USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[ws_int_proc_SendTransaction_JP] Script Date: 9/27/2019 1:30:14 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[ws_int_proc_SendTransaction_JP] ( @AGENT_CODE VARCHAR(50), @USER_ID VARCHAR(50), @PASSWORD VARCHAR(50), @AGENT_SESSION_ID VARCHAR(50), @AGENT_TXNID VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @LOCATION_ID VARCHAR(50), @SENDER_NAME VARCHAR(50), @SENDER_GENDER VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @SENDER_ADDRESS VARCHAR(50), @SENDER_MOBILE VARCHAR(50), @SENDER_CITY VARCHAR(100), @SENDER_COUNTRY VARCHAR(50), @SENDER_ID_TYPE VARCHAR(50), @SENDER_ID_NUMBER VARCHAR(50), @SENDER_ID_ISSUE_DATE VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @SENDER_ID_EXPIRE_DATE VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @SENDER_DATE_OF_BIRTH VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @RECEIVER_NAME VARCHAR(50), @RECEIVER_ADDRESS VARCHAR(50), @RECEIVER_CONTACT_NUMBER VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @RECEIVER_CITY VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @RECEIVER_COUNTRY VARCHAR(50), @TRANSFERAMOUNT MONEY, @PAYMENTMODE VARCHAR(50) , @BANKID VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @CALC_BY VARCHAR(50) , @OUR_SERVICE_CHARGE MONEY = NULL, @EXT_BANK_BRANCH_ID VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @RECEIVER_IDENTITY_TYPE VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @RECEIVER_IDENTITY_NUMBER VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @BANK_NAME VARCHAR(150) = NULL, @BANK_BRANCH_NAME VARCHAR(150) = NULL, @PAYOUT_AGENT_ID VARCHAR(50) = NULL ) AS /* IF EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[ws_proc_SendTransaction]') AND TYPE IN (N'P', N'PC')) DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].ws_proc_SendTransaction GO EXEC ws_proc_SendTransaction @AGENT_CODE='IMEADE01',@USER_ID='apioo1',@PASSWORD='pralhad123',@AGENT_SESSION_ID='1231',@AGENT_TXNID='12',@LOCATION_ID=10200700 ,@SENDER_NAME='Pralhad Sedhai',@SENDER_ADDRESS='Menara jaya,KL',@SENDER_MOBILE='060123345671',@SENDER_CITY='kuala lampur',@SENDER_COUNTRY='Malaysia' ,@SENDER_ID_TYPE='Passport',@SENDER_ID_NUMBER='05708477',@SENDER_ID_ISSUE_DATE='2012-12-12',@SENDER_ID_EXPIRE_DATE='2014-12-11',@SENDER_DATE_OF_BIRTH='1989-05-03' ,@RECEIVER_NAME='Riwaj Rimal',@RECEIVER_ADDRESS='Kathmandu',@RECEIVER_CONTACT_NUMBER='9841234567',@RECEIVER_CITY='kathmandu',@RECEIVER_COUNTRY='Philipines' ,@TRANSFERAMOUNT='12000',@PAYMENTMODE='C',@CALC_BY='P' */ SET NOCOUNT ON; SET XACT_ABORT ON; --select top 10 * from apiRequestLog BEGIN TRY DECLARE @apiRequestId INT INSERT INTO apiRequestLog( USER_ID, PASSWORD, AGENT_SESSION_ID, AGENT_CODE, LOCATION_ID, SENDER_NAME, --SENDER_GENDER, SENDER_ADDRESS, SENDER_MOBILE, SENDER_CITY, SENDER_COUNTRY, SENDER_ID_TYPE, SENDER_ID_NUMBER, SENDER_ID_ISSUE_DATE, SENDER_ID_EXPIRE_DATE, SENDER_DATE_OF_BIRTH, RECEIVER_NAME, RECEIVER_ADDRESS, RECEIVER_CONTACT_NUMBER, RECEIVER_CITY, RECEIVER_COUNTRY, TRANSFER_AMOUNT, PAYMENT_MODE, BANK_ID, BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER, CALC_BY, AUTHORIZED_REQUIRED, OUR_SERVICE_CHARGE, EXT_BANK_BRANCH_ID, RECEIVER_IDENTITY_TYPE, RECEIVER_IDENTITY_NUMBER, BANK_NAME, BANK_BRANCH_NAME, PAYOUT_AGENT_ID, REQUESTED_DATE ) SELECT @USER_ID, @PASSWORD, @AGENT_SESSION_ID, @AGENT_TXNID, @LOCATION_ID, @SENDER_NAME, ----@SENDER_GENDER, @SENDER_ADDRESS, @SENDER_MOBILE, @SENDER_CITY, @SENDER_COUNTRY, @SENDER_ID_TYPE, @SENDER_ID_NUMBER, @SENDER_ID_ISSUE_DATE, @SENDER_ID_EXPIRE_DATE, @SENDER_DATE_OF_BIRTH, @RECEIVER_NAME, @RECEIVER_ADDRESS, @RECEIVER_CONTACT_NUMBER, @RECEIVER_CITY, @RECEIVER_COUNTRY, @TRANSFERAMOUNT, @PAYMENTMODE, @BANKID, @BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER, @CALC_BY, NULL,--@AUTHORIZED_REQUIRED, @OUR_SERVICE_CHARGE, @EXT_BANK_BRANCH_ID, @RECEIVER_IDENTITY_TYPE, @RECEIVER_IDENTITY_NUMBER, @BANK_NAME, @BANK_BRANCH_NAME, @PAYOUT_AGENT_ID, GETDATE() SET @apiRequestId = SCOPE_IDENTITY() IF @CALC_BY = 'C' SET @CALC_BY = 'S' SET @SENDER_NAME = UPPER(@SENDER_NAME) SET @RECEIVER_NAME = UPPER(@RECEIVER_NAME) DECLARE @controlNo VARCHAR(50),@tranId INT DECLARE @sCountryId INT,@sCountry VARCHAR(50),@collCurr VARCHAR(3), @sSuperAgent INT,@sSuperAgentName VARCHAR(200),@pBankName VARCHAR(200) ,@sAgent INT ,@sAgentName VARCHAR(200), @sBranch INT,@sBranchName VARCHAR(200),@deliveryMethod VARCHAR(100), @deliveryMethodId INT ,@pCountryId INT,@pCurr VARCHAR(3) ,@pSuperAgent INT,@pSuperAgentName VARCHAR(200), @pAgent INT,@pAgentName VARCHAR(200), @pBranch INT,@pBranchName VARCHAR(200) ,@pBankBranchName VARCHAR(200) ,@EXTERNALCODE VARCHAR(200) ,@agentApiType INT, @isItalianAgent BIT = 0, @isUAEAgent BIT = 0 DECLARE @errorTable TABLE( AGENT_REFID VARCHAR(150), REFID VARCHAR(50), AGENT_TXNID INT, COLLECT_AMT MONEY, COLLECT_CURRENCY VARCHAR(3), EXRATE MONEY ,SERVICE_CHARGE MONEY, PAYOUTAMT MONEY, PAYOUTCURRENCY VARCHAR(3), TXN_DATE VARCHAR(10) ) --SELECT @agentApiType = agentApiType FROM agentMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentCode = @AGENT_CODE INSERT INTO @errorTable(AGENT_REFID) SELECT @AGENT_SESSION_ID DECLARE @errCode INT, @pBankBranch INT, @autMsg VARCHAR(500), @errorCode VARCHAR(10), @errorMsg VARCHAR(MAX) EXEC ws_int_proc_checkAuthntication @USER_ID,@PASSWORD,@AGENT_CODE,@errCode OUT, @autMsg OUT IF (@errCode = 1 ) BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1002', @errorMsg = ISNULL(@autMsg, 'Authentication Fail') EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM applicationUsers WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE userName = @USER_ID AND forceChangePwd = 'Y') BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1002', @errorMsg = 'You logged on first time,must first change your password and try again!' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END -->>------------------VALIDATION------------------------------- IF @AGENT_SESSION_ID IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1001', @errorMsg = 'AGENT SESSION ID Field is Empty' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF @SENDER_NAME IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1001', @errorMsg = 'SENDER NAME Field is Empty' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF @SENDER_ADDRESS IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1001', @errorMsg = 'SENDER ADDRESS Field is Empty' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF @SENDER_CITY IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1001', @errorMsg = 'SENDER CITY Field is Empty' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF @SENDER_COUNTRY IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1001', @errorMsg = 'SENDER COUNTRY Field is Empty' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF @SENDER_ID_TYPE IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1001', @errorMsg = 'SENDER ID TYPE Field is Empty' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF @SENDER_ID_NUMBER IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1001', @errorMsg = 'SENDER ID NUMBER Field is Empty' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF @RECEIVER_NAME IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1001', @errorMsg = 'RECEIVER NAME Field is Empty' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF @RECEIVER_ADDRESS IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1001', @errorMsg = 'RECEIVER ADDRESS Field is Empty' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF @RECEIVER_COUNTRY IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1001', @errorMsg = 'RECEIVER COUNTRY Field is Empty' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF @TRANSFERAMOUNT IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1001', @errorMsg = 'TRANSFER AMOUNT Field is Empty' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF ISNUMERIC(@TRANSFERAMOUNT) = 0 AND @TRANSFERAMOUNT IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '9001', @errorMsg = 'Technical Error: TRANSFER AMOUNT must be numeric' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF ISNUMERIC(@LOCATION_ID) = 0 AND @LOCATION_ID IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '9001', @errorMsg = 'Technical Error: LOCATION ID must be numeric' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END --IF ISNUMERIC(@BANKID) = 0 AND @BANKID IS NOT NULL --BEGIN -- SELECT 9001 CODE, 'Technical Error: BANK ID must be numeric' MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable -- RETURN --END IF ISDATE(@SENDER_DATE_OF_BIRTH) = 0 AND @SENDER_DATE_OF_BIRTH IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '9001', @errorMsg = 'Technical Error: DOB must be date' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF ISDATE(@SENDER_ID_EXPIRE_DATE) = 0 AND @SENDER_ID_EXPIRE_DATE IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '9001', @errorMsg = 'Technical Error: ID expiry date must be date' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF ISDATE(@SENDER_ID_ISSUE_DATE) = 0 AND @SENDER_ID_ISSUE_DATE IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '9001', @errorMsg = 'Technical Error: ID issue date must be date' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF DATEDIFF(D,@SENDER_ID_ISSUE_DATE,@SENDER_ID_EXPIRE_DATE)<0 BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '9001', @errorMsg = 'Technical Error: ID expiry date must be more than issue date' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF @PAYMENTMODE IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1001', @errorMsg = 'PAYMETHOD Field is Empty' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF @CALC_BY IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1001', @errorMsg = 'CALC BY Field is Empty' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF @PAYMENTMODE NOT IN('C','B','CP', 'BP') BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '3001', @errorMsg = 'Invalid Payment Type, Must be C - Cash Pickup B - Bank Deposit.' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END DECLARE @promotionFlag CHAR(1) SET @promotionFlag = RIGHT(@PAYMENTMODE, 1) IF LEN(@PAYMENTMODE) > 1 SET @PAYMENTMODE = LEFT(@PAYMENTMODE, LEN(@PAYMENTMODE) - 1) IF @CALC_BY NOT IN('S','P') BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1004', @errorMsg = 'Invalid Parameter CALC BY' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END -->>Get Sending Agent Details SELECT @sCountryId = countryId, @sBranch = agentId FROM applicationUsers WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE userName = @USER_ID SELECT TOP 1 @collCurr = CM.currencyCode,@sCountry = C.countryName FROM countryCurrency CC WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN countryMaster C WITH(NOLOCK ) ON C.countryId = CC.countryId INNER JOIN currencyMaster CM WITH(NOLOCK) ON CC.currencyId = CM.currencyId WHERE CC.countryId = @sCountryId AND ISNULL(Cc.isDeleted,'N') = 'N' -- DECLARE -- @pBank INT,@pBankBranch INT -- ,@pBankType CHAR(1) -- ,@pBankCountry VARCHAR(100) = 'Nepal' -- ,@EXTERNALCODE VARCHAR(50) --SELECT -- --@pAgent = 1251 -- --,@pAgentName = 'International Money Express( IME) - HO' -- @pSuperAgent = 1002 -- ,@pSuperAgentName = 'International Money Express (IME) Pvt. Ltd' -- ,@pCountryId = 151 -- --,@pCurr = 'NPR' --IF @PAYMENTTYPE = 'B' --BEGIN -- SELECT TOP 1 -- @pBank = extBankId, @pBankName = bankName, @EXTERNALCODE = externalCode -- FROM externalBank WITH(NOLOCK) -- WHERE routingCode = @BANKID AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' -- SELECT -- @pBankName = ISNULL(@pBankName, @BANK_NAME) -- ,@pBankBranchName = @BANK_BRANCH_NAME -- ,@pBankType = 'E' -- -->>Validate BANK_ID only for Bank Transfer and Account Deposit -- IF @pBank IS NULL -- BEGIN -- SELECT '102' CODE, 'Invalid BANK ID' MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable -- RETURN -- END --END SELECT @sAgent = parentId,@sBranchName = agentName FROM agentMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @sBranch AND ISNULL(isActive,'N')='Y' SELECT @sSuperAgent = parentId,@sAgentName = agentName FROM agentMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @sAgent AND ISNULL(isActive,'N')='Y' SELECT @sSuperAgentName = agentName FROM agentMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @sSuperAgent AND ISNULL(isActive,'N') = 'Y' --<>Get Payout Agent Details-- DECLARE @pBank INT, @pBankType CHAR(1), @pBankCountry VARCHAR(100) -->>Validate LOCATION_ID. IF LOCATION_ID is bankId then find head office Id DECLARE @agentType INT, @locationCountry VARCHAR(100), @isHeadOffice CHAR(1) IF @PAYMENTMODE = 'B' BEGIN DECLARE @parentMapCode VARCHAR(10) SELECT TOP 1 @parentMapCode = pam.mapCodeInt, @pBankBranchName = am.agentName FROM agentMaster am WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN agentMaster pam WITH(NOLOCK) ON am.parentId = pam.agentId WHERE am.mapCodeInt = @BANKID SELECT TOP 1 @pBank = extBankId, @pBankName = bankName, @EXTERNALCODE = externalCode FROM externalBank WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE mapCodeInt = @parentMapCode AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' --SET @pBankBranchName = @BANK_BRANCH_NAME --SELECT @pAgent = 1004, @pAgentName = 'IME Nepal', SET @pBankType = 'E' IF @pBank IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @pBank = extBankId, @pBankBranch = extBranchId, @pBankBranchName = branchName FROM externalBankBranch WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE extBranchId = @BANKID SELECT @pBankName = bankName, @EXTERNALCODE = externalCode FROM externalBank WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE extBankId = @pBank END IF @pBank IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1001', @errorMsg = 'Invalid BANK ID' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END END DECLARE @currDecimal INT SELECT @pCountryId = countryId FROM countryMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE countryName = @RECEIVER_COUNTRY SELECT TOP 1 @pCurr = CM.currencyCode, @currDecimal = CM.countAfterDecimal FROM countryCurrency CC WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN currencyMaster CM WITH(NOLOCK) ON CC.currencyId = CM.currencyId WHERE CC.countryId = @pCountryId AND ISNULL(cc.isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' IF @pCurr IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '3008', @errorMsg = 'You are not allowed to send to country ' + @RECEIVER_COUNTRY EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END --<>Manage Payment Type SELECT @deliveryMethodId = serviceTypeId, @deliveryMethod = typeTitle FROM serviceTypeMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE ISNULL(isDeleted,'N') = 'N' AND typeTitle = CASE WHEN @PAYMENTMODE = 'C' THEN 'CASH PAYMENT' WHEN @PAYMENTMODE = 'B' THEN 'BANK DEPOSIT' END -->>Start:Field Validation according to setup DECLARE @errTable TABLE(errorCode VARCHAR(10), msg VARCHAR(200), id VARCHAR(10)) INSERT INTO @errTable(errorCode, msg, id) EXEC proc_sendValidation @agentId = @sAgent ,@senIdType = @SENDER_ID_TYPE ,@senIdNo = @SENDER_ID_NUMBER ,@senIdValidDate = @SENDER_ID_EXPIRE_DATE ,@senDob = @SENDER_DATE_OF_BIRTH ,@senAddress = @SENDER_ADDRESS ,@senCity = @SENDER_CITY ,@senContact = @SENDER_MOBILE ,@recAddress = @RECEIVER_ADDRESS ,@recCity = @RECEIVER_CITY ,@recContact = @RECEIVER_CONTACT_NUMBER ,@paymentMethod = @deliveryMethod ,@deliveryMethodId = @deliveryMethodId ,@pBank = @pBank ,@pBankBranchName = @pBankBranchName ,@accountNo = @BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER ,@pAgent = @pAgent ,@pBankType = @pBankType ,@pCountryId = @pCountryId ,@sCountryId = @sCountryId IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM @errTable WHERE errorCode = '0') BEGIN DECLARE @msg VARCHAR(200) SELECT @msg = msg FROM @errTable SELECT @errorCode = '1001', @errorMsg = @msg EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END --<>Find Decimal Mask for payout amount rounding SELECT @place = place, @currDecimal = currDecimal FROM currencyPayoutRound WHERE ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' AND currency = @pCurr AND tranType IS NULL -->>Start:Get Exchange Rate Details DECLARE @customerRate MONEY,@sCurrCostRate MONEY,@sCurrHoMargin MONEY,@sCurrAgentMargin MONEY,@pCurrCostRate MONEY,@pCurrHoMargin MONEY ,@pCurrAgentMargin MONEY,@agentCrossSettRate MONEY,@treasuryTolerance MONEY,@sharingValue MONEY,@sharingType CHAR(1),@customerPremium MONEY ,@sAgentComm MONEY,@sAgentCommCurrency VARCHAR(3) SELECT @customerRate = customerRate ,@sCurrCostRate = sCurrCostRate ,@sCurrHoMargin = sCurrHoMargin ,@sCurrAgentMargin = sCurrAgentMargin ,@pCurrCostRate = pCurrCostRate ,@pCurrHoMargin = pCurrHoMargin ,@pCurrAgentMargin = pCurrAgentMargin ,@agentCrossSettRate = agentCrossSettRate ,@treasuryTolerance = treasuryTolerance ,@customerPremium = customerPremium ,@sharingValue = sharingValue ,@sharingType = sharingType FROM dbo.FNAGetExRate(@sCountryId,@sAgent,@sBranch,@collCurr,@pCountryId,@pAgent,@pCurr,@deliveryMethodId) IF @customerRate IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1001', @errorMsg = 'Transaction cannot be proceed. Exchange Rate not defined' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END --<>Start:Get tAmt, cAmt, pAmt on the basis of CALCBY SELECT @cAmt = CASE WHEN @CALC_BY = 'S' THEN CAST(@TRANSFERAMOUNT AS MONEY) ELSE '0' END ,@pAmt = CASE WHEN @CALC_BY = 'P' THEN CAST(@TRANSFERAMOUNT AS MONEY) ELSE '0' END DECLARE @scDiscount MONEY IF ISNULL(@cAmt, 0.00) <> 0.00 AND @CALC_BY = 'S' BEGIN SELECT @iServiceCharge = amount FROM [dbo].FNAGetServiceCharge( @sCountryId, @sSuperAgent, @sAgent, @sBranch ,@pCountryId, NULL, @pAgent, NULL ,@deliveryMethodId, @cAmt, @collCurr ) IF @iServiceCharge IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1001', @errorMsg = 'Service Charge Not Defined for Receiving Country' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN; END IF @promotionFlag = 'P' SET @iServiceCharge = 0 --IF @pCountryId = 151 --BEGIN -- SET @scDiscount = @iServiceCharge -- SET @iServiceCharge = 0 --END SET @tAmt = @cAmt - @iServiceCharge SET @pAmt = (@tAmt) * (@customerRate) SET @currDecimal = ISNULL(@currDecimal, 0) IF @currDecimal IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @pAmt = ROUND(@pAmt, @currDecimal, 1) END ELSE IF @place IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @pAmt = ROUND(@pAmt, -@place, 1) END END ELSE BEGIN SET @tAmt = @pAmt/(@customerRate) SELECT @iServiceCharge = amount FROM [dbo].FNAGetServiceCharge( @sCountryId, NULL, @sAgent, NULL ,@pCountryId, NULL, @pAgent, NULL ,@deliveryMethodId, @tAmt, @collCurr ) IF @iServiceCharge IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1001', @errorMsg = 'Service Charge Not Defined for Receiving Country' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN; END IF @promotionFlag = 'P' SET @iServiceCharge = 0 --IF @pCountryId = 151 --BEGIN -- SET @scDiscount = @iServiceCharge -- SET @iServiceCharge = 0 --END SET @cAmt = (@tAmt + @iServiceCharge) END IF @iServiceCharge > @cAmt BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '3009', @errorMsg = 'Sent Amount must be more than Service Charge' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN; END --<>Start:Commission Calculation DECLARE @sSettlementRate FLOAT, @pSettlementRate FLOAT,@tellerBalance MONEY SET @sSettlementRate = @sCurrCostRate + @sCurrHoMargin SET @pSettlementRate = @pCurrCostRate - @pCurrHoMargin SELECT @sAgentComm = amount, @sAgentCommCurrency = commissionCurrency FROM dbo.FNAGetSendComm( @sCountryId, @sSuperAgent, @sAgent, @sBranch, @pCountryId, @pSuperAgent, @pAgent, @pBranch, @collCurr, @deliveryMethodId, @cAmt, @pAmt, @iServiceCharge, NULL, NULL, @sSettlementRate, @pSettlementRate) --<>Start:Verify Agent Send Per Txn IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM sendTranLimit WHERE agentId = @sAgent AND ISNULL(receivingCountry, ISNULL(@pCountryId, 0)) = ISNULL(@pCountryId, 0) AND ISNULL(tranType, ISNULL(@deliveryMethodId, 0)) = ISNULL(@deliveryMethodId, 0) AND currency = @collCurr AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' ) BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM sendTranLimit WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @sAgent AND receivingCountry = @pCountryId AND tranType = @deliveryMethodId AND currency = @collCurr AND @cAmt < minLimitAmt AND @cAmt > maxLimitAmt AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N') BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '3012', @errorMsg = 'Partner Balance Exceed, Cannot Make a TXN' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM sendTranLimit WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @sAgent AND receivingCountry = @pCountryId AND tranType IS NULL AND currency = @collCurr AND @cAmt < minLimitAmt AND @cAmt > maxLimitAmt AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N') BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '3012', @errorMsg = 'Partner Balance Exceed, Cannot Make a TXN' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM sendTranLimit WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId IS NULL AND receivingCountry = @pCountryId AND tranType = @deliveryMethodId AND currency = @collCurr AND @cAmt < minLimitAmt AND @cAmt > maxLimitAmt AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N') BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '3012', @errorMsg = 'Partner Balance Exceed, Cannot Make a TXN' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM sendTranLimit WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentId = @sAgent AND receivingCountry = @pCountryId AND tranType IS NULL AND currency = @collCurr AND @cAmt < minLimitAmt AND @cAmt > maxLimitAmt AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N') BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '3012', @errorMsg = 'Partner Balance Exceed, Cannot Make a TXN' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END END --<>Start:Verify Payout Per Txn Limit IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM receiveTranLimit WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE ISNULL(sendingCountry, ISNULL(@sCountryId, 0)) = ISNULL(@sCountryId, 0) AND countryId = @pCountryId AND agentId = @pAgent AND currency = @pCurr AND ISNULL(tranType, ISNULL(@deliveryMethodId, 0)) = ISNULL(@deliveryMethodId, 0) AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' ) BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM receiveTranLimit WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE sendingCountry = @sCountryId AND countryId = @pCountryId AND agentId = @pAgent AND currency = @pCurr AND tranType = @deliveryMethodId AND @pAmt > maxLimitAmt AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' ) BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '3011', @errorMsg = 'Payout Amount Limit Exceed' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM receiveTranLimit WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE sendingCountry = @sCountryId AND countryId = @pCountryId AND agentId = @pAgent AND currency = @pCurr AND tranType IS NULL AND @pAmt > maxLimitAmt AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' ) BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '3011', @errorMsg = 'Payout Amount Limit Exceed' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM receiveTranLimit WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE sendingCountry IS NULL AND countryId = @pCountryId AND agentId = @pAgent AND currency = @pCurr AND tranType = @deliveryMethodId AND @pAmt > maxLimitAmt AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' ) BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '3011', @errorMsg = 'Payout Amount Limit Exceed' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM receiveTranLimit WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE sendingCountry IS NULL AND countryId = @pCountryId AND agentId = @pAgent AND currency = @pCurr AND tranType IS NULL AND @pAmt > maxLimitAmt AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' ) BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '3011', @errorMsg = 'Payout Amount Limit Exceed' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM receiveTranLimit WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE ISNULL(sendingCountry, ISNULL(@sCountryId, 0)) = ISNULL(@sCountryId, 0) AND agentId IS NULL AND countryId = @pCountryId AND currency = @pCurr AND ISNULL(tranType, ISNULL(@deliveryMethodId, 0)) = ISNULL(@deliveryMethodId, 0) AND maxLimitAmt >= @pAmt AND ISNULL(isActive, 'N') = 'Y' AND ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' ) BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '3011', @errorMsg = 'Payout Amount Limit Exceed' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END -->>End:Verify Payout Per Txn Limit IF EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 'X' FROM thirdPartyAgentTxnIdV2 WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentTxnId = @AGENT_SESSION_ID AND agentId = @sAgent) BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @controlNo = controlNo FROM remitTran (NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo2 = @AGENT_SESSION_ID AND createdBy = 'kodhead123' SELECT @errorCode = '1001', @errorMsg = 'Duplicate Ref ID : ' + @AGENT_SESSION_ID + '; ICN : ' + dbo.FNADecryptString(@controlNo) EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT TOP 1 @errorCode CODE ,MESSAGE = @errorMsg ,AGENT_REFID = @AGENT_SESSION_ID ,REFID = dbo.FNADecryptString(@controlNo) ,AGENT_TXNID = 1 ,COLLECT_AMT = cAmt ,COLLECT_CURRENCY = collCurr ,EXRATE = customerRate ,SERVICE_CHARGE = serviceCharge ,PAYOUTAMT = pAmt ,PAYOUTCURRENCY = payoutCurr ,TXN_DATE = createdDate FROM remitTran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo = @controlNo RETURN END -->>Start:Get Data Compliance for Compliance Checking and suspicious duplicate txn DECLARE @today VARCHAR(10) = CONVERT(VARCHAR, dbo.FNADateFormatTZ(GETDATE(), @USER_ID), 101) DECLARE @remitTranTemp TABLE(tranId BIGINT, controlNo VARCHAR(20), controlNo2 VARCHAR(50), cAmt MONEY, receiverName VARCHAR(200), receiverIdType VARCHAR(100), receiverIdNumber VARCHAR(50), dot DATETIME) INSERT INTO @remitTranTemp(tranId, controlNo, controlNo2, cAmt, receiverName, receiverIdType, receiverIdNumber, dot) SELECT, rt.controlNo, rt.controlNo2, rt.cAmt, rt.receiverName, rec.idType, rec.idNumber, rt.createdDate FROM vwRemitTran rt WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN vwTranSenders sen WITH(NOLOCK) ON = sen.tranId INNER JOIN vwTranReceivers rec WITH(NOLOCK) ON = rec.tranId WHERE sen.idNumber = @SENDER_ID_NUMBER AND tranStatus <> 'CancelRequest' AND tranStatus <> 'Cancel' AND (rt.approvedDate BETWEEN @today AND @today + ' 23:59:59' OR (approvedBy IS NULL AND cancelApprovedBy IS NULL)) IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM @remitTranTemp WHERE cAmt = @cAmt AND (receiverName = @RECEIVER_NAME) AND DATEDIFF(MI, dot, dbo.FNADateFormatTZ(GETDATE(), @USER_ID)) <= 2 ) BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '1001', @errorMsg = 'Similar transaction found' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END --<>Start:OFAC/Compliance Checking DECLARE @receiverOfacRes VARCHAR(MAX),@ofacRes VARCHAR(MAX),@ofacReason VARCHAR(MAX) EXEC proc_ofacTracker @flag = 't', @name = @SENDER_NAME, @Result = @ofacRes OUTPUT EXEC proc_ofacTracker @flag = 't', @name = @RECEIVER_NAME, @Result = @receiverOfacRes OUTPUT DECLARE @result VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @csMasterId INT, @complianceRes VARCHAR(20), @totalRows INT, @count INT, @compFinalRes VARCHAR(20) DECLARE @csMasterRec TABLE (rowId INT IDENTITY(1,1), masterId INT) IF ISNULL(@ofacRes, '') <> '' BEGIN SET @ofacReason = 'Matched by sender name' END IF ISNULL(@receiverOfacRes, '') <> '' BEGIN SET @ofacRes = ISNULL(@ofacRes + ',' + @receiverOfacRes, '' + @receiverOfacRes) SET @ofacReason = 'Matched by receiver name' END IF ISNULL(@ofacRes, '') <> '' AND ISNULL(@receiverOfacRes, '') <> '' BEGIN SET @ofacReason = 'Matched by both sender name and receiver name' END --INSERT @csMasterRec(masterId) --SELECT masterId FROM dbo.FNAGetComplianceRuleMaster(@sBranch, @pCountryId, NULL, @pBranch, NULL, NULL, NULL) --SELECT @totalRows = COUNT(*) FROM @csMasterRec --IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM @csMasterRec) --BEGIN -- SET @count = 1 -- WHILE(@count <= @totalRows) -- BEGIN -- SELECT @csMasterId = masterId FROM @csMasterRec WHERE rowId = @count -- EXEC proc_complianceRuleDetail -- @user = @USER_ID -- ,@tranId = @tranId -- ,@tAmt = @tAmt -- ,@senId = NULL -- ,@benId = NULL -- ,@beneficiaryName = @RECEIVER_NAME -- ,@beneficiaryMobile = @RECEIVER_CONTACT_NUMBER -- ,@benAccountNo = @BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER -- ,@masterId = @csMasterId -- ,@paymentMethod = @deliveryMethodId -- ,@checkingFor = 'v' -- ,@agentRefId = @AGENT_TXNID -- ,@result = @complianceRes OUTPUT -- ,@senderId = @SENDER_ID_NUMBER -- ,@senderName = @SENDER_NAME -- ,@senderMobile = @SENDER_MOBILE -- SET @compFinalRes = ISNULL(@compFinalRes, '') + ISNULL(@complianceRes, '') -- SET @count = @count + 1 -- END --END -->>Start:Control Number Generation SET @controlNo = '9080' + LEFT(CAST(ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) AS VARCHAR(10)) + '0000000000', 7) IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM controlNoList WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo = @controlNo) BEGIN SET @controlNo = '9496' + LEFT(CAST(ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) AS VARCHAR(10)) + '0000000000', 7) IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM controlNoList WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE controlNo = @controlNo) BEGIN SELECT @errorCode = '9001', @errorMsg = 'Technical error occurred. Please try again' EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable RETURN END END SET @pAmt = ROUND(@pAmt, 0, 1) DECLARE @controlNoEncrypted VARCHAR(50) SET @controlNoEncrypted = dbo.FNAEncryptString(@controlNo) --<>Start:Data Insert into remitTran, tranSenders, tranReceivers INSERT INTO remitTran ( controlNo ,sCurrCostRate,sCurrHoMargin,sCurrAgentMargin,sAgentSettRate ,pCurrCostRate,pCurrHoMargin,pCurrAgentMargin ,agentCrossSettRate,customerRate,treasuryTolerance,customerPremium ,sharingValue,serviceCharge, agentFxGain, handlingFee ,sAgentComm,sAgentCommCurrency,sSuperAgentComm,sSuperAgentCommCurrency ,sCountry,sSuperAgent,sSuperAgentName,sAgent,sAgentName,sBranch,sBranchName ,pCountry,pSuperAgent,pSuperAgentName,pAgent,pAgentName,pBranch,pBranchName ,paymentMethod ,pBank,pBankName,pBankBranch,pBankBranchName,pBankType ,accountNo,externalBankCode ,collMode,collCurr,tAmt,cAmt,pAmt,payoutCurr ,tranStatus,payStatus ,createdDate,createdDateLocal,createdBy ,approvedDate,approvedDateLocal,approvedBy ,tranType ,senderName,receiverName,controlNo2 ) SELECT @controlNoEncrypted ,@sCurrCostRate,@sCurrHoMargin,@sCurrAgentMargin,@sSettlementRate ,@pCurrCostRate,@pCurrHoMargin,@pCurrAgentMargin ,@agentCrossSettRate,@customerRate,@treasuryTolerance,@customerPremium ,@sharingValue,@iServiceCharge,@agentFxGain, ISNULL(@scDiscount, 0) ,@sAgentComm,@sAgentCommCurrency,0,@sAgentCommCurrency ,@sCountry,@sSuperAgent,@sSuperAgentName,@sAgent,@sAgentName,@sBranch,@sBranchName ,@RECEIVER_COUNTRY,@pSuperAgent,@pSuperAgentName,@pAgent,@pAgentName,@pBranch,@pBranchName ,@deliveryMethod ,@pBank,@pBankName,@pBankBranch,ISNULL(@pBankBranchName, @BANK_BRANCH_NAME),@pBankType ,@BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER,@EXTERNALCODE ,@collMode,@collCurr,@tAmt,@cAmt,@pAmt,@pCurr ,'Payment', 'Unpaid' ,dbo.FNADateFormatTZ(GETDATE(),@USER_ID),GETDATE(),@USER_ID ,dbo.FNADateFormatTZ(GETDATE(),@USER_ID),GETDATE(),@USER_ID ,'I' ,@SENDER_NAME,@RECEIVER_NAME,@AGENT_SESSION_ID SET @tranId = @@IDENTITY DECLARE @sFirstName VARCHAR(100),@sMiddleName VARCHAR(100),@sLastName VARCHAR(100),@sLastName2 VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @rFirstName VARCHAR(100),@rMiddleName VARCHAR(100),@rLastName VARCHAR(100),@rLastName2 VARCHAR(100) SELECT @sFirstName = firstName, @sMiddleName = middleName, @sLastName = lastName1, @sLastName2 = lastName2 FROM dbo.FNASplitName(@SENDER_NAME) SELECT @rFirstName = firstName, @rMiddleName = middleName, @rLastName = lastName1, @rLastName2 = lastName2 FROM dbo.FNASplitName(@RECEIVER_NAME) DECLARE @memberCode VARCHAR(50),@senderId INT,@sIdTypeId INT SELECT @senderId = C.customerId FROM customers C WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN customerIdentity CI WITH (NOLOCK) ON C.customerId = CI.customerId INNER JOIN staticDataValue SV WITH (NOLOCK) ON CI.idType = SV.valueId WHERE SV.detailTitle = @SENDER_ID_TYPE AND CI.idNumber = @SENDER_ID_NUMBER INSERT INTO tranSenders ( customerId ,gender ,tranId ,firstName,middleName,lastName1,lastName2,fullName ,country,city,address,homePhone,mobile ,idType,idNumber ,issuedDate,validDate,dob ) SELECT @senderId ,@SENDER_GENDER ,@tranId ,@sFirstName,@sMiddleName,@sLastName,@sLastName2,@SENDER_NAME ,@sCountry,@SENDER_CITY,@SENDER_ADDRESS,@SENDER_MOBILE,@SENDER_MOBILE ,@SENDER_ID_TYPE,@SENDER_ID_NUMBER ,@SENDER_ID_ISSUE_DATE,@SENDER_ID_EXPIRE_DATE,@SENDER_DATE_OF_BIRTH INSERT INTO tranReceivers ( tranId ,firstName,middleName,lastName1,lastName2,fullName ,city,address,homePhone,workPhone,country ) SELECT @tranId ,@rFirstName,@rMiddleName,@rLastName,@rLastName2,@RECEIVER_NAME ,@RECEIVER_CITY,@RECEIVER_ADDRESS,@RECEIVER_CONTACT_NUMBER,@RECEIVER_CONTACT_NUMBER,@RECEIVER_COUNTRY -->>End:Data Insert into remitTran, tranSenders, tranReceivers INSERT INTO controlNoList(controlNo) SELECT @controlNo INSERT INTO thirdPartyAgentTxnIdV2(agentTxnId, agentId) SELECT @AGENT_SESSION_ID, @sAgent -->>Start:Verify Compliance IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM remitTranComplianceTemp WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentRefId = @AGENT_TXNID) BEGIN INSERT INTO remitTranCompliance(TranId, csDetailTranId, matchTranId) SELECT @tranId, csDetailTranId, matchTranId FROM remitTranComplianceTemp WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE agentRefId = @AGENT_TXNID SET @compFinalRes = 'C' END IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM @remitTranTemp WHERE dot BETWEEN CONVERT(VARCHAR, dbo.FNADateFormatTZ(GETDATE(), @USER_ID), 101) AND CONVERT(VARCHAR, dbo.FNADateFormatTZ(GETDATE(), @USER_ID), 101) + ' 23:59:59' AND cAmt = @cAmt AND (receiverName = @RECEIVER_NAME)) BEGIN INSERT INTO remitTranCompliance(TranId, csDetailTranId, matchTranId, reason) SELECT @tranId, 0, tranid, 'Suspected duplicate transaction' FROM @remitTranTemp WHERE cAmt = @cAmt AND (receiverName = @RECEIVER_NAME) SET @compFinalRes = 'C' END IF(ISNULL(@compFinalRes, '') <> '' OR ISNULL(@ofacRes, '') <> '') BEGIN IF(@ofacRes <> '' AND ISNULL(@compFinalRes, '') = '') BEGIN INSERT remitTranOfac(TranId, blackListId, reason, flag) SELECT @tranId, @ofacRes, @ofacReason, dbo.FNAGetOFAC_Flag(@ofacRes) UPDATE remitTran SET tranStatus = 'OFAC' WHERE controlNo = @controlNoEncrypted END ELSE IF(@compFinalRes <> '' AND ISNULL(@ofacRes, '') = '') BEGIN UPDATE remitTran SET tranStatus = 'Compliance' WHERE controlNo = @controlNoEncrypted END ELSE IF(ISNULL(@compFinalRes, '') <> '' AND ISNULL(@ofacRes, '') <> '') BEGIN INSERT remitTranOfac(TranId, blackListId, reason, flag) SELECT @tranId, @ofacRes, @ofacReason, dbo.FNAGetOFAC_Flag(@ofacRes) UPDATE remitTran SET tranStatus = 'OFAC/Compliance' WHERE controlNo = @controlNoEncrypted END END UPDATE apiRequestLog SET errorCode = '0' ,errorMsg = 'Transaction saved successfully' ,controlNo = @controlNoEncrypted WHERE rowId = @apiRequestId IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION SELECT CODE = '0' ,AGENT_REFID = @AGENT_SESSION_ID ,MESSAGE = 'Transaction saved successfully' ,REFID = @controlNo ,AGENT_TXNID = '1' ,COLLECT_AMT = cAmt ,COLLECT_CURRENCY = collCurr ,EXRATE = customerRate ,SERVICE_CHARGE = serviceCharge ,PAYOUTAMT = pAmt ,PAYOUTCURRENCY = payoutCurr ,TXN_DATE = createdDate FROM remitTran WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE id = @tranId INSERT INTO PinQueueList(ICN) SELECT @controlNoEncrypted --IF @PAYMENTMODE = 'D' --BEGIN -- EXEC proc_transactionRouting @flag = 'update', @user = @USER_ID, @tranIds = @tranId, @pAgent = @pAgent --END END END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRAN SELECT @errorCode = '9001', @errorMsg = 'Technical Error : ' + ERROR_MESSAGE() EXEC ws_int_proc_responseLog @flag = 's', @requestId = @apiRequestId, @errorCode = @errorCode, @errorMsg = @errorMsg SELECT @errorCode CODE, @errorMsg MESSAGE, * FROM @errorTable INSERT INTO Logs (errorPage, errorMsg, errorDetails, createdBy, createdDate) SELECT 'API SP Error',@errorMsg MESSAGE,'ws_int_proc_SendTransaction_JP','admin', GETDATE() END CATCH GO