USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_amlCustomerRpt_daily] Script Date: 7/4/2019 11:35:48 AM ******/ DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_amlCustomerRpt_daily] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_amlCustomerRpt_daily] Script Date: 7/4/2019 11:35:48 AM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[proc_amlCustomerRpt_daily] @flag VARCHAR(10) ,@user VARCHAR(30) ------------------------------------------- ,@sCountry VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@rCountry VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@sAgent VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@rAgent VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@rMode VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@dateType VARCHAR(10) = NULL ,@frmDate VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@toDate VARCHAR(50) = NULL ------------------------------------------- ,@fromAmt VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@toAmt VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@includeSenderDetails VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@orderBY VARCHAR(50) = NULL ------------------------------------------- ,@pageNumber INT = 1 ,@pageSize INT = 50 ,@isExportFull VARCHAR(1) = NULL AS SET NOCOUNT ON BEGIN TRY DECLARE @table VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @globalFilter VARCHAR(MAX) = '' DECLARE @URL VARCHAR(MAX) = '' DECLARE @reportHead VARCHAR(100) = '' SET @rMode = REPLACE(@rMode,'__',' ') DECLARE @FilterList TABLE(head VARCHAR(50), value VARCHAR(5000)) SET @pageNumber = ISNULL(@pageNumber, 1) SET @pageSize = ISNULL(@pageSize, 100) SET @globalFilter = ' AND rt.tranStatus <> ''Cancel''' IF @sCountry is not null BEGIN INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Sender Country', @sCountry SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.sCountry = ''' + @sCountry + '''' END IF @rCountry is not null BEGIN INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Receiver Country', @rCountry SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.pCountry = ''' + @rCountry + '''' END IF @sAgent IS NOT NULL BEGIN INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Sender Agent', am.agentName FROM agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @sAgent SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.sAgent = ''' + @sAgent + '''' END IF @rAgent IS NOT NULL BEGIN INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Receiver Agent', am.agentName FROM agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @rAgent SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.pAgent = ''' + @rAgent + '''' END IF @rMode IS NOT NULL BEGIN INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Receiving Mode', @rMode SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.paymentMethod = ''' + @rMode + '''' END INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Date Type', case when @dateType = 'txnDate' then 'TXN Date' when @dateType = 'confirmDate' then 'Confirm Date' when @dateType = 'paidDate' then 'Paid Date' end IF @dateType = 'txnDate' BEGIN INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'From Date', @frmDate SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.createdDate >= ''' + @frmDate + '''' INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'To Date', @toDate SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.createdDate <= ''' + @toDate + ' 23:59:59''' END IF @dateType = 'confirmDate' BEGIN INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'From Date', @frmDate SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.approvedDate >= ''' + @frmDate + '''' INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'To Date', @toDate SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.approvedDate <= ''' + @toDate + ' 23:59:59''' END IF @dateType = 'paidDate' BEGIN INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'From Date', @frmDate SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.paidDate >= ''' + @frmDate + '''' INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'To Date', @toDate SET @globalFilter = @globalFilter + ' AND rt.paidDate <= ''' + @toDate + ' 23:59:59''' END IF @flag = 'cr' BEGIN SET @reportHead ='Customer Report' SET @URL='"Reports.aspx?dateType='+@dateType+'&frmDate='+@frmDate+'&toDate='+@toDate+'&sCountry='+ISNULL(replace(@sCountry,' ','__'),'')+'&sAgent='+ISNULL(@sAgent,'') +'&rMode='+ISNULL(REPLACE(@rMode,' ','__'),'')+'&rCountry=''+REPLACE(ISNULL(rt.pCountry,''''),'' '',''__'')+''&rAgent='+ISNULL(@rAgent,'') +'&reportName=amlddlreport&isAdmin=Y&flag=cd_ddl&fAmt='+ISNULL(@fromAmt,'')+'&tAmt='+ISNULL(@toAmt,'') DECLARE @name VARCHAR(500) ,@customerDetails VARCHAR(500) = '' ,@customerDetailsGrp VARCHAR(500) = '' ,@customerDetailsFS VARCHAR(500) = '' ,@orderByColumn VARCHAR(500) ,@amtColumn VARCHAR(100) = '' ,@amtColumnMain VARCHAR(100) = '' SET @name = 'rt.senderName' SET @amtColumn = '[Collection_Amount]' SET @amtColumnMain = 'rt.cAmt' IF @includeSenderDetails = 'Y' BEGIN SET @URL=@URL+'&recName=''+isnull(replace(rt.senderName,'' '',''__''),'''')+''&idType=''+isnull(replace(ts.idType,'' '',''__''),'''')+''&idNumber=''+isnull(replace(ts.idNumber,'' '',''__''),'''')+''"' SET @customerDetails = ' --,[Sender''s_Member ID] = ts.membershipId ,[Sender''s_Name] = ' + @name + ' ,[Sender''s_Nationality] = ,[Sender''s_Id type] = ts.idType ,[Sender''s_ID Number] = ts.idNumber ,[Sender''s_Contact Number]= ' SET @orderByColumn = '[Sender''s_Name]' SET @customerDetailsGrp = ' --,ts.membershipId ,' + @name + ' , ,ts.idType ,ts.idNumber , ' SET @customerDetailsFS = ' --,[Sender''s_Member ID] ,[Sender''s_Name] ,[Sender''s_Nationality] ,[Sender''s_Id type] ,[Sender''s_ID Number] ,[Sender''s_Contact Number] ' END ELSE BEGIN SET @URL=@URL+'&recName=''+isnull(replace(rt.senderName,'' '',''__''),'''')+''&idType=''+isnull(replace(ts.idType,'' '',''__''),'''')+''&idNumber=''+isnull(replace(ts.idNumber,'' '',''__''),'''')+''"' SET @customerDetailsGrp = ' --,ts.membershipId ,rt.senderName ,ts.idType ,ts.idNumber ' END IF ISNULL(@orderBY, '') <> 'cName' or ISNULL(@orderBY, '') <> 'Customer Name' BEGIN SET @orderByColumn = @amtColumn END SET @table = ' SELECT [Number of TXN] = COUNT(1) ,[Date] = '''' + convert(varchar, rt.approvedDate, 111) + '''' ,[Collection_USD AMT] = SUM(ISNULL(rt.cAmt / (NULLIF(rt.sCurrCostRate, 0)+ISNULL(RT.scurrhomargin,0)), 0)) ,[Collection_Currency] = rt.collCurr ,[Collection_Amount] = SUM(rt.cAmt) --,[Payout_USD AMT] = SUM(ISNULL(rt.tAmt / NULLIF(rt.sCurrCostRate, 0), 0)) --,[Payout_Currency] = rt.payoutCurr --,[Payout_Amount] = SUM(rt.pAmt) ,[Payout_Country] = rt.pCountry ' + @customerDetails + ' FROM vwRemitTran rt WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN agentMaster ams WITH(NOLOCK) ON rt.sBranch = ams.agentId LEFT JOIN vwTranSenders ts WITH(NOLOCK) ON = ts.tranId LEFT JOIN customerMaster tsc WITH (NOLOCK) ON ts.customerId = tsc.customerId LEFT JOIN vwTranReceivers tr WITH(NOLOCK) ON = tr.tranId LEFT JOIN customerMaster trc WITH (NOLOCK) ON tr.customerId = trc.customerId WHERE 1 = 1 and rt.tranStatus <>''cancel'' ' IF @fromAmt IS NOT NULL BEGIN INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'From Amt', @fromAmt SET @table = @table + ' AND ' + @amtColumnMain + ' >= ' + @fromAmt END IF @toAmt IS NOT NULL BEGIN INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'To Amt', @toAmt SET @table = @table + ' AND ' + @amtColumnMain + ' <= ' + @toAmt END IF @includeSenderDetails = 'Y' BEGIN INSERT @FilterList SELECT 'Include Sender Details', 'Y' END SET @table = @table + @globalFilter + ' GROUP BY rt.collCurr --,rt.payoutCurr ,rt.pCountry ,convert(varchar, rt.approvedDate, 111) ' + @customerDetailsGrp IF @isExportFull = 'Y' BEGIN SET @sql = ' SELECT [Sno.] = [S.N] '+@customerDetailsFS+' ,[Date] ,[Number of TXN] ,[Collection_USD AMT] ,[Collection_Currency] ,[Collection_Amount] --,[Payout_USD AMT] --,[Payout_Currency] --,[Payout_Amount] ,[Payout_Country] ' + ' FROM ( SELECT [S.N] = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ' + @orderByColumn + ' DESC) ,* FROM (' + @table + ') x ) AS tmp ' PRINT @sql EXEC (@sql) END ELSE BEGIN SET @sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS TXNCOUNT ,' + CAST(@pageSize AS VARCHAR) + ' PAGESIZE ,' + CAST(@pageNumber AS VARCHAR) + ' PAGENUMBER FROM (' + @table + ') x' PRINT @sql EXEC (@sql) SET @sql = ' SELECT [Sno.] = [S.N] '+@customerDetailsFS+' ,[Date] ,[Number of TXN] ,[Collection_USD AMT] ,[Collection_Currency] ,[Collection_Amount] --,[Payout_USD AMT] --,[Payout_Currency] --,[Payout_Amount] ,[Payout_Country] ' + ' FROM ( SELECT [S.N] = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ' + @orderByColumn + ' DESC) ,* FROM (' + @table + ') x ) AS tmp WHERE tmp.[S.N] BETWEEN ' + CAST(((@pageNumber - 1) * @pageSize + 1) AS VARCHAR) + ' AND ' + CAST(@pageNumber * @pageSize AS VARCHAR) PRINT @sql EXEC (@sql) END END EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT * FROM @FilterList SELECT 'AML Reports : '+@reportHead title END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION DECLARE @errorMessage VARCHAR(MAX) SET @errorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE() EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, @errorMessage ,NULL END CATCH GO