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  5. CKEDITOR.lang['hi'] = { "editor": "रिच टेक्स्ट एडिटर", "editorPanel": "Rich Text Editor panel", "common": { "editorHelp": "मदद के लिये ALT 0 दबाए", "browseServer": "सर्वर ब्राउज़ करें", "url": "URL", "protocol": "प्रोटोकॉल", "upload": "अपलोड", "uploadSubmit": "इसे सर्वर को भेजें", "image": "तस्वीर", "flash": "फ़्लैश", "form": "फ़ॉर्म", "checkbox": "चॅक बॉक्स", "radio": "रेडिओ बटन", "textField": "टेक्स्ट फ़ील्ड", "textarea": "टेक्स्ट एरिया", "hiddenField": "गुप्त फ़ील्ड", "button": "बटन", "select": "चुनाव फ़ील्ड", "imageButton": "तस्वीर बटन", "notSet": "<सॅट नहीं>", "id": "Id", "name": "नाम", "langDir": "भाषा लिखने की दिशा", "langDirLtr": "बायें से दायें (LTR)", "langDirRtl": "दायें से बायें (RTL)", "langCode": "भाषा कोड", "longDescr": "अधिक विवरण के लिए URL", "cssClass": "स्टाइल-शीट क्लास", "advisoryTitle": "परामर्श शीर्शक", "cssStyle": "स्टाइल", "ok": "ठीक है", "cancel": "रद्द करें", "close": "Close", "preview": "प्रीव्यू", "resize": "Resize", "generalTab": "सामान्य", "advancedTab": "ऍड्वान्स्ड", "validateNumberFailed": "This value is not a number.", "confirmNewPage": "Any unsaved changes to this content will be lost. Are you sure you want to load new page?", "confirmCancel": "You have changed some options. Are you sure you want to close the dialog window?", "options": "Options", "target": "टार्गेट", "targetNew": "New Window (_blank)", "targetTop": "Topmost Window (_top)", "targetSelf": "Same Window (_self)", "targetParent": "Parent Window (_parent)", "langDirLTR": "बायें से दायें (LTR)", "langDirRTL": "दायें से बायें (RTL)", "styles": "स्टाइल", "cssClasses": "स्टाइल-शीट क्लास", "width": "चौड़ाई", "height": "ऊँचाई", "align": "ऍलाइन", "alignLeft": "दायें", "alignRight": "दायें", "alignCenter": "बीच में", "alignJustify": "ब्लॉक जस्टीफ़ाई", "alignTop": "ऊपर", "alignMiddle": "मध्य", "alignBottom": "नीचे", "alignNone": "None", "invalidValue": "Invalid value.", "invalidHeight": "Height must be a number.", "invalidWidth": "Width must be a number.", "invalidCssLength": "Value specified for the \"%1\" field must be a positive number with or without a valid CSS measurement unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).", "invalidHtmlLength": "Value specified for the \"%1\" field must be a positive number with or without a valid HTML measurement unit (px or %).", "invalidInlineStyle": "Value specified for the inline style must consist of one or more tuples with the format of \"name : value\", separated by semi-colons.", "cssLengthTooltip": "Enter a number for a value in pixels or a number with a valid CSS unit (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, or pc).", "unavailable": "%1<span class=\"cke_accessibility\">, unavailable</span>", "keyboard": { "8": "Backspace", "13": "Enter", "16": "Shift", "17": "Ctrl", "18": "Alt", "32": "Space", "35": "End", "36": "Home", "46": "Delete", "224": "Command" }, "keyboardShortcut": "Keyboard shortcut" }, "about": { "copy": "Copyright &copy; $1. All rights reserved.", "dlgTitle": "About CKEditor", "help": "Check $1 for help.", "moreInfo": "For licensing information please visit our web site:", "title": "About CKEditor", "userGuide": "CKEditor User's Guide" }, "basicstyles": { "bold": "बोल्ड", "italic": "इटैलिक", "strike": "स्ट्राइक थ्रू", "subscript": "अधोलेख