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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.Data;
namespace Swift.API.GlobalBank
public class GlobalBankAPI
private static X509Certificate2 cert;
private static bool foundCertificate = false;
private RemoteRemit gblApi = new RemoteRemit();
private string ProviderName = "Global Bank";
private String username;
private String password;
private String payingBranchCd;
public GlobalBankAPI()
username = Utility.GetgblUserid();
password = Utility.GetgblPassword();
payingBranchCd = Utility.GetgblpayoutCode();
* Application to Production Only
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls;
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (se, cert, chain, sslerror) => true;
X509Certificate2 c = GetCertificateFromFile();
public DbResult GetStatus(string user, string pinNo)
var dr = new DbResult();
var id = "0";
id = Utility.LogRequest(user, ProviderName, "GetRemoteStatus", pinNo, "Control No:" + pinNo).Id;
var res = gblApi.GetRemoteStatus(username, password, pinNo);
if (res == null)
Utility.LogResponse(id, Utility.ArrayToXML(res));
Utility.LogResponse(id, Utility.ArrayToXML(res), res[0], res[1]);
if (res == null)
dr.SetError("1", "Thirdparty API Server could not process request.", pinNo);
else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(res[0]))
dr.SetError("1", "Thirdparty API Server could not process request.", pinNo);
if (res[0].Equals("S007") || res[0].Equals("S008") || res[0].Equals("S009"))
dr.SetError("0", res[1], pinNo);
dr.SetError("1", res[1], pinNo);
return dr;
catch (Exception ex)
dr.SetError("1", ex.Message, pinNo);
Utility.LogResponse(id, ex.Message);
return dr;
public DbResult CancelTransaction(string user, string pinNo)
var dr = new DbResult();
var id = "0";
id = Utility.LogRequest(user, ProviderName, "CancelRemoteRemit", pinNo, "Control No:" + pinNo).Id;
var res = gblApi.CancelRemoteRemit(username, password, pinNo);
if (res == null)
Utility.LogResponse(id, Utility.ArrayToXML(res));
Utility.LogResponse(id, Utility.ArrayToXML(res), res[0], res[1]);
if (res == null)
dr.SetError("1", "Thirdparty API Server could not process request.", pinNo);
else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(res[0]))
dr.SetError("1", "Thirdparty API Server could not process request.", pinNo);
if (res[0].Equals("C000"))
dr.SetError("0", res[1], pinNo);
dr.SetError("1", res[1], pinNo);
return dr;
catch (Exception ex)
dr.SetError("1", ex.Message, pinNo);
Utility.LogResponse(id, ex.Message);
return dr;
public DbResult UpdateReceiverName(string user, string pinNo, string accNo, string newBenefName, string oldBenefName)
var dr = new DbResult();
var id = "0";
id = Utility.LogRequest(user, ProviderName, "AmendRemoteTxn", pinNo, "Control No:" + pinNo).Id;
var res = gblApi.AmendRemoteTxn(username, password, pinNo,accNo,newBenefName,oldBenefName);
if (res == null)
Utility.LogResponse(id, Utility.ArrayToXML(res));
Utility.LogResponse(id, Utility.ArrayToXML(res), res[0], res[1]);
if (res == null)
dr.SetError("1", "Thirdparty API Server could not process request.", pinNo);
else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(res[0]))
dr.SetError("1", "Thirdparty API Server could not process request.", pinNo);
if (res[0].Equals("C000"))
dr.SetError("0", res[1], pinNo);
dr.SetError("1", res[1], pinNo);
return dr;
catch (Exception ex)
dr.SetError("1", ex.Message, pinNo);
Utility.LogResponse(id, ex.Message);
return dr;
public DbResult CreateTransaction(string user, GblSendTransactionRequest input, string processId)
var dr = new DbResult();
var id = Utility.LogRequest(user, ProviderName, "AddRemoteRemit", input.ControlNo, Utility.ObjectToXML(input), processId).Id;
//Validate XML Request for Duplicate Checking
var validateRes = Utility.ValidateRequest(user, input.ControlNo);
if (validateRes.ErrorCode != "0")
Utility.LogResponse(id, validateRes.Msg, validateRes.ErrorCode, validateRes.Msg);
dr.SetError(validateRes.ErrorCode, validateRes.Msg, validateRes.Id);
return dr;
var res = gblApi.AddRemoteRemit(
, password
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.ControlNo)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.BenefName)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.BenefAdddress)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.BenefTel)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.BenefMobile)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.BenefIdType)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.BenefAccIdNo)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.SenderName)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.SenderAddress)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.SenderTel)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.SenderMobile)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.SenderIdType)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.SenderIdNo)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.Purpose)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.RemitType)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.PayingBankBranchCd)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.RCurrency)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.LocalAmount)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.Amount)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.ServiceCharge)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.RCommission)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.ExchangeRate)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.RefNo)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.Remarks)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.Source)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.NewAccount)
, Utility.BlankIfNull(input.customerDOB)
if (res == null)
Utility.LogResponse(id, Utility.ArrayToXML(res));
Utility.LogResponse(id, Utility.ArrayToXML(res), res[0], res[1]);
dr.TpErrorCode = res[0];
if (res == null)
dr.SetError("1", "Thirdparty API Server could not process request.", input.ControlNo);
else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(res[0]))
dr.SetError("1", "Thirdparty API Server could not process request.", input.ControlNo);
if (res[0].Equals("R000"))
dr.SetError("0", res[1], res[3]);
dr.Extra = res[2];
dr.SetError("1", res[1], input.ControlNo);
return dr;
catch (Exception ex)
dr.SetError("1", ex.Message, input.ControlNo);
Utility.LogResponse(id, ex.Message);
return dr;
public DbResult GetTransactions(string user, string date, out string[] res)
date = DateTime.Parse(date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
var id = Utility.LogRequest(user, ProviderName, "GetRemoteTransactionDetail", date, "Date : " + date).Id;
var dr = new DbResult();
var tmpDate = Utility.GetDateToSqlDate(date);
res = gblApi.GetRemoteTransactionDetail(username, password, tmpDate);
Utility.LogResponse(id, Utility.ArrayToXML(res));
if (res == null)
dr.SetError("1", "No transaction found", "");
else if (res.Length.Equals(0))
dr.SetError("1", "No transaction found", "");
else if (res[0].StartsWith("ERROR------->"))
dr.SetError("1", res[0], "");
dr.SetError("0", "Success", "");
return dr;
catch (Exception ex)
dr.SetError("1", ex.Message, "");
Utility.LogResponse(id, ex.Message);
res = null;
return dr;
public DbResult GetAccountDetail(string user, string accNo)
var id = Utility.LogRequest(user, ProviderName, "GetRemoteAccountDetail", accNo, "Account No:" + accNo).Id;
var dr = new DbResult();
var res = gblApi.GetRemoteAccountDetail(username, password, accNo);
Utility.LogResponse(id, Utility.ArrayToXML(res));
if (res == null)
dr.SetError("1", "Thirdparty API Server could not process request.", accNo);
else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(res[0]))
dr.SetError("1", "Thirdparty API Server could not process request.", accNo);
if (res[0].Equals("A000"))
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(res[3]) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(res[2]))
dr.SetError("1", "Could not find Account Details.", accNo);
dr.SetError("0", res[3], res[2]);
dr.SetError("1", res[1], accNo);
return dr;
catch (Exception ex)
dr.SetError("1", ex.Message, accNo);
Utility.LogResponse(id, ex.Message);
return dr;
public DbResult GetReconcileReport(string user, string trnDate, out DataTable dt)
var dr = new DbResult();
dt = new DataTable();
var id = "0";
dt.Columns.Add("Control No");
trnDate = DateTime.Parse(trnDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
var requestXml = trnDate;
id = Utility.LogRequest(user, "Global Bank", "GetRemoteTransactionDetail", trnDate, requestXml).Id;
var res = gblApi.GetRemoteTransactionDetail(username, password, trnDate);
var responseXml = Utility.ObjectToXML(res);
Utility.LogResponse(id, responseXml, "0", "Success");
if (res == null || res.Length.Equals(0))
dr.SetError("1", "API Server Could Not Process Your Request.", trnDate);
Utility.LogResponse(id, dr.Msg, dr.ErrorCode, dr.Msg);
return dr;
if (res[0].Split('|').Length < 8)
var msg = "API Server Returned Invalid Data.";
if (res.Length > 1)
msg = res[1];
dr.SetError("1", msg, trnDate);
Utility.LogResponse(id, dr.Msg, dr.ErrorCode, dr.Msg);
foreach (var row in res)
var cols = row.Split('|');
var newRow = dt.NewRow();
for (var i = 1; i < 8; i++)
var iData = cols[i];
if (iData.ToUpper().Equals("NULL"))
iData = "";
newRow[i - 1] = iData;
dr.SetError("0", "Success", trnDate);
catch (Exception ex)
Utility.LogResponse(id, ex.Message, "999", "Internal Error");
dr.SetError("1", ex.Message, "");
return dr;
private static X509Certificate2 GetCertificateFromFile()
if (!foundCertificate)
var gblCertPath = Utility.GetgblCertPath();
var gblCertPwd = Utility.GetgblCertPwd();
var c = new X509Certificate2(gblCertPath, gblCertPwd, X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet);
cert = c;
foundCertificate = true;
return cert;