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using Swift.DAL.Remittance.Partner;
using Swift.web.Library;
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Text;
namespace Swift.web.Remit.AgeingReport
public partial class OustandingReport : System.Web.UI.Page
protected PartnerDao _dao = new PartnerDao();
private readonly SwiftLibrary sl = new SwiftLibrary();
private const string ViewFunctionId = "43000000";
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
private void Authenticate()
private void PopulateReport()
string asOnDate = GetStatic.ReadQueryString("asOnDate", "");
DataTable drTbl = _dao.GetOutstandingReport(GetStatic.GetUser(), asOnDate);
if (drTbl == null)
int sNo = 0;
string accNum = "";
double belowOneDayTotal = 0;
double aboveOneToThreeDaysTotal = 0;
double aboveThreetoSevenDays = 0;
double aboveSevenDaysTotal = 0;
double outStandingTotal = 0;
//double negAboveSeven = 0;
//double negAboveToSeven = 0;
//double negAboveOneToThree = 0;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (DataRow item in drTbl.Rows)
accNum = item["ACCOUNT_NUMBER"].ToString();
double[] amt = GetAmountArrayNew(item);
//double[] amtAboveSevenDays = GetAmountArrayForAboveSevenDays(item, GetDoubleValue(rows[0][0].ToString()));
if (amt[0] != 0)
sb.AppendLine("<td>" + sNo.ToString() + "</td>");
sb.AppendLine("<td>" + item["AGENT_NAME"].ToString() + "</td>");
sb.AppendLine("<td align='right'>" + GetStatic.GetNegativeFigureOnBrac((amt[0]).ToString()) + "</td>");
sb.AppendLine("<td align='right'>" + GetStatic.GetNegativeFigureOnBrac((amt[4]).ToString()) + "</td>");
sb.AppendLine("<td align='right'>" + GetStatic.GetNegativeFigureOnBrac((amt[3]).ToString()) + "</td>");
sb.AppendLine("<td align='right'>" + GetStatic.GetNegativeFigureOnBrac((amt[2]).ToString()) + "</td>");
sb.AppendLine("<td align='right'>" + GetStatic.GetNegativeFigureOnBrac((amt[1]).ToString()) + "</td>");
outStandingTotal += (amt[0]);
belowOneDayTotal += (amt[4]);
aboveOneToThreeDaysTotal += (amt[3]);
aboveThreetoSevenDays += (amt[2]);
aboveSevenDaysTotal += (amt[1]);
//if(aboveSevenDaysTotal < 0)
// negAboveToSeven = aboveSevenDaysTotal + aboveThreetoSevenDays;
sb.AppendLine("<td align='right' colspan='2'><b>Grand Total</b></td>");
sb.AppendLine("<td align='right'><b>" + GetStatic.GetNegativeFigureOnBrac(outStandingTotal.ToString()) + "</b></td>");
sb.AppendLine("<td align='right'><b>" + GetStatic.GetNegativeFigureOnBrac(belowOneDayTotal.ToString()) + "</b></td>");
sb.AppendLine("<td align='right'><b>" + GetStatic.GetNegativeFigureOnBrac(aboveOneToThreeDaysTotal.ToString()) + "</b></td>");
sb.AppendLine("<td align='right'><b>" + GetStatic.GetNegativeFigureOnBrac(aboveThreetoSevenDays.ToString()) + "</b></td>");
sb.AppendLine("<td align='right'><b>" + GetStatic.GetNegativeFigureOnBrac(aboveSevenDaysTotal.ToString()) + "</b></td>");
ageingRptBody.InnerHtml = sb.ToString();
private double[] GetAmountArrayNew(DataRow item)
double[] amt = new double[6];
amt[0] = GetDoubleValue(item["TOTAL_OUT_STANDING"].ToString());
amt[1] = GetDoubleValue(item["ABOVE_SEVEN_DAYS"].ToString());
if (amt[1] < 0)
amt[2] = GetDoubleValue(item["ABOVE_SEVEN_DAYS"].ToString()) + GetDoubleValue(item["FOUR_TO_SEVEN_DAYS"].ToString());
amt[1] = 0;
if (amt[2] < 0)
amt[3] = amt[2] + GetDoubleValue(item["ONE_TO_THREE_DAYS"].ToString());
amt[2] = 0;
if (amt[3] < 0)
amt[4] = amt[3] + GetDoubleValue(item["BELOW_ONE_DAY"].ToString());
amt[3] = 0;
if (amt[4] < 0)
amt[4] = 0;
amt[4] = GetDoubleValue(item["BELOW_ONE_DAY"].ToString());
amt[3] = GetDoubleValue(item["ONE_TO_THREE_DAYS"].ToString());
if (amt[3] < 0)
amt[4] = amt[3] + GetDoubleValue(item["BELOW_ONE_DAY"].ToString());
amt[3] = 0;
if (amt[4] < 0)
amt[4] = 0;
amt[4] = GetDoubleValue(item["BELOW_ONE_DAY"].ToString());
amt[1] = GetDoubleValue(item["ABOVE_SEVEN_DAYS"].ToString());
amt[2] = GetDoubleValue(item["FOUR_TO_SEVEN_DAYS"].ToString());
if (amt[2] < 0)
amt[3] = amt[2] + GetDoubleValue(item["ONE_TO_THREE_DAYS"].ToString());
amt[2] = 0;
if (amt[3] < 0)
amt[4] = amt[3] + GetDoubleValue(item["BELOW_ONE_DAY"].ToString());
amt[3] = 0;
if (amt[4] < 0)
amt[4] = 0;
amt[4] = GetDoubleValue(item["BELOW_ONE_DAY"].ToString());
amt[3] = GetDoubleValue(item["ONE_TO_THREE_DAYS"].ToString());
if (amt[3] < 0)
amt[4] = amt[3] + GetDoubleValue(item["BELOW_ONE_DAY"].ToString());
amt[3] = 0;
if (amt[4] < 0)
amt[4] = 0;
amt[4] = GetDoubleValue(item["BELOW_ONE_DAY"].ToString());
return amt;
//private double[] GetAmountArrayForAboveSevenDays(DataRow item, double crAmount)
// double[] amt = new double[3];
// amt[0] = GetDoubleValue(item["TOTAL_OUT_STANDING"].ToString()) - crAmount;
// crAmount = GetDoubleValue(item["ABOVE_SEVEN_DAYS"].ToString()) - crAmount;
// if (crAmount < 0)
// {
// amt[2] = 0;
// amt[1] = GetDoubleValue(item["ABOVE_THREE_TO_SEVEN_DAYS"].ToString()) + crAmount;
// }
// else
// {
// amt[2] = crAmount;
// amt[1] = GetDoubleValue(item["ABOVE_THREE_TO_SEVEN_DAYS"].ToString());
// }
// if (GetDoubleValue(item["ABOVE_SEVEN_DAYS"].ToString()) < crAmount)
// {
// amt[2] = 0;
// amt[1] = GetDoubleValue(item["ABOVE_THREE_TO_SEVEN_DAYS"].ToString()) - crAmount;
// }
// else
// {
// amt[2] = GetDoubleValue(item["ABOVE_SEVEN_DAYS"].ToString()) - crAmount;
// amt[1] = GetDoubleValue(item["ABOVE_THREE_TO_SEVEN_DAYS"].ToString());
// }
// return amt;
private double[] GetAmountArray(DataRow item, double crAmount)
double[] amt = new double[6];
amt[0] = GetDoubleValue(item["TOTAL_OUT_STANDING"].ToString()) - crAmount;
if (GetDoubleValue(item["ABOVE_SEVEN_DAYS"].ToString()) < crAmount)
crAmount = GetDoubleValue(item["ABOVE_SEVEN_DAYS"].ToString()) - crAmount;
if (crAmount < 0)
amt[4] = 0;
crAmount = GetDoubleValue(item["FOUR_TO_SEVEN_DAYS"].ToString()) + crAmount;
if (crAmount < 0)
amt[3] = 0;
crAmount = GetDoubleValue(item["ONE_TO_THREE_DAYS"].ToString()) + crAmount;
if (crAmount < 0)
amt[2] = 0;
crAmount = GetDoubleValue(item["BELOW_ONE_DAY"].ToString()) + crAmount;
//if (crAmount < 0)++++
// amt[2] = 0;
// amt[1] = GetDoubleValue(item["BELOW_FOUR_DAYS"].ToString()) + crAmount;
// amt[2] = crAmount;
// amt[1] = GetDoubleValue(item["BELOW_FOUR_DAYS"].ToString());
amt[3] = crAmount;
amt[2] = GetDoubleValue(item["ONE_TO_THREE_DAYS"].ToString());
amt[1] = GetDoubleValue(item["BELOW_ONE_DAY"].ToString());
amt[4] = crAmount;
amt[3] = GetDoubleValue(item["FOUR_TO_SEVEN_DAYS"].ToString());
amt[2] = GetDoubleValue(item["ONE_TO_THREE_DAYS"].ToString());
amt[1] = GetDoubleValue(item["BELOW_ONE_DAY"].ToString());
amt[4] = crAmount;
amt[3] = GetDoubleValue(item["ABOVE_SEVEN_DAYS"].ToString());
amt[2] = GetDoubleValue(item["FOUR_TO_SEVEN_DAYS"].ToString());
amt[2] = GetDoubleValue(item["ONE_TO_THREE_DAYS"].ToString());
amt[1] = GetDoubleValue(item["BELOW_ONE_DAY"].ToString());
return amt;
public double GetDoubleValue(string inPutVal)
double outPut = 0;
Double.TryParse(inPutVal, out outPut);
return outPut;