You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

580 lines
25 KiB

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using Swift.DAL.SwiftDAL;
using Swift.web.Library;
using Swift.DAL.BL.SwiftSystem;
namespace Swift.web.SwiftSystem.UserManagement.AgentSetup
public partial class Manage : Page
private const string ViewFunctionId = "20111000";
private const string AddEditFunctionId = "20111010";
private const string DeleteFunctionId = "20111020";
private readonly StaticDataDdl _sdd = new StaticDataDdl();
private readonly AgentDao obj = new AgentDao();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string PType = GetPageType();
if (!IsPostBack)
intlCheck.Checked = false;
branchCodeField.Visible = false;
var actAsBranch = GetStatic.ReadQueryString("actAsBranch", "");
if (actAsBranch == "N" && GetAgentType() == "2902")
intlCheck.Checked = true;
if (actAsBranch == "Y" && GetAgentType() == "2903")
branchCodeField.Visible = true;
//payOption.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select", ""));
pnl1.Visible = GetMode().ToString() == "1";
btnDelete.Visible = (GetAgentId() > 0 ? true : false);
if (GetAgentId() > 0)
//spnCname.InnerHtml = _sdd.GetAgentBreadCrumb(GetAgentId().ToString());
// spnCname.InnerHtml = _sdd.GetAgentBreadCrumb(GetParentId().ToString());
if (PType == "agentDetail")
bntSubmit.Visible = false;
btnDelete.Visible = false;
divTab.InnerHtml = "";
private void LoadTab()
divTab.Visible = true;
var html = new StringBuilder();
var agentId = GetAgentId();
var mode = GetMode();
var parentId = GetParentId();
var sParentId = GetParentId();
var aType = GetAgentType();
var actAsBranch = GetActAsBranchFlag();
"<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" align=\"left\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"clear: both; margin-left:16px;\">" +
"<tr><td height=\"10\">");
html.Append("<ul class=\"nav nav-tabs\" role=\"tablist\"><li class=\"active\"> <a href=\"#\" class=\"selected\">Agent Information </a></li>" +
"<li> <a href=\"../../../Remit/Administration/AgentSetup/AgentCurrency.aspx?agentId=" + agentId + "&mode=" + mode + "&parent_id=" + parentId + "&sParentId=" + sParentId + "&aType=" + aType + "&actAsBranch=" + actAsBranch + "\"> Allowed Currency </a></li>" +
"<li> <a href=\"../../../Remit/Administration/AgentSetup/AgentBusinessHistory.aspx?agentId=" + agentId + "&mode=" + mode + "&parent_id=" + parentId + "&sParentId=" + sParentId + "&aType=" + aType + "&actAsBranch=" + actAsBranch + "\"> Business History </a></li>" +
"<li> <a href=\"../../../Remit/Administration/AgentSetup/OwnerInf/List.aspx?agentId=" + agentId + "&mode=" + mode + "&parent_id=" + parentId + "&sParentId=" + sParentId + "&aType=" + aType + "&actAsBranch=" + actAsBranch + "\">Owners</a></li>" +
"<li> <a href=\"../../../Remit/Administration/AgentSetup/Document/List.aspx?agentId=" + agentId + "&mode=" + mode + "&parent_id=" + parentId + "&sParentId=" + sParentId + "&aType=" + aType + "&actAsBranch=" + actAsBranch + "\">Required Document</a></li>" +
"<li> <a href=\"../../../Remit/Administration/AgentSetup/AgentContactPerson/List.aspx?agentId=" + agentId + "&mode=" + mode + "&parent_id=" + parentId + "&sParentId=" + sParentId + "&aType=" + aType + "&actAsBranch=" + actAsBranch + "\">Contact Person</a></li>" +
"<li> <a href=\"../../../Remit/Administration/AgentSetup/AgentBankAccount/List.aspx?agentId=" + agentId + "&mode=" + mode + "&parent_id=" + parentId + "&sParentId=" + sParentId + "&aType=" + aType + "&actAsBranch=" + actAsBranch + "\">Bank Account</a></li>" +
"</ul> ");
divTab.InnerHtml = html.ToString();
private void PullDefaultValueById()
DataRow dr = obj.PullDefaultValueById(GetStatic.GetUser(), GetParentId().ToString());
if (dr == null)
agentCity.Text = dr["agentCity"].ToString();
//agentZip.Text = dr["agentZip"].ToString();
isActive.SelectedValue = dr["isActive"].ToString();
if (GetAgentType() == "2904")
agentName.Text = dr["agentName"] + " - ";
private void CheckMessageHead()
if (GetAgentType() == "2904")
headMsgShow.Visible = true;
else if (GetAgentType() == "2903" && GetActAsBranchFlag() == "Y")
headMsgShow.Visible = true;
private void ManageEditMode()
isSettlingAgent.Enabled = false;
agentCountry.Enabled = false;
private void ConfigurePageLoad()
isSettlingAgent.Text = "N";
var IsSettling = obj.GetParentAgentSettlementStatus(GetParentId().ToString());
if (GetAgentType() == "2904" || GetActAsBranchFlag() == "Y")
if (IsSettling != "Y")
isSettlingAgent.Text = "Y";
isSettlingAgent.Enabled = false;
if (IsSettling == "Y")
isSettlingAgent.Enabled = false;
isSettlingAgent.Enabled = true;
private void MakeNumericTextBox()
//Misc.MakeNumericTextbox(ref agentZip);
#region QueryString
protected string GetAgentName()
return "Agent Name : " + _sdd.GetAgentName(GetAgentId().ToString());
protected string GetFullDetail()
return GetStatic.ReadQueryString("fullDetail", "");
protected long GetAgentId()
return GetStatic.ReadNumericDataFromQueryString("agentId");
protected long GetMode()
return GetStatic.ReadNumericDataFromQueryString("mode");
protected String GetPageType()
return GetStatic.ReadQueryString("PageType", "");
protected long GetParentId()
return GetStatic.ReadNumericDataFromQueryString("parent_id");
protected long GetSParentId()
return GetStatic.ReadNumericDataFromQueryString("sParentId");
protected string GetAgentType()
string atype = GetStatic.ReadNumericDataFromQueryString("aType").ToString();
return atype;
protected string GetActAsBranchFlag()
return GetStatic.ReadQueryString("actAsBranch", "");
#region Method
private void Authenticate()
btnDelete.Visible = _sdd.HasRight(DeleteFunctionId);
bntSubmit.Visible = _sdd.HasRight(AddEditFunctionId);
private void PopulateDdl(DataRow dr)
string sql = "";
string aType = GetAgentType();
string mode = GetMode().ToString();
if (mode == "1" || mode == "2")
if (aType == "")
sql = "SELECT valueId, detailTitle FROM staticDataValue WHERE valueId IN(2900)";
if (aType == "2901")
sql = "SELECT valueId, detailTitle FROM staticDataValue WHERE valueId IN(2901)";
if (aType == "2902" || aType == "2903")
sql = "SELECT valueId, detailTitle FROM staticDataValue WHERE valueId IN(2902)";
if (aType == "2903")
sql = "SELECT valueId, detailTitle FROM staticDataValue WHERE valueId IN(2903)";
if (aType == "2904")
sql = "SELECT valueId, detailTitle FROM staticDataValue WHERE valueId IN(2904)";
if (aType == "2900")
sql = "SELECT valueId, detailTitle FROM staticDataValue WHERE valueId IN(2901)";
else if (aType == "2901")
sql = "SELECT valueId, detailTitle FROM staticDataValue WHERE valueId IN(2902)";
else if (aType == "2902")
sql = "SELECT valueId, detailTitle FROM staticDataValue WHERE valueId IN(2903)";
else if (aType == "2903")
sql = "SELECT valueId, detailTitle FROM staticDataValue WHERE valueId IN(2904)";
_sdd.SetDDL(ref agentType, sql, "valueId", "detailTitle", GetStatic.GetRowData(dr, "agentType"), "");
_sdd.SetStaticDdl(ref agentGroup, "4300", GetStatic.GetRowData(dr, "agentGrp"), "Select");
_sdd.SetStaticDdl(ref businessOrgType, "4500", GetStatic.GetRowData(dr, "businessOrgType"), "Select");
_sdd.SetStaticDdl(ref businessType, "6200", GetStatic.GetRowData(dr, "businessType"), "Select");
_sdd.SetDDL(ref agentLocation, "EXEC proc_apiLocation @flag = 'l'", "districtCode", "districtName",
GetStatic.GetRowData(dr, "agentLocation"), "Select");
LoadCountry(ref agentCountry, GetStatic.GetRowData(dr, "agentCountry"));
LoadState(ref agentState, agentCountry.Text, GetStatic.GetRowData(dr, "agentState"));
LoadDistrict(ref agentDistrict, agentState.Text, GetStatic.GetRowData(dr, "agentDistrict"));
_sdd.SetDDL(ref agentSettCurr, "EXEC proc_dropDownLists @flag = 'allCurr'", "currencyCode", "currencyCode",
GetStatic.GetRowData(dr, "agentSettCurr"), "Select");
private void PopulateDataById()
DataRow dr = obj.SelectById(GetStatic.GetUser(), GetAgentId().ToString());
if (dr == null)
agentName.Text = dr["agentName"].ToString();
agentAddress.Text = dr["agentAddress"].ToString();
agentCity.Text = dr["agentCity"].ToString();
//agentZip.Text = dr["agentZip"].ToString();
agentPhone1.Text = dr["agentPhone1"].ToString();
agentPhone2.Text = dr["agentPhone2"].ToString();
agentFax1.Text = dr["agentFax1"].ToString();
agentFax2.Text = dr["agentFax2"].ToString();
agentMobile1.Text = dr["agentMobile1"].ToString();
agentMobile2.Text = dr["agentMobile2"].ToString();
agentEmail1.Text = dr["agentEmail1"].ToString();
agentEmail2.Text = dr["agentEmail2"].ToString();
bankBranch.Text = dr["bankBranch"].ToString();
bankCode.Text = dr["bankCode"].ToString();
accNumber.Text = dr["bankAccountNumber"].ToString();
accHolderName.Text = dr["accountHolderName"].ToString();
//agentRole.SelectedValue = dr["agentRole"].ToString();
agentType.SelectedValue = dr["agentType"].ToString();
//allowAccountDeposit.Text = dr["allowAccountDeposit"].ToString();
contractExpiryDate.Text = dr["contractExpiryDate1"].ToString();
renewalFollowupDate.Text = dr["renewalFollowupDate1"].ToString();
isSettlingAgent.Text = dr["isSettlingAgent"].ToString();
businessLicense.Text = dr["businessLicense"].ToString();
agentBlock.SelectedValue = dr["agentBlock"].ToString();
branchCode.Text = dr["branchCode"].ToString();
branchCode.ReadOnly = true;
agentDetails.Text = dr["agentDetails"].ToString();
isActive.SelectedValue = dr["isActive"].ToString();
mapCodeDom.Text = dr["mapCodeDom"].ToString();
partnerBankcode.Text = dr["routingCode"].ToString();
agentDetails.Text = dr["agentDetails"].ToString();
headMessage.Text = dr["headMessage"].ToString();
contactPerson1.Text = dr["contactPerson1"].ToString();
contactPerson2.Text = dr["contactPerson2"].ToString();
isHeadOffice.Text = dr["isHeadOffice"].ToString();
isApiPartner.Checked = string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["isApiPartner"].ToString()) ? false : Convert.ToBoolean(dr["isApiPartner"].ToString());
intlCheck.Checked = string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["IsIntl"].ToString()) ? false : Convert.ToBoolean(dr["IsIntl"].ToString());
divAuditLog.InnerHtml = _sdd.GetAuditLog(dr);
private void Update()
string isInt = intlCheck.Checked ? "1" : "0";
string isAPIPartner = isApiPartner.Checked ? "1" : "0";
agentBlock.Text = "U";
DbResult dbResult = obj.Update(GetStatic.GetUser()
, GetAgentId().ToString()
, GetParentId().ToString()
, agentName.Text
, agentAddress.Text
, agentCity.Text
, agentCountry.Text
, agentCountry.Text == "" ? agentCountry.Text : agentCountry.SelectedItem.Text
, agentState.Text == "" ? agentState.Text : agentState.SelectedItem.Text
, agentDistrict.Text == "" ? agentDistrict.Text : agentDistrict.SelectedItem.Text
//, agentZip.Text
, agentLocation.Text
, agentPhone1.Text
, agentPhone2.Text
, agentFax1.Text
, agentFax2.Text
, agentMobile1.Text
, agentMobile2.Text
, agentEmail1.Text
, agentEmail2.Text
, bankBranch.Text
, bankCode.Text
, accNumber.Text
, accHolderName.Text
, businessOrgType.Text
, businessType.Text
, agentType.Text
, GetActAsBranchFlag()
, contractExpiryDate.Text
, renewalFollowupDate.Text
, isSettlingAgent.Text
, agentGroup.Text
, businessLicense.Text
, agentBlock.Text
, agentDetails.Text
, isActive.Text
, headMessage.Text
, mapCodeDom.Text
, partnerBankcode.Text
, agentSettCurr.Text
, contactPerson1.Text
, contactPerson2.Text
, isInt
, isAPIPartner
, isHeadOffice.Text,
lblMsg.Text = dbResult.Msg;
catch (SqlException ex)
var dbResult = new DbResult();
dbResult.SetError("1", "Cannot save data : " + ex, "");
private void DeleteRow()
DbResult dbResult = obj.Delete(GetStatic.GetUser(), GetAgentId().ToString());
private void ManageMessage(DbResult dbResult)
if (dbResult.ErrorCode == "0")
if (GetMode().ToString() == "1")
string mes = GetStatic.ParseResultJsPrint(dbResult);
mes = mes.Replace("<center>", "");
mes = mes.Replace("</center>", "");
string scriptName = "CallBack";
string functionName = "CallBack('" + mes + "')";
GetStatic.CallBackJs1(Page, scriptName, functionName);
//ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "CloseWindow", "parent.parent.GB_hide()", true);
if (GetMode() == 2)
private void LoadState(ref DropDownList ddl, string countryId, string defaultValue)
//string sql = "EXEC Proc_dropdown_remit @flag='static', @typeId = '2'";
//_sdd.SetDDL3(ref ddl, sql, "valueId", "detailTitle", defaultValue, "Select");
string sql = "exec proc_dropdown_remit @flag='filterState', @countryId = '" + agentCountry.SelectedValue + "'";
_sdd.SetDDL3(ref ddl, sql, "stateId", "stateName", defaultValue, "select");
private void LoadDistrict(ref DropDownList ddl, string zone, string defaultValue)
//string sql = "EXEC Proc_dropdown_remit @flag='static', @typeId = '3'";
//_sdd.SetDDL3(ref ddl, sql, "valueId", "detailTitle", defaultValue, "Select");
string sql = "EXEC Proc_dropdown_remit @flag = 'filterDist', @zone = '" + agentState.SelectedValue + "'";
_sdd.SetDDL(ref agentDistrict, sql, "districtName", "districtName", defaultValue, "Select District");
private void LoadCountry(ref DropDownList ddl, string defaultValue)
string sql = "EXEC Proc_dropdown_remit @flag='country'";
_sdd.SetDDL3(ref ddl, sql, "countryId", "countryName", defaultValue, "Select");
#region Control Methods
protected void bntSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string atype = GetStatic.ReadNumericDataFromQueryString("aType").ToString();
if (atype == "2904" && branchCode.Text.Length < 3)
var dbResult = new DbResult()
ErrorCode = "1",
Msg = "Branch code must be three characters",
Id = null
branchCodeField.Visible = true;
protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void agentCountry_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//if (agentCountry.SelectedValue != "")
// _sdd.SetDDL(ref agentState, "Proc_dropdown_remit @flag = 'filterState', @countryId = '" + agentCountry.SelectedValue + "'", "stateId", "stateName", "", "Select State");
LoadState(ref agentState, agentCountry.Text, "");
protected void agentState_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//if (agentDistrict.SelectedValue != "")
// _sdd.SetDDL(ref agentDistrict, "Proc_dropdown_remit @flag = 'filterDist', @zone = '" + agentState.SelectedValue + "'", "districtId", "districtName", "", "Select District");
LoadDistrict(ref agentDistrict, agentState.Text, "");
protected void companyCountry_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//LoadState(ref companyState, companyCountry.Text, "");
protected void companyState_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//LoadDistrict(ref companyDistrict, companyState.Text, "");
protected void LoadRegionSettings(string countryId)
if (countryId == "Nepal")
lblRegionType.Text = "Zone";
//pnlDistrict.Visible = true;
//pnlZip.Visible = false;
agentLocation.Enabled = true;
spnAgentLocation.Visible = true;
// rfvAgentLocation.Enabled = true;
lblRegionType.Text = "State";
//pnlDistrict.Visible = false;
//pnlZip.Visible = true;
agentLocation.Text = "";
agentLocation.Enabled = false;
spnAgentLocation.Visible = false;
// rfvAgentLocation.Enabled = false;
protected void LoadCompanyRegionSettings(string countryId)
//if (countryId == "Nepal")
// lblCompanyRegionType.Text = "Zone";
// pnlCompanyDistrict.Visible = true;
// pnlCompanyZip.Visible = false;
// lblCompanyRegionType.Text = "State";
// pnlCompanyDistrict.Visible = false;
// pnlCompanyZip.Visible = true;
protected void payOption_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ManagePayOption(string pOption)
//switch (pOption)
// case "10":
// mapCodeIntAC.Enabled = false;
// mapCodeDomAC.Enabled = false;
// allowAccountDeposit.Text = "N";
// allowAccountDeposit.Enabled = false;
// break;
// case "20":
// //mapCodeIntAC.Enabled = false;
// allowAccountDeposit.Enabled = true;
// break;
// case "30":
// mapCodeIntAC.Enabled = true;
// allowAccountDeposit.Enabled = true;
// break;
// case "40":
// mapCodeIntAC.Enabled = true;
// allowAccountDeposit.Enabled = true;
// break;
// default:
// mapCodeIntAC.Enabled = true;
// allowAccountDeposit.Enabled = true;
// break;
protected void allowAccountDeposit_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//mapCodeDomAC.Enabled = allowAccountDeposit.Text == "Y";