You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

432 lines
15 KiB

using Business.KFTCBusiness;
using Business.SendMoney;
using Common;
using Common.KFTC;
using Common.Model;
using Common.Model.KFTCRegistration;
using JsonRx.AuthFilter;
using JsonRx.Helper;
using log4net;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Web.Http;
namespace JsonRx.Api
/// <summary>
/// This is route prefix to make KFTC registration
/// </summary>
public class KftcController : ApiController
private readonly IKftcProcessBusiness _business;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public KftcController() { }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="business"></param>
public KftcController(KftcProcessBusiness business)
_business = business;
private static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(KftcController));
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="user"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public IHttpActionResult GetKftcParameters(string user)
JsonRxResponse resp = new JsonRxResponse();
LogicalThreadContext.Properties[LoggerProperty.PROCESSID] = Guid.NewGuid();
LogicalThreadContext.Properties[LoggerProperty.METHODNAME] = "GetKftcParameters";
Log.Debug("Log1 : GetKftcParameters started : header : " + Request);
if (user == null)
resp.ErrorCode = "1";
resp.Msg = "Invalid Parameters.";
resp.Data = new { };
return Ok(resp);
var email = Util.GetUsername(Request);
if (!email.ToLower().Equals(user.ToLower()))
resp.ErrorCode = "1";
resp.Msg = "Invalid Parameters.";
resp.Data = new { };
return Ok(resp);
var customerId = Util.GetCustomerId(Request);
var kftcLangauge = Util.GetKFTCLanguage(Request);
var kftcClientId = Util.GetKFTCClientId(Request);
Log.Debug("key:Kftc-GetKftcParameters process started");
resp = _business.RegistrationKFTC(customerId, kftcLangauge, kftcClientId);
return Ok(resp);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="user"></param>
/// <param name="req"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public IHttpActionResult DeleteAccount(string user, DeleteRequest req)
JsonRxResponse jxRes = new JsonRxResponse();
LogicalThreadContext.Properties[LoggerProperty.PROCESSID] = Guid.NewGuid();
LogicalThreadContext.Properties[LoggerProperty.METHODNAME] = "DeleteAccount";
Log.Debug("Log1: DeleteAccount started : header : " + Request);
if (user == null)
jxRes.ErrorCode = "1";
jxRes.Msg = "Invalid Parameters.";
jxRes.Data = new { };
var email = Util.GetUsername(Request);
//if (!email.ToLower().Equals(user.ToLower()))
// jxRes.ErrorCode = "1";
// jxRes.Msg = "Invalid Parameters.";
// jxRes.Data = new {};
var customerId = Util.GetCustomerId(Request);
//var fintechUseNo = Util.GetFintechUseNo(Request);
//var accessToken = Util.GetAccessToken(Request);
//var customerId = "1";
Log.Debug("key:Kftc-DeleteAccount process started(inquiry)");
jxRes = _business.CancelAccount("inquiry", req, customerId);
Log.Debug("result:Kftc-DeleteAccount process started(inquiry):" + jxRes.ErrorCode);
if (jxRes.ErrorCode == "0")
Log.Debug("key:Kftc-DeleteAccount process started(transfer)");
jxRes = _business.CancelAccount("transfer", req, customerId);
Log.Debug("result:Kftc-DeleteAccount process started(transfer):" + jxRes.ErrorCode);
if (jxRes.ErrorCode == "0")
jxRes = _business.DeleteAccount(req, customerId);
Log.Debug("result:Kftc-DeleteAccount process ended:ErrorCode=" + jxRes.ErrorCode + ",Msg=" + jxRes.Msg);
return Ok(jxRes);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="user"></param>
/// <param name="req"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public IHttpActionResult GetOPTNumber(OTP_Request oTP)
JsonRxResponse jxRes = new JsonRxResponse();
LogicalThreadContext.Properties[LoggerProperty.PROCESSID] = Guid.NewGuid();
LogicalThreadContext.Properties[LoggerProperty.METHODNAME] = "GetOPTNumber";
Log.Debug("Log1: GetOPTNumber started : header : " + Request);
if (oTP.userId == null)
jxRes.ErrorCode = "1";
jxRes.Msg = "Invalid Parameters.";
jxRes.Data = new { Message = jxRes.Msg };
var email = Util.GetUsername(Request);
if (!email.ToLower().Equals(oTP.userId.ToLower()))
jxRes.ErrorCode = "1";
jxRes.Msg = "Invalid Parameters.";
jxRes.Data = new { Message = jxRes.Msg };
var customerId = Util.GetCustomerId(Request);
Log.Debug("key:Kftc-GetOPTNumber process started");
jxRes = _business.GetOPTNumber(customerId, oTP.userId, oTP.amount, oTP.kftcId);
return Ok(jxRes);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="user"></param>
/// <param name="req"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public IHttpActionResult GetKFTCBankList()
LogicalThreadContext.Properties[LoggerProperty.PROCESSID] = Guid.NewGuid();
LogicalThreadContext.Properties[LoggerProperty.METHODNAME] = "GetKFTCBankList";
Log.Debug("Starting Get KFTCBankList");
var resp = _business.GetKFTCBankList();
return Ok(resp);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="user"></param>
/// <param name="req"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public IHttpActionResult CheckRealName(CheckRealNameModel model)
JsonRxResponse jxRes = new JsonRxResponse();
LogicalThreadContext.Properties[LoggerProperty.PROCESSID] = Guid.NewGuid();
LogicalThreadContext.Properties[LoggerProperty.METHODNAME] = "CheckRealName";
Log.Debug("Starting Real Name Checking" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
if (model == null)
jxRes.ErrorCode = "1";
jxRes.Msg = "Invalid parameters.";
jxRes.Data = new { Message = jxRes.Msg };
return Ok(jxRes);
jxRes = _business.KFTC_RealNameCheck_V2(model);
return Ok(jxRes);
public IHttpActionResult CheckKFTCAccounts(string user)
JsonRxResponse resp = new JsonRxResponse();
LogicalThreadContext.Properties["TraceId"] = Guid.NewGuid();
LogicalThreadContext.Properties["MethodName"] = "CheckKFTCAccounts";
Log.Debug("Log1 : CheckKFTCAccounts started : header : " + Request);
if (user == null)
resp.ErrorCode = "1";
resp.Msg = "Invalid Parameters.";
resp.Data = new { };
return Ok(resp);
var email = Util.GetUsername(Request);
//email = "";
if (!email.ToLower().Equals(user.ToLower()))
resp.ErrorCode = "1";
resp.Msg = "Invalid Parameters.";
resp.Data = new { };
return Ok(resp);
var customerId = Util.GetCustomerId(Request);
var kftcLangauge = Util.GetKFTCLanguage(Request);
var kftcClientId = Util.GetKFTCClientId(Request);
//customerId = "85074";
//kftcLangauge = "ko";
//kftcClientId = "l7xx9a67eaeb6a684f15b441769931d582b3";
Log.Debug("key:Kftc-CheckKFTCAccounts process started");
resp = _business.CheckKFTCAccounts(customerId, kftcLangauge, kftcClientId);
return Ok(resp);
/* 2019.09 Dana */
public IHttpActionResult CheckBalance(CheckBalanceModel model)
JsonRxResponse jxRes = new JsonRxResponse();
LogicalThreadContext.Properties[LoggerProperty.PROCESSID] = Guid.NewGuid();
LogicalThreadContext.Properties[LoggerProperty.METHODNAME] = "CheckBalance";
Log.Debug("Starting Balance Checking" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
if (model == null)
jxRes.ErrorCode = "1";
jxRes.Msg = "Invalid parameters.";
return Ok(jxRes);
jxRes = _business.CheckBalance(model);
return Ok(jxRes);
/* 2019.09 Dana */
public IHttpActionResult DomeRemitStart(CheckRealNameModel model)
JsonRxResponse jxRes = new JsonRxResponse();
LogicalThreadContext.Properties[LoggerProperty.PROCESSID] = Guid.NewGuid();
LogicalThreadContext.Properties[LoggerProperty.METHODNAME] = "DomeRemitStart";
Log.Debug("Starting Domestic Remittance basic information : " + model.CustomerId);
if (model.CustomerId == null)
jxRes.ErrorCode = "1";
jxRes.Msg = "Invalid parameters.";
jxRes.Data = new { Message = jxRes.Msg };
return Ok(jxRes);
jxRes = _business.DomeRemitStart(model.CustomerId);
return Ok(jxRes);
/* 2019.09 Dana */
public IHttpActionResult GetRecipientInfo(CheckRealNameModel model)
JsonRxResponse jxRes = new JsonRxResponse();
LogicalThreadContext.Properties[LoggerProperty.PROCESSID] = Guid.NewGuid();
LogicalThreadContext.Properties[LoggerProperty.METHODNAME] = "GetRecipientInfo";
Log.Debug("Starting Get Recipient Information" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
if (model == null)
jxRes.ErrorCode = "1";
jxRes.Msg = "Invalid parameters.";
jxRes.Data = new { Message = jxRes.Msg };
return Ok(jxRes);
//jxRes = _business.GetRecipientInfo(model);
//for test
Response.recipientInfo info = new Response.recipientInfo();
info.RecipientName = "홍길동";
info.RecipientPhone = "01012345678";
jxRes.ErrorCode = "0";
jxRes.Msg = "Success";
jxRes.Data = info;
return Ok(jxRes);
/* 2019.09 Dana */
public IHttpActionResult GetRecentHistories(RecentHistoryModel model)
JsonRxResponse jxRes = new JsonRxResponse();
LogicalThreadContext.Properties[LoggerProperty.PROCESSID] = Guid.NewGuid();
LogicalThreadContext.Properties[LoggerProperty.METHODNAME] = "GetRecentHistories";
Log.Debug("Starting Get Recent History" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
if (model == null)
jxRes.ErrorCode = "1";
jxRes.Msg = "Invalid parameters.";
jxRes.Data = new { Message = jxRes.Msg };
return Ok(jxRes);
jxRes = _business.GetRecentHistories(model);
return Ok(jxRes);
/* 2019.09 Dana */
public IHttpActionResult SendDomeRimit(DomeRimitRequestModel model)
DbResult _dbRes = new DbResult();
JsonRxResponse jxRes = new JsonRxResponse();
jxRes.SetResponse("1", "Invalid transaction requested", null);
LogicalThreadContext.Properties[LoggerProperty.PROCESSID] = Guid.NewGuid();
LogicalThreadContext.Properties[LoggerProperty.CREATEDBY] = model.UserId;
LogicalThreadContext.Properties[LoggerProperty.METHODNAME] = "SendDomeRimit";
Log.Debug("Starting Domestic Remittance" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model));
if (model == null)
jxRes.ErrorCode = "1";
jxRes.Msg = "Invalid parameters.";
jxRes.Data = new { Message = jxRes.Msg };
return Ok(jxRes);
if (ModelState.IsValid)// OTP인증
Log.Debug("Domestic Remittance OTP Validate Start : " + Convert.ToString(model.txnPassword));
//model.txnPassword = StringExtension.ToVirtualKeyDecryptString(model.txnPassword);
model.txnPassword = model.txnPassword;
string type = "";
if (model.type == "wallet")
type = "wallet";
type = (model.isUseBiometric) ? "wallet" : "autodebit";
Log.Debug("is biometric use: " + Convert.ToString(model.isUseBiometric));
_dbRes = _business.CheckLoginPassword(model.UserId, model.txnPassword, type, model.CustomerId);
if (_dbRes.ResponseCode == "0")
DomesticRemitModel DRModel = new DomesticRemitModel();
jxRes = _business.SendDomeRimit(DRModel);
return Ok(jxRes);
jxRes.SetResponse("1", _dbRes.Msg, null);
return Ok(jxRes);
//jxRes = _business.SendDomeRimit(model); // for UAT Test
return Ok(jxRes);