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using Swift.DAL.SwiftDAL;
using System.Data;
namespace Swift.DAL.AccountReportOld
public class DayBookReportOldDAO : AccountDao
public DataTable GetDayBookReport(string fromDate, string toDate, string vType, string showType = "manual")
var sql = "Exec proc_daybook @startdt =" + FilterString(fromDate);
sql += " ,@enddt = " + FilterString(toDate);
sql += " ,@vouchertype = " + FilterString(vType);
sql += " ,@showType = " + FilterString(showType);
sql += " ,@company_id = 1";
return ExecuteDataTable(sql);
public DataSet GetDayBookReportUser(string fromDate, string toDate, string vType, string userName)
var sql = "Exec procVoucherDetail @flag = 'b'";
sql += ",@StartDate =" + FilterString(fromDate);
sql += ",@EndDate =" + FilterString(toDate);
sql += ",@TranType =" + FilterString(vType);
sql += ",@UserID =" + FilterString(userName);
return ExecuteDataset(sql);
public DbResult DeleteAcctDetail(string acct_id, string user)
string sql = "Exec [proc_accountStatement]";
sql += " @flag ='d'";
sql += ", @acct_id=" + FilterString(acct_id);
sql += ", @user=" + FilterString(user);
return ParseDbResult(ExecuteDataset(sql).Tables[0]);