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Do you want to clean it before pasting?", "error": "It was not possible to clean up the pasted data due to an internal error", "title": "পেস্ট (শব্দ)", "toolbar": "পেস্ট (শব্দ)" }, "preview": { "preview": "প্রাকদর্শন" }, "print": { "toolbar": "প্রিন্ট করি" }, "removeformat": { "toolbar": "ধরন-প্রকৃতি অপসারণ করি" }, "save": { "toolbar": "সংরক্ষন করি" }, "selectall": { "toolbar": "সব সিলেক্ট করি" }, "showblocks": { "toolbar": "Show Blocks" }, "sourcearea": { "toolbar": "উৎস" }, "specialchar": { "options": "Special Character Options", "title": "বিশেষ ক্যারেক্টার বাছাই কর", "toolbar": "বিশেষ অক্ষর যুক্ত কর" }, "scayt": { "btn_about": "About SCAYT", "btn_dictionaries": "Dictionaries", "btn_disable": "Disable SCAYT", "btn_enable": "Enable SCAYT", "btn_langs": "Languages", "btn_options": "Options", "text_title": "Spell Check As You Type" }, "stylescombo": { "label": "ধরন", "panelTitle": "Formatting Styles", "panelTitle1": "Block Styles", "panelTitle2": "Inline Styles", "panelTitle3": "Object Styles" }, "table": { "border": "বর্ডারের সাইজ", "caption": "শীর্ষক", "cell": { "menu": "সেল", "insertBefore": "Insert Cell Before", "insertAfter": "Insert Cell After", "deleteCell": "সেল মুছে দাও", "merge": "সেল জোড়া দাও", "mergeRight": "Merge Right", "mergeDown": "Merge Down", "splitHorizontal": "Split Cell Horizontally", "splitVertical": "Split Cell Vertically", "title": "Cell Properties", "cellType": "Cell Type", "rowSpan": "Rows Span", "colSpan": "Columns Span", "wordWrap": "Word Wrap", "hAlign": "Horizontal Alignment", "vAlign": "Vertical Alignment", "alignBaseline": "Baseline", "bgColor": "পৃষ্ঠতলের রং", "borderColor": "Border Color", "data": "Data", "header": "Header", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "invalidWidth": "Cell width must be a number.", "invalidHeight": "Cell height must be a number.", "invalidRowSpan": "Rows span must be a whole number.", "invalidColSpan": "Columns span must be a whole number.", "chooseColor": "Choose" }, "cellPad": "সেল প্যাডিং", "cellSpace": "সেল স্পেস", "column": { "menu": "কলাম", "insertBefore": "Insert Column Before", "insertAfter": "Insert Column After", "deleteColumn": "কলাম মুছে দাও" }, "columns": "কলাম", "deleteTable": "টেবিল ডিলীট কর", "headers": "Headers", "headersBoth": "Both", "headersColumn": "First column", "headersNone": "None", "headersRow": "First Row", "invalidBorder": "Border size must be a number.", "invalidCellPadding": "Cell padding must be a positive number.", "invalidCellSpacing": "Cell spacing must be a positive number.", "invalidCols": "Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.", "invalidHeight": "Table height must be a number.", "invalidRows": "Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.", "invalidWidth": "Table width must be a number.", "menu": "টেবিল প্রোপার্টি", "row": { "menu": "রো", "insertBefore": "Insert Row Before", "insertAfter": "Insert Row After", "deleteRow": "রো মুছে দাও" }, "rows": "রো", "summary": "সারাংশ", "title": "টেবিল প্রোপার্টি", "toolbar": "টেবিলের লেবেল যুক্ত কর", "widthPc": "শতকরা", "widthPx": "পিক্সেল", "widthUnit": "width unit" }, "undo": { "redo": "পুনরায় করি", "undo": "আনডু" }, "wsc": { "btnIgnore": "ইগনোর কর", "btnIgnoreAll": "সব ইগনোর কর", "btnReplace": "বদলে দাও", "btnReplaceAll": "সব বদলে দাও", "btnUndo": "আন্ডু", "changeTo": "এতে বদলাও", "errorLoading": "Error loading application service host: %s.", "ieSpellDownload": "বানান পরীক্ষক ইনস্টল করা নেই। আপনি কি এখনই এটা ডাউনলোড করতে চান?", "manyChanges": "বানান পরীক্ষা শেষ: %1 গুলো শব্দ বদলে গ্যাছে", "noChanges": "বানান পরীক্ষা শেষ: কোন শব্দ পরিবর্তন করা হয়নি", "noMispell": "বানান পরীক্ষা শেষ: কোন ভুল বানান পাওয়া যায়নি", "noSuggestions": "- কোন সাজেশন নেই -", "notAvailable": "Sorry, but service is unavailable now.", "notInDic": "শব্দকোষে নেই", "oneChange": "বানান পরীক্ষা শেষ: একটি মাত্র শব্দ পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছে", "progress": "বানান পরীক্ষা চলছে...", "title": "Spell Checker", "toolbar": "বানান চেক" } };