USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_customerEnrollmentRpt] Script Date: 9/27/2019 1:30:14 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO /* EXEC [proc_customerEnrollmentRpt] @flag = 'main', @user = 'admin', @fromDate = '2013-11-01', @toDate = '2013-11-17', @memId = null, @pageNumber = '1', @pageSize = '100' */ CREATE procEDURE [dbo].[proc_customerEnrollmentRpt] @flag VARCHAR(20), @fromDate VARCHAR(20) = NULL, @toDate VARCHAR(30) = NULL, @memId VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @agentId VARCHAR(30) = NULL, @branchId VARCHAR(30) = NULL, @pageNumber INT = NULL, @pageSize INT = NULL, @user VARCHAR(50) = NULL AS SET NOCOUNT ON; SET ANSI_NULLS ON; declare @sql varchar(max),@url varchar(max) IF @flag='main' BEGIN SET @url='"Reports.aspx?reportName=20164400&flag=main-customer&fromDate='+@fromDate+'&toDate='+@toDate+'&agent=''+ISNULL(cast(a.agentId as varchar),'''')+''&memId='+ISNULL(@memId,'')+'"' set @sql = 'select [SN] = row_number() over(order by b.agentName) ,[Agent] = '''' + b.agentName + '''' ,[No of Customer] = count(''x'') from customerMaster a with(nolock) inner join agentMaster b with(nolock) on a.agentId = b.agentId' set @sql = @sql+ ' where a.createdDate between '''+@fromDate+''' and '''+@toDate+' 23:59:59''' if @agentId is not null and @branchId is null set @sql = @sql+ ' and a.agentId = '''+@agentId+'''' if @branchId is not null set @sql = @sql+ ' and a.agentId = '''+@branchId+'''' if @memId is not null set @sql = @sql+ ' and a.membershipId = '''+@memId+'''' set @sql = @sql+ ' group by b.agentName,a.agentId' print(@sql) exec(@sql) EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'Agent' head, case when @agentId is null then 'All' else (select agentName from agentMaster with(nolock) where agentId = @agentId) end value union all SELECT 'Branch' head, case when @branchId is null then 'All' else (select agentName from agentMaster with(nolock) where agentId = @branchId) end value union all SELECT 'From Date' head, @fromDate value union all SELECT 'To Date' head, @toDate value union all SELECT 'Membeship ID' head, @memId value SELECT 'Customer Enrollment Report' title END IF @flag='main-customer' BEGIN SET @url='"Reports.aspx?reportName=customerrpt&fromDate='+@fromDate+'&toDate='+@toDate+'&memId=''+ISNULL(cast(a.membershipId as varchar),'''')+''"' set @sql = 'select [Membership Id] = '''' + a.membershipId + '''' ,[Customer Name] = ISNULL('' '' + a.firstName, '''') + ISNULL('' '' + a.middleName, '''') + ISNULL('' '' + a.lastName, '''') ,[County] = pCountry ,[Zone] = pZone ,[District] = pDistrict ,[VDC/MNC] = pMunicipality ,[Mobile] = mobile ,[Email] = email ,[Occupation] = occupation ,[Date Of Birth] = dobEng ,[Created By] = createdBy ,[Created Date] = createdDate ,[Approved By] = approvedBy ,[Approved Date] = approvedDate from customerMaster a with(nolock)' set @sql = @sql+ ' where a.createdDate between '''+@fromDate+''' and '''+@toDate+' 23:59:59''' if @agentId is not null and @branchId is null set @sql = @sql+ ' and a.agentId = '''+@agentId+'''' if @branchId is not null set @sql = @sql+ ' and a.agentId = '''+@branchId+'''' if @memId is not null set @sql = @sql+ ' and a.membershipId = '''+@memId+'''' set @sql = @sql+ ' order by a.createdDate desc' exec(@sql) EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'Agent' head, case when @agentId is null then 'All' else (select agentName from agentMaster with(nolock) where agentId = @agentId) end value union all SELECT 'Branch' head, case when @branchId is null then 'All' else (select agentName from agentMaster with(nolock) where agentId = @branchId) end value union all SELECT 'From Date' head, @fromDate value union all SELECT 'To Date' head, @toDate value union all SELECT 'Membeship ID' head, @memId value SELECT 'Customer Enrollment Report' title END IF @FLAG='main-detail' BEGIN --send transaction select [S.N.] = row_number()over(order by ,[Control No] = dbo.fnadecryptstring(rt.controlNo) ,[Agent] = sBranchName ,[Payment Method] = paymentMethod ,[Payout Amount] = pAmt ,[Tran Status] = tranStatus ,[TXN Date] = createdDate ,[Paid Date] = paidDate ,[Rec. Agent] = pAgentName ,[Sender_Name] = isnull(sen.firstName,'')+' '+isnull(sen.middleName,'')+' '+isnull(sen.lastname1,'')+' '+isnull(sen.lastname2,'') ,[Sender_Id Type] = sen.idType ,[Sender_Id Number] = sen.idNUmber ,[Receiver_Name] = isnull(rec.firstName,'')+' '+isnull(rec.middleName,'')+' '+isnull(rec.lastname1,'')+' '+isnull(rec.lastname2,'') ,[Receiver_Id Type] = sen.idType ,[Receiver_Id Number] = sen.idNUmber ,[Transaction Type] = 'Send' from remitTran rt with(nolock) inner join tranSenders sen with(nolock) on = sen.tranId inner join tranReceivers rec with(nolock) on = rec.tranId where sen.membershipId = @memId and rt.createddate between @fromDate and @toDate+' 23:59:59' union all --receiver transaction select [S.N.] = row_number()over(order by ,[Control No] = dbo.fnadecryptstring(rt.controlNo) ,[Agent] = sBranchName ,[Payment Type] = paymentMethod ,[Payout Amount] = pAmt ,[Tran Status] = tranStatus ,[TXN Date] = createdDate ,[Paid Date] = paidDate ,[Rec. Agent] = pAgentName ,[Sender_Name] = isnull(sen.firstName,'')+' '+isnull(sen.middleName,'')+' '+isnull(sen.lastname1,'')+' '+isnull(sen.lastname2,'') ,[Sender_Id Type] = sen.idType ,[Sender_Id Number] = sen.idNUmber ,[Receiver_Name] = isnull(rec.firstName,'')+' '+isnull(rec.middleName,'')+' '+isnull(rec.lastname1,'')+' '+isnull(rec.lastname2,'') ,[Receiver_Id Type] = sen.idType ,[Receiver_Id Number] = sen.idNUmber ,[Transaction Type] = 'Receive' from remitTran rt with(nolock) inner join tranReceivers rec with(nolock) on = rec.tranId inner join tranSenders sen with(nolock) on = sen.tranId where sen.membershipId = @memId and rt.paidDate between @fromDate and @toDate+' 23:59:59' EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'From Date' head,@FROMDATE value UNION ALL SELECT 'To Date' head,@TODATE value UNION ALL SELECT 'Membeship ID' head,@memId value SELECT 'Customer Enrollment Report' title END IF @FLAG='detail' BEGIN --send transaction select [S.N.] = row_number()over(order by ,[Control No] = dbo.fnadecryptstring(rt.controlNo) ,[Agent] = sBranchName ,[Payment Method] = paymentMethod ,[Payout Amount] = pAmt ,[Tran Status] = tranStatus ,[TXN Date] = createdDate ,[Paid Date] = paidDate ,[Rec. Agent] = pAgentName ,[Sender_Name] = isnull(sen.firstName,'')+' '+isnull(sen.middleName,'')+' '+isnull(sen.lastname1,'')+' '+isnull(sen.lastname2,'') ,[Sender_Id Type] = sen.idType ,[Sender_Id Number] = sen.idNUmber ,[Receiver_Name] = isnull(rec.firstName,'')+' '+isnull(rec.middleName,'')+' '+isnull(rec.lastname1,'')+' '+isnull(rec.lastname2,'') ,[Receiver_Id Type] = sen.idType ,[Receiver_Id Number] = sen.idNUmber ,[Transaction Type] = 'Send' from remitTran rt with(nolock) inner join tranSenders sen with(nolock) on = sen.tranId inner join tranReceivers rec with(nolock) on = rec.tranId where sen.membershipId = @memId and rt.createddate between @fromDate and @toDate+' 23:59:59' union all --receiver transaction select [S.N.] = row_number()over(order by ,[Control No] = dbo.fnadecryptstring(rt.controlNo) ,[Agent] = sBranchName ,[Payment Type] = paymentMethod ,[Payout Amount] = pAmt ,[Tran Status] = tranStatus ,[TXN Date] = createdDate ,[Paid Date] = paidDate ,[Rec. Agent] = pAgentName ,[Sender_Name] = isnull(sen.firstName,'')+' '+isnull(sen.middleName,'')+' '+isnull(sen.lastname1,'')+' '+isnull(sen.lastname2,'') ,[Sender_Id Type] = sen.idType ,[Sender_Id Number] = sen.idNUmber ,[Receiver_Name] = isnull(rec.firstName,'')+' '+isnull(rec.middleName,'')+' '+isnull(rec.lastname1,'')+' '+isnull(rec.lastname2,'') ,[Receiver_Id Type] = sen.idType ,[Receiver_Id Number] = sen.idNUmber ,[Transaction Type] = 'Receive' from remitTran rt with(nolock) inner join tranReceivers rec with(nolock) on = rec.tranId inner join tranSenders sen with(nolock) on = sen.tranId where sen.membershipId = @memId and rt.paidDate between @fromDate and @toDate+' 23:59:59' EXEC proc_errorHandler '0', 'Report has been prepared successfully.', NULL SELECT 'From Date' head,@FROMDATE value UNION ALL SELECT 'To Date' head,@TODATE value UNION ALL SELECT 'Membeship ID' head,@memId value SELECT 'Customer Enrollment Report' title END GO