You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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"no_user": "User Infomation is None",
"money": "Branch money is not enough",
"system": "System is Checking",
"phone": "You don't enter your phone number, or your phone number is not 11 digits.",
"already": "Already number in the charge.",
"supply": "Supply not set",
"match": "The number of cards sold does not match the number of sales",
"count": "Number of cards to be sold is 0 or missing",
"stock": "There is a card that is out of stock",
"supply2": "Distributor's supply price is higher",
"duplicate": "Duplicate retailer order number",
"notype": "No sales card information or no supply",
"1001": "Duration of stay expired",
"1002": "It is not a monthly amount or data subscriber.",
"1003": "Password error with KT olleh card",
"1005": "Expiry of credit card validity",
"1006": "Temporary Error",
"2001": "lack of channels",
"2002": "Web server error",
"2003": "Missing Phone / Phone Format Error",
"3001": "Carrier transient fault",
"3055": "A Temporary pause",
"1009": "7mobile monthly subscription",
"1010": "FreeT monthly subscription",
"9999": "Server Error"