function ManageSendIdValidity() { var senIdType = $("#" + mId + "ddSenIdType").val(); if (senIdType === "") { $("#" + mId + "tdSenExpDateLbl").show(); $("#" + mId + "tdSenExpDateTxt").show(); $("#" + mId + "txtSendIdValidDate").attr("class", "required readonlyOnCustomerSelect form-control"); } else { var senIdTypeArr = senIdType.split('|'); if (senIdTypeArr[1] === "E") { $("#" + mId + "tdSenExpDateLbl").show(); $("#" + mId + "tdSenExpDateTxt").show(); $("#" + mId + "txtSendIdValidDate").attr("class", "required readonlyOnCustomerSelect form-control"); } else { $("#" + mId + "tdSenExpDateLbl").hide(); $("#" + mId + "tdSenExpDateTxt").hide(); $("#" + mId + "tdSenExpDateTxt").hide(); $("#" + mId + "txtSendIdValidDate").attr("class", "readonlyOnCustomerSelect form-control"); } } } function LoadCustomerRate() { var pCountry = $("#" + mId + "pCountry option:selected").val(); var pMode = $("#" + mId + "pMode option:selected").val(); var pModeTxt = $("#" + mId + "pMode option:selected").text(); var pAgent = $("#" + mId + "pAgent option:selected").val(); if (pAgent === "undefined") pAgent = null; if (pModeTxt === "CASH PAYMENT TO OTHER BANK") pAgent = $("#" + mId + "paymentThrough option:selected").val(); var collCurr = $("#" + mId + "lblPerTxnLimitCurr").text(); var dataToSend = { MethodName: 'LoadCustomerRate', pCountry: pCountry, pMode: pMode, pAgent: pAgent, collCurr: collCurr }; var options = { url: 'SendV2.aspx?x=' + new Date().getTime(), data: dataToSend, dataType: 'JSON', type: 'POST', success: function (response) { var data = response; var collectionAmount = Number($("#" + mId + "txtCollAmt").val()); $("#" + mId + "customerRateFields").hide(); if (data === null || data === undefined || data === "") return; if (data[0].ErrCode !== "0") { $("#" + mId + "lblExRate").text(data[0].Msg); if (collectionAmount > 0) { $("#" + mId + "customerRateFields").show(); } return; } var exRate = data[0].exRate; var pCurr = data[0].pCurr; var limit = data[0].limit; var limitCurr = data[0].limitCurr; exRate = roundNumber(exRate, 10); $("#" + mId + "lblExRate").text(exRate); $("#" + mId + "lblExCurr").text(pCurr); $("#" + mId + "lblPerTxnLimit").text(limit); $("#" + mId + "lblPerTxnLimitCurr").text(limitCurr); $("#" + mId + "customerRateFields").hide(); if (collectionAmount > 0) { $("#" + mId + "customerRateFields").show(); } return; } }; $.ajax(options); return true; } function CollAmtOnChange() { var collAmt = $("#" + mId + "txtCollAmt").val(); if (collAmt === "") collAmt = "0"; var collAmtFormatted = CurrencyFormatted(collAmt); //collAmt; collAmtFormatted = CommaFormatted(collAmtFormatted); var collCurr = $("#" + mId + "lblPerTxnLimitCurr").text(); if (collAmt === "0") { ClearCalculatedAmount(); return; } checkdata(collAmt, 'cAmt'); } function LoadSublocation() { var pLocation = $("#" + mId + "locationDDL").val(); var dataToSend = { MethodName: 'getSubLocation', PLocation: pLocation }; var options = { url: 'SendV2.aspx?', data: dataToSend, dataType: 'JSON', type: 'POST', async: false, success: function (response) { LoadSubLocationDDL(response); }, error: function (result) { alert("Due to unexpected errors we were unable to load data"); } }; $.ajax(options); } function LoadSubLocationDDL(response) { $('#subLocation').show(); var data = response; var ddl = GetElement(mId + "subLocationDDL"); $(ddl).empty(); var option; option = document.createElement("option"); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = data[i].LOCATIONNAME; option.value = data[i].LOCATIONID; if ($("#" + mId + "hddSubLocation").val()) { if (option.value === $("#" + mId + "hddSubLocation").val()) { option.selected = true; } } try { ddl.options.add(option); } catch (e) { alert(e); } } } //function to clear transaction function ClearTxnData() { $('#lblReceiverName').text(''); $('#lblReceiverNamePartner').text(''); $("#" + mId + "pAgent").empty(); $("#" + mId + "pMode").empty(); $("#txtpBranch_aValue").val(""); $("#txtpBranch_aText").val(""); $("#" + mId + "txtRecDepAcNo").val(""); $("#" + mId + "txtCollAmt").val(""); $("#" + mId + "txtCollAmt").attr("readonly", false); $("#" + mId + "txtPayAmt").val(""); $("#" + mId + "txtPayAmt").attr("readonly", false); $("#" + mId + "txtRewardAmt").val(""); $("#" + mId + "lblSendAmt").val('0.00'); $("#" + mId + "lblServiceChargeAmt").val('0'); $("#" + mId + "lblExRate").text('0.00'); $("#lblDiscAmt").text('0.00'); $("#" + mId + "lblExRate").text('0.00'); $("#scDiscount").val('0.00'); $("#exRateOffer").val('0.00'); $("#" + mId + "editServiceCharge").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("#" + mId + "lblServiceChargeAmt").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("#" + mId + "editServiceCharge").prop("checked", false); $("#" + mId + "lblPayCurr").text(""); $("#" + mId + "lblPerTxnLimit").text('0.00'); SetDDLValueSelected(mId + "pCountry", ""); $("#" + mId + "ddlSalary").text(""); SetDDLTextSelected(mId + "ddlScheme", ""); $("#" + mId + "branch").empty(); $("#" + mId + "ddlPayer").empty(); $("#branchDetail").text(''); $("#payerDetailsHistory").text(''); $("#" + mId + "subLocationDDL").empty(); $("#" + mId + "pCurrDdl").empty(); $("#" + mId + "locationDDL").empty(); $("#branch").empty(); GetElement("spnWarningMsg").innerHTML = ""; //added by gagan d = ["", ""]; SetItem(mId + "introducerTxt", d); $('#availableBalReferral').text(''); $('#availableBalReferral').val(''); $("#" + mId + "hdnRefAvailableLimit").val(''); $('#availableBalSpanReferral').hide(); $("#" + mId + "hddreceiverId").val(''); $("#" + mId + "ddlPaymentOption").prop('selectedIndex', 0); } function CalculateTxn(amt, obj, isManualSc) { //debugger var agentUser = $("#" + mId + "hddTxnRequestFromAgent").val(); // CheckAgentQuota(agentUser); checkPaymentOption(); //alert($('#ContentPlaceHolder1_branch').val()); var collAmt = $("#" + mId + "txtCollAmt").val(); var payAmt = $("#" + mId + "txtPayAmt").val(); if (collAmt === "" && payAmt === "") { alert("Please enter Amount to calculate. "); GetElement(mId + "txtCollAmt").focus(); return false; } //if (payAmt === "" || payAmt === null) { // alert("Please enter Payout Amount"); // GetElement(mId + "txtPayAmt").focus(); // return false; //} if ($("#" + mId + "txtCollAmt").val()) if (isManualSc === undefined) { if ($("#" + mId + "editServiceCharge").is(':checked')) { isManualSc = 'Y'; } else { isManualSc = 'N'; } } //if (isManualSc === undefined) { // $("#" + mId + "editServiceCharge").prop("checked", false); // isManualSc = 'N'; //} //else { // isManualSc = 'Y'; //} var rewardAmt = $("#" + mId + "txtRewardAmt").val(); var partnerId = $("#" + mId + "ddlPayoutPartner").val(); // alert(partnerId); //var quota = $("#" + mId + "hdnQuota").val(); //if (quota == "Y") { // $("#" + mId + "allowEditSC").val("N"); // $("#" + mId + "editServiceCharge").attr('disabled'); // $("#" + mId + "editServiceCharge").attr('readonly'); //} //else if (partnerId == '394130') { //if ($("#" + mId + "allowEditSC").val() === 'N') { $("#" + mId + "allowEditSC").val("N"); $("#" + mId + "editServiceCharge").attr('disabled'); $("#" + mId + "editServiceCharge").attr('readonly'); // var ischecked = $(this).is(':checked'); //var ischecked = $("#" + mId + "editServiceCharge").is(':checked'); //if (ischecked) { // $("#" + mId + "lblServiceChargeAmt").removeAttr('disabled'); // $("#" + mId + "lblServiceChargeAmt").removeAttr('readonly'); //} //else { // $("#" + mId + "lblServiceChargeAmt").attr('disabled', true); // $("#" + mId + "lblServiceChargeAmt").attr('readonly', true); //} var collAmt = parseFloat($("#" + mId + "txtCollAmt").val().replace(',', '').replace(',', '').replace(',', '')); var availableBal = parseFloat($('#availableBal').text().replace(',', '').replace(',', '').replace(',', '')); var customerId = $("#" + mId + "txtSearchData_aValue").val(); if ($('#11063').is(':checked') || $('#11064').is(':checked')) { var txnRequestFromAgent = $("#" + mId + "hddTxnRequestFromAgent").val(); if (txnRequestFromAgent != "true") { if (collAmt > availableBal) { alert('Amount can not be greater than Available Balance!'); ClearAmountFields(); return false; } } } if (isManualSc === '' || isManualSc === undefined) { isManualSc = 'N'; } if (isManualSc === 'N') { if (obj === '' || obj === null || obj === undefined || obj === 'undefined') { if (document.getElementById(mId + "txtPayAmt").disabled) { obj = 'cAmt'; amt = GetValue(mId + "txtCollAmt"); } else { obj = 'pAmt'; amt = GetValue(mId + "txtPayAmt"); } } } else { obj = $("#" + mId + "hddCalcBy").val(); if (obj === 'cAmt') { amt = GetValue(mId + "txtCollAmt"); } else { amt = GetValue(mId + "txtPayAmt"); } } $("#DivLoad").show(); var pCountry = GetValue(mId + "pCountry"); var pCountrytxt = $("#" + mId + "pCountry option:selected").text(); var pMode = GetValue(mId + "pMode"); var pModetxt = $("#" + mId + "pMode option:selected").text(); var tpExRate = $("#" + mId + "ddlPaymentOption option:selected").val(); if (pCountry === "" || pCountry === null || pCountry === undefined) { alert("Please choose payout country"); GetElement(mId + "pCountry").focus(); return false; } if (pMode === "" || pMode === null || pMode === undefined) { alert("Please choose payment mode"); GetElement(mId + "pMode").focus(); return false; } //if (tpExRate === "" || tpExRate === null || tpExRate === undefined) { // alert("Please choose payment option"); // GetElement(mId + "pMode").focus(); // return false; //} //var sAgent = $("#" + mId + "sendingAgentOnBehalfDDL option:selected").val(); //if (sAgent === "" || sAgent === null || sAgent === undefined) { // alert("Please choose Sending AgentBbranch"); // GetElement(mId + "sendingAgentOnBehalfDDL").focus(); // return false; //} //added by gagan if ($("#" + mId + "introducerTxt_aSearch").val() !== "") { var res = CheckReferralBalAndCamt(); if (res === false) { $("#" + mId + "txtCollAmt").val(''); $("#" + mId + "txtCollAmt").focus(); return; } } var pAgent = Number(GetValue(mId + "pAgent")); var pAgentBranch = GetValue("txtpBranch_aValue"); if (pModetxt === "CASH PAYMENT TO OTHER BANK") { pAgent = Number($("#" + mId + "paymentThrough option:selected").val()); pAgentBranch = ""; if (pAgent === "" || pAgent === undefined) pAgent = ""; } collAmt = GetValue(mId + "txtCollAmt"); var txtCustomerLimit = GetValue("txtCustomerLimit"); var txnPerDayCustomerLimit = GetValue(mId + "txnPerDayCustomerLimit"); var schemeCode = GetValue(mId + "ddlScheme"); if (obj === "cAmt") { collAmt = amt; payAmt = 0; } //if (parseFloat(txtCustomerLimit) + parseFloat(collAmt) > txnPerDayCustomerLimit) { // alert('Transaction cannot be proceed. Customer limit exceeded ' + parseFloat(txnPerDayCustomerLimit)); // ClearAmountFields(); // return false; //} if (obj === "pAmt") { payAmt = amt; collAmt = 0; } var payCurr = $("#" + mId + "pCurrDdl").val(); var collCurr = $("#" + mId + "lblPerTxnLimitCurr").text(); var senderId = $('#finalSenderId').text(); var couponId = $("#" + mId + "iTelCouponId").val(); var sc = $("#" + mId + "lblServiceChargeAmt").val(); if (pCountry === "203" && payCurr === "USD") { if ((pMode === "1" && pAgent !== 2091) || (pMode !== "12" && pAgent !== 2091)) { alert('USD receiving is only allow for Door to Door'); ClearAmountFields(); return false; } } var collectAmount = Number($("#" + mId + "txtCollAmt").val()); var payoutAmount = Number($("#" + mId + "txtPayAmt").val()); var payoutPartner = $("#" + mId + "hddPayoutPartner").val(); var IsExrateFromPartner = $("#" + mId + "hddFetchExrateFromPartner").val(); var PCountryCode = $("#" + mId + "hddPCountryCode").val(); if (collectAmount <= 0 && payoutAmount <= 0) { return; } var payerName = ''; if (pMode === '2') payerName = $("#" + mId + "ddlPayer option:selected").text(); if (pMode === '1') payerName = $("#" + mId + "pAgent option:selected").text(); if (pMode === '13') payerName = $("#" + mId + "pAgent option:selected").text(); //var introducerTxt = $("#" + mId + "introducerTxt_aValue").val(); //if (introducerTxt == '' || introducerTxt == null || introducerTxt == undefined) { // alert("Introducer value can not be empty"); // ClearAmountFields(); // return false; //} //var tpExRate = $("#" + mId + "ddlPaymentOption").val(); //if (tpExRate == '' || tpExRate == null || tpExRate == undefined) { // alert("Payment Option must be selected."); // ClearAmountFields(); // return false; //} $("#" + mId + "hddCalcBy").val(obj); var dataToSend = { MethodName: 'CalculateTxn', pCountry: pCountry, pCountrytxt: pCountrytxt, pMode: pMode, pAgent: pAgent , pAgentBranch: pAgentBranch, collAmt: collAmt, payAmt: payAmt, payCurr: payCurr, collCurr: collCurr , pModetxt: pModetxt, senderId: senderId, schemeCode: schemeCode, couponId: couponId, isManualSc: isManualSc , sc: sc, payoutPartner: payoutPartner, IsExrateFromPartner: IsExrateFromPartner, PCountryCode: PCountryCode, calcBy: obj , payerName: payerName, tpExRate: tpExRate, rewardAmt: rewardAmt, customerId: customerId }; var options = { url: 'SendV2.aspx?x=' + new Date().getTime(), data: dataToSend, dataType: 'JSON', type: 'POST', async: false, success: function (response) { ParseCalculateData(response, obj); } }; $.ajax(options); $("#DivLoad").hide(); return true; } function checkPaymentOption() { var paymentOption = $("#" + mId + "ddlPaymentOption option:selected").text().toLowerCase(); if (paymentOption === '' || paymentOption === undefined || paymentOption === 'select') { $("#" + mId + "ddlPaymentOption").focus().css('outline', '2px solid red'); alert('Please select Payment Option and Calculate again!'); return false; } else { $("#" + mId + "ddlPaymentOption").css('outline', ''); } } //function CheckAgentQuota(agentUser) { // var dataToSend = { // MethodName: 'checkAgentQuota', user: agentUser // }; // var options = // { // url: 'SendV2.aspx?x=' + new Date().getTime(), // data: dataToSend, // dataType: 'JSON', // type: 'POST', // async: false, // success: function (response) { // var data = response; // // var data = jQuery.parseJSON(response); // // alert(data[0].ErrorCode); // $("#" + mId + "lblRemainingQuota").text('Remaining Quota : ' + data[0].ErrorCode); // if (data[0].ErrorCode < 1) { // /*if (data[0].agentQuota == data[0].freeScCounter) {*/ // $("#" + mId + "lblAgentQuota").show(); // $("#" + mId + "allowEditSC").val("N"); // $("#" + mId + "editServiceCharge").removeAttr('checked'); // $("#" + mId + "editServiceCharge").attr("disabled", true); // $("#" + mId + "lblServiceChargeAmt").attr("readonly", true); // $("#" + mId + "hdnQuota").val('Y'); // } // else{ // $("#" + mId + "hdnQuota").val('N'); // $("#" + mId + "lblAgentQuota").hide(); // } // } // }; // $.ajax(options); //} function CheckAgentQuota() { //debugger var customerId = $('#finalSenderId').text(); var dataToSend = { MethodName: 'checkAgentQuota', customerId: customerId }; var options = { url: 'SendV2.aspx?x=' + new Date().getTime(), data: dataToSend, dataType: 'JSON', type: 'POST', async: false, success: function (response) { var data = response; // var data = jQuery.parseJSON(response); // alert(data[0].ErrorCode); $("#" + mId + "lblRemainingQuota").text('Reward Amount : ' + data[0].rewardAmount); if (data[0].ErrorCode < 1) { /*if (data[0].agentQuota == data[0].freeScCounter) {*/ $("#" + mId + "lblAgentQuota").show(); $("#" + mId + "allowEditSC").val("N"); $("#" + mId + "editServiceCharge").removeAttr('checked'); $("#" + mId + "editServiceCharge").attr("disabled", true); $("#" + mId + "lblServiceChargeAmt").attr("readonly", true); $("#" + mId + "hdnQuota").val('Y'); } else { $("#" + mId + "hdnQuota").val('N'); $("#" + mId + "lblAgentQuota").hide(); } } }; $.ajax(options); } function UnmapTxn() { var tranIds = []; $.each($("input[name='chkDepositMappingUnmap']:checked"), function () { tranIds.push($(this).val()); }); if (tranIds === '') { alert('No data to save'); return false; } dataToSend = { MethodName: 'UnMapData', tranIds: tranIds, customerId: $("#" + mId + "hddCustomerId").val() }; if (confirm('Do you want to continue with save?')) { $.post("", dataToSend, function (response) { var data = jQuery.parseJSON(response); if (data.ErrorCode == 0) { alert(data.Msg); $("#myModal2").modal('hide'); CheckAvailableBalance($("input[name='chkCollMode']:checked").val()); ClearAmountFields(); } else { alert(data.Msg); } }); } return false; } function ConfirmSave() { var tranIds = []; $.each($("input[name='chkDepositMapping']:checked"), function () { tranIds.push($(this).val()); }); if (tranIds === '') { alert('No data to save'); return false; } dataToSend = { MethodName: 'MapData', tranIds: tranIds, customerId: $("#" + mId + "hddCustomerId").val() }; if (confirm('Do you want to continue with save?')) { $.post("", dataToSend, function (response) { var data = jQuery.parseJSON(response); if (data.ErrorCode == 0) { alert(data.Msg); $("#myModal2").modal('hide'); CheckAvailableBalance($("input[name='chkCollMode']:checked").val()); var txnRequestFromAgent = $("#" + mId + "hddTxnRequestFromAgent").val(); if (txnRequestFromAgent != "true") { ClearAmountFields(); } } else { alert(data.Msg); } }); } return false; } function SetPayCurrency(pCountry) { var dataToSend = { MethodName: 'PCurrPcountry', pCountry: pCountry }; var options = { url: 'SendV2.aspx?', data: dataToSend, dataType: 'JSON', type: 'POST', async: false, success: function (response) { var data = response; var ddl = GetElement(mId + "pCurrDdl"); $(ddl).empty(); var option; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = data[i].currencyCode; option.value = data[i].currencyCode; try { ddl.options.add(option); if (data[i].isDefault === "Y") { $("#" + mId + "pCurrDdl").val(data[i].currencyCode); } } catch (e) { alert(e); } } }, error: function (result) { alert("Due to unexpected errors we were unable to load data"); } }; $.ajax(options); } $(document).on('click', '#calc', function () { SendTransactionMethod(); }); $(document).on('click', '#btnSendTxnCDDI', function () { var isValid = 'Y'; $(".requiredCompliance").each(function () { if (!$.trim($(this).val())) { $(this).addClass('error'); isValid = 'N'; } }); if (isValid === 'N') { return alert("Required Field(s)\n _____________________________ \n The red fields are required!") } SendTransactionMethod(); }); function SendTransactionMethod() { debugger ReCalculate(); //if ($("#" + mId + "visaStatusNotFound").val() === 'true') { // var visaStatusId = $("#ContentPlaceHolder1_visaStatusDdl").val(); // if (visaStatusId === null || visaStatusId === "") { // alert('Please choose visa status of customer !!!'); // return; // } //} var isCDDI = $("#" + mId + "hddIsAdditionalCDDI").val(); var hddAgentRefId = $("#" + mId + "hddAgentRefId").val(); var xmlDataForCDDI = ''; if (isCDDI === 'Y') { xmlDataForCDDI = GetXMLData(); sessionStorage.setItem("XmlDataForCDDI", xmlDataForCDDI); } $(".readonlyOnCustomerSelect").each(function () { if ($(this).is(":disabled")) { $(this).addClass('abc').removeAttr("disabled"); } }); $(".readonlyOnReceiverSelect").each(function () { if ($(this).is(":disabled")) { $(this).addClass('abc').removeAttr('disabled'); } }); if ($("#form1").validate().form() === false) { $(".required").each(function () { if (!$.trim($(this).val())) { $(this).focus(); } }); $(".abc").each(function () { $(this).removeClass('abc').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); }); return false; } $(".abc").each(function () { $(this).removeClass('abc').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); }); var purposeOther = $('#ContentPlaceHolder1_purposeOther').val(); var relationOther = $('#ContentPlaceHolder1_relationOther').val(); if ($('#ContentPlaceHolder1_purpose option:selected').text().toLowerCase() === 'other (please specify)') { if (purposeOther === '' || purposeOther === null || purposeOther === undefined) { alert('Purpose other can not be blank!'); return false; } } if ($('#ContentPlaceHolder1_relationship option:selected').text().toLowerCase() === 'other (please specify)') { if (relationOther === '' || relationOther === null || relationOther === undefined) { alert('Relation other can not be blank!'); return false; } } var pBankBranchText = $("#" + mId + "branch option:selected").text(); if (pBankBranchText.length <= 0) { pBankBranchText = $("#branch option:selected").text(); } var pBankBranch = $("#" + mId + "branch option:selected").val(); if (pBankBranch === undefined || pBankBranch.length <= 0) { pBankBranch = $("#branch option:selected").val(); } if (pBankBranch === undefined || !$.isNumeric(pBankBranch)) { pBankBranch = ""; } var pBank = $("#" + mId + "pAgent option:selected").val(); if (pBank === "SELECT" || pBank === "undefined" || pBank === undefined) pBank = ""; var hdnreqAgent = $('#hdnreqAgent').html(); //var hdnreqBranch = $('#hdnreqBranch').html(); var hdnreqBranch = $("#" + mId + "hddBranchRequired").val(); var dm = $("#" + mId + "pMode option:selected").text(); if (hdnreqBranch === 'MANUAL TYPE' || hdnreqBranch === 'SELECT') { if (hdnreqBranch === 'SELECT') { if (pBankBranchText === null || pBankBranchText === "" || pBankBranchText === undefined || pBankBranchText === "undefined" || pBankBranchText === "-1") { alert("Branch is required "); return false; } } if (hdnreqBranch === "MANUAL TYPE") { pBankBranchText = $('#branch_manual').val(); if (pBankBranchText === null || pBankBranchText === "" || pBankBranchText === undefined || pBankBranchText === "undefined" || pBankBranchText === "-1") { alert("Branch is required "); return false; } } } if (hdnreqAgent === "M") { if (pBank === null || pBank === "" || pBank === "undefined" || pBank === undefined) { alert("Agent/Bank is required "); $("#" + mId + "pAgent").focus(); return false; } } var por = $("#" + mId + "purpose option:selected").text(); por = por.replace("SELECT", ""); var sof = $("#" + mId + "sourceOfFund option:selected").text().replace("SELECT", ""); sof = sof.replace("SELECT", ""); if (sof === "Others (please specify)") { sof = 'Others(please specify):' + ' ' + $("#" + mId + "txtOtherSourceOfFund").val(); //added value of "other source of fund" for transaction from core } var sendAmt = $("#" + mId + "lblSendAmt").val(); if (sendAmt > parseInt(eddval)) { if (por === "") { alert("Purpose of Remittance is required for sending amount greater than " + eddval); $("#" + mId + "purpose").focus(); return false; } if (sof === "") { alert("Source of fund is required for sending amount greater than " + eddval); $("#" + mId + "sourceOfFund").focus(); return false; } } var pCountry = $("#" + mId + "pCountry option:selected").text(); if (pCountry === "SELECT" || pCountry === undefined) pCountry = ""; var pCountryId = $("#" + mId + "pCountry option:selected").val(); var collMode = $("#" + mId + "pMode option:selected").text(); var collModeId = $("#" + mId + "pMode option:selected").val(); var pAgent = ""; var pAgentName = ""; if (collMode === "CASH PAYMENT TO OTHER BANK") { pAgent = $("#" + mId + "paymentThrough option:selected").val(); pAgentName = $("#" + mId + "paymentThrough option:selected").text(); if (pAgentName === "SELECT" || pAgentName === undefined) { pAgent = ""; pAgentName = ""; } } var pBankText = $("#" + mId + "pAgent option:selected").text(); if (pBankText === "[SELECT]" || pBankText === "[Any Where]" || pBankText === undefined) pBankText = ""; SetDDLValueSelected(mId + "pAgentDetail", pBank); var pBankType = $("#" + mId + "pAgentDetail option:selected").text(); var pCurr = $("#" + mId + "lblPayCurr").text(); var collCurr = $("#" + mId + "lblPerTxnLimitCurr").text(); var collAmt = GetValue(mId + "txtCollAmt"); var customerTotalAmt = GetValue("txtCustomerLimit"); var payAmt = GetValue(mId + "txtPayAmt"); var scharge = $("#" + mId + "lblServiceChargeAmt").val(); var discount = $('#lblDiscAmt').text(); var handling = "0"; var exRate = $("#" + mId + "lblExRate").text(); var scDiscount = $('#scDiscount').val(); var exRateOffer = $('#exRateOffer').val(); var schemeName = $("#" + mId + "ddlScheme option:selected").text(); if (schemeName === "SELECT" || schemeName === "undefined" || schemeName === undefined) schemeName = ""; var schemeType = $("#" + mId + "ddlScheme option:selected").val(); if (schemeType === "SELECT" || schemeType === "undefined" || schemeType === undefined) schemeType = ""; var couponId = $("#" + mId + "iTelCouponId").val(); //sender values var senderId = $('#finalSenderId').text(); var sfName = GetValue(mId + "txtSendFirstName"); var smName = GetValue(mId + "txtSendMidName"); var slName = GetValue(mId + "txtSendLastName"); var slName2 = GetValue(mId + "txtSendSecondLastName"); var sIdType = $("#" + mId + "ddSenIdType option:selected").text(); if (sIdType === "SELECT" || sIdType === undefined || sIdType === "") sIdType = ""; else sIdType = sIdType.split('|')[0]; var sIdTypeValue = $("#" + mId + "ddSenIdType option:selected").val().split('|')[0]; if (sIdTypeValue === '11402') { sIdType = $("#" + mId + "txtOtherIdType").val(); } var sGender = $("#" + mId + "ddlSenGender option:selected").val(); var sIdNo = GetValue(mId + "txtSendIdNo"); var sIdValid = GetValue(mId + "txtSendIdValidDate"); if (ValidateDate(sIdValid) === false) { alert('Sender Id expiry date is invalid'); $("#" + mId + "txtSendIdValidDate").focus(); return false; } var sdob = GetValue(mId + "txtSendDOB"); var sTel = GetValue(mId + "txtSendTel"); var sMobile = GetValue(mId + "txtSendMobile"); var sCompany = GetValue(mId + "companyName"); var sNaCountry = $("#" + mId + "txtSendNativeCountry option:selected").text(); var sCity = $("#" + mId + "txtSendCity").val(); var sPostCode = GetValue(mId + "txtSendPostal"); 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var rCity = GetValue(mId + "txtRecCity"); var rPostCode = GetValue(mId + "txtRecPostal"); var rAdd1 = GetValue(mId + "txtRecAdd1"); var rAdd2 = GetValue(mId + "txtRecAdd2"); var rEmail = GetValue(mId + "txtRecEmail"); if (rEmail !== null && rEmail !== "") { if (!EmailValidation("#" + mId + "txtRecEmail", rEmail, "Sender")) { return false; } } var accountNo = GetValue(mId + "txtRecDepAcNo"); var pLocation = GetValue(mId + "locationDDL"); var pLocationText = $("#" + mId + "locationDDL option:selected").text(); var pSubLocation = GetValue(mId + "subLocationDDL"); var pSubLocationText = $("#" + mId + "subLocationDDL option:selected").text(); var isManualSC = 'N'; if ($("#" + mId + "editServiceCharge").is(":checked")) isManualSC = "Y"; var manualSC = $("#" + mId + "lblServiceChargeAmt").val(); //********IF NEW CUSTOMER CHECK REQUIRED FIELD****** var enrollCustomer = "N"; //var collModeFrmCustomer = $("input[name='chkCollMode']:checked").val(); //if (collModeFrmCustomer === undefined || collModeFrmCustomer === '') { // alert('Please choose collect mode first!'); // return false; //} if (collModeFrmCustomer === "Existing Balance") { // collModeFrmCustomer = "Bank Deposit"; //} //New params added var sCustStreet = $("#" + mId + "sCustStreet").val(); var sCustLocation = $("#" + mId + "custLocationDDL").val(); var sCustLocationText = $("#" + mId + "custLocationDDL :selected").text(); var sCustomerType = $("#" + mId + "ddlSendCustomerType").val(); var sCustBusinessType = $("#" + mId + "ddlEmpBusinessType").val(); var sCustIdIssuedCountry = $("#" + mId + "ddlIdIssuedCountry").val(); var sCustIdIssuedDate = $("#" + mId + "txtSendIdExpireDate").val(); var benId = $('#finalBenId').text(); var hddreceiverId = $("#" + mId + "hddreceiverId").val(); console.log("HdnreceiverId" + hddreceiverId); var receiverId = $("#" + mId + "ddlReceiver").val() == "" ? hddreceiverId : $("#" + mId + "ddlReceiver").val(); if (receiverId === '' || receiverId === null || receiverId === undefined) { alert('Please choose receiver to send transaction!'); return false; } if (benId === '' || benId === null || benId === undefined) { benId = $("#" + mId + "ddlReceiver").val(); } var payoutPartnerId = $("#" + mId + "hddPayoutPartner").val(); //validation for BKash added if ((payoutPartnerId == '394130' | payoutPartnerId == '394414') && collModeId == '13' && pCountry.toUpperCase() == "BANGLADESH") { var mobileNumberValidate = accountNo.replace(/\+/g, ' ').replace(/ /g, ""); var countryCode = mobileNumberValidate.substring(0, 3); if (countryCode != '880') { alert('Invalid country code passed in BKash Wallet Number!'); return false; } if (mobileNumberValidate.length != 13) { alert('Invalid BKash Wallet Number Length.!'); return false; } } //var cashCollMode = collModeFrmCustomer; var customerDepositedBank = $("#" + mId + "depositedBankDDL").val(); var introducerTxt = $("#" + mId + "introducerTxt_aValue").val(); var rel = $("#" + mId + "relationship option:selected").text().replace("Select", ""); rel = rel.replace("Select", ""); var occupation = $("#" + mId + "occupation option:selected").val(); var payMsg = escape(GetValue(mId + " txtPayMsg")); var company = GetValue(mId + "companyName"); var cancelrequestId = $("#" + mId + "cancelrequestId").val(); var salary = $("#" + mId + "ddlSalary").val(); if (salary === "Select" || rIdType === undefined || rIdType === "undefined") salary = ""; var payerId = ""; var payerBranchId = ""; var isOpen = $("#myModal1").hasClass('isopen'); var choosePayer = $("#" + mId + "hddChoosePayer").val(); if (choosePayer === 'true') { payerId = $("#" + mId + "ddlPayer").val(); if (payerId === null || payerId === "") { alert("Payer Data Not Selected Please Choose Payer Information first!"); return false; } } var showPopup = $('#hddShowPopupForReceiver').val(); if (showPopup === 'Y') { $("#modalNameValidation").modal('show'); return false; } //if (payoutPartnerId === apiPartnerIds[0] && collModeId === "2" && isOpen === true) { // payerId = $("#" + mId + "ddlPayer").val(); // payerBranchId = $("#" + mId + "ddlPayerBranch").val(); // if (payerBranchId === null || payerBranchId === "") { // alert("Payer Branch Data Not Selected Please Choose Payer Branch Information "); // return; // } //} var promotionCode = $('#hddPromotionCode').val(); var promotionAmount = $('#hddPromotionAmt').val(); var nameAsPerBank = $('#lblReceiverNamePartner').text(); var calcBy = $("#" + mId + "hddCalcBy").val(); var isRealTime = $("#" + mId + "hddIsRealTimeTxn").val(); var tpExRate = $("#" + mId + "hddTPExRate").val(); var IsExrateFromPartner = $("#" + mId + "hddFetchExrateFromPartner").val(); // var branchId = $("#" + mId + "sendingAgentOnBehalfDDL").val().split('|')[0]; // var branchName = $("#" + mId + "sendingAgentOnBehalfDDL :selected").text(); var txnRequestFromAgent = $("#" + mId + "hddTxnRequestFromAgent").val(); var txnRequestRowId = $("#" + mId + "hddTxnRequestRowId").val(); var goodsType = $("#" + mId + "goodsType").val(); var goodsOrigin = $("#" + mId + "goodsOrigin").val(); var portOfShipment = $("#" + mId + "portOfShipment").val(); var calcOriginalSc = $("#" + mId + "hdnCalcOriginalSc").val(); var paymentOption = $("#" + mId + "ddlPaymentOption option:selected").text().replace("Select", ""); var rewardAmt = $("#" + mId + "hdnRewardAmt").val(); var isPromoCode = $("#" + mId + "hdnIsPromoCode").val(); var rowId = $("#" + mId + "hdnRowId").val(); var url = "Confirm.aspx?senderId=" + senderId + "&sfName=" + sfName + "&smName=" + smName + "&slName=" + slName + "&slName2=" + slName2 + "&sIdType=" + sIdType + "&sIdNo=" + sIdNo + "&sIdValid=" + sIdValid + "&sGender=" + sGender + "&sdob=" + sdob + "&sTel=" + sTel + "&sMobile=" + encodeURIComponent(sMobile) + "&sNaCountry=" + FilterString(sNaCountry) + "&sCity=" + FilterString(sCity) + "&sPostCode=" + FilterString(sPostCode) + "&sAdd1=" + FilterString(sAdd1) + "&sAdd2=" + FilterString(sAdd2) + "&sEmail=" + sEmail + "&smsSend=" + FilterString(smsSend) + "&memberCode=" + FilterString(memberCode) + "&sCompany=" + FilterString(sCompany) + "&benId=" + FilterString(benId) + "&rfName=" + FilterStringReceiverName(rfName) + "&rmName=" + FilterStringReceiverName(rmName) + "&rlName=" + FilterStringReceiverName(rlName) + "&rlName2=" + FilterStringReceiverName(rlName2) + "&rIdType=" + FilterString(rIdType) + "&rIdNo=" + FilterString(rIdNo) + "&rGender=" + FilterString(rGender) + "&rTel=" + FilterString(rTel) + "&rMobile=" + encodeURIComponent(rMobile) + "&rCity=" + FilterString(rCity) + "&rPostCode=" + FilterString(rPostCode) + "&rAdd1=" + FilterString(rAdd1) + "&rAdd2=" + FilterString(rAdd2) + "&rEmail=" + rEmail + "&accountNo=" + FilterString(accountNo) + "&pCountry=" + FilterString(pCountry) + "&payCountryId=" + FilterString(pCountryId) + "&collMode=" + FilterString(collMode) + "&collModeId=" + FilterString(collModeId) + "&pBank=" + FilterString(pBank) + "&pBankText=" + FilterString(pBankText) + "&pBankBranch=" + FilterString(pBankBranch) + "&pBankBranchText=" + FilterString(pBankBranchText) + "&pAgent=" + FilterString(pAgent) + "&pAgentName=" + FilterString(pAgentName) + "&pBankType=" + pBankType + "&pCurr=" + FilterString(pCurr) + "&collCurr=" + FilterString(collCurr) + "&collAmt=" + FilterString(collAmt) + "&payAmt=" + FilterString(payAmt) + "&sendAmt=" + FilterString(sendAmt) + "&scharge=" + FilterString(scharge) + "&customerTotalAmt=" + FilterString(customerTotalAmt) + "&discount=" + FilterString(discount) + "&scDiscount=" + FilterString(scDiscount) + "&exRateOffer=" + FilterString(exRateOffer) + "&exRate=" + FilterString(exRate) + "&por=" + por + "&sof=" + sof + "&rel=" + rel + "&occupation=" + FilterString(occupation) + "&payMsg=" + payMsg + "&company=" + FilterString(company) + "&newCustomer=" + FilterString(newCustomer) + "&EnrollCustomer=" + FilterString(enrollCustomer) + "&cancelrequestId=" + FilterString(cancelrequestId) + "&hdnreqAgent=" + FilterString(hdnreqAgent) + "&hdnreqBranch = " + FilterString(hdnreqBranch) + "&salary=" + salary + "&pLocation=" + pLocation + "&pLocationText=" + pLocationText + "&pSubLocation=" + pSubLocation + "&tpExRate=" + tpExRate + "&manualSC=" + manualSC + "&isManualSC=" + isManualSC + //new fields //"&sCustStreet=" + sCustStreet + //"&sCustLocation=" + sCustLocation + "&sCustomerType=" + sCustomerType + "&sCustBusinessType=" + sCustBusinessType + "&sCustIdIssuedCountry=" + sCustIdIssuedCountry + "&sCustIdIssuedDate=" + sCustIdIssuedDate + "&receiverId=" + receiverId + "&payoutPartnerId=" + payoutPartnerId + //"&cashCollMode=" + cashCollMode + "&customerDepositedBank=" + customerDepositedBank + "&introducerTxt=" + introducerTxt + "&pSubLocationText=" + pSubLocationText + "&payerId=" + payerId + "&payerBranchId=" + payerBranchId + //"&branchId=" + branchId + "&isCDDI=" + FilterString(isCDDI) + "&isRealTime=" + isRealTime + "&agentRefId=" + hddAgentRefId + "&IsExrateFromPartner=" + IsExrateFromPartner + "&calcBy=" + calcBy + "&promotionCode=" + promotionCode + "&relationOther=" + relationOther + "&purposeOther=" + purposeOther + "&promotionAmount=" + promotionAmount + //"&branchName=" + branchName + "&txnRequestFromAgent=" + txnRequestFromAgent + "&txnRequestRowId=" + txnRequestRowId + "&goodsType=" + goodsType + "&goodsOrigin=" + goodsOrigin + "&portOfShipment=" + portOfShipment + "&sCustLocationText=" + sCustLocationText + "&nameAsPerBank=" + nameAsPerBank + "&calcOriginalSc=" + calcOriginalSc + "&paymentOption=" + paymentOption + "&rewardAmt=" + rewardAmt + "&isPromoCode=" + isPromoCode + "&rowId=" + rowId; 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