USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_thrasholdTransReport] Script Date: 9/27/2019 1:30:14 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[proc_thrasholdTransReport] @flag CHAR(1), @user VARCHAR(50), @fromDate VARCHAR(50), @toDate VARCHAR(50), @rptNature VARCHAR(1), @txnAmt VARCHAR(50) = NULL AS SET NOCOUNT ON SET @toDate = @toDate +' 23:59:59' DECLARE @sql varchar(MAX) IF @rptNature ='t' BEGIN IF @flag = 'o' BEGIN SELECT [Name & Address of Customer] = isnull(s.firstName,'') + isnull(s.middleName,'') + isnull(s.lastName1,'') + '('+ isnull(s.address ,'')+')' ,[Branch/Agent] = r.sBranchName ,[Date of Transaction] = r.createdDate ,[Nature Of Transaction]=CASE WHEN r.paymentMethod = 'Bank Deposit' THEN 'Cash Deposit' ELSE r.paymentMethod END ,[IME Control Number]=dbo.FNADecryptString(r.controlNo) ,[Amount Involved] = r.pAmt ,[Source of Fund] = r.sourceOfFund from remitTran r with (nolock) inner join tranSenders s with (nolock) on where r.createdDate between @fromDate AND @toDate AND r.tranType ='D' AND r.pAmt>= 1000000 AND r.tranStatus <>'Cancel' END IF @flag = 's' BEGIN declare @tblTemp table (txnDate varchar(20),senderName varchar(200)) insert into @tblTemp(txnDate,senderName) select convert(varchar,rt.approvedDate,101),rt.senderName from remitTran rt with(nolock) inner join tranSenders sen with(nolock) on = sen.tranId inner join tranReceivers rec with(nolock) on = rec.tranId where rt.approvedDate between @fromDate and @toDate and rt.tranType ='D' and rt.receiverName <> 'CM Trading Enterprises Pvt. Ltd' group by rt.senderName,convert(varchar,rt.approvedDate,101) having sum(pAmt) >= @txnAmt order by rt.senderName,convert(varchar,rt.approvedDate,101) select [S.N.] = ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by convert(varchar,rt.approvedDate,101),rt.senderName order by convert(varchar,rt.approvedDate,101),rt.senderName), [Txn Date] = convert(varchar,rt.approvedDate,101), [Sender Information_Name] = ''+upper(rt.senderName)+'', [Sender Information_Address] = sen.address, [Sender Information_Id Number] = sen.idType+'
'+ sen.idNumber+ '', [Receiver Information_Name] = ''+upper(isnull(rt.receiverName,''))+ '', [Receiver Information_Address] = rec.address, [Receiver Information_Id Number] = CASE WHEN rec.idNumber2 IS NULL THEN '' ELSE rec.idType2+'
'+ rec.idNumber2+ '' END, [Sender- Agent Name
& Place] = isnull(rt.sBranchName,'') + '
'+ isnull(sb.agentAddress,'')+'', [Receiver- Agent Name
& Place] = isnull(rt.pBranchName,'') + '
'+ isnull(pb.agentAddress,'')+'', [Relationship
With Sender] = rt.relWithSender, [Source Of Fund] = '', [Amount Involved
NPR] = rt.pAmt, [Remarks] = ''--rt.pMessage from remitTran rt with(nolock) inner join tranSenders sen with(nolock) on = sen.tranId inner join tranReceivers rec with(nolock) on = rec.tranId inner join @tblTemp t on t.senderName = rt.senderName and t.txnDate = convert(varchar,rt.approvedDate,101) inner join agentMaster sb with(nolock) on rt.sBranch = sb.agentId left join agentMaster pb with(nolock) on rt.pBranch = pb.agentId where rt.approvedDate between @fromDate and @toDate and rt.tranType ='D' and rt.receiverName <> 'CM Trading Enterprises Pvt. Ltd' AND rt.tranStatus <>'Cancel' order by convert(varchar,rt.approvedDate,101),rt.senderName END IF @flag = 'r' BEGIN declare @tblTemp1 table (txnDate varchar(20),receiverName varchar(200)) insert into @tblTemp1(txnDate,receiverName) select convert(varchar,rt.paidDate,101),rt.receiverName from remitTran rt with(nolock) inner join tranSenders sen with(nolock) on = sen.tranId inner join tranReceivers rec with(nolock) on = rec.tranId where rt.paidDate between @fromDate and @toDate and rt.tranType ='D' and rt.receiverName <> 'CM Trading Enterprises Pvt. Ltd' group by rt.receiverName,convert(varchar,rt.paidDate,101) having sum(pAmt) >= @txnAmt order by rt.receiverName,convert(varchar,rt.paidDate,101) select [S.N.] = ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by convert(varchar,rt.paidDate,101),rt.receiverName order by convert(varchar,rt.paidDate,101),rt.receiverName), [Paid Date] = convert(varchar,rt.paidDate,101), [Sender Information_Name] = ''+upper(rt.senderName)+'', [Sender Information_Address] = sen.address, [Sender Information_Id Number] = sen.idType+'
'+ sen.idNumber+ '', [Receiver Information_Name] = ''+upper(isnull(rt.receiverName,''))+ '', [Receiver Information_Address] = rec.address, [Receiver Information_Id Number] = CASE WHEN rec.idNumber2 IS NULL THEN '' ELSE rec.idType2+'
'+ rec.idNumber2+ '' END, [Sender- Agent Name
& Place] = isnull(rt.sBranchName,'') + '
'+ isnull(sb.agentAddress,'')+'', [Receiver- Agent Name
& Place] = isnull(rt.pBranchName,'') + '
'+ isnull(pb.agentAddress,'')+'', [Relationship
With Sender] = rt.relWithSender, [Source Of Fund] = '', [Amount Involved
NPR] = rt.pAmt, [Remarks] = ''--rt.pMessage from remitTran rt with(nolock) inner join tranSenders sen with(nolock) on = sen.tranId inner join tranReceivers rec with(nolock) on = rec.tranId inner join @tblTemp1 t on t.receiverName = rt.receiverName and t.txnDate = convert(varchar,rt.paidDate,101) inner join agentMaster sb with(nolock) on rt.sBranch = sb.agentId inner join agentMaster pb with(nolock) on rt.pBranch = pb.agentId where rt.paidDate between @fromDate and @toDate and rt.tranType ='D' and rt.receiverName <> 'CM Trading Enterprises Pvt. Ltd' AND rt.tranStatus <>'Cancel' order by convert(varchar,rt.paidDate,101),rt.receiverName END EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'Date Range' head, 'From '+CONVERT(VARCHAR,@fromDate,101)+' to '+CONVERT(VARCHAR,@toDate,101) value UNION ALL SELECT 'Txn Amount' head, 'Above '+dbo.ShowDecimal(@txnAmt) value UNION ALL SELECT 'Report Nature' head, case when @rptNature ='s' then 'Suspicious Transaciton' when @rptNature ='t' then 'Threshold Transaciton' end value UNION ALL SELECT 'Report Type' head, case when @flag ='s' then 'Sender Wise' when @flag ='r' then 'Receiver Wise' end SELECT 'Schedule - 2
Threshold Transaction Report (TTR) form
for Money Remitter/Money Transferor
Name of Reporting Institution: GLOBAL IME BANK Limited' title RETURN; END IF @rptNature ='s' BEGIN IF @flag = 's' BEGIN declare @s_tblTemp table(senderName varchar(200)) insert into @s_tblTemp(senderName) select rt.senderName from remitTran rt with(nolock) inner join tranSenders sen with(nolock) on = sen.tranId inner join tranReceivers rec with(nolock) on = rec.tranId where rt.approvedDate between @fromDate and @toDate and rt.tranType ='D' and rt.receiverName <> 'CM Trading Enterprises Pvt. Ltd' group by rt.senderName having sum(pAmt) >= @txnAmt order by rt.senderName select [S.N.] = ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by rt.senderName,convert(varchar,rt.approvedDate,101) order by rt.senderName,convert(varchar,rt.approvedDate,101)), [Txn Date] = convert(varchar,rt.approvedDate,101), [Sender Information_Name] = ''+upper(rt.senderName)+'', [Sender Information_Address] = sen.address, [Sender Information_Id Number] = sen.idType+'
'+ sen.idNumber+ '', [Receiver Information_Name] = ''+upper(isnull(rt.receiverName,''))+ '', [Receiver Information_Address] = rec.address, [Receiver Information_Id Number] = CASE WHEN rec.idNumber2 IS NULL THEN '' ELSE rec.idType2+'
'+ rec.idNumber2+ '' END, [Sender- Agent Name
& Place] = isnull(rt.sBranchName,'') + '
'+ isnull(sb.agentAddress,'')+'', [Receiver- Agent Name
& Place] = isnull(rt.pBranchName,'') + '
'+ isnull(pb.agentAddress,'')+'', [Relationship
With Sender] = rt.relWithSender, [Source Of Fund] = '', [Amount Involved
NPR] = rt.pAmt, [Remarks] = ''--rt.pMessage from remitTran rt with(nolock) inner join tranSenders sen with(nolock) on = sen.tranId inner join tranReceivers rec with(nolock) on = rec.tranId inner join @s_tblTemp t on t.senderName = rt.senderName inner join agentMaster sb with(nolock) on rt.sBranch = sb.agentId left join agentMaster pb with(nolock) on rt.pBranch = pb.agentId where rt.approvedDate between @fromDate and @toDate and rt.tranType ='D' and rt.receiverName <> 'CM Trading Enterprises Pvt. Ltd' AND rt.tranStatus <>'Cancel' order by rt.senderName,convert(varchar,rt.approvedDate,101) EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'Date Range' head, 'From '+CONVERT(VARCHAR,@fromDate,101)+' to '+CONVERT(VARCHAR,@toDate,101) value UNION ALL SELECT 'Txn Amount' head, 'Above '+dbo.ShowDecimal(@txnAmt) value UNION ALL SELECT 'Report Type' head, case when @flag ='s' then 'Sender Wise' when @flag ='r' then 'Receiver Wise' end SELECT 'Schedule - 2
Threshold Transaction Report (TTR) form
for Money Remitter/Money Transferor
Name of Reporting Institution: GLOBAL IME BANK Limited' title RETURN; END IF @flag = 'r' BEGIN declare @r_tblTemp table(receiverName varchar(200)) insert into @r_tblTemp(receiverName) select rt.receiverName from remitTran rt with(nolock) inner join tranSenders sen with(nolock) on = sen.tranId inner join tranReceivers rec with(nolock) on = rec.tranId where rt.paidDate between @fromDate and @toDate and rt.tranType ='D' and rt.receiverName <> 'CM Trading Enterprises Pvt. Ltd' group by rt.receiverName having sum(pAmt) >= @txnAmt order by rt.receiverName select [S.N.] = ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by rt.receiverName,convert(varchar,rt.paidDate,101) order by rt.receiverName,convert(varchar,rt.paidDate,101)), [Paid Date] = convert(varchar,rt.paidDate,101), [Sender Information_Name] = ''+upper(rt.senderName)+'', [Sender Information_Address] = sen.address, [Sender Information_Id Number] = sen.idType+'
'+ sen.idNumber+ '', [Receiver Information_Name] = ''+upper(isnull(rt.receiverName,''))+ '', [Receiver Information_Address] = rec.address, [Receiver Information_Id Number] = CASE WHEN rec.idNumber2 IS NULL THEN '' ELSE rec.idType2+'
'+ rec.idNumber2+ '' END, [Sender- Agent Name
& Place] = isnull(rt.sBranchName,'') + '
'+ isnull(sb.agentAddress,'')+'', [Receiver- Agent Name
& Place] = isnull(rt.pBranchName,'') + '
'+ isnull(pb.agentAddress,'')+'', [Relationship
With Sender] = rt.relWithSender, [Source Of Fund] = '', [Amount Involved
NPR] = rt.pAmt, [Remarks] = ''--rt.pMessage from remitTran rt with(nolock) inner join tranSenders sen with(nolock) on = sen.tranId inner join tranReceivers rec with(nolock) on = rec.tranId inner join @r_tblTemp t on t.receiverName = rt.receiverName inner join agentMaster sb with(nolock) on rt.sBranch = sb.agentId inner join agentMaster pb with(nolock) on rt.pBranch = pb.agentId where rt.paidDate between @fromDate and @toDate and rt.tranType ='D' and rt.receiverName <> 'CM Trading Enterprises Pvt. Ltd' AND rt.tranStatus <>'Cancel' order by rt.receiverName,convert(varchar,rt.paidDate,101) END EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'Date Range' head, 'From '+CONVERT(VARCHAR,@fromDate,101)+' to '+CONVERT(VARCHAR,@toDate,101) value UNION ALL SELECT 'Txn Amount' head, 'Above '+dbo.ShowDecimal(@txnAmt) value UNION ALL SELECT 'Report Nature' head, case when @rptNature ='s' then 'Suspicious Transaciton' when @rptNature ='t' then 'Threshold Transaciton' end value UNION ALL SELECT 'Report Type' head, case when @flag ='s' then 'Sender Wise' when @flag ='r' then 'Receiver Wise' end SELECT 'Suspicious Transaction Report' title RETURN; END GO