 VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@agentEmail1 VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@agentEmail2 VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@latitude VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@longitude VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@sortBy VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@sortOrder VARCHAR(5) = NULL ,@pageSize INT = NULL ,@pageNumber INT = NULL ,@agentName VARCHAR(200) = NULL ,@id INT = NULL ,@rptType CHAR(2) = NULL ,@fromDate VARCHAR(20) = NULL ,@toDate VARCHAR(20) = NULL AS SET NOCOUNT ON SET XACT_ABORT ON BEGIN TRY CREATE TABLE #msg(errorCode INT, msg VARCHAR(100), membershipId INT) DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(MAX) ,@oldValue VARCHAR(MAX) ,@newValue VARCHAR(MAX) ,@module VARCHAR(10) ,@tableAlias VARCHAR(100) ,@logIdentifier VARCHAR(50) ,@logParamMod VARCHAR(100) ,@logParamMain VARCHAR(100) ,@table VARCHAR(MAX) ,@select_field_list VARCHAR(MAX) ,@extra_field_list VARCHAR(MAX) ,@sql_filter VARCHAR(MAX) ,@modType VARCHAR(6) ,@errorMsg VARCHAR(MAX) IF @flag = 'i' BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT 'x' FROM agentProfileUpdate WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentid = @agentId AND approvedDate IS NOT NULL) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Your profile has been already approved.', NULL RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 'x' FROM agentProfileUpdate WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentid = @agentId) BEGIN INSERT INTO agentProfileUpdate( agentid ,authorizePerson ,contactPerson ,Phone1 ,Phone2 ,Mobile1 ,Mobile2 ,Fax1 ,Fax2 ,address1 ,address2 ,Email1 ,Email2 ,latitude ,longitude ,createdBy ,createdDate ) SELECT @agentId ,@authorizePerson ,@contactPerson ,@agentPhone1 ,@agentPhone2 ,@agentMobile1 ,@agentMobile2 ,@agentFax1 ,@agentFax2 ,@address1 ,@address2 ,@agentEmail1 ,@agentEmail2 ,@latitude ,@longitude ,@user ,GETDATE() EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Thank you very much, Your profile has been updated successfully.', NULL RETURN END ELSE BEGIN UPDATE agentProfileUpdate SET authorizePerson = @authorizePerson ,contactPerson = @contactPerson ,phone1 = @agentPhone1 ,phone2 = @agentPhone2 ,mobile1 = @agentMobile1 ,mobile2 = @agentMobile2 ,fax1 = @agentFax1 ,fax2 = @agentFax2 ,email1 = @agentEmail1 ,email2 = @agentEmail2 ,address1 = @address1 ,address2 = @address2 ,latitude = @latitude ,longitude = @longitude ,modifiedBy = @user ,modifiedDate = GETDATE() WHERE agentid = @agentId EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Profile has been updated successfully.', NULL RETURN END END IF @flag ='a' BEGIN select * from agentProfileUpdate where agentid = @agentId END IF @flag ='s' BEGIN IF @sortBy IS NULL SET @sortBy = 'id' IF @sortOrder IS NULL SET @sortOrder = 'ASC' SET @table = '( SELECT id, p.agentId, am.agentName, p.authorizePerson, p.phone1, p.mobile1, p.email1, p.address1, p.createdBy, p.createdDate FROM agentProfileUpdate p WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN agentMaster am with(nolock) on p.agentid = am.agentId WHERE p.approvedDate IS NULL ) x' SET @sql_filter = '' IF @agentName is not null SET @sql_filter = @sql_filter + ' AND agentName LIKE ''%' + @agentName + '%''' SET @select_field_list =' id, agentId, agentName, authorizePerson, phone1, mobile1, email1, address1, createdBy, createdDate ' EXEC dbo.proc_paging @table ,@sql_filter ,@select_field_list ,@extra_field_list ,@sortBy ,@sortOrder ,@pageSize ,@pageNumber END IF @flag ='approve' BEGIN if not exists(select 'x' from agentProfileUpdate with(nolock) where id = @id and approvedDate is null) BEGIN EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, 'Record not found.', NULL RETURN END --alter table agentMaster add latitude VARCHAR(100),longitude VARCHAR(100),agentAddress2 VARCHAR(MAX) update main set contactPerson1 = mode.authorizePerson, contactPerson2 = mode.contactperson, agentPhone1 = mode.phone1, agentPhone2 = mode.phone2, agentMobile1 = mode.mobile1, agentMobile2 = mode.mobile2, agentFax1 = mode.fax1, agentFax2 = mode.fax2, agentEmail1 = mode.email1, agentEmail2 = mode.email2, agentAddress = mode.address1, agentAddress2 = mode.address2, latitude = mode.latitude, longitude = mode.longitude, modifiedby = mode.createdby, modifiedDate = mode.createdDate, approvedBy = @user, approvedDate = GETDATE() FROM agentMaster main INNER JOIN agentProfileUpdate mode ON main.agentId = mode.agentId WHERE = @id UPDATE agentProfileUpdate SET approvedBy = @user, approvedDate = GETDATE() WHERE id = @id EXEC proc_errorHandler 0, 'Record has been approved successfully.', @id END IF @flag = 'check-update' BEGIN DECLARE @hasRight CHAR(1) SET @hasRight = DBO.FNAHasRight(@user,'40133800') IF @hasRight ='Y' BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT 'x' FROM agentProfileUpdate WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @agentId) BEGIN SELECT @agentId agentId RETURN; END ELSE BEGIN DECLARE @date DATETIME SELECT @date = approvedDate FROM agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @agentId IF @date > '2015-07-01' BEGIN SELECT @agentId agentId RETURN; END SELECT 'NULL' agentId RETURN; END END ELSE BEGIN SELECT '1001' agentId RETURN; END END IF @flag = 'rpt' BEGIN if @rptType <> 'nu' BEGIN SET @sql='SELECT [Agent Id] = p.agentId, [Agent Name] = am.agentName, [Authorized Person] = p.authorizePerson, [Phone1] = p.phone1, [Mobile1] = p.mobile1, [Email1] = p.email1, [Address] = p.address1, [Created By] = p.createdBy, [Created Date] = p.createdDate, [Approved By] = p.approvedBy, [Approved Date] = p.approvedDate FROM agentProfileUpdate p WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN agentMaster am with(nolock) on p.agentid = am.agentId WHERE P.createdDate BETWEEN '''+@fromDate+''' AND '''+@toDate+' 23:59:59''' IF @agentId IS NOT NULL SET @sql = @sql+ ' AND p.agentId = '''+@agentId+'''' IF @rptType = 'up' SET @sql = @sql+ ' AND p.approvedDate is null' IF @rptType = 'ua' SET @sql = @sql+ ' AND p.approvedDate is not null' EXEC(@SQL) END ELSE BEGIN SELECT agentId INTO #TEMP FROM agentMaster a WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentCountry = 'Nepal' AND ((actAsBranch = 'Y' and agentType = 2903) OR agentType = 2904) AND ISNULL(a.isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' AND ISNULL(a.isActive, 'N') = 'Y' DELETE FROM #TEMP FROM #TEMP T INNER JOIN agentProfileUpdate L WITH(NOLOCK) ON T.agentId = L.agentId SELECT [Agent Id] = am.agentId ,[Agent Name] = am.agentName ,[Zone] = agentState ,[District] = agentDistrict ,[Address] = agentAddress ,[Phone] = ISNULL(agentPhone1,agentMobile1) FROM #TEMP A INNER JOIN agentMaster am with(nolock) on A.agentId = am.agentId order by am.agentName END EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'Date Range' head, 'From '+CONVERT(VARCHAR,@fromDate,101)+' to '+CONVERT(VARCHAR,@toDate,101) value UNION ALL SELECT 'Agent',case when @agentId is null then 'All' else (select agentName from agentMaster with(nolock) where agentId =@agentId) end UNION ALL SELECT 'Report Type',case when @rptType='nu' then 'Not Updated' when @rptType='up' then 'Updated but pending' when @rptType='ua' then 'Updated but approved' end SELECT 'Agent Profile Update Report' title END END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION DECLARE @errorMessage VARCHAR(MAX) SET @errorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE() EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, @errorMessage, @agentId END CATCH GO