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  114. <li><a href="/Front.aspx" target="mainFrame"><i class="fa fa-home"></i></a></li>
  115. <li><a href="#" onclick="return LoadModule('adminstration')">Administration </a></li>
  116. <li><a href="#" onclick="return LoadModule('customer_management')">Customer Management</a></li>
  117. <li class="active"><a href="PrintDetails.aspx">Print Details </a></li>
  118. </ol>
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  122. <table class="tg" runat="server">
  123. <tr style="padding-left: 200px">
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  125. <img style="height: 50px; width: 190px; position: relative; left: 33%" src="/Images/jme.png" /></th>
  126. </tr>
  127. <tr>
  128. <td class="tg-7btt" colspan="6">Customer Information</td>
  129. </tr>
  130. <tr>
  131. <td colspan="4" class="tg-fymr"></td>
  132. <td style="white-space: nowrap" class="tg-fymr">Membership Id :</td>
  133. <td class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="TxtMembershipId"></td>
  134. </tr>
  135. <tr>
  136. <td style="white-space: nowrap" class="tg-fymr">Full Name:</td>
  137. <td colspan="3" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtFullName"></td>
  138. <td class="tg-fymr">Customer Type :</td>
  139. <td colspan="1" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtCustomerType"></td>
  140. </tr>
  141. <tr>
  142. <td class="tg-7btt" colspan="6">Personal Information</td>
  143. </tr>
  144. <tr>
  145. <td class="tg-fymr">Country:</td>
  146. <td colspan="2" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtCountry"></td>
  147. <td class="tg-fymr">Zip Code :</td>
  148. <td colspan="2" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtZipcCode"></td>
  149. </tr>
  150. <tr>
  151. <td class="tg-fymr">Address:</td>
  152. <td colspan="5" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtAddress"></td>
  153. </tr>
  154. <tr>
  155. <td class="tg-fymr">City:</td>
  156. <td colspan="3" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtCity"></td>
  157. <td class="tg-fymr">Gender:</td>
  158. <td colspan="1" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtGender"></td>
  159. </tr>
  160. <tr>
  161. <td class="tg-fymr">Occupation :</td>
  162. <td colspan="3" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtOccupation"></td>
  163. <td class="tg-fymr">Occupation Other:</td>
  164. <td colspan="1" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtOccupationOther"></td>
  165. </tr>
  166. <tr>
  167. <td class="tg-fymr" style="display: none">Source Of Fund :</td>
  168. <td colspan="3" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtSourceOfFund" style="display: none"></td>
  169. <td style="white-space: nowrap" class="tg-fymr">Native Country :</td>
  170. <td colspan="5" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtNativeCountry"></td>
  171. </tr>
  172. <tr>
  173. <td class="tg-fymr">Monthly Income :</td>
  174. <td colspan="3" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtMonthlyIncome"></td>
  175. <td class="tg-fymr">Telephone No. :</td>
  176. <td colspan="1" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtTelephoneNo"></td>
  177. </tr>
  178. <tr>
  179. <td class="tg-fymr">E-Mail ID:</td>
  180. <td colspan="3" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtEmailId"></td>
  181. <td class="tg-fymr">Mobile No. :</td>
  182. <td colspan="1" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtMobileNo"></td>
  183. </tr>
  184. <tr>
  185. <td class="tg-fymr">Visa Status :</td>
  186. <td style="white-space: nowrap" colspan="2" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtVisaStatus"></td>
  187. <td style="white-space: nowrap" class="tg-fymr">Employee Business Type :</td>
  188. <td colspan="2" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtEmployeeBusinessType"></td>
  189. </tr>
  190. <tr>
  191. <td class="tg-fymr">Name of Employer :</td>
  192. <td style="white-space: nowrap" colspan="2" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtNameOfEmployer"></td>
  193. <td class="tg-fymr">SSN No. :</td>
  194. <td colspan="2" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtSSnNo"></td>
  195. </tr>
  196. <tr>
  197. <td class="tg-fymr">Date of Birth :</td>
  198. <td colspan="5" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtDateOfBirth"></td>
  199. </tr>
  200. <tr>
  201. </tr>
  202. <tr>
  203. <td class="tg-fymr">Remarks:</td>
  204. <td class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtRemarks" colspan="5"></td>
  205. </tr>
  206. <tr>
  207. <td class="tg-7btt" colspan="6">Security Information</td>
  208. </tr>
  209. <tr>
  210. <td style="white-space: nowrap" class="tg-fymr">Verification Id Type:</td>
  211. <td colspan="2" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtIdType"></td>
  212. <td class="tg-fymr">Verification Type No. :</td>
  213. <td colspan="2" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtIdNumber"></td>
  214. </tr>
  215. <tr>
  216. <td class="tg-fymr">Issue Date:</td>
  217. <td style="white-space: nowrap" colspan="2" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtIssueDate"></td>
  218. <td class="tg-fymr">Expire Date:</td>
  219. <td colspan="2" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtExpireDate"></td>
  220. </tr>
  221. <tr>
  222. <td style="white-space: nowrap" class="tg-fymr">Remittance Allowed:</td>
  223. <td colspan="2" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtRemittanceAllowed"></td>
  224. <td class="tg-fymr">Online Login Allowed:</td>
  225. <td colspan="2" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtOnlineLoginAllowed"></td>
  226. </tr>
  227. <tr>
  228. <td class="tg-fymr">Mobile Login Allowed:</td>
  229. <td colspan="5" class="tg-0pky" runat="server" id="txtMobileLoginAllowed"></td>
  230. </tr>
  231. <tr>
  232. </tr>
  233. </table>
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  235. </div>
  236. </div>
  237. </div>
  238. <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnCustomerId" />
  239. <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnProcessDivision" />
  240. <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnPartnerServiceKey" />
  241. <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdninstitution" />
  242. <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnAccountName" />
  243. <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnAccountNumber" />
  244. <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnVirtualAccountNo" />
  245. <%-- Max-실지명의조회 --%>
  246. <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnGenderCode" />
  247. <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnNativeCountryCode" />
  248. <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnDobYmd" />
  249. <asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnIdTypeCode" />
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