You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

409 lines
17 KiB

var dtFormat = "dd-mm-yy";
//if (window.opener && !window.opener.closed) {
// dtFormat = window.opener.getAgentDTFormat();
//else {
// dtFormat = window.parent.getAgentDTFormat();
function ShowCalDefault(cal) {
$(document).ready(function () {
$(function () {
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
dateFormat: dtFormat,
showOn: "button",
buttonImage: "/ukime/images/calendar.gif",
buttonImageOnly: true,
maxDate: "-0D",
onClose: function () {
function CalReceiverDOB(cal) {
$(function () {
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
dateFormat: dtFormat,
showOn: "both",
buttonImage: "/ukime/images/calendar.gif",
buttonImageOnly: true,
yearRange: "-90:-18", //18 years or older up until 115yo (oldest person ever, can be sensibly set to something much smaller in most cases)
maxDate: "-18Y", //Will only allow the selection of dates more than 18 years ago, useful if you need to restrict this
minDate: "-90Y",
onClose: function (x, y) {
function CalFromToday(cal) {
$(function () {
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
dateFormat: dtFormat,
showOn: "both",
buttonImage: "/ukime/images/calendar.gif",
buttonImageOnly: true,
yearRange: "-90:-18", //18 years or older up until 115yo (oldest person ever, can be sensibly set to something much smaller in most cases)
maxDate: "+10Y", //Will only allow the selection of dates more than 18 years ago, useful if you need to restrict this
minDate: "+0",
onClose: function (x, y) {
function CalFromYesterdayToToday(cal) {
$(function () {
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
dateFormat: dtFormat,
showOn: "both",
buttonImage: "/ukime/images/calendar.gif",
buttonImageOnly: true,
yearRange: "-90:-18", //18 years or older up until 115yo (oldest person ever, can be sensibly set to something much smaller in most cases)
maxDate: "+0", //Will only allow the selection of dates more than 18 years ago, useful if you need to restrict this
minDate: "-1",
onClose: function (x, y) {
function CalUpToToday(cal) {
$(function () {
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
dateFormat: dtFormat,
showOn: "both",
buttonImage: "/ukime/images/calendar.gif",
buttonImageOnly: true,
// yearRange: "-90:-18", //18 years or older up until 115yo (oldest person ever, can be sensibly set to something much smaller in most cases)
maxDate: "+0", //Will only allow the selection of dates more than 18 years ago, useful if you need to restrict this
minDate: "-3Y",
onClose: function (x, y) {
//function CalSenderDOB(cal) {
// $(function () {
// $(cal).datepicker({
// changeMonth: true,
// changeYear: true,
// dateFormat: dtFormat,
// showOn: "both",
// buttonImage: "/ukime/images/calendar.gif",
// buttonImageOnly: true,
// yearRange: "-90:-16", //16 years or older up until 115yo (oldest person ever, can be sensibly set to something much smaller in most cases)
// maxDate: "-16Y", //Will only allow the selection of dates more than 16 years ago, useful if you need to restrict this
// minDate: "-90Y",
// onClose: function (x, y) {
// //$("#txtSendMobile").focus();
// }
// });
// });
function CalIdIssueDate(cal) {
$(function () {
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
dateFormat: dtFormat,
showOn: "both",
buttonImage: "/ukime/images/calendar.gif",
buttonImageOnly: true,
//yearRange: "-18", //18 years or older up until 115yo (oldest person ever, can be sensibly set to something much smaller in most cases)
maxDate: "0Y", //Will only allow the selection of dates more than 18 years ago, useful if you need to restrict this
minDate: "-90Y",
onClose: function (x, y) {
function VisaValidDate(cal) {
$(function () {
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
dateFormat: dtFormat,
showOn: "both",
buttonImage: "/ukime/images/calendar.gif",
buttonImageOnly: true,
//yearRange: "-60:-18", //18 years or older up until 115yo (oldest person ever, can be sensibly set to something much smaller in most cases)
maxDate: "+10Y", //Will only allow the selection of dates more than 18 years ago, useful if you need to restrict this
minDate: "+1",
onClose: function () {
function VisaValidDateSend(cal) {
$(function () {
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
dateFormat: dtFormat,
showOn: "both",
buttonImage: "/ukime/images/calendar.gif",
buttonImageOnly: true,
//yearRange: "-60:-18", //18 years or older up until 115yo (oldest person ever, can be sensibly set to something much smaller in most cases)
maxDate: "+10Y", //Will only allow the selection of dates more than 18 years ago, useful if you need to restrict this
minDate: "+1",
onClose: function (x, y) {
function VisaValidDateRec(cal) {
$(function () {
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
dateFormat: dtFormat,
showOn: "both",
buttonImage: "/ukime/images/calendar.gif",
buttonImageOnly: true,
//yearRange: "-60:-18", //18 years or older up until 115yo (oldest person ever, can be sensibly set to something much smaller in most cases)
maxDate: "+10Y", //Will only allow the selection of dates more than 18 years ago, useful if you need to restrict this
minDate: "+1",
onClose: function (x, y) {
function ShowCalFromTo(calFrom, calTo, nom) {
if (nom == null || nom == "" || nom == undefined) nom = 1;
$(function () {
if (calFrom !== undefined && calFrom.length > 0) {
//defaultDate: "+1w",
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
numberOfMonths: 1,
showOn: "both",
dateFormat: dateFormatType,
//buttonImage: imgPath,
// buttonImageOnly: true,
maxDate: "+0",
minDate: "-2Y",
onSelect: function (selectedDate) {
$(calTo).datepicker("option", "minDate", selectedDate);
var fromDateIdNameOnly = calFrom.split('#')[1];
document.getElementById(fromDateIdNameOnly).setAttribute("onchange", "return DateValidation('" + fromDateIdNameOnly + "','t')");
if (calTo !== undefined && calTo.length > 0) {
//defaultDate: "+1w",
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
numberOfMonths: nom,
showOn: "both",
//buttonImage: imgPath,
//buttonImageOnly: true,
dateFormat: dateFormatType,
maxDate: "+0",
minDate: "-2Y",
onSelect: function (selectedDate) {
$(calFrom).datepicker("option", "maxDate", selectedDate);
var fromDateIdNameOnly = calFrom.split('#')[1];
if (calTo !== undefined && calTo.length > 0) {
toDateIdNameOnly = calTo.split("#")[1];
document.getElementById(fromDateIdNameOnly).setAttribute("onchange", "return DateValidation('" + fromDateIdNameOnly + "','t','" + toDateIdNameOnly + "')");
document.getElementById(toDateIdNameOnly).setAttribute("onchange", "return DateValidation('" + fromDateIdNameOnly + "','t','" + toDateIdNameOnly + "')");
function ShowCalFromToUpToTodayForInput(calFrom, calTo, nom) {
if (nom == null || nom == "" || nom == undefined) nom = 1;
$(function () {
var fromDateIdNameOnly = calFrom.split('#')[1];
var selectedDate = $(calFrom).val();
if (selectedDate.length > 0) {
$(calTo).datepicker("option", "minDate", selectedDate);
document.getElementById(fromDateIdNameOnly).setAttribute("onchange", "return DateValidation('" + fromDateIdNameOnly + "','t')");
if (calTo !== undefined) {
var toDate = $(calTo).val();
if (toDate.length > 0) {
$(calFrom).datepicker("option", "maxDate", toDate);
if (calTo !== undefined && calTo.length > 0) {
toDateIdNameOnly = calTo.split("#")[1];
document.getElementById(fromDateIdNameOnly).setAttribute("onchange", "return DateValidation('" + fromDateIdNameOnly + "','t','" + toDateIdNameOnly + "')");
document.getElementById(toDateIdNameOnly).setAttribute("onchange", "return DateValidation('" + fromDateIdNameOnly + "','t','" + toDateIdNameOnly + "')");
//// Input Date Validation
function DateValidation(id, typeVal, compareId, compareTypeVal) {
var firstDate = '';
var firstId = id;
var inputDate = document.getElementById(id).value;
var dates = inputDate.split("-");
if (id != undefined && id.length > 0 && inputDate.length > 0) {
if (dates.length == 3 && dates[0].length == 4 && dates[1].length <= 2 && dates[1] > 0 && dates[1] <= 12 && dates[2].length <= 2 && dates[2] > 0 && dates[2] <= 31) {
var currentDate = new Date(;
var currentDates = currentDate.split('/');
if (dates[1] <= 9 && dates[1].length <= 1) {
dates[1] = '0' + dates[1];
if (dates[2] <= 9 && dates[2].length <= 1) {
dates[2] = '0' + dates[2];
if (currentDates[0] <= 9 && currentDates[0].length <= 1) {
currentDates[0] = '0' + currentDates[0];
if (currentDates[1] <= 9 && currentDates[1].length <= 1) {
currentDates[1] = '0' + currentDates[1];
inputDate = dates[0] + "-" + dates[1] + "-" + dates[2];
currentDate = currentDates[2] + '-' + currentDates[0] + '-' + currentDates[1];
if (typeVal == "dob") {
CalSenderDOB("#" + id);
var dobValidDate = currentDates[2] - 16 + '-' + currentDates[0] + '-' + currentDates[1];
if (inputDate <= dobValidDate) {
else {
SetValueById(id, '', '');
alert("Date Of Birth Must Be At Least 16 Years Old.");
return document.getElementById(id).focus();
else if (typeVal == "t") {
ShowCalFromToUpToToday("#" + id);
var ValidDate = currentDates[2] - 2 + '-' + currentDates[0] + '-' + currentDates[1];
if (inputDate < ValidDate) {
SetValueById(id, '', '');
return document.getElementById(id).focus();
if (inputDate > currentDate) {
SetValueById(id, '', '');
alert("You Cannot Input Future Date.");
return document.getElementById(id).focus();
else if (typeVal == "f") {
AllowFutureDate("#" + id);
if (inputDate < currentDate) {
SetValueById(id, '', '');
alert("You Cannot Input Past Date.");
return document.getElementById(id).focus();
else if (typeVal == "i") {
CalTillToday("#" + id);
if (inputDate > currentDate) {
SetValueById(id, '', '');
alert("You Cannot Input Future Date.");
return document.getElementById(id).focus();
firstDate = inputDate;
$("#" + id).val(inputDate);
else {
SetValueById(id, '');
alert("Invalid Date Format ! Please Enter yyyy-mm-dd format");
return document.getElementById(id).focus();
if (compareId != undefined && compareId.length > 0) {
var compareDate = document.getElementById(compareId).value;
if (compareDate.length > 0) {
if (compareTypeVal !== undefined && compareTypeVal.length > 0) {
typeVal = '';
typeVal = compareTypeVal;
var dates = compareDate.split("-");
if (dates.length == 3 && dates[0].length == 4 && dates[1].length <= 2 && dates[1] > 0 && dates[1] <= 12 && dates[2].length <= 2 && dates[2] > 0 && dates[2] <= 31) {
var currentDate = new Date(;
var currentDates = currentDate.split('/');
if (dates[1] <= 9 && dates[1].length <= 1) {
dates[1] = '0' + dates[1];
if (dates[2] <= 9 && dates[2].length <= 1) {
dates[2] = '0' + dates[2];
if (currentDates[0] <= 9 && currentDates[0].length <= 1) {
currentDates[0] = '0' + currentDates[0];
if (currentDates[1] <= 9 && currentDates[1].length <= 1) {
currentDates[1] = '0' + currentDates[1];
compareDate = dates[0] + "-" + dates[1] + "-" + dates[2];
currentDate = currentDates[2] + '-' + currentDates[0] + '-' + currentDates[1];
if (typeVal == "t") {
var ValidDate = currentDates[2] - 2 + '-' + currentDates[0] + '-' + currentDates[1];
if (compareDate < ValidDate) {
SetValueById(compareId, '', '');
compareDate = '';
if (compareDate > currentDate) {
SetValueById(compareId, '', '');
compareDate = '';
alert("You Cannot Input Future Date.");
if (firstDate.length === 10) {
if (firstDate > compareDate) {
SetValueById(compareId, '');
compareDate = '';
alert("To Date Must Be Greater Or Equal To From Date");
$("#" + compareId).val(compareDate);
else {
SetValueById(compareId, '');
alert("Invalid Date Format ! Please Enter yyyy-mm-dd format");
return document.getElementById(compareId).focus();
ShowCalFromToUpToTodayForInput("#" + id, "#" + compareId);