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11 lines
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"registration_success": "You have successfully registered to JME Remittance System. Login to use available service.",
"transaction_success": "Your transaction has been completed succesfully.",
"transaction_approved": "Your transaction has been approved. Please refer to Notice menu to view PinNO.",
"fund_added_wallet":"{Fund} has been added in your account. Please refer to profile to view your balance.",
"kyc_approved": "KYC has been approved for your profile. Now you are able to send transaction.",
"renewID_approved":"Renewed KYC documents have been approved.",
"cancellation_request":"Cancellation request for {pin no} has been completed. Amount has been refunded to your JME account.",
"modification_request":"Modification request for {pin no} has been completed. Transaction will be processed for payment with new details.",
"transaction_paid":"Payment Transaction with {pin no} has been sucessfully paid."