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610 lines
27 KiB

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Text;
using Swift.DAL.BL.Remit.Transaction;
using Swift.DAL.BL.System.GeneralSettings;
using Swift.DAL.SwiftDAL;
using Swift.web.Library;
namespace Swift.web.Remit.UserControl
public partial class UcTransactionSend : System.Web.UI.UserControl
private RemittanceLibrary sl = new RemittanceLibrary();
private SmtpMailSetting smtpMailSetting = new SmtpMailSetting();
private const string ModifyPayoutLocationId = "20121520";
private const string ModifyPayoutLocationIdAg = "40101730";
public bool ShowDetailBlock { get; set; }
public bool ShowLogBlock { get; set; }
private bool _showCommentBlock = true;
public bool ShowCommentBlock
get { return _showCommentBlock; }
set { _showCommentBlock = value; }
public bool ShowBankDetail { get; set; }
public bool ShowOfac { get; set; }
public bool ShowCompliance { get; set; }
public bool ShowApproveButton { get; set; }
public bool ShowSettlment { get; set; }
public string PAgent
get { return pAgent.Value; }
set { pAgent.Value = value; }
public string PSuperAgent
get { return hdnPsuperAgent.Value; }
set { hdnPsuperAgent.Value = value; }
public string TranNo
get { return hddTranId.Value; }
set { hddTranId.Value = value; }
public string CtrlNo
get { return lblControlNo.Text; }
set { lblControlNo.Text = value; }
public string PayTokenId
get { return hddPayTokenId.Value; }
set { hddPayTokenId.Value = value; }
public string TranStatus
get { return tranStatus.Text; }
set { tranStatus.Text = value; }
public string ModeOfPayment
get { return modeOfPayment.Text; }
set { modeOfPayment.Text = value; }
public string CreatedBy
get { return createdBy.Text; }
set { createdBy.Text = value; }
public string ApprovedBy
get { return approvedBy.Text; }
set { approvedBy.Text = value; }
public string PaidBy
get { return paidBy.Text; }
set { paidBy.Text = value; }
public string CancelRequestedBy
get { return cancelRequestedBy.Text; }
set { cancelRequestedBy.Text = value; }
public string CancelApprovedBy
get { return cancelApprovedBy.Text; }
set { cancelApprovedBy.Text = value; }
public bool TranFound { get; set; }
public void SearchData(string tranNo, string ctrlNo, string mode, string lockMode)
SearchData(tranNo, ctrlNo, mode, lockMode, "SEARCH", "ADM:SEARCH TXN");
public void SearchData(string tranNo, string ctrlNo, string mode, string lockMode, string viewType, string viewMsg)
tranNoName.Text = GetStatic.GetTranNoName();
TranNo = tranNo;
CtrlNo = ctrlNo;
TranFound = false;
var obj = new TranViewDao();
var ds = obj.SelectTransactionInt(GetStatic.GetUser(), ctrlNo, TranNo, lockMode, viewType, viewMsg, GetStatic.GetIp(), GetStatic.GetDcInfo());
if (ds == null)
sl.ManageInvalidControlNoAttempt(Page, GetStatic.GetUser(), "N");
if (ds.Tables.Count > 1)
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
TranFound = true;
sl.ManageInvalidControlNoAttempt(Page, GetStatic.GetUser(), "Y");
var tRow = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
lblControlNo.Text = tRow["controlNo"].ToString();
hddTranId.Value = tRow["tranId"].ToString();
hdnPsuperAgent.Value = tRow["pSuperAgent"].ToString();
lblTranNo.Text = tRow["holdTranId"].ToString();
lblTranRefId.Text = tRow["tranId"].ToString();
TranNo = lblTranRefId.Text;
if (tRow["sMemId"].ToString() == "")
sDisMemId.Visible = false;
sDisMemId.Visible = true;
sMemId.Text = tRow["sMemId"].ToString();
if (tRow["rMemId"].ToString() == "")
rDisMemId.Visible = false;
rDisMemId.Visible = true;
rMemId.Text = tRow["rMemId"].ToString();
PAgent = tRow["pAgent"].ToString();
PSuperAgent = tRow["pSuperAgent"].ToString();
if (tRow["tranStatus"].ToString().ToUpper() == "LOCK")
lockAudit.Visible = true;
var html = new StringBuilder("Locked By ");
html.Append(tRow["lockedBy"] + " on " + tRow["lockedDate"]);
lockAudit.InnerHtml = html.ToString();
if (mode == "u") // mode: modification transaction
sName.Text = GetLinkTextForModification("Sender Name", "senderName", tRow);
sName.Text = GetLinkTextForModification("Sender Name", "senderName", tRow);
sAddress.Text = GetLinkTextForModification("Sender Address", "sAddress", tRow);
sContactNo.Text = GetLinkTextForModification("Sender Contact No", "sContactNo", tRow);
sIdType.Text = GetLinkTextForModification("Sender Id Type", "sIdType", tRow);
sIdNo.Text = GetLinkTextForModification("Sender Id No", "sIdNo", tRow);
rName.Text = GetLinkTextForModification("Receiver Name", "receiverName", tRow);
rAddress.Text = GetLinkTextForModification("Receiver Address", "rAddress", tRow);
rContactNo.Text = GetLinkTextForModification("Receiver Contact No", "rContactNo", tRow);
rIdType.Text = GetLinkTextForModification("Receiver Id Type", "rIdType", tRow);
rIdNo.Text = GetLinkTextForModification("Receiver Id No", "rIdNo", tRow);
sTelNo.Text = tRow["sTelNo"].ToString();
rTelNo.Text = tRow["rTelNo"].ToString();
if (tRow["paymentMethod"].ToString().ToUpper() == "BANK DEPOSIT")
accountNo.Text = GetLinkTextForModification("Account No", "accountNo", tRow);
bankName.Text = GetLinkTextForModification("Bank Name", "BankName", tRow);
branchName.Text = GetLinkTextForModification("Branch Name", "pBranchName", tRow);
sName.Text = tRow["senderName"].ToString();
sAddress.Text = tRow["sAddress"].ToString();
sContactNo.Text = tRow["sContactNo"].ToString();
sTelNo.Text = tRow["sTelNo"].ToString();
sIdType.Text = tRow["sIdType"].ToString();
sIdNo.Text = tRow["sIdNo"].ToString();
rName.Text = tRow["receiverName"].ToString();
rAddress.Text = tRow["rAddress"].ToString();
rContactNo.Text = tRow["rContactNo"].ToString();
rIdType.Text = tRow["rIdType"].ToString();
rIdNo.Text = tRow["rIdNo"].ToString();
rTelNo.Text = tRow["rTelNo"].ToString();
if (tRow["tranStatus"].ToString().ToUpper() == "CANCEL")
showHideTranStatus.Visible = true;
highLightTranStatus.InnerText = "CANCELLED Transaction";
if (tRow["tranStatus"].ToString().ToUpper() == "BLOCK")
showHideTranStatus.Visible = true;
highLightTranStatus.InnerText = "Block Transaction";
if (tRow["tranStatus"].ToString().ToUpper() == "CANCELREQUEST")
showHideTranStatus.Visible = true;
highLightTranStatus.InnerText = "Cancel Requested !";
if (tRow["tranStatus"].ToString().ToUpper() == "LOCK")
showHideTranStatus.Visible = true;
highLightTranStatus.InnerText = "Locked Transaction!";
if (tRow["tranStatus"].ToString().ToUpper() == "COMPLIANCE")
showHideTranStatus.Visible = true;
highLightTranStatus.InnerText = "Compliance Transaction!";
if (tRow["tranStatus"].ToString().ToUpper() == "OFAC")
showHideTranStatus.Visible = true;
highLightTranStatus.InnerText = "OFAC Transaction!";
sCountry.Text = tRow["sCountryName"].ToString();
sCity.Text = tRow["sCity"].ToString();
sEmail.Text = tRow["sEmail"].ToString();
sValidityDate.Text = tRow["sValidDate"].ToString();
sNativeCountry.Text = tRow["nativeCountry"].ToString();
rCountry.Text = tRow["rCountryName"].ToString();
rCity.Text = tRow["rCity"].ToString();
//Sending Agent Detail
sAgentName.Text = tRow["sAgentName"].ToString();
sBranchName.Text = tRow["sBranchName"].ToString();
sAgentCountry.Text = tRow["sCountryName"].ToString();
sAgentAddress.Text = tRow["sAgentAddress"].ToString();
//Payout Agent Detail
pAgentCountry.Text = tRow["pAgentCountry"].ToString();
pAgentAddress.Text = tRow["pAgentAddress"].ToString();
if (sl.HasRight(ModifyPayoutLocationId) || sl.HasRight(ModifyPayoutLocationIdAg))
if (mode == "u" && tRow["paymentMethod"].ToString().ToUpper() != "BANK DEPOSIT") // mode: modification payout location
accountNo.Text = tRow["accountNo"].ToString();
bankName.Text = tRow["BankName"].ToString();
branchName.Text = tRow["BranchName"].ToString();
pBranchName.Text = tRow["pBranchName"].ToString();
else if (mode == "u" && tRow["paymentMethod"].ToString().ToUpper() == "BANK DEPOSIT") //modify mode & bank deposit mode
accountNo.Text = GetLinkPayoutLocation("Account Number", "accountNo", tRow);
bankName.Text = GetLinkPayoutLocation("Bank Name", "BankName", tRow);
branchName.Text = GetLinkPayoutLocation("Branch Name", "BranchName", tRow);
pBranchName.Text = GetLinkPayoutLocation("Paying Branch", "pBranchName", tRow);
accountNo.Text = tRow["accountNo"].ToString();
bankName.Text = tRow["BankName"].ToString();
branchName.Text = tRow["BranchName"].ToString();
pBranchName.Text = tRow["pBranchName"].ToString();
accountNo.Text = tRow["accountNo"].ToString();
bankName.Text = tRow["BankName"].ToString();
branchName.Text = tRow["BranchName"].ToString();
pBranchName.Text = tRow["pBranchName"].ToString();
pAgentName.Text = tRow["expectedPayoutAgent"].ToString();
//sAgentComm.Text = GetStatic.FormatData(tRow["sAgentComm"].ToString(), "M");
//sAgentCommCurr.Text = tRow["sAgentCommCurrency"].ToString();
if (payStatus.Text == "Paid")
payAgentComm.Visible = true;
pAgentComm.Text = GetStatic.FormatData(tRow["pAgentComm"].ToString(), "M");
pAgentCommCurr.Text = tRow["pAgentCommCurrency"].ToString();
//Transaction Information
pnlShowBankDetail.Visible = tRow["paymentMethod"].ToString().ToUpper().Equals("BANK DEPOSIT");
modeOfPayment.Text = tRow["paymentMethod"].ToString();
lblStatus.Text = tRow["payStatus"].ToString();
tranStatus.Text = tRow["tranStatus"].ToString();
lbltrnsubStatus.Text = tRow["tranStatus"].ToString();
payStatus.Text = tRow["payStatus"].ToString();
payoutMsg.Text = tRow["payoutMsg"].ToString();
sourceOfFund.Text = tRow["sourceOfFund"].ToString();
reasonOfRemit.Text = tRow["purposeOfRemit"].ToString();
//Payout Amount
//handling.Text = GetStatic.FormatData(tRow["handlingFee"].ToString(), "M");
//exRate.Text = tRow["exRate"].ToString();
custRate.Text = tRow["custRate"].ToString();
//settRate.Text = tRow["settRate"].ToString();
transferAmount.Text = tRow["tAmt"].ToString();// GetStatic.FormatData(tRow["tAmt"].ToString(), "M");
serviceCharge.Text = GetStatic.FormatData(tRow["serviceCharge"].ToString(), "M");
total.Text = tRow["cAmt"].ToString();//GetStatic.FormatData(tRow["cAmt"].ToString(), "M");
payoutAmt.Text = GetStatic.FormatData(tRow["pAmt"].ToString(), "M");
relationship.Text = tRow["relationship"].ToString();
tAmtCurr.Text = tRow["collCurr"].ToString();
scCurr.Text = tRow["collCurr"].ToString();
totalCurr.Text = tRow["collCurr"].ToString();
pAmtCurr.Text = tRow["payoutCurr"].ToString();
//Transaction Log Information
createdBy.Text = tRow["createdBy"].ToString();
createdDate.Text = tRow["createdDate"].ToString();
approvedBy.Text = tRow["approvedBy"].ToString();
approvedDate.Text = tRow["approvedDate"].ToString();
paidBy.Text = tRow["paidBy"].ToString();
paidDate.Text = tRow["paidDate"].ToString();
cancelRequestedBy.Text = tRow["cancelRequestBy"].ToString();
cancelRequestedDate.Text = tRow["cancelRequestDate"].ToString();
cancelApprovedBy.Text = tRow["cancelApprovedBy"].ToString();
cancelApprovedDate.Text = tRow["cancelApprovedDate"].ToString();
hddPayTokenId.Value = tRow["payTokenId"].ToString();
tblCreatedLog.Visible = createdBy.Text != "";
tblApprovedLog.Visible = approvedBy.Text != "";
tblPaidLog.Visible = paidBy.Text != "";
tblCancelRequestedLog.Visible = cancelRequestedBy.Text != "";
tblCancelApprovedLog.Visible = cancelApprovedBy.Text != "";
if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0)
pnlLog.Visible = true;
var dt = ds.Tables[1];
var str = new StringBuilder("<table class='table' border=\"0\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=\"3\">");
str.Append("<th>Updated By</th>");
str.Append("<th width='130px'>Updated Date</th>");
//str.Append("<th>Msg Type</th>");
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
str.Append("<td align='left'>" + dr["createdBy"] + "</td>");
str.Append("<td align='left'>" + dr["createdDate"] + "</td>");
if (dr["fileType"].ToString() == "")
str.Append("<td align='left'>" + dr["message"] + "</td>");
str.Append("<td align='left'><a title='View Deposit Slip' target='_blank' href='/doc/" + lblControlNo.Text + "/" + dr["rowId"].ToString() + "." + dr["fileType"].ToString() + "'>" + dr["message"] + "</a></td>");
// str.Append("<td align='left'>" + dr["msgType"] + "</td>");
rptLog.InnerHtml = str.ToString();
if (ds.Tables[2].Rows.Count > 0)
var sb = new StringBuilder("");
sb.AppendLine("<table class='table' style=\"width: 100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=\"3\"><tr>");
sb.AppendLine("<th nowrap='nowrap' align='left'>BANK/CASH</th>");
sb.AppendLine("<th nowrap='nowrap' align='left'>Voucher No</th>");
sb.AppendLine("<th nowrap='nowrap' align='left'>Amount</th>");
sb.AppendLine("<th nowrap='nowrap' align='left'>Deposit Date</th>");
sb.AppendLine("<th nowrap='nowrap' align='left'>Narration</th></tr>");
for (int a = 0; a < ds.Tables[2].Rows.Count; a++)
sb.AppendLine("<td align='left'>" + ds.Tables[2].Rows[a]["bankName"] + "</td>");
sb.AppendLine("<td align='left'>" + ds.Tables[2].Rows[a]["voucherNo"] + "</td>");
sb.AppendLine("<td align='left'>" + GetStatic.ShowDecimal(ds.Tables[2].Rows[a]["Amt"].ToString()) + "</td>");
sb.AppendLine("<td align='left'>" + ds.Tables[2].Rows[a]["collDate"] + "</td>");
sb.AppendLine("<td align='left'>" + ds.Tables[2].Rows[a]["narration"] + "</td>");
Ddetail.InnerHtml = sb.ToString();
public void SearchData(string tranNo, string ctrlNo)
SearchData(tranNo, ctrlNo, "");
public void SearchData(string tranNo, string ctrlNo, string lockMode)
SearchData(tranNo, ctrlNo, "", lockMode);
public string GetLinkTextForModification(string label, string fieldName, DataRow dr)
var str = "<a href=# title='Edit Record'><div class = \"link\" onclick = \"EditData('" + label + "', '" + fieldName + "', '" + dr[fieldName] + "','" + hddTranId.Value + "')\">" +
dr[fieldName] + "<img border=0 src=\"" + GetStatic.GetUrlRoot() + "/Images/edit.gif\"/></a></div>";
return str;
public string GetLinkPayoutLocation(string label, string fieldName, DataRow dr)
var str = "<a href=# title='Edit Record'><div class = \"link\" onclick = \"EditPayoutLocation('" + label + "', '" + fieldName + "', '" + dr[fieldName] + "','" + hddTranId.Value + "')\">" +
dr[fieldName] + "<img border=0 src=\"" + GetStatic.GetUrlRoot() + "/Images/edit.gif\"/></a></div>";
return str;
public void SearchData()
//if TranNo is not blank, search by tranNo
//if CtrlNo is not blank, search by ctrlNo
private void ManageMessage(DbResult dbResult)
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
pnlDetail.Visible = ShowDetailBlock;
pnlComment.Visible = ShowCommentBlock;
lblAddComp.Visible = ShowCommentBlock;
lblSettl.Visible = ShowSettlment;
private void Authenticate()
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (GetStatic.GetIsApiFlag() == "Y")
comments.Text = "";
#region for desplaying a transaction comments log
public void ShowLog()
var obj = new TranViewDao();
var ds = obj.DisplayLog(GetStatic.GetUser(), lblControlNo.Text, hddTranId.Value, "");
if (ds == null)
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
pnlLog.Visible = true;
var dt = ds.Tables[0];
var str = new StringBuilder("<table class='table' border=\"1\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=\"3\">");
str.Append("<th>Updated By</th>");
str.Append("<th width='130px'>Updated Date</th>");
// str.Append("<th>Msg Type</th>");
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
str.Append("<td align='left'>" + dr["createdBy"] + "</td>");
str.Append("<td align='left'>" + dr["createdDate"] + "</td>");
if (dr["fileType"].ToString() == "")
str.Append("<td align='left'>" + dr["message"] + "</td>");
str.Append("<td align='left'><a title='View Deposit Slip' target='_blank' href='/doc/" + lblControlNo.Text + "/" + dr["rowId"].ToString() + "." + dr["fileType"].ToString() + "'>" + dr["message"] + "</a></td>");
//str.Append("<td align='left'>" + dr["msgType"] + "</td>");
rptLog.InnerHtml = str.ToString();
public void AddComment()
var obj = new TranViewDao();
DbResult dbResult = obj.AddComment(GetStatic.GetUser(), lblControlNo.Text, hddTranId.Value, comments.Text);
if (dbResult.ErrorCode != "0")
GetStatic.CallBackJs1(Page, "Result", "alert('" + dbResult.Msg + "')");
public void AddCommentApi()
GetStatic.AddTroubleTicket(Page, lblControlNo.Text, comments.Text, 2);
private delegate void DoStuff(); //delegate for the action
private void SendMail()
var myAction = new DoStuff(AsyncMailProcessing);
//invoke it asynchrnously, control passes to next statement
myAction.BeginInvoke(null, null);
private void AsyncMailProcessing()
var bw = new BackgroundWorker();
// this allows our worker to report progress during work
bw.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
// what to do in the background thread
bw.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(
delegate(object o, DoWorkEventArgs args)
var b = o as BackgroundWorker;
// what to do when progress changed (update the progress bar for example)
bw.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(
delegate(object o, ProgressChangedEventArgs args)
//label1.Text = string.Format("{0}% Completed", args.ProgressPercentage);
// what to do when worker completes its task (notify the user)
bw.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(
delegate(object o, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs args)
var dbResult = new DbResult();
dbResult.SetError("0", "Mail Sent Successfully", "");
GetStatic.PrintMessage(Page, dbResult);
private void SetupEmailSetting()
var obj = new SystemEmailSetupDao();
var ds = obj.GetDataForEmail(GetStatic.GetUser(), "Trouble", lblControlNo.Text, comments.Text);
if (ds == null)
if (ds.Tables.Count == 0)
if (ds.Tables.Count > 1)
//Email Server Settings
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
var dr1 = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
smtpMailSetting.SmtpServer = dr1["smtpServer"].ToString();
smtpMailSetting.SmtpPort = Convert.ToInt32(dr1["smtpPort"]);
smtpMailSetting.SendEmailId = dr1["sendID"].ToString();
smtpMailSetting.SendEmailPwd = dr1["sendPSW"].ToString();
smtpMailSetting.EnableSsl = GetStatic.GetCharToBool(dr1["enableSsl"].ToString());
if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count == 0)
//Email Receiver
if (ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0)
var dt = ds.Tables[1];
foreach (DataRow dr2 in dt.Rows)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(smtpMailSetting.ToEmails))
smtpMailSetting.ToEmails = smtpMailSetting.ToEmails + ",";
smtpMailSetting.ToEmails = smtpMailSetting.ToEmails + dr2["email"].ToString();
//Email Subject and Body
if (ds.Tables[2].Rows.Count > 0)
var dr3 = ds.Tables[2].Rows[0];
if (dr3 == null)
smtpMailSetting.MsgSubject = dr3[0].ToString();
smtpMailSetting.MsgBody = dr3[1].ToString();