You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

248 lines
9.1 KiB

using Common;
using Common.Helper;
using Common.Model;
using Common.Model.Reward;
using log4net;
using Repository.Reward;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Business.Reward
public class RewardServices : IRewardServices
private readonly IRewardRepository requestServices;
private static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(RewardServices));
public RewardServices(RewardRepository requestServices)
this.requestServices = requestServices;
JsonRxResponse IRewardServices.GetProductLists(string rooturl)
var jsonResult = requestServices.GetProductLists(rooturl);
if (jsonResult.ErrorCode == "0")
Log.Debug("Get Products success.");
Log.Debug("Get Products failed.");
return jsonResult;
JsonRxResponse IRewardServices.BuyProduct(RequestedOrderDetail orderRequest)
JsonRxResponse jsonResult = new JsonRxResponse();
var checkresult = checkBuyProduct(orderRequest);
Log.Debug("[REWARD-POINT] BuyProduct : CheckResult.ErrorCode =" + checkresult.ErrorCode + ",CheckResult.Msg =" + checkresult.Msg);
if (checkresult.ErrorCode == "0")
jsonResult = requestServices.BuyProduct(orderRequest);
Log.Debug("[REWARD-POINT] BuyProduct : jsonResult.ErrorCode =" + jsonResult.ErrorCode + ",jsonResult.Msg =" + jsonResult.Msg);
if (jsonResult.ErrorCode == "0")
string branchemail = jsonResult.Extra;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(branchemail))
jsonResult.ErrorCode = "1";
jsonResult.Msg = "branch email is null";
jsonResult.Data = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
var dbvar = jsonResult.Extra2.Split(',');
EmailParameters _emailParams = new EmailParameters()
To = branchemail,
To_1 = GetStatic.ReadWebConfig("RewardAdminEmail", ""),
MsgSubject = "Reward Product is orderd_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"),
MsgBody = "Hello, Reward Product is orderd. <br>"
+ "Customer Id : " + orderRequest.userId + "<br> Mobile Number : " + dbvar[2] + "<br> Branch Name : " + dbvar[0] + "<br> Product : " + dbvar[1]
Task.Run(() => GetStatic.SendMultipleEmail(_emailParams));
jsonResult.Extra = "";
jsonResult.Extra2 = "";
if (jsonResult.ErrorCode == "0")
Log.Debug("Buy Products success.");
Log.Debug("Buy Products failed.");
catch (Exception e)
Log.DebugFormat($"Exception : {e.ToString()}");
jsonResult.ErrorCode = "1";
jsonResult.Msg = e.ToString();
jsonResult.Data = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
return jsonResult;
return jsonResult;
return checkresult;
JsonRxResponse IRewardServices.OrderedProductList(RequestedOrderDetail orderRequest)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderRequest.userId))
JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse
ErrorCode = "1",
Msg = "No UserId",
Data = new System.Collections.ArrayList()
return jsonRx;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderRequest.startDate) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderRequest.endDate))
if (!Utilities.CheckDateType(orderRequest.startDate) || !Utilities.CheckDateType(orderRequest.endDate))
JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse
ErrorCode = "1",
Msg = "No DateType",
Data = new System.Collections.ArrayList()
return jsonRx;
orderRequest.endDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
orderRequest.startDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
var jsonResult = requestServices.OrderedProductList(orderRequest);
if (jsonResult.ErrorCode == "0")
Log.Debug("Get Ordered Products list success.");
Log.Debug("Get Ordered Products list failed.");
return jsonResult;
JsonRxResponse IRewardServices.GetAgentInfo()
var jsonResult = requestServices.GetAgentInfo();
if (jsonResult.ErrorCode == "0")
Log.Debug("Get Agent Infos success.");
Log.Debug("Get Agent Infos failed.");
return jsonResult;
private JsonRxResponse checkBuyProduct(RequestedOrderDetail orderRequest)
JsonRxResponse jsonRx = new JsonRxResponse();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderRequest.userId))
jsonRx.ErrorCode = "1";
jsonRx.Msg = "No UserId";
jsonRx.Data = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
return jsonRx;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderRequest.productCode))
jsonRx.ErrorCode = "1";
jsonRx.Msg = "No productCode";
jsonRx.Data = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
return jsonRx;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderRequest.usePoint))
jsonRx.ErrorCode = "1";
jsonRx.Msg = "No usePoint";
jsonRx.Data = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
return jsonRx;
if (orderRequest.orderType != "1" && orderRequest.orderType != "9")
jsonRx.ErrorCode = "1";
jsonRx.Msg = "No orderType";
jsonRx.Data = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
return jsonRx;
if (orderRequest.recvType != "1" && orderRequest.recvType != "2")
jsonRx.ErrorCode = "1";
jsonRx.Msg = "No recvType";
jsonRx.Data = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
return jsonRx;
if (orderRequest.recvType == "1")
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderRequest.recvAddress))
jsonRx.ErrorCode = "1";
jsonRx.Msg = "No recvAddress";
jsonRx.Data = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
return jsonRx;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderRequest.recvZipCode))
jsonRx.ErrorCode = "1";
jsonRx.Msg = "No recvZipCode";
jsonRx.Data = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
return jsonRx;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderRequest.recvPhoneNumber))
jsonRx.ErrorCode = "1";
jsonRx.Msg = "No recvPhoneNumber";
jsonRx.Data = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
return jsonRx;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderRequest.recvName))
jsonRx.ErrorCode = "1";
jsonRx.Msg = "No recvName";
jsonRx.Data = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
return jsonRx;
else if (orderRequest.recvType == "2")
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderRequest.branchCode))
jsonRx.ErrorCode = "1";
jsonRx.Msg = "No branchCode";
jsonRx.Data = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
return jsonRx;
jsonRx.ErrorCode = "0";
jsonRx.Msg = null;
jsonRx.Data = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
return jsonRx;